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Macroeconomic Indicator: Unemployment

Sustainable Goal: Development of Peace and Justice

- In our study, we want to compare and show the relationship between unemployment and peace and justice. in the
Philippines. Crimes against property are actions that are destructive of someone else’s property. It includes theft, robbery,
larceny, burglary, motor vehicle theft, shoplifting, arson and vandalism.

We’ve limited our research to crimes against property because it more rampant and relevant in the Philippines from
2011 through 2015 compared to other forms of crime.

- This is the data that we have collected from NSO’s Philippine in Figures with regards to unemployment and crime
in the Philippines for 2011-2015. We have observed that there is positive correlation between unemployment and crime
and unemployment

- From the graph, we can also observe that as unemployment rate increased the number of crimes against property
significantly increased like in 2012 where these crime became thirty-six (36) percent of the total crimes compared to the
previous year when it was only twenty-one (21) percent of the total crimes.

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