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Do you want to be slim? Do you worry about your family’s health? Then you should try
Fruitibix, the new healthy fruit and nut biscuit. Fruitibix tastes wonderful, but it contains
less sugar than most other biscuits. Each biscuit contains dried fruit and nuts including
apples, coconut and banana. Sometimes you feel like eating something between
meals. Now, instead of having a chocolate bar, bite a Fruitibix. It won’t make you fat
and it will keep you healthy.

At lunchtime, instead of chips or hamburgers, have a Fruitibix. It contains all the

essential food for a balanced meal. And if you are in a hurry, and you don’t have time
for a proper meal, Fruitibix will give you the energy to keep on going.

So whenever your children ask for something sweet, give them Fruitibix instead of
cakes or chocolate. They will love the taste and it won’t harm their teeth.

Discover Fruitibix. It’s on your supermarket shelves now!

Taken from: Preparation PET and Practice, Oxford University Press

Act.1: Pre-Knowledge Evaluative Lesson

Amish History


Amish belong to a Protestant-based religious group that originated in

Switzerland and Germany in 1500s. Martin Luther broke away from the
Roman Catholic Church. Consequently, the Protestant Reformation, putting
heavy emphasis on personal faith and the authority of the Bible, swept
through northern Germany and Scandinavia.

Not satisfied with conservative reform, many sects developed other forms of
worship. One point of contention for the reform movement was baptism
which, it was believed, should only be performed on adults who consciously
accepted the teachings of Jesus Christ. Adult baptisms became identified
with the so-called Radical Reformation movement. Its reformers were called
Anabaptists, meaning "Rebaptizers" because they had already been
baptized in the Catholic church as infants. They also believed in separation
of church and state.

This Swiss Anabaptists became known as Mennonites, after a Roman

Catholic priest, Monno Simon, who led them in the Netherlands and
Northern Germany in the 1530s. The Mennonites, regarded as heretics,
were persecuted with torture, burning at the stake, jailing, drowning and
general harassment during the 1600s. At the same time, a sect of stricter
Mennonites, who followed Jacob Ammann, broke off from the group and
became known as Amish.

Taking from: My first readings, Oxford

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