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Asymmetric Warfare:

A State vs Non-State Conflict*

Ajey Lele, Ph.D.1
Research Fellow at Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (idsa), India

Abstract Key words: Asymmetric, warfare, strate-

gy, non-state actor, terrorism.
Asymmetry in warfare is not a new phenome-
non. Historically, it has been observed that
on various occasions there has been a marked Guerras asimétricas:
difference in the relative military power and
strategy of the warring states. However, in the
un conflicto entre Estado
post 9/11 era, it has been observed that the versus actores no estatales
character and nature of war itself is changing
particularly amid the wars between state and Resumen
non-state actors. The usage of unconventio-
nal tools and tactics, be it guerrilla warfare La asimetría en la guerra no es un fenómeno
or terrorism or irregular warfare or any other nuevo. Históricamente, se ha observado que
forms are becoming more synonymous with en varias ocasiones ha existido una marcada
non-state entities. All this is leading to a com- diferencia en el relativo poder militar y estra-
position of warfare in which a non-state actor tégico de Estados en guerra. Sin embargo, en
is using asymmetric methods to target the la era pos 9/11, se ha observado que el carácter
state’s vulnerabilities to achieve disproportio- y la naturaleza de la guerra está cambiando,
nate effect. This paper debates the notion of particularmente en las guerras entre actores
Asymmetric Warfare, the characters of actors estatales y no estatales. El uso de herramientas
involved and the nature of the state’s response y tácticas no convencionales, ya sea guerra de
in the 21st century. guerrillas, terrorismo, guerra irregular, o cual-

* Recibido: 30 de julio de 2014 / Modificado: 1 de noviembre de 2014 / Aceptado: 1 de noviembre de 2014

Para citar este artículo
Lele, A. (2014). Asymmetric Warfare: A State vs Non-State Conflict. oasis, 20, 97-111.
This article is an modified version of a portion of author’s earlier work and please refer

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quier otra forma, está siendo más similar con perceived as unconventional or non-traditional
entidades no estatales. Todo esto está llevando methodologies (Hughes, 1998).
a una composición de guerra en la cual un actor In the post 9/11 era there is a need to
no estatal usa métodos asimétricos dirigidos a undertake detailed study analysing the asym-
las vulnerabilidades del Estado para lograr un metry between the state and non-state actor, as
efecto desproporcional. Este ensayo debate la well as the state’s reaction to such asymmetric
noción de “guerra asimétrica”, el carácter de threats. However, before that, it is essential to
los actores involucrados y la naturaleza de la put this notion of asymmetry in the context
respuesta del Estado en el siglo xxi. of present day and emerging threats. This pa-
Palabras clave: asimetría, guerra, estrate- per attempts to look at the past and present
gia, actor no estatal, terrorismo. debate on this issue with a view that this un-
derstanding may help to define asymmetry in
present day context. The paper also attempts
The history of strategic ideas and the classical to project some of the concerns of the modern
understanding of warfare since World War I world about asymmetric warfare and may help
were largely built on the assumption that wars to provide insights for the broader formulation
would take place among state actors. A new en- of the doctrines for state responses.
tity, the non-state actor, brought to the centre-
stage by the terrorist attacks of September 11,
2001, has challenged the state’s authority and Idea of Asymmetric Warfare
sovereignty much more seriously than ever
before. This unexpected terrorist assault on War can be said to be as old as human society
the United States can be considered to be the and it certainly features prominently in the
beginning of the end of Clausewitz’s theory recorded histories of state-cultures. But it is a
of wars between the states and the concept of complex issue and war seems to be changing
the conventional adversary’s “centre of gravi- more quickly than ever before (Gray, 1997).
ty” (Clausewitz, 1984). This incident can be There is great debate over the definition of war;
viewed as an example of a non-state actor’s the types of warfare; and why wars happen,
‘victory’ over a superpower. even when most people do not want them to.
Historically, weak powers have sought Representatives of many different academic
to avoid an opponent’s strengths and instead disciplines have separately attempted to answer
attempted to exploit the latter’s weaknesses. these questions.
But the application of hitherto unexplored and War is defined as an armed conflict bet-
innovative means for attacking an adversary’s ween two or more governments or states.
weaknesses is termed as “asymmetric warfare”. Clausewitz (1984) defined war as “an act of
In a way, seeking asymmetries is fundamental violence intended to compel our opponent to
to all wars. But in the modern context, asym- fulfil our will” (p. 75). Michael Walzer (2000),
metric warfare emphasises what is popularly the author of the book, Just and Unjust Wars,

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Asymmetr ic War fare: A State vs Non-State Conflic t

defines war as a “legal condition, which equa- strategic asymmetry, tactical asymmetry and
lly permits two or more groups to carry on a war by proxy (Khan, 2005).
conflict by armed forces” (p. 41). When such In the case of ‘strategic asymmetric war-
conflicts assume global proportions, they are fare’, belligerents begin by deploying forces
known as world wars. War between different of a similar type, with the outcome being
parts or factions within the same nation is ca- determined by the quality and quantity of
lled civil war. Conflicts or wars in which major the opposing forces. Often when belligerents
powers purposely refrain from employing all deploy forces of a similar type, the outcome
their armed strength are often known as limi- of a battle and/or campaign is determined by
ted wars (Singh, 1995). Inter-state wars are the numerical advantage enjoyed or better
generally terminated by treaty and civil wars command and control exercised by one side.
by a peace proclamation. In ‘tactical asymmetric warfare’, one si-
The methods and practice of war, or de enjoys a technological advantage that can
warfare, can be broadly divided into various outweigh even the numerical advantage of the
types based on periods of time (like prehisto- enemy. Training and tactics as well as techno-
ric warfare, ancient warfare, modern warfare); logy can prove decisive and allow a smaller
by theatre, meaning where it is being fought force to overcome much larger forces. If the
(land warfare, naval warfare, air warfare); by inferior power is in a position of self-defence;
type of weapons used (submarine warfare, che- i.e., under attack or occupation, it may be
mical warfare, nuclear warfare); by the peoples possible to use unconventional tactics, such
involved (Roman warfare, Chinese warfare, as hit-and-run and selective battles to exploit
Arab warfare) or by tactics used (like guerrilla the weaknesses of the superior power, as an
warfare, siege warfare, asymmetric warfare) effective means of harassment without viola-
(Asprey, 1975; History of Warfare). ting the laws of war. Lastly, in case of ‘war by
Despite these various manifestations of proxy’, asymmetric warfare is carried out (ge-
warfare, the early years of the 21st century seem nerally covertly) by non-governmental actors
to have become dominated by asymmetric who are connected to or are sympathetic to a
warfare. Asymmetry means the absence of a particular nation’s (the state actor’s) interest.
common basis of comparison in respect to a That is, a non-state actor serves as a proxy of
quality, or in operational terms, a capability. the state actor.
All conflicts are asymmetric to some extent In his typology of asymmetry, Kenneth
and the clever combatant has always exploited McKenzie (2000) has identified six main ty-
this quality. The nature of asymmetric warfare pes of potential asymmetric threats: nuclear,
being dynamic, asymmetry can be categorised chemical, biological, information operations,
differently under different situations. operational concepts and terrorism. From the
In broad terms, asymmetric warfare can us point of view, types of asymmetric threats
be said to comprise three main types, namely have been identified to include attacks by

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wmd, regional military threats and asymmetric However, asymmetric warfare is not a new
threats in which state and non-state adversaries concept; it dates back to the Roman occupa-
avoid direct engagement but devise strategies, tion of Spain. Practitioners of the asymmetric
tactics and weapons to minimise us strengths approach concentrate limited attacks against
and exploit its weaknesses (Kolet, 2001; Mc- regular military forces’ critical vulnerabilities
Kenzie, 2000). by using treachery to undermine the over-
In the post-modern warfare era, the match of technology and aggregate forces of
character and nature of war is being altered their adversaries (Metz, 2001). Indirect refe-
by technological, social and cultural advan- rences to asymmetry can also be found in the
ces. At the same time, it has been observed writings of ancient Chinese military theorist
that warfare is beginning to be dominated Sun Tzu. In his famous book, Art of War, he
by unconventional tactics. War and warfare discusses subjects like unorthodox and or-
has been transformed from state centricity to thodox tactics. Here, unorthodox tactics are
a condition where reason of state no longer described as tactics that are primarily realised
drives belligerency (Creveld, 1991). Thus, through employing forces, especially flexible
war in the post-modern era is experiencing ones, in imaginative, unconventional, unex-
two entirely different types of philosophies. pected ways (Tzu, 1994). In the recent past,
One is based on technological advancements the first reference to asymmetric conflict was
and is state-centric in character, while the in an article on the us experience in Vietnam
other is based on usage of unconventional by Andrew Mack (1974; Cassidy, 2003).
tools and tactics, and is more synonymous The term asymmetry has multiple di-
with non-state entities. At present, the act of mensions. Over the last few years, the words
a non-state actor against a state is being loosely ‘asymmetry’ and ‘asymmetric’ have come into
termed as an act of asymmetric warfare. It is vogue in strategic studies and political science
perceived that such warfare is threatening to discourses. Wars, enemies, battles, strategies,
occupy the leading edge of strategic potency, approaches, options, challenges and many
much as revolutionary and nuclear warfare other phenomena related to armed conflict
occupied the third quarter of the twentieth have all been labelled asymmetric. Given this
century. In this context, the term asymmetry multiplicity of dimensions, it is evident that
encompasses various tactics of war-fighting using this concept to describe only threats may
like guerrilla warfare, terrorism, irregular war- create confusion in the minds of commanders.
fare, etc. These wars originate from conflicts Hence, asymmetry must mean more than
over scarce resources, ethnic and religious “simply making maximum use of one’s ad-
issues, transnational crime (with its linkage vantage” or fighting differently (Blank, 2004).
to terrorism and insurgency), migration and An elaboration of the concept of asymme-
illegal immigration, border disputes, famine tric challenges to national security is found in
and state collapse (Mendel, 1995-96). one us document (Government of the United
States, 2009):

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Asymmetr ic War fare: A State vs Non-State Conflic t

Asymmetric approaches are attempts to cir- costs”; Katzenbach (1962) examines the asym-
cumvent or undermine us strengths while exploiting metry in “tangible” and “intangible resources”;
us weaknesses using methods that differ significantly Galtung (Mack, 1975) distinguishes between
from the United States’ expected method of opera- “social” and “territorial defence” (asymmetry
tions…These generally seek a major psychological in goals); Kissinger (1969) mentions asymme-
impact such as shock or confusion that affects an try in overall strategy (physical versus psycho-
opponent’s initiative, freedom of action or will. As- logical attrition); and Kraemer distinguishes
ymmetric methods require an appreciation of the “colonial” versus “non-colonial” guerrilla
opponent’s vulnerabilities. Asymmetric approaches wars (Mack, 1975). Successful asymmetric
often employ innovative, non-traditional tactics, tactics used by non-state actors in the last few
weapons or technologies and can be applied at all decades have proved that asymmetric war is a
levels of warfare, strategic, operational and tactical contest of will. Psychological defeat is often
and across the spectrum of military operations (Metz, much more damaging and longer lasting than
2001). battlefield reverses. Arguably, the easiest way
to achieve this is to attack the enemy where it
Another interpretation of asymmetrical war- feels most comfortable and confident (Goul-
fare is that of irregular warfare or unconven- ding, 2000-01).
tional warfare as defined by Robert J Bunker Today, leading thinkers assert that we
(1999). He defines unconventional warfare have witnessed a revolution in political affairs,
as a form of conflict, other than conventional with the major powers now unlikely to go to
wars, waged by the army of a nation-state. In war with each other. Rather, they are more
this view, asymmetric warfare is mostly co- likely to intervene in conflicts involving weak
vert war, waged at low intensity by guerrilla states, militia groups, drug cartels and terro-
groups, religious cults, drug cartels and even rists (Freedman, 1998). This theory holds
special force components of regular armed well, not only for major powers, but also for
forces. Thus, amongst the practitioners and some developing powers that understand the
propagators of asymmetric/unconventional limitations of wars in conflict resolution. At
war are Sun Tzu, Lettow, te Lawrence, Lenin, the same time, in a few cases, some weak states
Mao, and modern guerrilla leaders like Che have challenged the state’s authority and suc-
Guevara and Marighella (Bunker, 1999, p. ceeded. The most well-known example is the
141; Bhonsle, 2004). Vietnam-America war. During the last few de-
Also, over the years, some attempts have cades, however, a new phenomenon has been
been made to systematically analyse the outco- observed wherein some weak powers / failing
me of asymmetric conflicts and a few have states have started challenging the authority
seen the asymmetries, which characterise the of strong powers by covertly supporting non-
conflict as being critical to an understanding state actors.
of the outcome. Rosen (1972) considers as- Asymmetric warfare is not synonymous
ymmetry in power and “willingness to suffer with terrorism. The current literature libera-

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lly uses terminologies like asymmetric actor our traditional picture of warfare–big armies
and terrorist interchangeably. However, in pitted against each other on the battlefield,
pre-empting the terrorist are we really dealing using similar strategy, tactics and weapons.
with asymmetry, or is something else at work? Asymmetric warfare has also been called “…
Thinking of the threat as only asymmetric using new technology to ‘defeat the superior
misses the mark, especially if we have got the with the inferior’” (Pillsbury, 1998). In broad
concept wrong. The combination of asym- terms asymmetric warfare is defined as warfare
metry and the terrorists’ ability to continually that involves attacking an adversary’s weaknes-
devise idiosyncratic approaches presents the ses with unexpected or innovative means while
real challenge. Assessing the distinction and avoiding his strengths (Hughes, 1998).
interrelationship between these two factors Asymmetric strategies attack vulnerabili-
provides us with the initial understanding ties not appreciated by the ‘target’ (victim) or
required to tackle the resultant operational capitalise on the victim’s limited preparation
challenges. against any threat. These strategies rely (pri-
Terrorism is a part of a tactic used by the marily, but not exclusively) on concepts of
weaker side in an asymmetric conflict. But, at operations that are fundamentally different
times, it is also called asymmetric warfare by from the victim’s and/or from those of recent
advocates for partisans using terrorist methods history. They often employ new or different
to avoid any pejorative connotations; likewise, weapons. Additionally, they can serve political
occupying powers often label partisans as “te- or strategic objectives that are not the same as
rrorists” as part of propaganda campaigns to those the victim pursues (Bennett et al., 1998).
maintain support in their home country and All these “definitions” are acceptable, in
to win over the occupied people so as to cut turn suggesting that asymmetric warfare is a
off the partisans’ principal support base. This combination of all of them. However, regard-
is the root of the phrase “One man’s terrorist less of any “definition”, the bottom line is that
is another man’s freedom fighter” (Assymme- asymmetric warfare encompasses anything
tric Warfare). –strategy, tactics, weapons and personnel–
Asymmetric engagements are battles bet- that alters the battlefield to negate the other’s
ween dissimilar forces. These engagements can advantages. However, in order to identify the
be extremely lethal, especially if the force being exact nature of asymmetry in a particular type
attacked is not ready to defend itself against of conflict/war, it is essential to narrow down
the threat (Alred, 1995). Similarly, asymmetric its focus. This is essential because the existing
warfare has been described as war between two definitions, while narrowly accurate, seem in-
sides with very dissimilar goals (Libicki, 1997), sufficient in explaining asymmetry in respect
which makes the fight inherently asymmetrical of conflicts between states and non-state ac-
from the start. The term “non-traditional” is tors. In view of this, there is a need to establish
also used to define asymmetric warfare be- a working definition of asymmetric warfare.
cause it employs methods that do not fit into

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Asymmetr ic War fare: A State vs Non-State Conflic t

Definition Rome as an ally. Rome declared war. Seizing

the initiative, Hannibal, in an unconventional
Asymmetric warfare could be defined as: “a move in 218 bc, speed-marched an army of
form of warfare in which a non-state actor about 40,000 men, 9000 cavalry troops and
uses unconventional tools and tactics against even a detachment of African elephants across
a state’s vulnerabilities to achieve dispropor- the Alps into Italy in 14 days, something not
tionate effect, undermining the state’s will to attempted before. The crossing cost him nearly
achieve its strategic objectives”. half of his men and almost all the elephants.
But, his tactics yielded results: Hannibal de-
Unfolding from the Past feated the Romans, a superior power with
higher degree of war waging machinery, three
The concept of asymmetric warfare is as old times in three years. Numerically, Hannibal’s
as warfare itself. In broad terms, asymme- forces never matched those that the Romans
tric warfare involves attacking an adversary’s had. At Cannae, for example, where Hannibal
weaknesses with unexpected or innovative won his greatest victory, some 70,000 Romans
means while avoiding his strengths (Hughes, were wiped out by just 50,000 Carthaginians
1998). Asymmetric warfare encompasses a (Chaliand, 1994). Hannibal’s unconventional
wide scope of theory, experience, conjecture tactics, using raids and threats to contest a big
and definition; the implicit premise is that as- and well-equipped Roman force, paid off.
ymmetric warfare deals with the unknown(s), Again, in the 1960s, the Americans chose
with surprise in terms of ends, ways and means Vietnam as a place to draw the line for com-
(Ancker & Burke, 2003). Some examples may munist expansionism. In August 1964, a pre-
be illustrative. sumed North Vietnamese attack on the cruiser
The history of Rome extends from 753 Maddox led to an American retaliatory strike.
bc. Rome’s political growth followed a line In February 1965, an attack on the American
of development similar to that of the Greek advisers’ barracks in the Central Highland city
city-states: limited monarchy of sorts. Rome of Pleiku triggered a retaliatory raid. By July
fought a few battles for its survival. Post 270 1965, the us combat units were fully commit-
bc, Carthage (what is today Tunisia (Carthage, ted and their troop presence began to grow,
n.d.)) was Rome’s main rival in the West, as it reaching 543,000 by early 1969 (Kissinger,
was concentrating upon enlarging its empire in 1994). Nearly 60,000 Americans were killed
Spain. This led to the greatest and most diffi- and hundreds of thousands came home woun-
cult war in Roman history, the second Punic ded, either physically or mentally (Melanson,
War, which can be termed as a classic case of 2005; Notes on Rome, n.d.). This war, which
asymmetric warfare. nearly lasted for more than a decade, can be re-
The war has its origins in the attack by ferred to as a classic case of asymmetric warfare
the young Carthaginian general, Hannibal, in recent times. In this conflict, the us forces
on Saguntum, a Spanish town, claimed by were superior in every important department,

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from firepower to manpower. What cost them vours the strong actors while opposite strategic
dearly was their complete underestimation of approaches favour the weak2.
the opponent. What North Vietnam lacked in At the beginning of the 21st century,
technology and financial resources, they more more than 60 low and medium-intensity
than made up with their tenacity and com- wars were raging around the planet–roughly
mitment. They were willing to pay any price double the average number during the Cold
to achieve their goals (Vietnam History 3). War period. Concurrently, the proliferation
Even the Persian Gulf War in 1991 saw of weapons of mass destruction (wmd), mul-
asymmetric warfare (Dinstein, 1994). Iraq tiplying acts of terrorism and increasing num-
launched Scud missiles and the coalition bers of “rogue” or “failed” states (which may
used Stealth aircraft to fire precision weapons possess or pursue weapons of mass destruction
against the Iraqis. American air strikes on mo- and/or support terrorists) have redefined both
bile Scud launchers during this war were aimed the nature of war and the concept of security.
at wrecking Iraq’s tactical capability to launch
ballistic missiles. Here, airpower helped achie- The Debate
ve the stated American goals of “immediate,
complete and unconditional withdrawal of International stability and national security has
Iraqi forces from Kuwait” and “restoration of been challenged in the past as well. But in the
Kuwait’s legitimate government” (Clodfelter, last few decades, a new phenomenon has emer-
2002). This war proved that it is not always the ged where an explosion of domestic conflict
weaker power that gains victory due to asym- challenges the stability and even the existence
metry but occasionally, the stronger power too of a state. Most of these domestic conflicts
can gain victory because of its asymmetrical ad- have an ethnic dimension and a few of them
vantage in respect of technology and firepower. had been previously subdued by authoritarian
As these examples show, asymmetric warfare is state-centres. But, over time, these conflicts
using something extraordinary or never seen took on a different shape, with the emergence
before to gain advantage (Allen). of non-state actors. This is because this enti-
But they also raise the basic question: ty became powerful enough to challenge the
how do the weak win wars? The likelihood state’s authority by using asymmetric tactics.
of victory and defeat in asymmetric conflicts The emergence of well-established, well-
depends on the interaction of the strategies connected and well-armed non-state actors
the weak and strong actors use. Independent has made intra-state conflicts bloodier. Un-
of regime type and weapons technology, the derstanding the connotation of present day
interaction of similar strategic approaches fa- asymmetry between a state and a non-state

A new approach to understanding asymmetric conflicts is put forth in the forthcoming book by Ivan Arreguín-
Toft (n.d.).

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Asymmetr ic War fare: A State vs Non-State Conflic t

actor in the backdrop of intra-state conflicts struggle, the conflict, though a civil war with
is relevant for studying asymmetric warfare of regard to international war, will be considered
the 21st century. a foreign war by those who see the rebels as the
Intra-state conflicts are not a new phe- expression of an existing or nascent nation”
nomenon. Since 1945, they have been more (Abazi, n.d.).
frequent and more violent than inter-state Nevertheless, not all internal conflicts
warfare (Abazi, n.d.). With the end of the Cold can break out into asymmetric war. Intra-state
War, these tendencies increased, following the conflicts erupt in a violent manner and beco-
lines of ethno-national and separatist-armed me separatist movements when they “involve
conflicts, bringing a significant shift in the an armed confrontation between a sovereign
perception of security issues and alternative independent state and a regionally-based mo-
approaches to tackle them, especially in Eu- vement, seeking to break away or seeking an
rope. In particular, the changing dialogue of extended form of internal territorial self-rule”
sovereignty, identity and security, and interna- (Abazi, n.d.). Hence, within an intra-state con-
tional responsibility appears to have become flict, when a group challenges state authority
increasingly significant. Considering that the in a violent manner, that group is generally
propositions in international relations depend referred to as a non-state actor.
on both empirical validity and logical sound- Non-state actors also break another state
ness, a theoretical exercise on the case of intra- monopoly–the monopoly on the use of force.
state conflicts questions the validity of the While states are accountable to other states
traditional state-developed concept of security. in the United Nations system in terms of in-
The path is open to new interpretations and ternational law and to their own citizens (at
understanding of normative, operational and least in democratically-governed countries)
structural issues. in terms of domestic law and values, violent
The lessons from earlier intra-state con- non-state actors appear subject to no laws. The
flicts reveal that the traditional schools of inter- classic violent non-state actors include terrorist
national relations do not provide satisfactory groups, insurgent armed militias and organised
tools for the understanding of “the current crime networks (un Global Security, n.d.).
status of war and peace in the international These trends pose very real threats to the
system” (Abazi, n.d.). They reveal that intra- future of both developing and industrialised
state conflicts are no longer only a state affair. societies. Conventional armed conflicts–which
The distinction between inter-state conflicts are primarily intra-state in scope and geogra-
and intra-state conflicts is getting muddled, phically limited to developing regions–da-
and it depends from which point of view one mage the environment, disrupt economies
is looking at the conflict. So, “if a province, and shatter societies. However, civilians suffer
an integrated portion of a state’s territory, or a more drastically from current forms of warfare,
fraction of the population refuses to submit to which may include ethnic expulsions and even
the centralised power and undertakes an armed genocide as deliberate strategies.

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Asymmetric conflict also causes des- red proxies, often transforming local quarrels
truction of the financial, information and into international contests. Today, states such
technological infrastructures that underpin as Iran, Rwanda, Angola and Pakistan, as well
modern societies. Whereas previous wars were as various types of non-state supporters, play
between armies and nations, and largely fought a major role in creating or sustaining insur-
over spheres of influence, the wars of the 21st gencies by offering fighters, training or other
century are likely to involve more shadowy important forms of support (rand, n.d.).
players with very different motives. Driven Considerable debate is ongoing within
by a growing rich-poor divide, environmen- the political and military communities as to
tal scarcity and the increasing susceptibility the kind of responses (military or otherwise)
to disruption on the part of technologically that should be developed to meet the cha-
advanced societies, future conflicts may pit llenges of asymmetric threat posed by such
not only nations against each other, but also non-state actors. Part of the debate centres on
marginalised groups within the nation against addressing the root cause of the problem while
its elite. the other part concentrates on the improvisa-
Paramilitary “resistance” groups –reli- tion of military techniques. Many argue that
giously and ethnically different, or not– may the lack of socio-economic progress in certain
strike out against those they see, internally or parts of the world is the reason for the emer-
externally, as threatening their cultural, econo- gence of the non-state actor. However, unable
mic or political agendas. Paramilitary “security to bear the cost of asymmetric war, particularly
forces” will intervene to protect the elite and the human cost, state actors are attempting to
maintain the status quo. And highly organi- incorporate rapid technological changes into
sed “gangs” may fight to control trafficking in their war fighting mechanisms.
drugs, human beings or commodities. Despite the technical and military su-
While ostensibly opposed, these groups premacy enjoyed by state-actors, the future
may at times ally with each other to achieve does not appear to lack potential threats. The
specific objectives. Their tactics may include growing gap between the haves and have-nots,
pre-emptive or retaliatory assassinations and religious tensions and lack of resources will
massacres, and their targets may include in- fuel terrorists and extremists. There is also a
dividuals, government entities, civil institu- danger that criminal elements, drug cartels
tions and infrastructure, and corporations. In and mercenaries or terrorists will join hands
an increasingly chaotic world, it will be very to create an enemy (the transnational threat),
difficult to tell the “good guys” from the “bad which will shun the battlefield and fight by
guys” (Global Issues, n.d.). means that will nullify the military superiority
State support or sponsorship of insurgen- of conventional forces. The main tactic of such
cies was common during the Cold War era, forces will be to exploit “asymmetries”, using
as the United States, the Soviet Union, and the weaknesses inherent in a technological
various regional powers backed their favou- force with stand-off weaponry (Craig, n.d.).

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Asymmetr ic War fare: A State vs Non-State Conflic t

The non-state actor, motivated purely by ha- have challenged the key argument of the de-
tred, revenge or religious fervour, represents terrence theory that the military superiority of
the greatest danger to society today. There is the status quo power coupled with a credible
even the distinct possibility that non-state ac- retaliatory threat will prevent attack by cha-
tors will wage war by using weapons of mass llengers (Paul, 1994).
destruction (Wmd). The nature of warfare has been rapidly
The American invasion of Iraq repre- changing in the last few decades. It is expected
sents a dilemma. The us military defeated the that in coming decades, “brush fire” wars are
Saddam regime and its military component likely to increase. The recent history of warfare
with ease, but is finding it extremely difficult is being written more by counter-insurgency
to defeat the non-state actors through conven- campaigns, hostage rescue operations, drug
tional war fighting mechanisms. The us’ weak- wars, low intensity conflicts, urban combat,
nesses stem principally from its over-reliance etc. (Staten, n.d.). In all these cases, the attac-
on technical solutions, ill-preparedness for an ker is not a state power and methods of combat
urban battleground and failure to fully appre- used by the attacker are mostly unconventio-
ciate the human dimension of the problem. nal. This is rapidly changing the concept of
Asymmetric warfare in case of a state- asymmetry that was essentially restricted to a
non-state conflict envisages engaging the conflict between two state powers. While the
adversary (state) by using different tools and war between the us and Vietnam is considered
tactics. The choice of such tools and tactics the best example of asymmetric war, in the
depends on the perceptions of the non-state post-Cold War context, the last such war was
actor. While known tools like terror, blackmail the one that took place against the Iraqi army
or bargain are frequently used, on occasions, in Kuwait and Iraq (Bishara, 2002).
the non-state actor has tried to bring in the In Gulf War I (1991), two state powers
element of surprise by using different tech- fought against each other. Here, both of the
niques. Under this backdrop, the concept of warring nations were answerable to an inter-
asymmetry gets modified depending on the national system and in a way had parity in
nature of the non-state actor. philosophy, attitude, values and beliefs. The
To date, a few studies have been carried asymmetric aspect lay in the differing war-
out in the areas of asymmetric warfare, speci- fighting capabilities and military hardware of
fically those analysing the reasons behind mi- the two sides. If one applies the same analogy,
litarily and economically less powerful states then almost all wars in the world have been
initiating war against relatively strong states. asymmetric, as will be all future wars between
These studies have focused on the strategic and two state actors.
political considerations, and the domestic and But in the present era, when a non-state
international compulsions that influence the actor is challenging state authority, it is ope-
weaker state to launch war against its more rating outside international norms and value
powerful adversary. These studies, in a way, systems. It is initiating a war that has no rules.

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It is bringing out many extraneous factors to Conclusion

make the fight unequal. This emergence of the
non-state actor has brought forward different The concept of asymmetric challenges in case
dimensions of “asymmetry” on the strategic of non-state actors is an emerging concept.
calculus of global geopolitics. There is a need to address this changing con-
No single theory can be sufficient to cept of asymmetry by looking at the system in
explain this new form of “asymmetry”. The its totality rather than dissecting the parts and
non-state actor has brought in a strange form studying in isolation various dimensions like
of warfare, one where, for example, military terrorism, guerrilla warfare and urban warfare.
force plays a much smaller (though still criti- Also, as this threat is both developing and evol-
cal) role, often supporting initiatives that are ving, the nature of the state’s defence thinking,
more political, diplomatic and economic. This training, weapons, equipment, intelligence
strangeness is blurring the distinction between operations and national emergency response
war and peace. Some analysts are predicting systems need to be redefined and redirected
that the resultant non-linearity may lead to (Staten). There is a need to analyse the nature
the disappearance of definable battlefields or and impact of various tools and tactics used by
fronts, and even the distinction between ‘ci- non-state actors in order to decide the state’s
vilian’ and ‘military’ may disappear (dninet). responses.
While earlier asymmetry was more of a Globally, it has been observed that the res-
‘di-symmetry’, meaning a quantitative diffe- ponses of the state towards asymmetric threat
rence in firepower and force, a strong state are not consistent and have varied from regi-
against a weak one (America against Vietnam me to regime. These responses largely depend
or Iraq), today asymmetry can be viewed as on the pattern and causes of the asymmetric
more of a qualitative difference in the means, threat. The responses can be dependent on
values and style of the new enemies (Bishara, the state’s policies towards finding solutions
n.d.). This brings in the need to enlarge the to tackling the threat.
scope of assessment of asymmetrical warfare. There is a need to evolve an analytical
It demands the examination of asymmetric framework to examine the concept of asymme-
warfare, beyond the consideration of war as a tric warfare by looking at specific cases of state
technological or engineering problem. It also versus non-state conflicts. However, the entire
demands the assessment of asymmetric warfare gamut of asymmetric warfare should not be
from the point of view of the culturally distinct seen as a classic action-reaction-counteraction
perspective of enemies. Such wars are struggles cycle because of the nature of actors involved
of psyches and wills. In such wars, the enemy and the unconventional nature of tools and
understands that it is not possible to physically tactics used by them to wage a war.
defeat the military forces of the state authority. It is essential to understand the implica-
Hence, the non-state actor challenges the state tions of such wars on the states’ overall security.
by using new and innovative ways. Unfortunately, the most difficult issue in case

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