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Running Head: Research Proposal.

Consumer Attitudes and Purchase Intentions of Fashion Products Made

of Wool, Fur, and Leather.

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Running Head: Research Proposal.

Consumer Attitudes and Purchase Intentions of Fashion Products Made of Wool, Fur, and

Leather. ........................................................................................................................................... 1

Introduction. ................................................................................................................................ 3

Objectives of the Research.......................................................................................................... 4

The purpose of the Research. ...................................................................................................... 4

Thesis Statement. ........................................................................................................................ 5

Research Question. ..................................................................................................................... 5

Literature Review........................................................................................................................ 5

Use of fur Materials in Fashion Products. .............................................................................. 5

Use of Leather for Fashion Products. ..................................................................................... 6

Use of Wool for Fashion Products. ......................................................................................... 7

The Perspective of Animal-based Materials in the Fashion Industry. ........................................ 7

Consumer Attitudes Towards Animal-based Fashion Products. ............................................ 8

Methodology. .............................................................................................................................. 9

Qualitative method. ................................................................................................................. 9

Quantitative method. ............................................................................................................. 10

Data analysis. ............................................................................................................................ 10

Reference .................................................................................................................................. 11
Running Head: Research Proposal.


This study aims at examining how information about products influences the attitude of

the consumers and how subjective norms with regards to purchasing fashion goods that are made

of wool, fur, or leather. “Animal-based materials have since been used from the beginning of the

history of humans for purposes of body coverings, tents, and beddings in order to protect humans

from harsh climatic conditions” (Wilcox, 1951).

In the current fashion industry, animal skins have been important raw material for accessories

and apparels. “The leather tanning industry has benefited greatly from innovations in tanning and

dying that has made it possible to improve the quality or characteristics of leather products, new

finishes, properties and texture” (Stone, 2008). “However, the practice of animal-based products

have since faced a lot of opposition from the advocates of animal rights”. (Kandel, 2011).

Activists of animal rights argue that the use of these products to satisfy human desires and

needs should be avoided since it is unacceptable. “Humans have moral obligations to obey

animal rights (Singer, 1971). But what do these arguments have with regards to consumer

behavior, attitude, and consumption of animal-based materials? Activists of animal rights are

making efforts to taint the use of animal products for human selfish actions. “Animal rights

activists compared consuming animal products to Holocaust with the aim of highlighting the

cruelty that has been associated with animal farms” (Pfefferman, 2012). This demonstrations

may successfully discourage potential users of these animal-based goods from consuming them

once again. According to Ajzen, humans “are quite rational to make systematic information that

is available to them” (Ajzen, 1980). This campaign could soon succeed in influencing the

attitude that consumers of these products will have for leather products. It will be important to
Running Head: Research Proposal.

explore how these animal-based materials are going to affect the consumption behavior and

attitude of the consumers of these products.

Objectives of the Research.

The essence of this research is to look into the effect of information advocating against

animal-based fashions on the attitudes of consumers and subjective norms with regards to

consumer’s decision to purchase these animal-based products. The main objectives include;

1. Examine how subjective norms and consumer attitudes with regards to fashion purchasing

that are animal-based is affected by information about animal products.

2. Examine how different information types about the use of animal-based products affect

consumer attitude and decisions to purchase the products made from animal products.

The purpose of the Research.

There have been several pieces of research about how consumer attitudes towards animal

leather products have influenced their choice i.e. “the American alligator leather” (summer et al,

2006) among other articles. However, little has been done with regards to how information about

animal products may influence the attitudes of consumers and intentions to acquire products

made from animal products. Specifically, the impact of animal rights activists on the

consumption of these leather products. The main purpose of this research is to investigate

fashion related information about consumption of animal-based products such as fibers, skin, and

belts might influence consumer decision.

Running Head: Research Proposal.

Thesis Statement.

The use of animal-base products has faced a lot of resistance from animal rights activists. The

debate on the consumption of animal-based products has influenced consumers attitude towards

these products hence their decisions to consume them.

Research Question.

i. How has the campaign against the use and consumption of animal-based products influenced

consumer’s decision to purchase?

ii. What attitude do consumers have towards animal-based products?

iii. Do consumers consider boycotting this product despite the attribute of leather is more


Literature Review.

The literature review will discuss information about various researches that have been done in

this field. It will provide an organized patterned summary. The summary will act as a recap of

important information from sources published for this particular field. It will also give an

interpretation of the old method.

Use of fur Materials in Fashion Products.

Fur has been an essential material for attire and frill since ancient occasions. While the key

thought process in utilizing hide is very reasonable in virus locales, it likewise has been viewed

as both an extravagance thing and a materialistic trifle. In Asia, hides were much valued as ahead

of schedule as 1500 BC. "Assyria imported eight thousand tiger skins from India in 800 BC"

(Schwebke, 1970). As indicated by Wilcox (1951), “in each culture practically the sum total of

what animals have been utilized for human clothing needs and embellishments in light of hides'
Running Head: Research Proposal.

useful and aesthetical qualities” (Wilcox, 1951). From a pragmatic point of view, hide speaks to

one of the hottest materials that furnish the human body comfort with its ventilating trademark.

Stylishly, the characteristic excellence of hiding is spectacular and gives wearers pride and

peculiarity (FICA, n. d.).

Currently, hide is the most basic material used in making cloths. Initially, hide was one of the

most precious part that was associated with rich people and was normally used in normal events.

In any case, with the improvement of new hide fabricating forms, the popular hide is delivered in

assorted styles and may draw variety of sorts of buyers for several reasons (Stone, 2008). Hides

are used to make coats as well as for headgear, trims for various sorts of garments, satchels,

boots, and little wearables like ear protectors (Fur Source, n. d.). In the US, in excess of fifteen

hundred hide stores are working, with absolute yearly offers of $1.69 billion out of 2000 (Stone,

2008). Notwithstanding functional and aesthetical attributes, hides are known today even where

concern is very high (Fur insider, n. d.; FICA, n. d.). As indicated by Stone (2008), the hide is a

sustainable asset and produces negligible waste in generation forms. Not at all like manufactured

materials, it likewise disintegrates into the ground and delivers negligible synthetic


Use of Leather for Fashion Products.

“The use of leather in Egypt goes back to around 5,000 years prior” (Giles, 2012). “Crude

social orders in Asia, North America, and Europe all built up a specific dimension of leather

tanning abilities using such materials as smoke, oil, and bark concentrates to save also, relax

crude shrouds”, (Schwebke and Krohn, 1970).

With further developed handling aptitudes, leather has turned out to be gentler and

increasingly malleable, growing conceivable outcomes for the material to be utilized in the
Running Head: Research Proposal.

design business. Not just coats what's more, pants, even swimsuits have been produced using

leather (Stone, 2008). The material may be used in the footwear business. “For instance, China,

is the world's leading footwear manufacturing country, made in excess of four billion sets of

leather shoes in 2011” (Market Research, 2012.) Diverse animals like dairy cattle, sheep and

sheep, goat and child, horse, bison, pig and hoard, kangaroo, croc, deer and wallaby fill in as

source of leather (Stone, 2008). “Since most leather is a result of the meat consumption, utilizing

it to produce style items is viewed as a supportable utilization of non-renewable resource”

(About Leather, n. d.).

Wool for Fashion Products.

Wool is one of the most essential material used by humans and is produced by animals. “Since

prehistoric times, wool has mainly been used to accessories and apparels; it was converted into

fabric long even before 10,000 B.C. in the northern parts of Europe” (International Wool Textile

Organization, 2012). In current occasions, there is an extraordinary assortment of fleece

applications in the style industry. Dresses, coats, suits, knitwear, and even clothing are produced

using fleece. Adornments, for example, caps, socks, gloves, and scarves are outstanding fleece

items (Shop New Zealand, n. d.). “As the biggest supporter of the animal fiber advertises, fleece

style produces retail offers of $75 billion per year” (Millward Brown Pty Ltd, 2007). It is a

naturally benevolent material. Based on Wool Revolution, the animal fiber develops with no or

negligible harmful chemicals and breaks down normally. Like hide and leather, fleece is likewise

a sustainable wellspring of fiber.

The Perspective of Animal-based Materials in the Fashion Industry.

“Advocates of hiding use for style items contended that business hide generation pursues

cutting edge benchmarks to guarantee that animals in hiding ranches are dealt with
Running Head: Research Proposal.

empathetically amazing” (Reed, 2001). “The Fur Farm Animal Welfare Coalition upheld this

case by giving a monetary method of reasoning that animals produce improved quality hide

when they get a superior consideration” (Beck, 1988). Concerning the contention that utilization

is a private matter, industry spokespersons contended that enemy of hiding developments speak

to a genuine infringement of opportunity of decision viewed as an established right, particularly

in the US. “In this light, the genius hide crusades underscored that enemy of hiding advocates

reserve no privilege to advise somebody what to wear or what not to wear” (Foltz, 1989; Fur

Insider, n. d.). “The FICA spoke to this worry in a promotion which reads; today fur. Tomorrow

leather. Then wool. Then meat…” (Kasindorf, 1990, p. 30).

Consumer Attitudes Towards Animal-based Fashion Products.

Few studies have analyzed consumers mind towards design items made of animal based

materials. According to Belleau et al. (2007), “both male and female generation of shoppers in

the US had uplifting mentalities toward obtaining design items made of emu-leather”(Belleau,

2007) . Based on the research done by summers et al. (2006) found that princely “female buyers

dwelling in U.S. metropolitan zones had uplifting dispositions toward acquiring American

crocodile leather clothing items” (summers, 2006). An investigation by Belton and Clinton

(2007) inspected how social similarity influenced mentalities toward hiding and leather

utilization. The examination presumed that customers who were less affected by social standards

are bound to utilize hide, and attitudes toward wearing hide were exceedingly connected with

frames of mind toward wearing leather. In the rundown, “very restricted surviving exploration

demonstrates that U.S. purchasers have inspirational frames of mind towards colorful leather like

emu and American gator” (Belton, 2007), any way to date no exploration analyzed by and large

customer frames of mind towards style items made of hiding, fleece, and non-extravagance
Running Head: Research Proposal.

cowhide. It is obscure whether and how these customer dispositions may be influenced by data

on design items made of animal based materials.


The main purpose of this section is to describe the actions that will be taken in order to

investigate the problem under research and the rationality for the application of techniques that

will be used to select, identify, process and then analyze the information with the aim of

establishing accurate inferences/conclusion.

This study will examine how varieties of information that is disseminated to consumers affect

their attitudes and subjective norms with regards to their decision to purchase products made

from materials from animals. Two-sided and one-sided information shall be required. The

participants for this research shall mainly be whose participation will mainly be dependent on

their willingness to participate in the research. The participants shall be divided into four; one-

sided information against, one-sided information in support, two-sided information, and neutral

where the participants shall air their view.

For this research, both qualitative and quantitative research methods shall be implemented;

Qualitative method.

These are methods that cannot be experimentally examined/measured. For this research a

questionnaire shall be sent via email asking potential participants to express their view towards

the perspective of animal rights activists, this will examine their perception towards about what

they think about animal rights perspective.

Running Head: Research Proposal.

Quantitative method.

This method entails the measurement of statistical, numerical, or mathematical data that will

be collected through questionnaires. For this research, potential participants will be contacted via

mail. Two mails shall be sent, one explaining the purpose of the study, risks, and benefits that are

going to be involved, assured confidentiality and the procedure for participation. Email shall

have a survey. A reminder shall also be sent in case other participants who may have forgotten

via email. For this case, demographic information will also be taken into account.

Data analysis.

Qualitative data shall be analyzed on the basis of their view based on the hypothesis. The

analysis shall also be based on demographics. The participant’s data shall be analyzed based on

the group that they are in like it was stated earlier. Factor analysis shall be used to derive their

attitudes towards this topic. Based on the feedback of a consumer’s attitude, mean scores shall be

calculated then compared against manipulation check.

Running Head: Research Proposal.


Ajzen, I. & Fishbein, M. (1980). Understanding attitudes and predicting behavior.

New Jersey. Prentice Hall

Albarq, A. N., & Alsughayir, A. (2013). Examining theory of reasoned action in

internet banking using SEM among Saudi consumers. International Journal

International Wool Textile Organization. (2012). History of wool. Retrieved

Jan 20, 2012, from: of Marketing

Practices, 1(1), 16-30.

Beck, M. (1988) The growing furor over fur: A brutal status symbol?

Belleau, B. D., Summers, T. A., Xu, Y., & Pinel, R. (2007). Theory of reasoned action:

Purchasing intention of young consumers. Clothing and Textiles Research

Journal, 25(3), 244-257.

Belton, K. and Clinton. B. E. (2007). “ How Society Influences Young Consumers

Perceptions of Fur and Leather Goods”. Undergraduate Research Journal of

the Human Sciences. Vol. 6. Retrieved October 24, 2011, from

Foltz, K. (1989). The media business; fur industry assails critics in national campaign. New

York Times, 04 December 1989 [online]

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2012, from:

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Kandel, J. (2011, November 9). West Hollywood endorses first fur ban in United States.

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Kasindorf, J. (1990). The fur files: The cold war over animal rights. New York

Magazine, 23(2), 27-33.

Market Research. (2012). China leather shoes industry report, 2012. Retrieved Jan 18,

2012, from:


Millward Brown Pty Ltd. (2007), "Dive into Fabric Characteristics and Appeal,"

Sydney, NSW: Australian Wool Innovation Limited, 14.

Moore & Giles. (2012). History of leather. Retrieved Jan 18, 2012, from:

Pfefferman, N. (2012, October 10). Comparing animal rights and the Holocaust. Retrieved



Reed, J. D. (2001). The furor over wearing furs, 24 June 2001 [online],9171,150827,00.html [Accessed

March 10]

Schwebke, W. P. & Krohn. B. M. (1970). How to sew leather, suede, fur. New

York: The Bruce Publishing Company.

Shop New Zealand. (n.d.,). Merino+ wool products- Categories. Retrieved Jan 15, 2012, from:
Running Head: Research Proposal.

Stone, E. (2008). The dynamics of fashion (3rd ed). New York: Fairchild

Summers, T. A., Belleau, B. D., & Xu, Y. (2006). Predicting purchase intention of a

controversial luxury apparel product. Journal of Fashion Marketing and

Management, 10(4), 405-419.

Wilcox, R. T. (1951). The mode in furs. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.

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