Laporan Arus Kas 5 PDF

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julianti and partner

JL.Akuntansi 66 kendari

Statement of Cash Flow

December 2016

Cash Flow from Operating Activities

Net Income 138.590.909,09

Piutang dagang p98.931.500,00)

Cadangan kerugian piutang Rp7.901.500,00
persediaan barang dagang p33.900.000,00)
perlengkapan Rp1.500.000,00
sewa bayar dimuka p19.800.000,00
PPN masukan p16.230.909,09)
uang muka PPh pasal 22 Rp97.500,00
angsuran PPh pasal25 Rp2.000.000,00
iklan bayar dimuka p20.000.000,00
Utang dagang p74.050.000,00
Utang bunga p15.600.000,00
utang PPh pasal 21/26 Rp3.100.000,00
PPn keluaran p30.430.000,00
Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities 164.007.500,00

Cash Flow from Investing Activities

akumulasi penyusutan peralatan Rp500.000,00
akumulasi penyusutan peralatan Rp1.000.000,00
akumulasi penyusutan gedung Rp3.000.000,00
Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities Rp4.500.000,00

Cash Flow from Financing Activities

Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities Rp0,00

Net Increase/Decrease for the period 168.507.500,00

Cash at the Beginning of the period 142.500.000,00
Cash at the End of the period 311.007.500,00

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