Atul Karwasara - FPM18905 - 3-1-2019

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Reflection of class dated: 3/1/2019

Atul Karwasara (FPM18905) Submission Date: 4/1/2019

What is ethics is still a question for me and I am still looking for answer. Is moral and ethical actions are
same or not was the question, which answer I was looking during class, but still not able to find the
answer. Some of the learning and reflections from class are as follow:

 During my whole life I was looking for terminal values i.e. Career, money, social status and other
similar things as the main goal of life which as the similar case with others also but I never knew
that actions were derived by instrumental values.
 I believe I an honest and ethical person but I realized during the class that I cannot say it for sure
because my honesty was never challenged by situations or big dilemma.
 I have faced many dilemmas in my life where I have to choose ethical or unethical choice, if I
recall correctly I have chosen action which was for greater good and I still do the same. Is it a
right action or not I don’t know?
 During my work experience with corporate I tried unethical practices twice and both the time I
was lucky that it was not detected but while doing it I always had a fear of what will happen if I
got caught. After two such instances I never followed any such practice and good part is
following ethical practice always gives calmness in mind because you I knew that I am doing
nothing wrong.
 Other important learning is that there are 28 instrumental values in Bhagvad Gita and it can
guide a person’s action.
 Even instrumental values can have conflict among themselves, which was something I have not
expected to have because all of them are supposed to be good values, but how it happens is
something I am still looking for in the further classes.

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