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Report on

World Distribution of
(Project Semester January-April 2015)

World Distribution of Wealth

Submitted by

K. Savyasachi

Registration No. 11204014

Programme 1252D; Section K1208

Course Code: CSE 308

Under the Guidance of

(Maneet Kaur Ma’am; U.Id 15709)

Discipline of CSE/IT

Lovely School of Technology and Sciences

Lovely Professional University, Phagwara


I, K.Savyasachi student of K1208 under CSE/IT Discipline at Lovely

Professional University, Punjab, hereby declare that all the information furnished

in this computing project report is based on my own intensive work and is


This report does not, to the best of my knowledge, contain part of my work which

has been submitted for computing project (CSE308)

Date: 16 – 05 – 2015


Registration No. 11204014 K.Savyasachi.


I place on record and warmly acknowledge the continuous encouragement, in

valuable supervision, timely suggestion and inspired guidance offered by our guide

Asst. Prof. Maneet Kaur, Department of computer science Engineering, Lovely

Professional University, Chaheru, in bringing this report to a successful completion.

I’m grateful to the Head of the Department of Computer Science Engineering, for

permitting me to make use of the facilities available in the department to carry out the

project successfully.



1. Introduction
2. Scope of the project
3. History of concerned body
 Introduction of application area
 Drawbacks or limitations of application area
 What’s new you did for organization
4. Requirement of Analysis
 Introduction
 Specific Requirements
5. Data collection
6. Pre-processing on dataset
 ETL process
 Description of transformation
7. Project Analysis
 Introduction/title of analysis
 User defined functions/pre-defined functions
 Use of excel features
 Snapshots
 Graphical representation
 Conclusion of analysis
8. References


The distribution of wealth is a comparison of the wealth of various members or

groups in the world. World distribution of wealth is the statistical data that
describes how wealth is distributed around the world. The guideline for
categorizing the data is to organize it based on the Country or Continent on which
the people with wealth reside.

Definition of wealth

Global distribution of financial wealth excludes illiquid assets.

Wealth in the context of this article is defined as a person's net worth, expressed
as: wealth = assets − liabilities

The word "wealth" is often confused with "income". These two terms describe
different but related things. Wealth consists of those items of economic value
that an individual owns, while income is an inflow of items of economic value. The
relation between wealth, income, and expenses is: wealth = income − expense.

The distribution of income is substantially different from the distribution of

wealth. According to the International Association for Research in Income and
Wealth, “the world distribution of wealth is much more unequal than that of
income.” For If an individual has a large income but also large expenses, her or his
wealth could be small or even negative.

National wealth

National (net) wealth is the total sum value of monetary assets minus liabilities of
a given nation. It refers to the total value of wealth possessed by the citizens of a
nation at a set point in time.

The United Nations definition of inclusive wealth is a monetary measure which

includes the sum of natural, human and physical assets.

Gross Domestic Product - GDP

The monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a
country's borders in a specific time period, though GDP is usually calculated on an
annual basis. GDP is commonly used as an indicator of the economic health of a
country, as well as to gauge a country's standard of living.

Purchasing power parity (PPP) is a component of some economic theories and is

a technique used to determine the relative value of different currencies.

National Per Capita at GDP

A measure of the total output of a country that takes the gross domestic product
(GDP) and divides it by the number of people in the country. The per capita GDP is
especially useful when comparing one country to another because it shows the
relative performance of the countries. A rise in per capita GDP signals growth in
the economy and tends to translate as an increase in productivity. Per capita GDP

is sometimes used as an indicator of standard of living as well, with higher per
capita GDP being interpreted as having a higher standard of living.

GDP to market exchange rate

Purchasing power parity conversion factor is the number of units of a country's

currency required to buy the same amount of goods and services in the domestic
market as a U.S. dollar would buy in the United States. The ratio of PPP
conversion factor to market exchange rate is the result obtained by dividing the
PPP conversion factor by the market exchange rate. The ratio, also referred to as
the national price level, makes it possible to compare the cost of the bundle of
goods that make up gross domestic product (GDP) across countries.

It tells how many dollars are needed to buy a dollar's worth of goods in the
country as compared to the United States.


In a lot of nations, economic inequalities are a fact. These inequalities might

have consequences for the quality of life of individuals, and the functioning of
the Country as a whole. The focus of this analysis is on analyzing the
distribution of economic wealth, and the connection between the quality of
life which will encourage discussions on the improvements which could be

The Following are the areas of application of the analysis aforementioned.

 In analyzing the present Population to Wealth ratio of a Country.

 We can see how wealth is distributed across World Countries.
 We can see how wealth is distributed across World continents.
 We can see how unequal the wealth is distributed among citizens of the
 We can analysis the Sectors of High income Sources.
 We can understand the living Standards of major population of countries.
 We can see how in a few years the wealth balance among the citizens of
the World disturbed.
 We can see how much in whole the World’s Richest 1% hold in comparison
to rest of the world Population.
 We can also predict the future wealth distribution of Countries and

History of concerned body

During the years 1922 – 1939 the inequality between rich and the poor was marginal but in
years 2000 -2014 the scenario changed this analysis outlines all the years of raise in inequality
and the patterns in world distribution of the wealth

Introduction of application area

World distribution of wealth analysis touches the country, continent and citizen wealth and
draws a contrast and compares with other fellow nations of the world.
Drawbacks or limitations of application area
This Analysis presents a drawback in comparison of the richest 1% population with the rest of
the population as the data for the bottom population is never accurately measured. This makes
the assumption of the analysis being accurate to the tolerance of +/- 5%.
What’s new you did for organization
To make understand the Comparison between the Net Wealth and Population of a Country i
used a Pivot table in percentage terms.
4. Requirement of Analysis
The world has seen a very unequal distribution of wealth in past Century which creates the
need for analysis so as to understand to what extents this inequality in world Wealth
Distribution has affected the world.


Before Transformation:

After Transformation:

Title: Country wise analysis of World Wealth.
Description: In this Analysis I have shown how wealth is distributed across Countries and
commented on its measures of inequality.
Pre-defined function: COMBINATION OF INDEX() AND MATCH()
Excel features used: To represent the data graphically bar chart is used and to select the
country directly Drop down list is used.

Title: Continent wise analysis of World Wealth.
Description: In this Analysis I have shown how wealth is distributed across Continents and
commented on its measures of inequality.
Pre-defined function: COMBINATION OF INDEX() AND MATCH()
Excel features used: To represent the data graphically bar chart is used and to select the
Continent directly Drop down list is used.

Title: Comparison of Net Wealth and Population.
Description: In this Analysis I have shown how wealth and Population across Countries is
affecting its development and standards of living.
Pre-defined function: COMBINATION OF INDEX() AND MATCH()
Excel features used: To represent the data graphically bar chart is used and to select the
country directly Drop down list is used.

Title: Descriptive analysis of Highest, Lowest populations and amount of wealth
accumulated in nations.
Description: In this Analysis I have shown which nations are highly populated in
comparison to
Pre-defined function: INDEX() , MATCH() ,MAX, MIN, SUM Functions

Title: Analysis of the Ages groups of Billionaires.
Description: In this Analysis I have shown how different is the wealth distribution
depending upon age.
Pre-defined function: Count.
Excel features used: To represent the data graphically bar chart is used and filter feature is

Title: Co-relation between Years and Net wealth of Top 1%.
Description: In this Analysis I have shown how the wealth of rich has grown over time.
Excel features used: To represent the data graphically Line graph is used.

Title: 10 Largest Countries by Number of Billionaires.
Description: In this Analysis I have shown the number of billionaires that
Pre-defined function: Countif, Sum
Excel features used: To represent the data graphically bar chart is used.

Title: Top 80 Wealthiest People own bottom half world’s income.
Description: In this Analysis I have shown that the amount of wealth owned by richest 80
people equals what the bottom half of the people on income scale own.
Pre-defined function: Countif, Sumif


1. In Nations like India, we can fact-fully Show how unequally Population and Wealth are
2. Value of Currencies and Living standards in Nations like US, Europe is high.
3. Developed are Nations where the Wealth is Well Distributed among Citizens.
4. Worlds 1% wealthiest people presently own nearly 50% of World’s Income.
5. It can be predicted that Top 1% likely to own more than half of total global wealth by
6. The 80 Top wealthiest people in the world own the same amount shared by the 3.5
billion who occupy the bottom half of the income scale which is US$1.9 trillion.
7. There are only 4 Billionaires under Age 30 and 25 Billionaires who are Middle aged in
the Billionaires nest 2014.
8. In the 21st Century the phase started where the Rich Gets Richer, causing the increase in


| The World's Billionaires Flat Dataset, March 2014

| World distribution of wealth

| Distribution of wealth

| Gini coefficient

| List of countries by wealth per adult

| Launch of the WIDER study on the World Distribution of Household Wealth

| Estimating the Level and Distribution of Global Household Wealth

| Purchasing power parity

| List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita.

| List of countries by GDP (nominal).

| Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Definition

| World's Billionaires Wealth vs Countries' GDP |

| Forbes list of Indian billionaires.

| The World's Billionaires 2014.

| Meet The 80 People Who Are As Rich As Half The World | FiveThirtyEight

| Global wealth hit $241 trillion, but distribution skewed

| Richest 80 people in the world revealed... and 35 of them are American | Daily Mail Online

| Forbes Releases 28th Annual World's Billionaires Issue – Forbes | Oxfam International

| Richest 1% will own more than all the rest by 2016


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