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Addiction Biology (2002) 7, 103± 110


Metabolic effects of the consumption of Areca



Department of Diabetes and Metabolic Medicine, Medical and Dental School, Queen Mary,
University of London, Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel, London, UK

Betel nut (Areca catechu) is chewed regularly by at least 10% of the world population, imported by immigrant
users wherever they settle, and is the fourth most widely used addictive substance. It is thought, by users, to
soothe the digestion and to be a stimulant and its use has a major role in social situations. Specific arecal
alkaloids act as competitive inhibitors of GABA receptors and have widespread effects in the body, including
actions on the brain, cardiovascular system, lungs, gut and pancreas. Nitrosated derivatives of arecal alkaloids,
proven carcinogens inducing tumours throughout the upper gut and foregut derivatives in animals, are also
associated with increased tumour risks in man. These nitrosated compounds are also diabetogenic in CD1 mice,
producing a type 2 diabetes with obesity. Increased central obesity is found in association with betel usage in man
as well as increases in circulating markers of inflammatory and cardiovascular damage. The effects of chronic
betel usage in man are at least as diverse as those of smoking and the habit increases the risks of ill health.

Paan consumption is a psychoactive and addictive There are four main arecal alkaloids, arecoline,
habit and is used by about 600 million people arecaidine, guvacine and guvacoline. Arecal alka-
worldwide. Only three `addictive’ substances are loids have anti-muscarinic effects on smooth
used more widely: nicotine, ethanol and caffeine. muscle, especially arecoline. They also bind to
Several mechanisms have been identified by GABA receptors in the brain, contributing to
which the specific alkaloids of the Areca catechu their psychoactive effects. GABA receptors are
nuts, chewed alone or within Paan `quids’ or chloride channels, similar in structure to acetyl-
`chews’ made by wrapping chopped betel-nut, choline receptors and are found in many tissues
sea shells or slaked lime, and sometimes other of the body, including pancreatic islets, where
ingredients, in a leaf of the piper betle vine arecal alkaloids can also be expected to have
produce physical and psychological effects. Users physiological effects; for example, arecaidine is as
report increased well-being and stamina, a sooth- active as GABA in stimulating collagen synthesis
ing effect on the digestion, protection of the by buccal fibroblasts.4,5
mouth and gums and some euphoria. Acute ill Arecoline is not a simple activating ligand for
effects are also reported at high rates of usage and the GABA receptor since it acts as a GABA
include cardiac arrhythmia, exacerbation of receptor `blocker’ , preventing normal GABA
asthma, acute psychosis and acute gut upset.1± 3 inhibition of neurotransmission. 6 Since neuro-

Correspondence to: B. J. Boucher, Department of Diabetes and Metabolic Medicine, Medical and Dental
School, Queen Mary, University of London, Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel, London E1 1BB, UK.

ISSN 1355-6215 print/ISSN 1369-1600 online/02/010103-08

€ Society for the Study of Addiction to Alcohol and Other Drugs Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/13556210120091464
104 B. J. Boucher & N. Mannan

suppressant benzodiazepines such as diazepam potassium concentrations, suggesting paan com-

(valium) are thought to potentiate GABA activity ponents may affect the entry of Ca2+ into cells
while arecal alkaloids act as GABA inhibitors the through high-voltage channels.13± 15 At modest
`stimulant’ or `euphoriant’ effects of betel con- dosage betel quid consumption affects the sym-
sumption could be predicted to be diametrically pathetic nervous system but at high dosage, both
opposite to the effects of anxiolytic benzodiaze- sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves are acti-
pines such as valium. It is not known whether vated. The latter effect may contribute to the
arecal alkaloids would be as effective as the reduction in RR interval rate variation seen on
diazepam antagonist flumazenil in the treatment electrocardiogram with high consumption rates
of overdosage but on theoretical grounds people of plain betel nut in man.16 Other effects on the
using areca nut might be resistant to benzodiaze- cardiovascular system reported include vasocon-
pines. On electroencephalogram (EEG) betel striction of blood vessels; in the presence of
quid consumption leads to increased alpha activ- narrowed vessels this could increase the risk of
ity in the occipital region, with more general and acute coronary events in betel quid users with
more marked increases in beta activity in man, ischaemic heart disease (IHD) although only a
these features being found together with reduc- single case report so far suggests that this may
tion in theta activity. Together these findings occur.17
support the suggestion that arecal alkaloids do in Despite the `soothing’ effects on the digestion
fact increase cerebral arousal with some lesser reported by users, there appears to be an increase
increase in `relaxation’ .7 Reaction latency time in peptic ulceration in betel quid chewers as in
has been shown to be increased within minutes by smokers and khat users.18 Chewers have an
betel chewing while visual information processing increased rate of salivary secretion with resultant
is not altered in habitual chewers.8,9 These dilution of amylase and K + . Increasing tobacco
neurological responses of betel quid are described usage further reduces its K + content.19 Effects on
in detailed by Chu in this issue. the mucosa include increased acid back-diffusion
Betel chewing is thought to reduce the severity and reduction in mucous secretion, effects asso-
of symptoms in schizophrenia with reduction in ciated with haemorrhagic peptic ulceration in
both positive and negative symptoms. Extrapyr- animals and likely to contribute to the increased
amidal symptoms in schizophrenic patients on risk of peptic ulceration in man. These effects are
neuroleptic medication are not normally exacer- corrected by alkalinization with sodium bicarbon-
bated by moderate betel quid usage, although ate or the administration of therapeutic agents
there is a report of severe extrapyramidal symp- that block acid secretion.20 Objective studies have
toms in association with phases of unusually shown that there is an acetylcholine-like effect of
heavy betel quid usage thought to be due to areca nut extract on the bowel due to the action of
antagonism of the anticholinergic agent procycli- arecoline in particular, probably mediated
dine by arecoline.10,11 through neuroreceptors in the autonomic nerve
The immediate effects of betel quid chewing plexus of the bowel wall. Regular consumption of
include palpitations, sweating and facial flushing areca nut leads to abnormal liver function with
with a feeling of skin warmth. Objective studies increases in serum aminotransferases in rodents
have confirmed that facial skin temperatures suggesting hepatocellular damage.21 It is not
rapidly increase by 0.5 to 2Æ C with betel use.12 known whether such damage might increase the
While the pulse rate increases, whether or not the risk of cirrhosis of the liver, but this is an
user is habituated to betel use, increases in blood unusually common problem in users in east
pressure are only seen in novices.13 The piper London, only sometimes accounted for by
betle vine leaf, used as a wrap in making paan chronic viral hepatitis B and rarely, in this
quids, appear to activate the sympathetic nervous Muslim community, by the use of alcohol. The
system at low dosage and to increase production effects of paan usage on secretion of digestive
of adrenal medullary catecholamines. Areca nut juices and enzymes have also been studied. Two
has also been reported to induce higher basal types of piper betle vine leaf are used; the pungent
secretion of catecholamines from adrenal chro- (Mysore) leaf and the non-pungent (Ambadi) leaf
maffin cells than other paan ingredients. Chewing and both stimulate pancreatic lipase secretion.
juices can, in vitro, inhibit the secretion of The Ambadi, but not the Mysore leaves, also
catacholamines in response to carbachol or high increase intestinal enzyme secretion, especially of
Metabolic effects of consumption of areca nut 105

lipase, amylase and disacchharidases, while both the development of diabetes. This is a mecha-
types of leaves reduce pancreatic trypsin and nism, therefore, that might be capable of leading
chymotrypsin secretion.22 to hyperglycaemia, or eventual diabetes, over
It was suggested early this century that areca time.
nut chewing could aggravate asthma.23 Patients Reduced expression of GAD is produced by
seen at follow-up for asthma have reported GABA inhibition and this in turn reduces
noticing that their asthma was made worse by use autoimmune responses to GAD in rat islets and
of areca nut; over half of those who had given up brain.32 It has been suggested that such inhibition
using betel had done so because of adverse effects of GAD antigenicity might reduce the risk of the
on their asthma. Observations on the effect of development of type 1 diabetes in those at risk.
areca nut have shown minor reductions in FEV1 Since arecal alkaloids are likely to inhibit GABA
in non-asthmatics, improvement in FEV1 by up receptors in the islets, as they do in the brain, it is
to + 10% in asthmatics without worsening of possible that areca chewing provides protection
symptoms with betel use and a reduction, averag- from progression from type 2 to type 1
ing 22%, in FEV1 in asthmatics reporting wors- diabetes.
ened symptoms after betel use. More recently this Nitrosamine derivatives from each of the four
observation has been supported by studies of major arecal alkaloids are produced by nitrosa-
airway obstruction in asthmatics; inhalation of tion of the alkaloids in dried stored nuts, in the
arecoline causing bronchoconstriction in a large mouth and especially in the acid conditions
proportion of asthmatic non-areca-using patients found in the stomach in the presence of nitric
and in a small proportion of healthy non- oxide generated by bacterial action. Two of these
asthmatic controls. In areca users with asthma a derivatives are accepted as carcinogenic in ani-
reduction in FEV1 of up to 30% lasting several mal studies, MNPN (methylnitrosaminoproprio-
hours could be produced by inhalation of areco- nitrile) being the most carcinogenic. 33 The
line while in vitro it caused dose-related constric- administration of arecal nitrosamines induces
tion of bronchial smooth muscle.24± 26 growths, often at multiple sites including the
It is possible that betel leaf extract may affect naso- and oropharynx, the stomach, liver, lungs
thyroid function, low doses increasing triiodo- and pancreas and also the forebrain. It is of
thyronine to thyroxine ratios (suggesting interest that the same parts of the body develop
increased activation of thyroxine) in rodents while these tumours whether arecal nitrosamines are
high doses had the reverse effect.27 Theoretically given by mouth or by intravenous injection and
such changes, if found in man, could lead to that all the tissues and organs affected originate
hypothyroidism. during development from the embryonic fore-
The consumption of arecoline, and perhaps of gut.34 The targeting of specific organs by specific
the leaves of the piper-betle, causes short-term nitroso-compounds is a well-known phenom-
hypoglycaemia. 28,29 The mechanism by which enon thought to be determined by the tertiary
this effect is produced is unclear and there do not structure of the nitrosated parent molecule.
appear to be any reports of clinical problems Damage to cell nuclei with increased methyla-
arising from this effect. The inhibitory neuro- tion of DNA and increases in mutation rates
transmitter GABA is found, and its receptor then follow, largely as a result of free radical
expressed, in islet beta cells.30. One of the GABA cascades generated by these unstable nitroso-
shunt enzymes, glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) compounds. The evidence for the carcinoge-
is also found in islet cells and is an antigen nicity of arecal nitrosamines has not been felt to
strongly associated with the appearance of GAD be as strong in man as it is in animals, the
antibodies at the onset of type 1 diabetes in evidence reviewed by the IARC in the late 1980s
man.31 Since arecal alkaloids act as GABA being adduced to be `suggestive but not compel-
receptor inhibitors they could, by blocking the ling’ .34 Further evidence continues to accrue on
inhibitory effects of GABA on glucagon and this difficult subject but it is perhaps unlikely
somatotrophin secretion, increase their release. that man will prove to differ much from other
An immediate effect of a rise in glucagon is animals in his vulnerability to these toxins.
insulin release with subsequent hypoglycaemia Insulin-secreting beta cells of the pancreatic
but chronic hyperglucagonaemia, much as hyper- islets are derived from the embryological foregut
secretion of growth hormone, is associated with so that they too may be targets for arecal
106 B. J. Boucher & N. Mannan

nitrosamines. Many nitrosated compounds have There is additional evidence for the diabetoge-
been found to be diabetogenic and have been nicity of another specific nitroso-compound in
used experimentally to induce type 1 diabetes. man. Survivors of accidental ingestion of the rat
The best-known and most widely used of these is poison Vacor develop either type 1 or type 2
probably streptozotocin (STZ) which has also diabetes according to the magnitude of the dose
been used in the treatment of malignant insulin- taken. Survivors of the larger doses of this
secreting tumours of the pancreatic islets in man. material sold in the United States develop type 1
High-dose treatment with STZ induces perma- diabetes while only 20% of survivors of the
nent type 1 diabetes in these patients, just as it smaller doses sold in Korea develop type 1
does in animals, with dependence on insulin diabetes, 80% of survivors developing type 2
injections thereafter. Since it became clear that diabetes.42 Considered against this background
there was also a considerable risk of developing of knowledge the fact that the reported structure
primary adenocarcinoma of the liver after STZ of arecal alkaloids, and hence their nitrosated
therapy this form of treatment is still used widely derivatives, appear to contain a ring-shaped
but in very specific ways. 35,36 moiety similar in configuration to that of glucose
One feature common to diabetogenic nitroso- suggested the possibility that betel nut consump-
compounds, including STZ, is that they each tion might be diabetogenic.
contain a moiety with a `ring’ structure similar in The effect of areca feeding on glucose tolerance
configuration to the chair-shaped `ring’ of hexo- and on the pancreatic islets has been investigated
meric glucose. It is this part of the molecule that in the mouse.43 Ground dried cured areca nut
may, by binding to islet beta cell glucose recep- was bought in shops used by the Bangladeshi
tors, account for their diabetogenicity.37 Damage community in Tower Hamlets and fed to normal
or, at high dosage, destruction of the beta cell young adult CD1 mice at 20% in a standard low
then develops and this probably results from the nitrosamine feed for 5 days. Ninety-minute
local generation of free radical cascades by these plasma glucose concentrations on intraperitoneal
unstable nitrosated compounds. While high doses glucose tolerance tests were used for comparison.
of STZ lead to permanent type1 diabetes and A diagnosis of diabetes was defined by 90-minute
early death in the absence of insulin replacement, plasma glucose levels > 3 standard deviations
low doses can be used to produce a type 2 above the mean values found in groups of healthy
diabetes-like syndrome, treated animals not being pair fed control mice of the same age, sex and
dependent on insulin for survival. 38 generation; 8.3% of betel-fed adults developed
Similar findings are reported for dietary sour- permanent hyperglycaemia, central obesity and
ces of nitroso-compounds. Increased maternal islet enlargement with beta-cell changes typical of
intake of nitrosamines being associated with human type 2 diabetes in contrast to an incidence
increases in childhood type 1 diabetes in man.39 of diabetes of 0.5% in the colony as a whole and
Smoked cured mutton, a local delicacy popular in in control-fed animals. When the areca-fed ani-
Iceland, contained nitrosamines in larger mals, especially areca-fed F0 males, were mated
amounts in the 1980s than are now permitted. with controls 4 weeks after completion of test-
Diabetes developed, as a permanent condition, in feeding similar abnormalities of body build,
significant numbers of normally fed offspring of glycaemia and islet morphology developed at 3%
adult CD1 mice (fathers or mothers) that had to 10.2% in each of the subsequent non-areca fed
been fed Icelandic smoked cured mutton over a generations studied (F1± F3). The rates at which
5-day period more than 2 weeks before mating. these abnormalities appeared were independent
Similar changes were also found after feeding of maternal hyperglycaemia in each generation
pure smoked cured mutton nitrosamines.40 There studied. Diabetes also appeared at a greater rate
was no disturbance of glucose homeostasis in the in the offspring of areca-fed F0 fathers than of
fed adults in either of these mouse studies. While areca-fed F0 mothers. The mechanism for the
smoked cured mutton was never confirmed to be inheritance of the diabetes is not known. It may
diabetogenic in man the reduced incidence of be due to direct damage to germ cells since sperm
childhood diabetes seen in Iceland compared to heads, and their nucleii, show obvious damage on
that seen in other European countries in the years light microscopy at the same interval of time after
since the regulation of smoked mutton nitrosa- completion of 5 days’ betel feeding as the interval
mines is of interest.41 before mating in our betel feeding studies.44
Metabolic effects of consumption of areca nut 107

We have more recently examined the effects of experimentally and in man. A subgroup of
feeding the most carcinogenic of the arecal vitamin D-deficient subjects, supplemented by a
nitrosamines (MNPN), in CD1 mice at 35 mg/kg depot injection of calciferol, 100 000 i.u. was re-
of feed for 5 days. Since paan leaves contain beta- studied 12 weeks later and insulin secretion was
carotene, which is known to reduce the carcino- found to be markedly increased.
genic effect of paan usage in man as well as in A further study carried out between 1995 and
animals, we have also examined the effect of 1997, designed to look specifically at vitamin D
MNPN administration with added beta-carotene. deficiency as a risk factor for both type 2 diabetes
Significant hyperglycaemia was found in male but and for ischaemic heart disease, surveyed nearly
not female adult MNPN-fed CD1 mice by the 700 `healthy’ adult British Bangladeshis aged
age of 18 weeks and this effect was reduced by 30± 65 years. People with ongoing illness, includ-
added beta carotene.45 ing diabetes, were excluded. Paan usage was
Thus there is a theoretical basis for suspecting again recorded and similar relationships between
that areca nut might well prove to be a diabeto- body build, glycaemia and paan usage were found
genic item of diet. Since areca consumption (unpublished data). Assessments made on 171 of
could increase the risk of the development of the 174 subjects found to be at risk of diabetes
diabetes in man a study was made of glycaemia in included anthropometry, questionnaire records
relation to paan usage and other recognized risk of diet, smoking rates and betel chewing tobacco
factors for type 2 diabetes in ~ 1000 adult usage. Subjects at risk of diabetes underwent a
Bangladeshis living in Tower Hamlets, east Lon- full oral glucose tolerance test together with
don, between 1991 and 1993.46 Increases in measurement of other known risk markers for
waist-size and weight, the major markers for diabetes and IHD. Rates of paan usage were
hyperglycaemia in this population, 47 were found virtually unchanged from those found in the
to be in direct relation to paan usage. These earlier study reaching > 80% in men aged 30± 50
findings were independent of the effects of other and > 90% in women aged 40± 60 in both
risk factors for central obesity such as age or studies. The use of paan by those in their 30s
parity. A study of anthropomophic features in increased from 81.7 to 85.2% in men and from
relation to areca, paan, smoking and tobacco 81% to 93.4% in women between the two studies.
usage in SE Asia has reported reduction in body Smoking prevalence was much lower in women
mass index and an increase in resting metabolic than men in both surveys but had increased in
rate (RMR) in relation to increasing areca and women in their 50s and 60s from 13.4% to 21.5%
paan usage but only in association with increases and 15.8% to 19.2%, respectively, between the
in ambient temperature.48 Increases in RMR first and second study. Smoking in men had fallen
could be accounted for by increased heat loss in each age group other than in those in their 30s,
since areca chewing increases skin temperature, the maximum reduction being from 88.5% to
as discussed above. The differences between the 64.1% in men in their 40s. Tobacco use in
findings in these two studies may reflect the fact women, recorded only in the second study,
that changes in ambient temperature in the ranged from 44.5% to 80.0% with peak usage by
United Kingdom are not large enough to affect those in their 60s whilst in men it ranged from
RMRs. 14.7% to 30.5% with peak usage by those in their
One other additional risk factor for diabetes 60s.
present in the east London Bangladeshi study In addition to glycaemia, insulin profiles and
population was the high prevalence of vitamin D standard risk factors for diabetes and ischaemic
deficiency.49 This was found in 90% of those `at- heart disease (IHD) vitamin D status, vitamin D
risk’ of diabetes (spot blood glucose > 6.6 mmol/l receptor (VDR) genotypes, serum homocysteine,
< 2 hours pc or > 4.4 mmol/l > 2 hours pc on plasma matrix metalloproteinases (2 and 9) and
two separate occasions) and in 45% of those not the MMP inhibitor TIMP-1 were measured.
at risk. Insulin secretion was directly related to Each of the recognised risk markers for type 2
vitamin-D status independently of other factors diabetes and IHD was examined in relation to
and glycaemia was inversely related to vitamin D vitamin D status and to the use of paan, of
status independently of other factors. These chewing tobacco and cigarettes smoked in addi-
findings confirm previous reports on vitamin D tion to other recognized risk factors such as age
deficiency as a risk factor for diabetes both and central obesity.
108 B. J. Boucher & N. Mannan

Forty-two of the 44 vitamin-D deficient sub- mented subjects were reduced by ± 68%.58 In
jects [serum 25(OH) vitamin D < 11 ng/ml] contrast, plasma TIMP-1 concentration was
agreed to be vitamin D-supplemented for a year found, using multiple regression analysis, to
(by depot calciferol injection 3-monthly) and increase in direct relation to daily paan quid
were re-assessed at the end of supplementation. usage, independently of other risk factors in
Significant reductions were found in circulating nearly 100 vitamin-D insufficient subjects.
apolipoprotein-b and in PAI-1.50,51 Increases of TIMP-1, independent of MMP9
Increases in circulating homocysteine are with which it is normally co expressed, are
found in people with active IHD and are more thought to contribute to the risk of disorders
common in those with folate deficiency although where increased fibrosis contributes to disease
genetic disorders contribute to this abnormal- progression, including cirrhosis of the liver and
ity.52 The healthy Bangladeshi group we studied hypertensive ventricular hypertrophy: common
was free of known diabetes or IHD but had a problems in this population.59 This mechanism
remarkably high prevalence of both folate insuffi- may also prove to contribute to the development
ciency and of abnormally high levels of homo- of submucous fibrosis (SMF) in man. Since we
cysteine.53 On multiple regression analysis inde- have found plasma TIMP-1 to vary with Taq-1
pendent increases in homocysteine were found polymorphisms of the VDR gene, independent of
with reductions in serum folate (p < 0.000), as other factors such as vitamin D status, the VDR
expected, but also with the numbers of cigarettes gene could itself be a risk marker for SMF.60
smoked per day (p = 0.003) and the number of It is most unlikely that the pathogenic effects of
paan quids used daily (p = 0.025), although there betel use, alone or in paan quids, has a role
was no relationship with tobacco chewing. Smok- limited to its effects in the mouth since it is clear
ing and paan usage together had as great an effect that its actions affect many processes in many
as that of folate status in the determination of tissues. Indeed, the disorders where areca usage
serum homocysteine. 53 While the need for ade- plays a part are likely to be at least as diverse as
quate folate fortification is under debate, and those in which smoking is now known to play a
already in place in products such as cereals, it role.
may be that the avoidance of smoking and of paan
usage could be equally effective in this regard.
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