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a e w Q < wi « = 3 So z wu a American Life American Life VICKY SHIPTON Level 2 Series Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter . th cae toe en Ch 3 Ets st Nasi Compa el Tats Vey Spon 201 ‘mae Umeda ore a 04 mane Th hin 8 a ay 8 They Goi eo an Seite “ry ent ery se ary Ror enema eh at na ian nd it Tee le agi ni oe win Eg Cie fo 00 Ea contents Introduction ‘American Life ‘The United States Size is Everything! A Country's Story ‘The Faces of America Mr. and Mrs. Average High School Life | A Drive Through Life Problems in the United States ‘Take Me to the Ball Game! Movies, Movies, Movies Music in the US Television High Schoo! Life 2 ‘American Days Activities

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