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catorceavo ensayo sin ver. 253 palabras. sin terminar el ensayo.

We all work or will work in our jobs with many different kind of
people. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics
of a co-worker (someone you work closely with)? Use reasons
and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are

I have always heard people must learn how to work with someone else,

because maybe in a future, you do a lot of activities with men and

women inside a company. So, which could be the characteristics of an

ideal co-worker inside the place of work? I think the perfect work friend

must be passionate as me and to have a good principles.

My ideal partner inside a company has to be as passionate in his or her

job as me, because I think it could assure me he or she can accomplish

goals easily in my working team. For example, when I worked in a

clothing store, I found a girl who loved selling clothes, so we made a

team wich had two goals: to earn money giving an excellent service to

people and to be the first people to sell the most quantity of clothes in all

the history of the store. In this case, our passion made achieve the two

objetives we stablished, so we earned a lot of money, and our ex boss

is still talking very good things about us.

catorceavo ensayo sin ver. 253 palabras. sin terminar el ensayo.

Also, the perfect work friend must have good principles, due to the fact

that people with good values will never lie to you, neither will keep all the

credit of the echievements. For instance, my father used to work in

Pemex with an ex friend, they used to do everything together because

my dad trusted him, untill one day, this friend told lies to their boss about

my father.

disciplina para que sea cumplidor y trabajador

Que tenga vuenos valores para que no te quite el credito

Espero que siempre me toque trabajar con gente así

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