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Jyotika Sthanam Prashna Pantha

Session 1
Date: 10-FEB-2019
As per Prashna Marga, the parts of Jyotish are as below (stanza#6)


Jataka Gola Nimitta Prashna Muhurat Ganita

Parts of Jyotish
Jataka: Deals with predictions to be made on the basis of the
rising sign at birth
Gola: Deals with planetary systems, their nature and peculiarities
and in short with spherical astronomy
Nimitta: Takes into consideration tatkalika lakshanas or what are
popularly known as omens obtaining at a particular time and
makes predictions on certain gestures
Prasna: This refers to forecasts being based upon the time of
Muhurtha: This has reference to fixing up of auspicious times for
success in religious, secular and spiritual undertakings
Ganita: Broadly speaking, Ganita refers to mathematical
astronomy and mathematical astrology.
Jatak vs Prashna Jyotish

A rashi chart can be considered for ascertaining if the native would

generally have good food, most of the times. But to know if he will have
his particular chosen food on a particular day astrologically, he must
take recourse to Prashna Jyotish.

To have various information regarding fights, battles and wars, Prashna

Jyotish is used often.

To know about the success of one’s attempts, the usual predictive

astrology does not offer much help. Prashna Jyotish can really save the
Prashna Guidelines

Only humble requests deserve an answer. No prediction should be

offered to any person unasked for, nor to one who wishes to test an
If the astrologer attempts to answer him, he will not be able to get at the
truth. Whether requested or not, if there is the desire to know the future,
the astrologer should give predictions on the basis of Lagna, Kendras
and Kona Bhavas.
As Vasishta says "those who have a desire to know the future, whether
they ask or not, deserve to be given predictions on the basis of Arudha"
at the time of Prasna.
Prashna Marga – Ch1, Stanza 4, 5 & 6 “Procedure for the Querist”
Salient features of this unique system
No importance is placed to the Prashna Lagna.
No importance is placed to the exact time of the question—We pay importance to the Prashna
Period which is of 1 hour duration and 24 in number for the entire day for all time zones.
Abolition of houses from the area of its activities—when Lagna itself which represents the
first house is not given importance, it is but natural that houses too will have no role to play.
No Dasha System.
No use of Natural significators of the planets—we believe that every planet has every
capability at every level. Thus, no special traits are attributed to any planet.
Weekday and Prashna Period are given the most importance.
Only positions of the slow moving planets are required-Positions at noon or at 5:30am are
recorded. These don’t change for a long time since only slow moving planets are considered.
Very few rules applicable across the board for all matters.
Even, mind/thought/unuttered questions are answerable-The astrologer need not know what
the question is about.
Most charts are based at 12:00 Noon time for that time zone.
Table: Jyotika Sthanam
Sl No D T S
1 Pi Ar Ta
2 Ar Ta Ge
3 Ta Ge Cn
4 Ge Cn Le
5 Cn Le Vi
6 Le Vi Li
7 Vi Li Sc
8 Li Sc Sg
9 Sc Sg Cp
10 Sg Cp Aq
11 Cp Aq Pi
12 Aq Pi Ar

The first sign would represent the “Drive Yard (D)”. The second sign would appear as “True Terrance (T)”
and the third sign would act as the “Secondary Yard (S)”.
Table: Jyotika Sthanum Prashna Periods
Sl No Prashna Period Sun Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat
1 5:30-6:30 5 4 1 3 9 2 10
2 6:30-7:30 7 11 5 4 8 6 12
3 7:30-8:30 3 9 2 10 5 4 1
4 8:30-9:30 4 8 6 12 7 11 5
5 9:30-10:30 10 5 4 1 3 9 2
6 10:30-11:30 12 7 11 5 4 8 6
7 11:30-12:30 1 3 9 2 10 5 4
8 12:30-13:30 5 4 8 6 12 7 11
9 13:30-14:30 2 10 5 4 1 3 9
10 14:30-15:30 6 12 7 11 5 4 8
11 15:30-16:30 4 1 3 9 2 10 5
12 16:30-17:30 11 5 4 8 6 12 7
13 17:30-18:30 9 2 10 5 4 1 3
14 18:30-19:30 8 6 12 7 11 5 4
15 19:30-20:30 5 4 1 3 9 2 10
16 20:30-21:30 7 11 5 4 8 6 12
17 21:30-22:30 3 9 2 10 5 4 1
18 22:30-23:30 4 8 6 12 7 11 5
19 23:30-0:30 10 5 4 1 3 9 2
20 0:30-1:30 12 7 11 5 4 8 6
21 1:30-2:30 1 3 9 2 10 5 4
22 2:30-3:30 5 4 8 6 12 7 11
23 3:30-4:30 2 10 5 4 1 3 9
24 4:30-5:30 6 12 7 11 5 4 8
Example 1
Time: 22:25
Date: 1st January 2018
Weekday: Monday
For PP (Prashna Period) 17-The Jyotika Sthanum
number is 9
Jyotika Sthanum D-T-S is Sc-Sg-Cp
Example 2
Time: 22:25
Date: 28 Sep 2018
Weekday: Friday
For PP (Prashna Period) 17-The Jyotika Sthanum
number is 9
Jyotika Sthanum D-T-S is Ge-Ca-Le
Example 3
Time: 9:25
Date: 30 Sep 2018
Weekday: Sunday
For PP (Prashna Period) 4-The Jyotika Sthanum
number is 4
Jyotika Sthanum D-T-S is Ge-Cn-Le
Question and Answer
1) Both are in same time zone and face to face—here, there is
no issue. The weekday and the period is the same for both.
2) Both are in different time zones but the weekday is the
same—Say, a phone call from Pakistan and the astrologer is in
India. Here, the weekday is the same but the Prashna Period (PP)
is different. The PP at the astrologer is the key.
3) The weekday and the period is different—Say, the querent
posted a letter on Thursday at 5pm and it was received by the
astrologer on Monday 8am. Here again, the astrologer’s time and
weekday are to be taken for the Prashna.
4) The weekday is same but the astrologer receives the Prashna
at 8am but is unable to work on it and decides to work on it later
at 5pm. Here, the time when the astrologer decides to actively
work on it is key and is to be taken to determine the Prashna
Period (PP).
Method for Multiple Questions
First Question: As per rules mentioned in previous slide
Second Question: if there is a date mentioned anywhere in the letter, then the number of
date and month is added to the year and the sum should be divided by 24 and the
reminder taken for determining the Prashna Period (PP). For eg 28-Sep-2018.
28+9+2018 = 2055
Divide 2055 by 24 we get remainder as 15.
But is no date is present in the letter, then the number of words of the second question is
multiplied by 2 and is added to the number of words in the first question and the sum
should be divided by 24 and the reminder taken for determining the PP. The weekday
and the PP so arrived will help in determining the Jyotika Sthanum.
<Add example>
For subsequent questions, same rule is to be followed
First Question: asked by querent should be dealt as per rules mentioned in previous slide
Second Question: Ask a number from querent; divide that number by 24 and obtain
remainder; remainder should be used to identify PP & Jyotika Sthanum
Example – Multiple Questions
Querent in USA Time Zone -5:00 hrs
Astrologer in India time Zone +5:30hrs
The querent asks 3 questions from USA on Sunday night.
For the astrologer, it is Monday morning 10:15am.
So, for the 1st question-
Weekday is Monday, PP is 9-30 to 10-30.
Jyotika Sthanum is 5 and the D-T-S is Cn-Le-Vi.
For the 2nd question –
Number given is 522.
Mod (522, 24) = 18.
Weekday Monday, PP is 18
JS is 8 and D-T-S is Li-Sc-Sg
For the 3rd question –
Number given is 103022.
Mod (103022, 24) = 14.
Weekday Monday, PP is 14
JS is 6 and the D-T-S is Le-Vi-Li
Universal Event Indicators


Rahu Jupiter

The active participation of ALL these 3 universal
event indicators is very much essential for the
fulfillment of a desire.
All 3 universal event indicators must necessarily give
the go ahead for the fulfilment of the event.
Planet’s participation in the event is decided by
either conjunction or aspecting any one of the 3 signs
of the Jyotika Sthanum D-T-S
Jupiter aspects the 5th, 7th and 9th signs from itself
Saturn aspects the 3rd, 7th and10th sign from itself
Rahu’s aspect is similar to Jupiter’s (5, 7 & 9), but has
an additional aspect of the 2nd sign from itself. This
means it has 2, 5, 7 and 9th aspect.
D-1 D T S
D-2 S+1
D-3 S+2
D-4 M S+4 S+3

The 3 indicators must conjoin or aspect the Jyotika

Sthanum->D-T-S for an event to happen.
Jupiter will conjoin or aspect D-T-S from all the signs but
(D-1) and (S+1) as it as the 5th, 7th and 9th aspect from
Rahu having an additional aspect of the 2nd will conjoin or
aspect D-T-S from all the signs but (S+1).
Saturn will conjoin or aspect D-T-S from all the signs but
(D-3) as it as the 3rd, 7th and the 10th aspect from itself.
Example 1
Question: “Is it raining (heavily)?
Prashna Period: 15:30-16:30
Weekday: Friday

Jyotika Sthanam: 10

Example 1

Answer: Yes, it was raining outside

Example 2
Question: Did I finish my
Prashna Period: 18:30-19:30
Weekday: Monday
Jyotika Sthanam: 6

Answer: Yes, he did finish his

Thank You

Practice Makes
Man Perfect
D-1 D T S
D-2 S+1
D-3 S+2
D-4 M S+4 S+3

Jupiter will conjoin or aspect D-T-S from all the signs but
(D-1) and (S+1) as it as the 5th, 7th and 9th aspect from
D-1 D T S
D-2 S+1
D-3 S+2
D-4 M S+4 S+3

Rahu having an additional aspect of the 2nd will conjoin or

aspect D-T-S from all the signs but (S+1).
D-1 D T S
D-2 S+1
D-3 S+2
D-4 M S+4 S+3

Saturn will conjoin or aspect D-T-S from all the signs

except D-3 as it as the 3rd, 7th and the 10th aspect from

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