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es with atom density. So the lowest velocities

Slow light in are obtained by Hau et al. at low tempera-
tures — for which strong interference can be
seen with very low coupling laser power —

cool atoms and high sample density. The atom density

shows an abrupt increase below Tc to values
of 5 2 1012 cm13, and although results for
temperatures above Tc were obtained from
Jon Marangos
the ultra-cold samples, the lowest velocities
An experiment with atoms at nanokelvin temperatures has produced the were always seen at temperatures below this
remarkable observation of light pulses travelling at velocities of only value.
17 m s 1 1 . The large optical nonlinearities seen in this system may open The coupling laser field and probe pulse
up new opportunities in quantum optics. used in this experiment (Fig. 1, overleaf) are
derived from the same continuous-wave dye
n our usual understanding, the speed of region of the Bose–Einstein condensation laser, with their frequency set by an acousto-

I light, c, is the absolute top speed in the

Universe at 3 2 108 m s11 in a vacuum. So
observation of light pulses propagating at a
threshold Tc = 435 nK. (Bose–Einstein con-
densates were first observed in 1995, in a
famous experiment by Eric Cornell and Carl
optic modulator. The coupling laser is lin-
early polarized and directed perpendicular
to the axis of the 0.2-mm-long cloud of
speed no faster than a swiftly moving bicycle, Wieman7, and are a unique state of matter in atoms. The circularly polarized probe field is
described by Hau et al.1 on page 594 of this which all of the atoms exist in the same quan- shaped into a 2.5-ms-long pulse by a second
issue, comes as a surprise. We know that light tum state.) acousto-optic modulator. This pulse is prop-
can be slowed to a modest extent in refractive In ultra-cold atoms, extremely narrow agated along the axis of the atom cloud. It
and transparent media, for example water transparency dips due to quantum interfer- takes the probe pulse about 7 ms to pass
and glass, to velocities typically a factor of ence can be induced using very low powers of through only 0.2 mm of cold atoms. Modest
1.5–2.0 times slower than c. But there is a the ‘coupling’ laser beam. Accompanying losses due to absorption are observed,
limit to how much light can be slowed in this low absorption will be a very steep varia- although without quantum interference this
normal optical materials, because the larger tion, with probe laser frequency, in the medium would be completely opaque. The
refractive index associated with slower refractive index. This steep slope and the lowest velocity recorded was just 17 m s11 at
propagation is inevitably accompanied high sample density in the trapped cloud of temperatures below Tc. For temperatures
by increased light absorption. atoms leads to ultra-slow light propagation. above Tc the velocities were up to a factor of
Under special circumstances, however, The velocity of the probe laser pulse increas- four larger than this.
this limit can be overcome — that is, a per- es with the coupling laser power and decreas- The reduction of the propagation veloci-
fectly transparent medium can be created in
which the speed of light is slowed enormous- Box 1: Laser-dressed atoms
ly. The systems in question are laser-dressed
atomic media that acquire new optical prop- In the experiment of Hau
a l 3> b l 3>
erties because light does not interact directly et al.1, the sodium atoms
with atoms but with a system composed of can be thought of as a
atoms plus laser field. This requires the three-level atomic
Coupling Probe Absorption
preparation of laser-dressed atoms (see box system subject to a pair beam beam cancelled
for the technical details) to create what is of resonant laser fields.
termed electromagnetically induced trans- In a, the coupling field
parency, in which quantum interference (linearly polarized) is
leads to the cancellation of absorption2. In applied to the l 2>
this new kind of system, the dispersive (or unpopulated hyperfine l1> l NC> lC>
refractive) properties of the medium — states |2$ and |3$ and the
including the velocity of propagation of an probe pulse (circularly unpopulated. In the laser fields10.
optical pulse — become independent of polarized) is applied to populated eigenstate The quantum
absorption3. For example, Steve Harris and the |1$-|3$ transition. In |NC$ the probability interference exists over
colleagues4 at Stanford have used coherently the absence of these amplitudes of each of a range of probe
prepared lead atoms to reduce the propaga- fields the eigenstates of the component states frequencies set by the
tion velocity of a resonantly tuned light pulse the system are simply (|1$ and |2$) make equal coupling field power. In
to c/165. To achieve even slower pulse veloci- those of the atomic but opposite an ultra-cold sample
ties, cold atoms are required because, to Hamiltonian (that is, |1$, contributions. This leads complete absorption
maximize the quantum interference effect, |2$ and |3$). In b, in the to a transition dipole cancellation can be
the thermal motion must be small. presence of the fields moment from |NC$ to |3$ induced for very low
Hau and her co-workers1 use ultra-cold the system has a new which exactly vanishes coupling powers due to
sodium atoms. They load a magneto-optical Hamiltonian of the atom through destructive the very small
trap with sodium atoms, and the gas is plus laser field. Two of interference; this is magnitude of the atomic
cooled briefly with a laser to reach tempera- the eigenstates of this electromagnetically thermal motion. In this
tures of 50 mK (ref. 5). With the lasers Hamiltonian (|C$ and induced transparency. case there is a very
switched off, only atoms in the ground state |NC$) are a coherent This non-coupled state narrow transparency dip
with magnetic dipoles directed opposite to superposition of |1$ and |NC$ is called a ‘dark and an abnormally steep
the magnetic field are confined by the novel |2$. State |C$ remains state’ to express how dispersion profile that
magnetic trap developed by the authors6. coupled to the fields, but quantum interference leads to a very slow
Hau et al. then evaporatively cool the atoms can be ignored in this has cancelled the pulse propagation
in this trap to reach temperatures in the experiment as it is interaction with the velocity. J. M.

NATURE | VOL 397 | 18 FEBRUARY 1999 | 559

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time the pulse can be stored in the medium
without significant dissipation, for instance
in optical data storage.
Finally, the massive nonlinearities ob-
served in this system are of a type that lead to
2.5 ms
a strong coupling between pairs of photons.
2.5 ms
Photons are particles that normally cannot
interact strongly, so this is an unusual
t = 0.0 ms t = ~7.0 ms
regime. Potentially these interactions may
Probe pulse Cloud of Transmitted
cold atoms probe pulse be large enough that it would become possi-
ble for a single photon to switch an optical
cavity9. Nonlinearities of this kind have also
been shown to be the key ingredient in
experiments in quantum optics such as opti-
Coupling laser beam cal squeezing, quantum non-demolition
measurements and studies of non-locality.
Figure 1 The experimental set-up of Hau et al.1. The circularly polarized probe pulse takes about 7 ms The increased magnitude in the nonlineari-
to traverse the 0.2-mm cloud of cold atoms — this is 1/10 millionth of the speed of light in a vacuum. ties observed by Hau et al. may lead to
improvements in these experiments.
ty of the probe pulse — which is by a factor of intracavity element to narrow a laser cavity Jon Marangos is in the Laser Optics and
about 20 million compared with the speed of linewidth. The slow pulse velocities reported Spectroscopy Group, The Blackett Laboratory,
light in a vacuum — is a stunning proof of by Hau et al. have yet to find a specific applica- Imperial College of Science, Technology and
the dramatic changes that can occur to the tion, but laser-dressing clearly results in pro- Medicine, London SW7 2BZ, UK.
optical properties of laser-dressed atoms. In found modifications of the optical properties e-mail:
contrast to a normal atomic medium, the of the medium. In the laser-dressed cold 1. Hau, L. V., Harris, S. E., Dutton, Z. & Behroozi, C. H. Nature
atoms here are in the presence of the cou- atoms, the pulse takes 7 ms to traverse the 0.2- 397, 594–598 (1999).
2. Harris, S. E. Phys. Today 50, 36–40 (1997).
pling laser field so the probe pulse should be mm sample. Propagating in a vacuum for the
3. Scully, M. O. Phys. Reps 219, 191–201 (1992).
thought of as interacting with a system com- same period, by contrast, the pulse would 4. Kasapi, A. et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 2447–2450 (1995).
posed of the atoms plus the coupling field. have travelled 2 km! Perhaps this phenom- 5. Chu, S. et al. Rev. Mod. Phys. 70, 685–741 (1998).
The atoms alone could not have stored the enon could be used in optical delay lines for 6. Hau, L. V. et al. Phys. Rev. A 58, R54–R57 (1998).
energy of the probe pulse for the required generating very long delays, or in allowing a 7. Anderson, M. H. et al. Science 269, 198–201 (1995).
8. Scully, M. O. et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 1360–1363
time because of the normal dissipative shorter reference arm for an interferometer (1992).
process of spontaneous emission (see box). in which the other arm is many kilometres in 9. Yamamoto, Y. Nature 390, 17–18 (1997).
However, when the probe pulse enters the length. Other applications might use the long 10. Arimondo, E. Prog. Opt. 35, 257–354 (1996).
medium, its energy goes into the combined
atom and field system where it is immune Planetary science
from rapid spontaneous decay. At the end of
transmission the energy is returned to the Snapshots of an ancient cover-up
probe field from the system. The energy of
Maria T. Zuber
the probe pulse is, in a sense, kept safe within
the non-decaying ‘dark state’ of the atom
created by quantum interference. ars is a superb and arguably unique hints that the early heat-loss phase on this
Hau et al. have not yet found out if the
atom cloud remains in the Bose–Einstein
condensed state during the interaction with
M natural laboratory for the study of
climate in the early stage of evolu-
tion of the terrestrial planets. As described
planet produced climatic conditions that
were much more hospitable than the cold,
desert-like environment that exists now 5,6.
the probe. It may be that the main role the in four papers in this issue1–4, beginning on Today, Mars is too cold and the atmos-
condensate plays in the slow velocity propa- page 584, spectacular images from the Mars phere is too thin for liquid water to be stable
gation is in providing a high density of cold Orbiter Camera, an instrument on the Mars at the surface. Most water is currently stored
atoms. The authors propose that with some Global Surveyor spacecraft currently orbit- as ice in the polar caps and in ‘frozen aquifers’
technical improvements (higher frequency ing Mars, are providing a new view of the beneath the surface. However near-global
stability, lower coupling powers) still lower processes that shaped the Martian surface. images, of moderate resolution (around 200
velocities can be achieved, perhaps down to a Shortly after the planets formed 4.5 bil- metres per pixel) that were taken by the
few centimetres per second. lion years ago, planetismal impacts on their Mariner 9 and Viking Orbiter space probes
Another important aspect of the work surfaces, and the differentiation of metal and in the 1970s, revealed a planet on which liq-
was the observation of large optical nonlin- rock to form planetary cores and mantles, uid water had flowed on the surface. From
earities, in the form of an intensity-depen- heated the interiors of the terrestrial planets. the early images, a diversity of early Martian
dent refractive index. This was inferred from As these planets rapidly cooled they liberated climates were proposed, ranging from warm
measuring the intensity-dependent fre- volatile gases to form atmospheres and, at conditions with hemispheric-scale oceans to
quency shift in the position of the trans- least on Earth, the oceans. Both Earth and near-freezing conditions where water flowed
parency peak. Hau et al. conclude that, at Mars underwent these processes, but the on the surface for only the briefest of periods.
0.18 cm2 W11, the nonlinear refractive index geological record on Earth predominantly Previous data have not been able to dis-
is unprecedentedly large. preserves surfaces younger than 500 million tinguish between specific evolutionary
Earlier work also considered potential years old; earlier records have been eradicat- schemes, but spectacular new high-resolu-
applications of the optical properties of laser- ed by processes such as subduction, conti- tion images from the Mars Orbiter Camera
dressed atoms. For instance, there have been nental collision and erosion. On Mars, how- (MOC) are allowing the range of possibili-
detailed proposals to use these systems in ever, most surfaces have ages greater than ties to be narrowed considerably. In the four
highly sensitive magnetometers8 or as an three billion years and they retain tantalizing reports1–4 now published, MOC principal
560 NATURE | VOL 397 | 18 FEBRUARY 1999 |
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