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Siena College, Inc.

Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity

Chapter 1



Anime is the Japanese animation. The largest influence on anime was television.
Most shows were for boys or both. In the twenty first century, anime changed significantly
and encompasses the breath of every Filipino people especially kids. This research
examines the impact of anime on student’s behavior in an effort to provide the reader with
an understanding of anime, their social structures and the issues behind this popular cultural
product. It gives positive vibes to every student who really wants to enjoy reading and
watching animes.

Before and during World War II, Japan had a fascist period when artists were
censored and restricted to creating propaganda for theatrical features. After the war, anime
and cinema both took a dive because of the damage inflicted in battle. As the 1950s
progressed, the Japanese movie industry began to flourish and directors such as Kurosawa
and Ozu became world-famous. In 1962, a manga artist named Osamu Tezuka released his
first animated feature. With the advent of television, there was soon a program based on
Tezuka’s 50’s manga character; his doll-with-a-soul was redubbed into English and called
Astro Boy.

Anime tells a story over a long series and you can never be sure what the ending will
be. It is also not unusual for a major character to die, lose a loved one or fail at what they
are trying to do. The characters in anime can be changeable. Heroes can show bad traits
and even commit horrid acts, although they regret them and express those emotions. In
Siena College, Inc.
Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity

addition, in serious anime there can be a sudden comedic interlude, such that a farce can
have tragic moments.

The style of anime is difficult to define anime in terms of its style since it incorporates
so many different ways of visualizing animated images. In its most traditional form, anime
resembles American animation and grew in terms of realism throughout the 20th century.
However, anime is also sometimes much more stylized and relies on overlapping patterns
or the scale of objects rather than the western notions of perspective to define a three-
dimensional space. In this way, anime is influenced by classical Japanese art such as
watercolour or ink scroll paintings.

The evolution of anime and as it grew into a worldwide phenomenon during the
twentieth century traditional Japanese subject matter was gradually replaced by broader
storytelling that could be enjoyed by a wider audience. The advent of television in the
1950s gave anime a new outlet, and some of the most well-known anime characters are
actually from serialized television programs. Anime also grew in terms of realism, partly
due to new techniques for reproducing images, especially by using computers to add
Siena College, Inc.
Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity

Statement of the Problem

This study wants to determine their goals in releasing anime and how difficult to create a
good quality of animated images to impress the viewers and the fans that are waiting for
an entertaining seasons and episodes. To be more specific the researches aim to:

1. What is the main goal of anime according to the Japanese culture?

2. Which piece of anime uses synchronized sound?

3. Why it is difficult to define anime in terms of its style since it incorporates so many
ways of visualizing animated images?

4. What are the struggles that an animator is facing when he is inventing a new anime?

5. Why it is important to use background images in making animation?

6. How did realism helps anime to grow?

7. What are the reactions of the viewer when there’s a new released anime?

8. What are the benefits of it in the viewers?

Siena College, Inc.
Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity

Significance of the Study

This study is significant for study material and children of today’s generation. Study
material - nowadays our life is circulating to the internet, we can do many things through
the internet as well as watching anime or reading manga, the so-called millennial children
are basically internet inclined, we found out having visuals as a type of study material
because it can really help us to gather information much easier as we enjoys watching and
seeing pictures that can really make up our imagination that helps us remember much better
for we can see a concrete image of what is being describe in every word that the teachers
digests to us, we can easily memorize things with visual and sounds so Japan declared
Anime as a good study material to use in schools. Children of our generation - Children of
our generation can easily have their interest with visuals that has bright color and attractive
sounds that follows with the animation. With this thing we can conclude that giving this
anime and manga that has a lesson can really help children to gather knowledge and good
moral. Entertainment for anyone - Being an otaku can be count as an advantage because
anime can entertain you for a long period of time it can help anyone to avoid other things
that can harm them because instead of doing vices, they can watch anime to spend their
time instead of doing their vices.
Siena College, Inc.
Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity

Scope and Limitation of The Study

The topics of the study comprises the anime history, circumstances, creators, facts
and how does it affect the people. This study includes some of the issue of anime has faced
in long way run of it until it gets famous in whole world. These researches will focus from
its root to branches to be understand by people on how it created and why it is created. It
may include some genre status and list of the longest anime show.

This study is limited only for those people who takes anime as a hobby since it may
affect some belief of the few because of the content it is has and some may not be suitable
for children but can be guided by the older ones. This research is created for those who are
interested and want to be get interest in anime. This study will not include some present
anime updates. This will not include the darker part of anime because it may affect the
psychological status of the readers.
Siena College, Inc.
Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity



I. Introduction
A. Background Study of anime
1. Early History
2. Style of anime
3. Evolution of anime
B. Statement of the Problem
C. Significance of the Study
D. Scope and its Limitation

II. World of ANIME

A. Greatest Companies of all time in the world of anime
1. Japan-based companies
1.1 Animation studios
1.2 Producers
2. Non-Japanese companies
2.1 Distributors
2.1.1 North America & other regions
2.1.2 South America
2.1.3 Europe-exclusive
2.1.4 Australia
2.1.5 Defunct
3. Producers
III. Anime Maniac
A. Books Publishers
1. Manga
1.1 Weeaboo
1.2 Otaku
Siena College, Inc.
Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity

Otaku Burst
Siena College, Inc.
Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity

A Term Paper
Presented to
the Faculty of the Basic Education Department
Level 2
Siena College, Quezon City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Secondary Course

Justine John Miranda
Ralz Dioniben Reyes
Michael Estocado
John Gabriel Gabion
February 13, 2019

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