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Journal of Biomechanics 39 (2006) 2535–2541
Short communication

Skin-friction drag analysis from the forced convection modeling in

simplified underwater swimming
G. Polidoria, R. Taı̈arb, S. Fohannoa,, T.H. Maia, A. Lodinib
Laboratoire de Thermomécanique, Moulin de la Housse, BP 1039, 51687 Reims cedex 2, France
Laboratoire d’Analyse des Contraintes Mécaniques, Moulin de la Housse, BP 1039, 51687 Reims cedex 2, France
Accepted 18 July 2005


This study deals with skin-friction drag analysis in underwater swimming. Although lower than profile drag, skin-friction drag
remains significant and is the second and only other contribution to total drag in the case of underwater swimming. The question
arises whether varying the thermal gradient between the underwater swimmer and the pool water may modify the surface shear
stress distribution and the resulting skin-friction drag acting on a swimmer’s body. As far as the authors are aware, such a question
has not previously been addressed. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to quantify the effect of this thermal gradient by using
the integral formalism applied to the forced convection theory. From a simplified model in a range of pool temperatures (20–30 1C)
it was demonstrated that, whatever the swimming speeds, a 5.3% reduction in the skin-friction drag would occur with increasing
average boundary-layer temperature provided that the flow remained laminar. However, as the majority of the flow is actually
turbulent, a turbulent flow analysis leads to the major conclusion that friction drag is a function of underwater speed, leading to a
possible 1.5% reduction for fast swimming speeds above 1 m/s. Furthermore, simple correlations between the surface shear stress
and resulting skin-friction drag are derived in terms of the boundary-layer temperature, which may be readily used in underwater
swimming situations.
r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Skin-friction drag; Forced convection; Underwater swimming

1. Introduction research strategies have been designed to reduce drag.

As well as improved understanding of the fundamental
In human swimming under normal circumstances, in mechanisms of swimming, such as optimisation and
which a water/air interface occurs, the total drag (Fd) coordination of the different movements, technological
which is the resistance force on the swimmer’s body, in developments may offer potential benefits.
motion within a viscous medium, is respectively The concept of using specifically designed swimming
composed of the skin-friction drag (Ff), the profile drag suits, modeled on shark skin, to achieve drag reduction
(Fp) and the wave drag (Fw). The contribution of skin- by controlling the near-wall turbulence and skin-friction
friction drag is generally assumed to be up to 5% of the forces has received much attention. In idealized labora-
total drag (Toussaint et al., 2002) whereas the contribu- tory experimental conditions, Bechert et al. (2000) found
tion of the wave drag may reach a maximum of 60% of as much as 7.3% decrease in turbulent shear stress, as
the total drag (Vennell et al., 2005). In the quest for compared to a smooth reference plate. Koeltzsch et al.
higher levels of performance in swimming, many recent (2002) confirmed this conclusion from fluid dynamic
experiments showing that small riblet surfaces induced
Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +33 326 91 83 10. drag reductions of up to about 10% compared to
E-mail address: (S. Fohanno). smooth surfaces. In contrast, Toussaint et al. (2002)

0021-9290/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2536 G. Polidori et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 39 (2006) 2535–2541

showed that a statistically non-significant 2% reduction Y, V

in drag was found in real pool conditions when wearing
fast-skin suits compared to conventional ones.
In contrast with previous studies, the present analysis δ
deals especially with the skin-friction drag, which is δΤ
approached theoretically from non-isothermal fluid TS
dynamic theory.
To simplify the analysis, the underwater swimming ISOTHERMAL BODY SURFACE

situation is considered. This swimming condition is of

interest because it leads to negligible wave drag (Vennell Fig. 1. Summary of the simplified boundary-layer forced convection
et al., 2005) and thereby the greatest potential speed model.
increase for elite swimmers, estimated to be up to 40%
(Laughlin, 2003). This underwater swimming situation
also results in a greater contribution of skin-friction 0:15 W m1 K1), the competitive suits are so thin
drag to the total drag. The question arises whether (100 mm) that the swimsuit surface temperature will
varying the thermal gradient between the underwater remain close to that of the real body surface.
swimmer and the pool water may modify the surface The simplified model assumes a uniform temperature
shear stress distribution and the resulting skin-friction over the whole body surface corresponding to the
drag acting on a swimmer’s body. As far as the authors average body surface temperature. This choice is
are aware, such a question has not yet been addressed. difficult due to the real non-uniformity of the skin
Therefore, the aim of this study was to quantify the temperature in swimming (higher temperature where
effect of this thermal gradient on the surface shear stress muscles are active, lower elsewhere) and the lack of
distribution and the resulting skin-friction drag acting measurements in the literature. For example, Brandt
on a swimmer’s body. For this purpose, the integral and Pichowsky (1995) measured a 33 1C local skin
formalism was applied to forced convection theory. temperature over the deltoid muscle after strenuous
Furthermore, first-order regression equations for the exercise. More recently Jansky et al. (2003) investigated
surface shear stress and deduced skin-friction drag were skin temperature changes induced by local cooling. For
derived in terms of the boundary-layer temperature for example, they measured temperatures between 32.5 and
use in underwater swimming situations. 34.5 1C at the start of their experiments over various
body areas (trunk, forehead, thigh, forearm, fingers, and
palms). These temperatures correspond closely to those
2. Background of the problem of swimmers at the start of swimming races. Therefore,
an estimated average skin temperature Tw ¼ 33 1C was
Swimmer’s body geometry can be modeled as a chosen for this analysis.
linkage of complex convex, concave, truncated, ellipsoi- The flat surface is supposed to model a 2D-surface
dal non-rigid surfaces (Yanai, 2001). Both swimmer’s placed parallel to the mean uniform stream and acting
body shape and the specific swimming propelling like the smooth skin surface of a rigid body. Because a
motion induce very complex separated shear layers thermal gradient occurs between the flat surface and the
combining turbulent fluctuations and large-scale vor- ambient fluid, both dynamic and thermal boundary
tices. Such a physical problem seems theoretically too layers develop at the body surface.
complex to be analysed and a simplified approach is A common approach in forced convection consists of
required. evaluating the fluid properties at an average boundary-
In order to reduce profile drag underwater swimmer layer temperature, called the film temperature, and
should adopt a streamlined shape, as flat as possible, to defined as
prevent the boundary layer from separating. This is the
T̄ ¼ ðT w þ T 1 Þ=2. (1)
reason why, using a rough assumption, the physical
model used in the present analysis and presented in Table 1 summarizes the various physical properties
Fig. 1 consists of a flat surface at the human body of water in the realistic pool temperature range
surface temperature Tw flowing at a steady constant 20 1CpTNp30 1C and used for further analysis.
velocity UN in a quiescent water pool whose tempera-
ture TN varies in the range 20 1CpTNp30 1C. It should
be noted that this model is also applicable when the 3. Theoretical modeling
swimmer is wearing a full-body competitive swimsuit. In
such a case, Tw is defined as the external (water- Initially the boundary-layer development is laminar
side) swimsuit surface temperature. Even if suits’ but at some critical distance xc from the leading edge
materials are good thermal insulators (l  0:05 small disturbances in the flow begin to be amplified,
G. Polidori et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 39 (2006) 2535–2541 2537

Table 1 The continuity and momentum integral equations are

Thermo physical properties of water at different film temperatures
expressed as
Swimmer Tw Water TN Film Density r Kinematic Z 
(1C) (1C) temperature (kg/m3) viscosity n
q d qU 
ðU 1  UÞU dy ¼ n  , (2)
T̄ð CÞ (m2/s)  106 qx 0 qy y¼0

33 20 26.5 996.68 0.865 Using the integral method inevitably leads to a choice of
33 22 27.5 996.41 0.846 a polynomial order characterizing both velocity and
33 24 28.5 996.12 0.829 temperature profiles. From mathematical criteria a
33 26 29.5 995.83 0.811
33 28 30.5 995.53 0.794
fourth order shape has been advocated by Polidori
33 30 31.5 995.21 0.777 et al. (1999). Thus the velocity profile across the
dynamical boundary-layer is expressed as a fourth-order
polynomial using the Pohlhausen method (Polidori and
Padet, 2002)
 3  4
Uðx; y; T̄Þ y y y
¼2 2 þ .
U1 dðx; T̄Þ dðx; T̄Þ dðx; T̄Þ
Resolution of momentum integral Eq. (2) leads to the
velocity boundary layer thickness
35 x
dðxÞ ¼ 6 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi . (4)
Fig. 2. Anthropometric parameters of subject Yann in a prone 37 ReðT̄Þ
position with the arms extended above the head and the head facing
the bottom of the pool. In laminar forced convection, the local shear stress at
the surface tw is defined as
characterizing a transition process towards turbulence tw ¼ rðT̄ÞnðT̄Þ . (5)
qy y¼0
(Fig. 1). In submerged swimming, the governing para-
meters reduce to the Reynolds number ReL ¼ U 1 L=n Incorporating Eqs. (3) and (4) in the shear stress
(UN is the swimmer’s speed, L is the swimmer’s body expression (5) leads to the analytical surface shear stress
length with stretched arms defined in Fig. 2 and v is the expression
water kinematic viscosity). It is usually assumed that the rffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
swimmer’s body acts like a rigid streamlined body and 1 37 nðT̄Þ
tw jLAM ¼ rðT̄Þ ½U 1 3=2 . (6)
the critical location xc of the transition is estimated to 3 35 x
correspond to a Reynolds number Rexc ¼ 5  105 . For
example, for a swimmer’s speed U 1 ¼ 2 m=s and for
L ¼ 2 m, the transition from laminar to turbulent occurs 3.2. Shear stress modeling in the turbulent case
for xc  0:2 m. About 10% of the skin surface is
subjected to a laminar flow regime so that the major The transitional region is very complex and not yet
part of the body surface will experience a turbulent understood, so that the turbulent regime is usually
boundary layer. Because both dynamic and thermal considered as idealized and the corresponding turbulent
viewpoints are of interest, the simplified model is based theory is applied beyond the critical Reynolds number
on external boundary-layer theory applied to steady value. In turbulent flow the governing parameters are
forced convection flow conditions. For this purpose the made up of both mean and time-fluctuating compo-
Karman-Pohlhausen integral approach (Kakac- and nents, so that it is convenient to consider their time-
Yener, 1995; Padet, 1997; Polidori et al., 2003) has been averaged expressions to solve corresponding problems.
used and developed in the range of swimming Reynolds It has been shown (Kakac- and Yener, 1995) that in the
numbers inducing both laminar and turbulent effects. fully turbulent region (outside the laminar sub-layer) the
average velocity increases approximately as a one-
seventh-power law resulting in the corresponding profile
3.1. Shear stress modeling in the laminar case  
U y 1=7
¼ . (7)
U1 dðT̄Þ
This section deals with the laminar boundary-layer
theory of the forced convection developed in the range Incorporating this velocity profile in the integral
Rexc o5  105 . momentum Eq. (2) gives the following analytical form
2538 G. Polidori et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 39 (2006) 2535–2541

of the surface shear stress Table 2

Transition critical location xc between the laminar and turbulent
7 qdðT̄Þ regimes
tw ¼ rðT̄ÞU 21 . (8)
72 qx Underwater swimming speed
A common way to express the surface shear stress
developing at the surface of a flat wall is as an empirical 1 m/s 1.5 m/s 2 m/s 2.8 m/s
T̄ ¼ 26:5  C 0.43 m 0.29 m 0.22 m 0.16 m
form from measurements of turbulent flows in circular
T̄ ¼ 31:5  C 0.39 m 0.26 m 0.19 m 0.14 m
ducts (Kakac- and Yener, 1995)
45 nðT̄Þ with outstretched arms L are of interest in the modeling,
tw ¼  103 rðT̄ÞU 21 (9)
2 U 1 dðT̄Þ as shown in Fig. 2.
Thus combining Eqs. (8) and (9) leads to the expression The global skin-friction drag may be obtained by
of the dynamical boundary-layer thickness integrating the local shear stress over the simplified
anthropometric dimensions of the swimmer with respect
dðT̄Þ 0:371 to the flow regime conditions.
¼ . (10)
x Rex ðT̄Þ1=5  Z xc
Incorporating (10) in Eq. (9) provides an expression for F f ¼ P̄H tw jLAM ðx; T̄; U 1 Þ dx
the turbulent surface shear stress Z L 
1 þ tw jTURB ðx; T̄; U 1 Þ dx . ð13Þ
tw jTURB ¼ 2:88  102 rðT̄ÞU 21 . (11) xc
Rex ðT̄Þ1=5
Incorporating Eq. (12) into expression (13) leads to the
First-order regression equations for both laminar and skin-friction drag acting on the swimmer’s body model
turbulent regimes have been deduced from the previous expressed as a function of the average thermal
parametric analyses in the complete range of considered boundary-layer temperature:
parameters and can be expressed in terms of film pffiffiffiffiffi
temperature and swimming speed. It should be noted F f ¼ P̄H fð6:80  103 T̄ þ 0:816ÞU3=2
1 xc
that these correlations are only suitable in the range of þ ð9:94  103 T̄ þ 2:462ÞU9=5
1 ½L
c g.
film temperature 26:5pT̄ð CÞp31:5 corresponding to ð14Þ
realistic indoor pool temperatures
U1 4. Results and discussion
tw jLAM ¼ ð3:40  10 T̄ þ 0:408ÞU 1 ;
The question that has motivated the present analysis
Rex o5  105 ,
was to theoretically quantify the potential influence of
 4 1=5
3 U1 varying the pool temperature on the laminar and
tw jTURB ¼ ð7:95  10 T̄ þ 1:970ÞU1 ; turbulent surface shear stress distributions and the
deduced skin-friction drag calculations. To make that
Rex 45  105 . ð12Þ
quantification easier a drag performance percentage was
It may be recalled that there is no satisfactory theory also established from a reference thermal situation.
dealing with the transitional region between laminar and
turbulent regimes but the analysis suggests that the 4.1. Shear stresses analysis
transitional region corresponds to the beginning of the
turbulent regime. Table 2 shows the various transition First, the influence of the temperature gradient on the
critical locations for the chosen parameter range. surface shear stresses was evaluated at given streamwise
body abscissae for both laminar and turbulent regimes.
3.3. Overall skin-friction drag For elite swimmers, underwater turn techniques lead
competitors to have forward speed of gliding after turn
The skin-friction drag force in the present analysis and push up to 2.8 m/s.
reduces to the skin friction Ff exerted by the external In Fig. 3 the surface shear stress is plotted against the
ambient water on the body surface area of the swimmer streamwise body abscissa for the range of standardized
in motion. To avoid complex difficulties in the body and real maximum average underwater swimming
geometry simulation the simplified theoretical model speeds (1.5–2.8 m/s). It is shown that the surface shear
considers the body swimmer to act like a fictitious stresses are strongly dependent on the location of the
parallelepipedal shape made of planar surfaces. To laminar-turbulent transition, i.e. the flow regime.
suggest anthropometric dimensions both the average The laminar to turbulent mathematical transition
body hydraulic perimeter P̄H and the swimmer’s height results in a drastic increase in the surface shear stress
G. Polidori et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 39 (2006) 2535–2541 2539

For example, consider the increase of the average

T = 26.5°C

xc (T, U∞) boundary layer temperature from T̄ ref ¼ 26:5  C to

17 T = 31.5°C
T̄ ¼ 31:5  C. Applying the expression (15) leads to an
MODELING estimated 5.3% local shear stress enhancement in the
13 laminar regime and a 1.5% in the turbulent regime.

2.8 m/s 4.2. Deduced skin-friction drag

MODELING In the considered film temperature range, the kine-
2 m/s
5 matic viscosity of water decreases as its temperature
increases (Table 1). Therefore, the mathematical transi-
1.5 m/s tion to turbulence occurs earlier for warmer water. This
1 leads to a strong increase in the local surface shear stress
0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00
(Fig. 3) for the warmer water that will only occur a little
further downstream for the colder water. As a con-
Fig. 3. Surface shear stress evolution versus the streamwise body sequence, the benefits of a higher temperature gradient
abscissa. are locally overcome by the disadvantages of the
turbulent regime, compared to the laminar regime, with
respect to the local surface shear stress. When the
level. To minimize the friction drag it would be ideal transition to the turbulent regime has occurred for both
to keep a laminar boundary layer along the whole film temperatures, the benefits of the increase of the film
body surface. However, it seems difficult to maintain a temperature are recovered for a sufficiently large
laminar boundary layer with such complex flow streamwise body abscissa.
behavior where adverse pressure fields and inherent To clarify and quantify the previous conclusion the
layer separations occur. Now, especially focusing on the skin-friction drag performance has been expressed as a
turbulent regime, which is the state of the majority of function of the swimmer’s body length with stretched
the flow around the swimmer, one can observe that arms. For this purpose, the low film temperature T̄ ref ¼
increasing the streamwise body abscissa leads to a 26:5  C was taken as the reference case. The skin-friction
decrease in the local surface shear stress acting on the drag performance was defined as:
swimmer’s body model. Moreover, whatever the swim-  
F f ðT̄ ref Þ  F f ðT̄Þ
ming speed may be, the increase of the film temperature Performanceð%Þ ¼ 100  ,
results in a decrease of the local surface shear stress. F f ðT̄ ref Þ
This conclusion is important. Indeed, the lack of Performance40 drag reduction;
maintenance of a laminar regime over the whole body ) ð16Þ
Performanceo0 drag increase:
surface may result, a priori, in the inconvenience of an
earlier transition to the turbulent regime when increas- The skin-friction drag performance parameter, Perfor-
ing the thermal gradient. However, this is rapidly mance (%), is plotted against the streamwise body
balanced by the reduction of the local surface shear abscissa in Fig. 4 for different swimming speeds varying
stress due to the increase of the film temperature. from 1 to 2.8 m/s.
To quantify the surface shear stress reduction for a It can be seen that the magnitude of the skin-friction
given temperature, T̄, by comparison with that at a drag performance depends on the regime of the flow.
reference temperature, T̄ ref , and at a given swimming Indeed it appears that according to the flow regime, the
speed, the following formula is deduced from Eq. (12) skin-friction drag performance is either swimmer speed
and written as dependent in the case of the turbulent flow regime, or
    not in the laminar case. Increasing the average boundary
tw ðT̄ ref Þ  tw ðT̄Þ T̄  T̄ ref
E t ð%Þ ¼ 100  ¼ 100  layer temperature in the laminar flow regime results in a
tw ðT̄ ref Þ b  T̄ ref better situation for skin-friction drag enhancement up to
(15) 5.3% whatever speed the swimmer has. However, the
( majority of the flow regime around the swimmer is
b ¼ 120 in the laminar region Rex o5  105 ; actually turbulent. Therefore, turbulent regime analysis
b ¼ 247 in the turbulent region Rex 45  105 : is of great importance. By contrast to the laminar case,
the turbulent skin-friction drag performance is highly
One will notice that b is a parameter that is deduced Reynolds number or swimmer’s speed dependent.
from the present calculation and depends only on the The major conclusion was that at the beginning of the
flow regime. In Eq. (15), b, T̄ and T̄ ref are given in turbulent regime, one observes a degradation in the
degrees celsius (1C). skin-friction drag performance due to the sudden and
2540 G. Polidori et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 39 (2006) 2535–2541

10 Table 3
Example of skin-friction drag evaluation for U 1 ¼2.8 m/s;

2.8 m/s Water Film Friction drag Friction drag
0 temperature temperature (N) swimmer (N) swimmer
(1C) (1C) female male

-5 1 m/s 20 26.5 19.7 22.0

30 31.5 19.4 21.6
1.5 m/s
and male swimmers, namelyP̄H ¼0.81 m. Examples of
2 m/s
friction drag values in steady flowing state are given in
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Table 3 for a 2.8 m/s speed. Average friction drags of 20
STREAMWISE BODY ABSCISSA (m) and 22 N were found respectively for female and male
swimmers. Increase in pool temperature from 20 to
Fig. 4. Friction drag performance when increasing the average
thermal boundary-layer from T̄ ref ¼ 26:5  C to T̄ ¼ 31:5  C. 30 1C resulted in a decrease of the friction drag of
about 0.4 N.
Because the theoretical model used is a simplified one,
sharp increase in the surface shear stress. Then, from a the present intention is only to provide the order of
given streamwise body abscissa the trend is reversed and magnitude of the skin-friction drag.
the performance is observed to reach 1.5% for fast
underwater speeds. This enhancement (i.e. reduction) in 4.4. Comparison with Toussaint’s results
the skin-friction drag occurs earlier as the speed is
increased. Comparisons with experimental results are A thorough comparison with previous results cannot
essential but difficult, since solutions for solving such be made because, to the authors’ knowledge, no
problems have not yet been developed. numerical solution or experimental data concerning
friction drag in underwater swimming are available in
4.3. Tentative dimensional analysis
Nevertheless a rough comparison can be attempted
with the measurements of Toussaint et al. (2004) in the
A tentative evaluation is made from the male and
case of swimming at the air/water interface. In such a
female anthropometric parameters given in the USA
case, they established the following relationship between
swimming data (see for example the web site www.
the total drag, Fd, and the swimming velocity, UN, for The difference between male and female
velocities less than 2 m/s.
swimmers is statistically significant. The average height
and weight for male swimmers are respectively F d ¼ 21:33ðU 1 Þ2:34 . (18)
187.177.2 cm and 80.477.0 kg while the average height According to Toussaint et al. (2002), the friction drag
and weight for female swimmers are 173.075.5 cm and contribution is less than 5% of the total drag. At a speed
65.676.6 kg. From the following commonly used of 2 m/s, this gives: F f jToussaint  5:4 N.
formula (Mosteller, 1987) defining the body surface Now let consider the present analysis and try to arrive
area: as close as possible to Toussaint’s experimental condi-
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi tions. Under the assumption that the friction drag
2 Height ðcmÞ  WeightðkgÞ
Body Surface Area ðm Þ ¼ mainly occurs at the water/skin interface and that half of
the body is underwater so that P̄H ¼ ð0:81=2Þ m, the
present modeling gives, respectively F f jMale ¼ 5:8 N and
corresponding body surface areas are respectively F f jFemale ¼ 5:2 N for male and female swimmers corre-
found to be 2.04 m2 for males and 1.78 m2 for females. sponding to about 4–5% of the above mentioned
To get some idea of the theoretical skin-friction drag, Toussaint’s total drag, which is in good agreement with
the average swimmer hydraulic perimeter (P̄H ) is Toussaint’s results.
defined as the ratio between the body surface area and
the L swimmer length with outstretched arms. The
average swimmer’s body length with stretched arms is 5. Conclusion
L ¼ 2.50 m for male swimmers and L ¼ 2.20 m for
female swimmers. The values for the average hydraulic The main objective of this study was to evaluate and
perimeter were found to be comparable for both female theoretically quantify the effect of the temperature
G. Polidori et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 39 (2006) 2535–2541 2541

gradient between the swimmer’s body and the pool is so important that swimwear manufacturers sometimes
ambient water on the surface shear stress distribution purposely cause the boundary layer to become turbu-
and deduced skin-friction drags, in a pool temperature lent.
range varying from 20 to 301C. This was achieved using The authors hope that the work presented here be
the integral formalism modeling extended to laminar used as an starting point for further discussion.
and turbulent forced convection theory under the
assumption of a streamlined swimmer. The results of
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