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Chapter 6 Structural Analysis

• Determine the forces in the members of a truss using the
method of joints and the method of sections
• Analyze forces acting on the members of frames and
machines composed of pin-connected members

• Simple Trusses
• The Method of Joints
• Zero-Force Members
• The Method of Sections
• Space Trusses
• Frames and Machines 53
6.1 Simple Truss
• A truss composed of slender members joined together at their
end points
Planar Trusses
• The analysis of the forces developed in the truss members is 2D
• Similar to roof truss, the bridge truss loading is also coplanar

Assumptions for Design

• “All loadings are applied at the joint”
- Weight of the members neglected
• “The members are joined together by smooth pins”
- Assume connections provided the center lines of the
joining members are concurrent

6.1 Simple Truss
Simple Truss
• Form of a truss must be rigid to prevent collapse
• The simplest form that is rigid or stable is a triangle

Method of Joints
• For truss, we need to know the force in each members
• Forces in the members are internal forces
• For external force members, equations of equilibrium can be applied
• Force system acting at each joint is coplanar and concurrent
• ∑Fx = 0 and ∑Fy = 0 must be satisfied for equilibrium

Example 6.1
Determine the force in each member of the truss and indicate whether the
members are in tension or compression.
•2 unknown member forces at joint B
•1 unknown reaction force at joint C
•2 unknown member forces and 2 unknown
reaction forces at point A
For Joint B,
   Fx  0;
500N  FBC sin 45 N  0  FBC  707.1N (C )
   Fy  0;
FBC cos 45 N  FBA  0  FBA  500N (T )

For Joint C,
   Fx  0;
 FCA  707.1 cos 45 N  0  FCA  500 N (T )
   Fy  0;
C y  707.1sin 45 N  0  C y  500 N

For Joint A,
   Fx  0;
500N  Ax  0  Ax  500N
   Fy  0;
500N  Ay  0  Ay  500N
6.3 Zero-Force Members

• Method of joints is simplified using zero-force members

• Zero-force members is supports with no loading
• In general, when 3 members form a truss joint, the 3rd
member is a zero-force member provided no external force
or support reaction is applied to the joint

Example 6.4

Using the method of joints, determine all the zero-force

members of the roof truss. Assume all joints are pin connected.

For Joint G,
   Fy  0  FGC  0

GC is a zero-force member.

For Joint D,
 Fx  0  FDF  0

For Joint F,
   Fy  0  FFC cos   0
  90 , FFC  0

For Joint B,
FBH  2kN

FHC satisfy ∑Fy = 0 and therefore

HC is not a zero-force member.

6.4 Method of Sections
• Used to determine the loadings within a body
• If a body is in equilibrium, any part of the body is in equilibrium
• To find forces within members, an imaginary section is used to
cut each member into 2 and expose each internal force as
• Consider the truss and section a-a as shown
• Member forces are equal and opposite to those acting on
the other part – Newton’s Law

Example 6.5

Determine the force in members GE, GC, and BC of the truss.

Indicate whether the members are in tension or compression.

Draw FBD of the entire truss

   Fx  0; 400 N  Ax  0  Ax  400 N
 M A  0;  1200 N (8m)  400 N (3m)  D y (12m)  0  D y  900 N
   Fy  0; Ay  1200 N  900 N  0  Ay  300 N


• Draw FBD for the section portion

 M G  0;  300N (4m)  400N (3m)  FBC (3m)  0  FBC  800N (T )
 M C  0;  300N (8m)  FGE (3m)  0  FGE  800N (C )
   Fy  0; 300N  FGC  0  FGC  500N (T )

Example 6.5
Reaction force
Ax  400N
Ay  300N
Dy  900N

D 1500N E 500N
1200N 900N 800N
900N 1500N

A 500N
800N 500N
800N 800N 500N
300N 0N 64
6.6 Frames
• Composed of pin-connected multi-force members
• Frames are stationary
• Apply equations of equilibrium to each member to determine
the unknown forces
Example 6.9
For the frame, draw the free-body diagram of (a) each
member, (b) the pin at B and (c) the two members
connected together.
Part (a)
BA and BC are not two-force
AB is subjected to the resultant forces from the pins

Ax  6kN Ay  12kN Bx  0 By  4kN Cy  4kN M A  32kN  m 66
Chapter 7 Internal Force
• Method of sections for determining the internal loadings in a
• Develop procedure by formulating equations that describe
the internal shear and moment throughout a member
• Analyze the forces and study the geometry of cables
supporting a load
• Internal Forces Developed in Structural Members
• Shear and Moment Equations and Diagrams
• Relations between Distributed Load, Shear and
• Cables 67
7.1 Internal Forces in Structural Members

• The design of any structural or mechanical member requires the

material to be used to be able to resist the loading acting on the member
• These internal loadings can be determined by the method of sections

• Force component N, acting normal to the beam at the cut session

• V acting tangent to the session are normal or axial force and the shear
• Couple moment M is referred as the bending moment

Example 7.3
Determine the internal force, shear force and
the bending moment acting at point B of the
two-member frame.
Support Reactions
FBD of each member
Member AC
∑ MA = 0;
-400kN(4m) + (3/5)FDC(8m)= 0
FDC = 333.3kN
+→∑ Fx = 0;
-Ax + (4/5)(333.3kN) = 0
Ax = 266.7kN
+↑∑ Fy = 0;
Ay – 400kN + 3/5(333.3kN) = 0 70
Ay = 200kN

Support Reactions
Member AB
+→∑ Fx = 0; NB – 266.7kN = 0
NB = 266.7kN
+↑∑ Fy = 0; 200kN – 200kN – VB = 0
VB = 0
∑ MB = 0; MB – 200kN(4m) – 200kN(2m) = 0
MB = 400kN.m

7.2 Shear and Moment Equations

• Beams – structural members designed to support loadings

perpendicular to their axes
• A simply supported beam is pinned at one end and roller
supported at the other
• A cantilevered beam is fixed at one end and free at the other

7.3 Relations between Distributed Load, Shear and Moment

Distributed Load
• Consider beam AD subjected to an arbitrary load
w = w(x) and a series of concentrated forces and moments
• Distributed load assumed positive when loading acts

7.3 Relations between Distributed Load, Shear and Moment

Distributed Load
• Distributed loading has been replaced by a resultant force ∆F
= w(x) ∆x that acts at a fractional distance k (∆x) from the
right end, where 0 < k <1

   Fy  0;V  w( x)x  (V  V )  0
V   w( x)x
 M  0;Vx  M  w( x)xk x   ( M  M )  0
M  Vx  w( x)k (x) 2

7.3 Relations between Distributed Load, Shear and Moment

Distributed Load
Slope of the dV Negative of distributed
shear diagram
 w(x) load intensity

Slope of V Shear moment diagram
shear diagram dx

Change in shear M BC   Vdx Area under

shear diagram

Change in moment VBC    w( x)dx Area under

shear diagram

Example 7.9
Draw the shear and moment diagrams for the
overhang beam.

The support reactions are shown.

Shear Diagram
Shear of –2 kN at end A of the beam
is at x = 0.

Positive jump of 10 kN at x = 4 m
due to the force.

Moment Diagram
M x4  M x0  M  024  8 kN m

7.4 Cables

Cable Subjected to Concentrated Loads

• For a cable of negligible weight, it will subject to constant
tensile force
• Known: h, L1, L2, L3 and loads P1 and P2
• Form 2 equations of equilibrium
• Use Pythagorean Theorem to relate the three segmental

Example 7.11
Determine the tension in each segment of the cable.
FBD for the entire cable.

   Fx  0;  Ax  Ex  0
 M E  0;
 Ay (18m)  4kN (15m)  15kN (10m)  3kn(2m)  0
Ay  12kN
   Fy  0; 12kN  4kN  15kN  3kN  Ey  0
Ey  10kN

Consider leftmost section which cuts cable BC since sag yC = 12m.

 MC  0;
Ax (12m)  12kN (8m)  4kN (5m)  0
Ax  Ex  6.33kN
   Fx  0; TBC cos BC  6.33kN  0
   Fy  0; 12kN  4kN  TBC sin BC  0
BC  51.6 , TBC  10.2kN 81
7.4 Cables
Cable Subjected to a Distributed Load
• Consider weightless cable subjected to a load w = w(x)
• For FBD of the cable having length ∆x
• Since the tensile force changes continuously, it is denoted on the FBD by ∆T
• Distributed load is represented by second integration,

  w( x)dxdx


T cos   (T  T ) cos(   )  0
T sin   ww  (T  T )sin(   )  0
wx( x)  T cos y  T sin x  0
1 T cos  d
[T cos   (T  T ) cos  ]  0   (T cos  )  0
x x dx
1 d (T sin  )
[T sin   wx  (T  T ) sin(   )]  0  w0
x dx
1 y dy
 wx  T cos   T sin   0   tan 
2 x dx

T cos   FH  constant
T sin    wdx
T sin  1
y   tan  dx   dx   (  wdx)dx 83
T cos  FH
Note w(x) = wo  y    wo dx dx
FH 1  wo x 2 
Perform two integrations  y    C x  C 
FH  2
1 2

Boundary Conditions at x = 0  y  0, x  0, dy / dx  0

wo 2
Therefore, C1  C2  0 Curve becomes y  x
2 FH

Boundary Condition at x = L/2  y  h

wo L2 4h
For constant, FH  and y  2 x 2
8h L

Tension, T = FH/cosθ
dy wL
Slope at point B   tan max  max  tan1  o 
dx x  L /2  2 FH 

Therefore Tmax 
cos( max )

Using triangular relationshipTmax  4 FH  wo L

2 2 2

2 84

For a differential segment of cable length ds,

 dy 
ds  dx  dy
2 2
 1    dx
 dx 

Determine total length by integrating,

L/2  8h 
   ds  2  1   2 x  dx
L 

Integrating yields,

L 
  4h  L 1  4h 
 1     sinh  
2  L 4h  L 

7.4 Cables

Cable Subjected to its Own Weight

• When weight of the cable is considered, the loading function
becomes a function of the arc length s rather than length x
• FBD of a segment of the cable is shown

7.4 Cables
Cable Subjected to its Own Weight
T cos   (T  T ) cos(   )  0
T sin   ws  (T  T )sin(   )  0
ws ( s )  T cos y  T sin x  0
 T cos   constant  FH
1 d
 (T sin  )  w  0
s ds
dy sin  1
cos  FH 
 tan    wds

• Apply equilibrium equations to the force system

dy 1
T cos   FH T sin    w(s)ds
dx FH 
 w(s)ds

• Replace dy/dx by ds/dx for direct integration

dy  ds 
ds  dx  dy
2 2
   1
dx  dx 

 
1/ 2
ds  1 
Therefore  1  2  w(s)ds 
 
1/ 2
dx  FH  1 
1  2
 FH
 w(s)ds 
Example 7.13
Determine the deflection curve, the length, and the maximum
tension in the uniform cable. The cable weights wo = 5N/m.
For symmetry, origin located at the center of the cable.
Deflection curve expressed as y = f(x)

ds ds
x x

1  1 / F 2
H  w ds 
2 1/ 2
1  1 / F w s  C  
H o 1
2 1/ 2

u  1 / FH wo s  C1  du  ( wo / FH )ds
Perform second integration

sinh 1 u  C2 
 1  1  
or F
x H sinh  wo s  C1   C2 
wo   H
F   88
 1  1  
x H sinh  wo s  C1   C2 
wo   FH  
Evaluate constants
dy 1 dy  1 

dx FH  wo ds  
dx  FH
wo s  C1 

dy/dx = 0 at s = 0, then C1 = 0
s=0 at x=0, then C2=0

F w  dy w 
 sinh  o x  y
FH w 
cosh o x   C3
solve for s s  H sinh  o x  dx  FH  wo  FH 
wo  FH 
Boundary Condition y = 0 at x = 0  C3  
FH   wo  
For deflection curve, y   cosh  x   1
wo   FH  

This equations defines a catenary curve. 89

Solution 
F  wo  
Boundary Condition y = h at x = L/2 h H  cosh  x   1
wo   FH  
FH   50 N  
Since wo = 5N/m, h = 6m and L = 20m, 6m  cosh    1 FH  45.9 N
5N / m   FH  

For deflection curve, y  9.19 cosh  0.109 x   1 m

 5N / m
10m   12.1m
x = 10m, for half length of the cable  sinh 
2 5N / m  45.9 N 

Hence  24.2m

Maximum tension occurs when is maximum at s = 12.1m

dy 5 N / m 12.1m 
 tan max   1.32 , max  52.8
dx s 12.1m 45.9 N
FH 45.9 N
Tmax    75.9 N
cos max cos 52.8 90
Chapter 8 Friction
• Introduce the concept of dry friction
• To present specific applications of frictional force analysis
on wedges, screws, belts, and bearings
• To investigate the concept of rolling resistance
Chapter Outline
• Characteristics of Dry Friction
• Problems Involving Dry Friction
• Wedges, Screws, Flat Belts, Collar Bearings, Pivot Bearings,
and Disks, Journal Bearings
• Rolling Resistance
8.1 Characteristics of Dry Friction
Theory of Dry Friction: Impending Motion
• Constant of proportionality μs is known as the coefficient
of static friction
• Angle ϕs that Rs makes with N is called the angle of static
friction 1  Fs  1   s N 
s  tan    tan    tan  s

 
N  N 
Typical Values of μs
Contact Materials Coefficient of Static Friction μs

Metal on ice 0.03 – 0.05

Wood on wood 0.30 – 0.70

Leather on wood 0.20 – 0.50

Leather on metal 0.30 – 0.60

Aluminum on aluminum 1.10 – 1.70 92

Chapter 9 Center of Gravity and Centroid
• Concept of the center of gravity, center of mass, and the
• Determine the location of the center of gravity and centroid
for a system of discrete particles and a body of arbitrary
9.1 Center of Gravity and Center of Mass
Mass Center
xm ~
ym ~
x ;y  ,z 
m m m
• Consider a particle having weight of dW

x  ~
;y   ~
;z   ~

dW dW dW 93

Example 9.1
Locate the centroid of the rod bent into the shape of a parabolic arc.

For differential length of the element dL
 dx 
 dx    dy 
2 2
dL      1 dy
 dy 
Since x = y2 and then dx/dy = 2y
 2 y   1 dy
dL 
The centroid is located at

 xdL  x 4 y  1 dy  y
4 y2  1 dy 0.6063
x L
 0
 0
  0.410m
 dL  4 y  1 dy 
1 1
4 y2  1 dy 1.479
0 0

 ydL  y 4 y  1 dy 0.8484

y L
 0
  0.574m

 4 y  1 dy 1.479

9.2 Composite Bodies
Example 9.10
Locate the centroid of the plate area.
Composite Parts
Plate divided into 3 segments.
Area of small rectangle considered “negative”.

Moment Arm
Location of the centroid for each piece is
determined and indicated in the diagram.
~xA  4
x   0.348 mm
 A 11 .5
~y A 14
y   1.22 mm
 A 11 .5
9.5 Fluid Pressure
• Magnitude of depends on the specific weight or mass density
of the fluid and the depth z of the point from the fluid surface
p   z   gz Valid for incompressible fluids
Flat Plate of Constant Width
• As pressure varies linearly with depth, the
distribution of pressure over the plate’s surface is
represented by a trapezoidal volume having an
intensity of w1  bp1  brz1 at depth z1 and w2  bp2  brz2
at depth z2
• Magnitude of the resultant force FR
= volume of this loading diagram
Curved Plate of Constant Width

Example 9.14
Determine the magnitude and location of the resultant hydrostatic
force acting on the submerged rectangular plate AB. The plate has
a width of 1.5m; w = 1000kg/m3.
The water pressures at depth A and B are
 A   w gz A  (1000 kg / m3 )(9.81m / s 2 )(2m)  19.62kPa
 B   w gzB  (1000 kg / m3 )(9.81m / s 2 )(5m)  49.05kPa

For intensities of the load at A and B,

wA  b A  (1.5m)(19.62kPa)  29.43kN / m
wB  b B  (1.5m)(49.05kPa)  73.58kN / m

FR  (3)(29.4  73.6)  154.5N

This force acts through the centroid

of the area, 1  2(29.43)  73.58 
h  (3)  1.29 m
3  29.43  73.58  97
measured upwards from B
Chapter 10 Moments of Inertia
• Method for determining the moment of inertia for an area
• Introduce product of inertia and show determine the
maximum and minimum moments of inertia for an area
• Definitions of Moments of Inertia for Areas
• Parallel-Axis Theorem for an Area
• Radius of Gyration of an Area
• Moments of Inertia for Composite Areas
• Product of Inertia for an Area
• Moments of Inertia for an Area about Inclined Axes
• Mohr’s Circle for Moments of Inertia
• Mass Moment of Inertia 98
10.1 Definition of Moments of Inertia for Areas

• Centroid for an area is determined by the first moment of an area about an

• Second moment of an area is referred as the moment of inertia
Moment of Inertia
• moments of inertia of the differential plane area dA

dIx  y2 dA dI y  x2 dA
Ix   y2 dA I y   x2 dA

• Formulate the second moment of dA about z axis

dJ O  r 2 dA
where r is perpendicular from the pole (z axis) to the element dA
• Polar moment of inertia for entire area,
Jz   r2 dA  Ix  I y
10.2 Parallel Axis Theorem for an Area

• Determine the moment of inertia of area about a corresponding parallel.

• For moment of inertia of dA about x
dI x   y ' d y  dA

• For entire area

I x    y ' d y  dA

  y '2 dA  2d y  y ' dA  d y2  dA

 y ' dA  y  dA  0; y 0
 Ix  Ix  Ad y2 and I y  I y  Adx2
• For polar moment of inertia
J z  JC  Ad 2

10.3 Radius of Gyration of an Area

• Radius of gyration of a planar area has units of length and is

a quantity used in the design of columns in structural
• For radii of gyration

Ix Iy Jz
kx  ky  kz 

Example 10.1

Determine the moment of inertia for the rectangular area with respect to (a)
the centroidal x’ axis, (b) the axis xb passing through the base of the
rectangular, and (c) the pole or z’ axis perpendicular to the x’-y’ plane and
passing through the centroid C.


h/2 h/2 1 3
I x   y '2 dA   y '2 (bdy ' )   y '2 dy  bh
A h / 2 h / 2 12

By applying parallel axis theorem,

1 h 1
I xb  I x  Ad 2  bh 3  bh    bh 3
12 2 3
For polar moment of inertia about point C,
1 3 1
Iy '  hb and JC  Ix  I y '  bh(h2  b2 ) 102
12 12
10.5 Product of Inertia for an Area
• Moment of inertia for an area is different for every axis
• Product of inertia for an element of area dA located at a
point (x, y) is defined as dIxy  xydA
Ixy   xydA
Parallel Axis Theorem
• For the product of inertia of dA with
respect to the x and y axes
dI xy    x' d x  y ' d y dA
• For the entire area,
dI xy    x' d x  y ' d y dA

  x' y ' dA  d x  y 'dA  d y  x'dA  d x d y  dA

• Forth integral represent the total area A,
I xy  I x ' y '  Ad x d y
10.6 Moments of Inertia for an Area about Inclined Axes
 x u 
r    , r   
 y v 
  x   cos   sin   u 
r  Ar ,    
 y   sin  cos    v 
u   cos  sin    x 
r  AT r ,    
 v    sin  cos    y 
Ixx   y2 dA, Iyy   x2 dA, Ixy   xydA
Consider moment of inertia matrix
 Ixx Ixy   Iuu Iuv 
I= 
 I  I 
 I xy I yy   uv Ivv  v
Then I  AT IA and I  A I AT
Principal Moments of Inertia
• Or find the eigenvalue of I or I’
0 x 104
Example 10.8
Determine the principal moments of inertia for the beam’s cross-sectional
area with respect to an axis passing through the centroid.

Moment and product of inertia of the cross-sectional area,

 
I x  2.90 10 9 mm 4  
I y  5.60 10 9 mm 4  
I z  3.00 10 9 mm 4

 2.9 3 
I 
  3 5.6 
( -2.9)( -5.6)+9 =0
 2  8.5  7.24  0
eigenvalue of  (I )  0.96 or 7.54
0.96  2.9 3   1.94 3   3 
eigenvector I x   x,    
0.96  2.9   3 1.94  1.94 
x x 0, x
 3   
7.54  2.9 3   4.64 3   3 
   x   3 1.94  x  0, x   4.64 
 3 7.54 5.6      105
10.7 Mohr’s Circle for Moments of Inertia
• The circle constructed is known as a Mohr’s circle with radius
 Ix  Iy

R     I xy2
 2 
and center at (a, 0) where a  I x  I y  / 2

10.7 Mohr’s Circle for Moments of Inertia

Determine Ix, Iy and Ixy

• Establish the x, y axes for the area, with the origin located at point P of
interest and determine Ix, Iy and Ixy
Principal of Moments of Inertia
• Points where the circle intersects the abscissa give the values of the
principle moments of inertia Imin and Imax
• Product of inertia will be zero at these points

Principle Axes
• This angle represent twice the angle from the x axis to the area in question
to the axis of maximum moment of inertia Imax
• The axis for the minimum moment of inertia Imin is perpendicular to 107
axis for Imax
10.8 Mass Moment of Inertia
• Mass moment of inertia is defined as the integral of the second moment about an axis of all
the elements of mass dm which compose the body
• For body’s moment of inertia
about the z axis,

I   r 2 dm

• The axis that is generally chosen

for analysis, passes through the
body’s mass center G
• When ρ being a constant,
I    r 2 dV

For moment of inertia of body

about the z axis,

m m

I   r 2 dm   d  x'  y '2 dm

 
  x'2  y '2 dm  2d  x' dm  d
 dm

Parallel Axis Theorem

For moment of inertia about the z axis,
I = IG + md2
Radius of Gyration I  mk 2 or k 
m 108
Chapter 11 Objectives
• Principle of virtual work and applies to determining the
equilibrium configuration of a series of pin-connected
• Establish the potential energy function and use the
potential energy method
• Definition of Work
• Principle of Virtual Work
• Principle of Virtual Work for a System of Connected
Rigid Bodies
• Conservative Forces
• Potential Energy
• Potential-Energy Criterion for Equilibrium
• Stability of Equilibrium Configuration 109
11.1 Definition of Work
Work of a Force
• Consider the force F located in the path s specified by
the position vector r
• Work dU is a scalar quantity defined by the dot
dU  F  dr  Fds cos
Work of a Couple Moment
• For work of both forces,
dU  Md

11.1 Virtual of Work

Virtual Work
• For virtual work done by a force undergoing virtual
 U  F cos   r
• When a couple undergoes a virtual rotation in the plane
of the couple forces, for virtual work,

 U  M 

11.2 Principle of Virtual Work

• Consider the FBD of the ball which rests on the floor

• Imagine the ball to be displacement downwards a virtual
amount y and weight does positive virtual work W δy and
normal force does negative virtual work -N δy
• For equilibrium,
 U  W  y  N  y  (W  N ) y  0
• Since  y  0 , then N = W

11.2 Principle of Virtual Work

• Consider simply supported beam, with a given rotation

about point B
• Only forces that do work are P and Ay
• Since  y  l  and  y '  (l / 2) , virtual work
 U  Ay (l  )  P(l / 2)  ( Ay l  Pl / 2)
• Since   0, Ay  P / 2.
• Excluding  , terms in parentheses represent moment
equilibrium about B

11.3 Principle of Virtual Work

• Method of virtual work used for solving equilibrium

problems involving a system of several connected
rigid bodies
• Specify the number of degrees of freedom for the
system and establish the coordinates that define the
position of the system

11.4 Conservative Forces
Gravitation Force
U    Wdy  Wh

Spring Force
s2 s2 1 1 
U   Fs ds   (ks)ds   ks22  ks12 
s1 s1
2 2 

11.5 Potential Energy
Gravitational Potential Energy
Vg = W y
Elastic Potential Energy
Ve = ½ ks2

11.6 Criterion for Equilibrium
System having one degree of freedom
dV/dq = 0
Stable Equilibrium
• Stable system has a tendency to return to its original
Neutral Equilibrium
• A neutral equilibrium system still remains in
equilibrium when the system is given a small
Unstable Equilibrium
• An unstable system has atendency to be displaced
further away from its original equilibrium position
11.7 Stability of Equilibrium Configuration

11.7 Stability of Equilibrium Configuration

System having One Degree of Freedom

• If V = V(q) is a minimum,
dV/dq = 0
d2V/dq2 > 0  stable equilibrium
• If V = V(q) is a maximum
dV/dq = 0
d2V/dq2 < 0  unstable equilibrium
• For system in neutral equilibrium,
dV/dq = d2V/dq2 = d3V/dq3 = 0

Example 11.5
The uniform link has a mass of 10kg. The spring is un-
stretched when = 0° . Determine the angle for
equilibrium and investigate the stability at the equilibrium

Potential Function
V  Ve  Vg
1 2  l 
 ks  W  s  cos  
2  2 
Since l  s  l cos  or s  l l  cos  ,

kl 1  cos    2  cos  
1 2 Wl

2 2
Equilibrium Position
 kl 2 1  cos  sin   sin   0
dV Wl
d 2
 W
l kl 1  cos     sin   0
 2
 sin   0,  0 or
 W  1  10(9.81) 
  cos 1 
  cos 1    53.8
 2kl   2(200)(0.6) 
d 2V
 kl 2
1  cos   cos   kl 2
sin  sin  
cos 
d 2
 kl 2 cos   cos 2  
cos 
2 2
2  0
 29.4  0 unstable equilibrium @   0
d 2V
 53.8  46.9  0 stable equilibrium @   53.8 124
d 2

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