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JMA 501: Final Project Storyboards

Cathy Benscoter
Oct. 25, 2010
splash screen SCREEN 1 of 26

Linked from: None Animation

Links to: Home page “Enter” appears as SCREEN loads.
Content: Site intro. Animation Zombie head drops from upper left, spirals to bottom of the
of zombie head bouncing screen, bounces and rolls to the bottom right.
and rolling across screen.
UPS logo fades in, followed by the UPS slogan.
Video: Flash animation
Audio: None Comments
Page loads upon navigating to the site.
The only navigation offered is the “Enter” link. This link appears
immediately, so if a user prefers not to watch the zombie’s
head roll across the screen, he may proceed into the site
without delay.

Benscoter — 2
Level 1: Home Page SCREEN 2 of 26

Linked from: Splash screen Comments

Links to: Main Navigation Home page serves as a introduction to the site and an en-
(Zombie 101; Kill or Be Killed; try point into the lower-level pages. The text introduces the
Evasion and Defense; Your user to the mission of the Undead Preparedness Society and
Zombie Action Plan; About includes alarming facts but the looming zombie apocalypse,
Us.) Also links to the Panic But- bringing attention to the urgent need for humans to prepare
ton and Contribute pages. for the attack.
Content: Intro to site and the A zombie fact offers a tidbit of knowledge that may come in
organization. handy to the user. A contribute box, which links to the con-
Images: Zombie hoard tribute page, offers a way for the user to support the Society.
marching is an American city. A quote from the recently eaten Society founder is a poi-
Video: No gnant reminder of the urgency of the situation.

Audio: No Color scheme

Benscoter — 3
level 2: Zombie 101 SCREEN 3 of 26

What is a zombie

Voodoo, Myths Zombie 101 intro and head

and Movies
Living the
Undead Life

What is Voodoo, Infection Living the

a zombie myths & theories Undead Life

Linked from: Home and main Comments

navigation bar
Level 2 page is an intro to the Zombie 101 section, which in-
Links to: Main nav; What is a cludes valuable information on zombies and their habits.
zombie; Voodoo, myths and
movies; Infection theories; Each of the four zombie info areas has a picture and teaser
Living the Undead Life; Panic to the level 3 page. Clicking on these areas opens the level 3
button page to which it refers.

Content: Intro to interior pages Quote area remains on the right with a different quote.
with basic zombie information Inside navigation, zombie fact, and contribute box all go on
Images: Four zombie images, the left. The information in the fact box changes on each
each highlights one of the page, and the links on the inside nav change per section.
four linked topics
Video: No
Audio: No

Benscoter — 4
level 2: Kill or be killed SCREEN 4 of 26

How to kill
a zombie Kill or Be Killed head and intro


Combat How to kill

techniques a zombie

Vehicles Weapons

Linked from: Home and main Comments

navigation bar
Level 2 page is an intro to the Kill or Be Killed section, which
Links to: Main nav; Combat includes valuable information on destroying zombies.
techniques; how to kill a zom-
bie; vehicles; weapons; con- Each of the four zombie info areas has a picture and teaser
tribute; panic button. to the level 3 page. Clicking on these areas opens the level 3
page to which it refers.
Content: Intro text and click-
throughs to level 3 pages. Quote area remains on the right with a different quote.

Images: Pictures will illustrate Inside navigation, zombie fact, and contribute box all go on
each level 3 option. the left. The information in the fact box changes on each
page, and the links on the inside nav change per section.
Video: No
Audio: No

Benscoter — 5
level 2: Evasion and defense SCREEN 5 of 26

At Home or Work

On the Run
Head and intro to Evasion and Defense

At home or work On the run

Linked from: Home and main Comments

navigation bar
Level 2 page is an intro to the Evasion and Defense section,
Links to: Evasion/defense at which includes valuable information avoiding being eaten by
home; Evasion/defense on zombies.
the run; Panic button; Contrib-
ute. Each of the two zombie info areas has a picture and teaser
to the level 3 page. Clicking on these areas opens the level 3
Content: Teaser links to level 3 page to which it refers.
information pages
Quote area remains on the right with a different quote.
Images: Photo of person
defending home; photo of Inside navigation, zombie fact, and contribute box all go on
person fleeing a zombie the left. The information in the fact box changes on each
page, and the links on the inside nav change per section.
Video: No
Audio: No

Benscoter — 6
Level 2: Your Zombie Action Plan SCREEN 6 of 26

Escape Routes

Supplies Zombie Action Plan (ZAP) intro and head
Sample Plans

First Aid

1 Escape Routes

2 Emergency supplies

3 Sample Plans

4 First Aid

Linked from: Home and main Comments

navigation bar
Level 2 page is an intro to the Your Zombie Action Plan sec-
Links to: Escape route; emer- tion, which includes valuable information on drafting a plan
gency supplies; sample plans; to deal with the oncoming Zombie Apocalypse.
first aid; panic button; panic
button; contribute. The concept of the action plan is explained and the four
main components outlined. Each component links to an ex-
Content: Short synopsis of panded information page in level 3. Clicking on these areas
each action plan step. opens the level 3 page to which it refers.
Images: A large zombie photo Quote area remains on the right with a different quote.
dominates the space. The
numbers for the list are given Inside navigation, zombie fact, and contribute box all go on
a graphic treatment. the left. The information in the fact box changes on each
page, and the links on the inside nav change per section.
Video: No
Audio: No

Benscoter — 7
Level 2: About us SCREEN 7 of 26

About Us headline
Contact Us

Group photo of office staff

About us

Link to podcast of Mr. Lloyd’s last


Linked from: Home and main Comments

navigation bar
Level 2 page gives user an overview of the UPS organiza-
Links to: Suggested reading; tion and history, shows a group photo of the office staff, and
contribute page directs users to a resources page.
Content: Organization profile Users may also click on “Contact Us,” which links to the Con-
and contact information tact and Contribute page.
Images: Group photo of of- Quote area remains on the right with a different quote.
fice staff
Inside navigation, zombie fact, and contribute box all go on
Video: No the left. The information in the fact box changes on each
Audio: Mr. Lloyd’s last inter- page, and the links on the inside nav change per section.
view (which is featured on the
site launch podcast).

Benscoter — 8
zombie 101 > What is a zombie SCREEN 8 of 26

What is a zombie
What is a zombie
Voodoo, Myths
and Movies
Living the
Undead Life


Linked from: Zombie 101 and Comments

other pages in Zombie 101
section. Details about what makes a zombie a zombie. Lists facts
about zombies, such as how fast they can travel and why
Links to: Main nav; Voodoo, them seem to congregate in cities.
myths and movies; Infection
theories; Living the Undead Quote area remains on the right with a different quote.
Life; Panic button Inside navigation, zombie fact, and contribute box all go on
Content: Detail about zom- the left. The information in the fact box changes on each
bies, their habits and their page, and the links on the inside nav change per section.
feeding rituals
Images: Zombies
Video: No
Audio: No

Benscoter — 9
zombie 101 > Voodoo, myths & movies SCREEN 9 of 26

What is a zombie
Voodoo, Myths and Movies
Voodoo, Myths
and Movies
Living the
Undead Life

Video slideshow of zombie movie

stills and posters

Text: voodoo
zombies and
how they differ
from today’s

Text: movies and myths

Linked from: Zombie 101 and Comments

other pages in Zombie 101
section. Text focuses on zombie myths and non-zombies, including
voodoo zombies and zombie-like creatures from movies such
Links to: Main nav; What is a as “I Am Legend” and “Friday the Thirteenth.”
zombie; Infection theories;
Living the Undead Life; Panic A video slideshow of movie stills and posters will be presented.
button. Quote area remains on the right with a different quote.
Content: Explanation of myths Inside navigation, zombie fact, and contribute box all go on
perpetuated by movies the left. The information in the fact box changes on each
Images: No page, and the links on the inside nav change per section.

Video: Slideshow of zombie

movie stills and posters
Audio: No

Benscoter — 10
zombie 101 > Infection Theories SCREEN 10 of 26

What is a zombie
Infection theories
Voodoo, Myths
and Movies
Living the
Undead Life

text zombie picture or pictures

Linked from: Zombie 101 and Comments

other pages in Zombie 101
section. Numerous theories are documented in the zombie literature
what causes zombiness and how the disease is transfered.
Links to: Main nav; What is a This page explores some of the more plausible ones.
zombie; Voodoo, Myths and
Movies; Living the Undead Quote area remains on the right with a different quote.
Life; Panic button. Inside navigation, zombie fact, and contribute box all go on
Content: Rundown of various the left. The information in the fact box changes on each
infection theories page, and the links on the inside nav change per section.

Images: Infected zombies

Video: No
Audio: No

Benscoter — 11
zombie 101 > living the undead life SCREEN 11 of 26

What is a zombie

Voodoo, Myths
and Movies
Living the Undead Life
Living the
Undead Life


Linked from: Zombie 101 and Comments

other pages in Zombie 101
section. Zombies have lives, too. Or, rather, they wish they still did.

Links to: Main nav; What is a As disturbing as it may seem, there’s more to the zombie sub-
zombie; Voodoo, Myths and culture than eating brains and entrails. What do zombies do
Movies; Infection theories; when they’re not hungry? How do they find love after death?
Panic button. This page looks into how zombies cope with the undead life.

Content: Living life as a zom- Quote area remains on the right with a different quote.
bie Inside navigation, zombie fact, and contribute box all go on
Images: Zombie romance the left. The information in the fact box changes on each
pictures page, and the links on the inside nav change per section.

Video: No
Audio: No

Benscoter — 12
kill or be killed > Combat techniques SCREEN 12 of 26

How to kill Combat Techniques
a zombie

Vehicles How to fight a

zombie. How not
to fight a zombie.

Linked from: Kill or Be Killed Comments

and other Level 3 pages in
the section. How do you fight a zombie? Learn from the best what to
do when you’re cornered. Cutting off legs and hands might
Links to: Main nav; How to kill work, but watch out for the teeth. There may be more than
a zombie; Vehicles; Weapons; one way to fight a zombie, but the best way is to run.
Contribute; Panic button.
Quote area remains on the right with a different quote.
Content: How to fight a zom-
bie and how NOT to fight a Inside navigation, zombie fact, and contribute box all go on
zombie. the left. The information in the fact box changes on each
page, and the links on the inside nav change per section.
Images: Zombie fight photo
Video: No
Audio: No

Benscoter — 13
kill or be killed > How to kill a zombie SCREEN 13 of 26

How to kill How to Kill a Zombie
a zombie



Text: laundry list of the best ways to off your undead

friend. The best way? Cut off its head.

Linked from: Kill or Be Killed Comments

and other Level 3 pages in
the section. How do you kill a zombie? Good question, if you’re in a fight
with one. Total destruction is the only way to go. Blow them
Links to: Main nav; Combat up. Burn them out. Hack at them with a chainsaw. Really,
techniques; Vehicles; Weap- though, there’s only one sure-fire way to stop a zombie in
ons; Contribute; Panic button. mid-shamble: Cut off its head.
Content: Aim for the head Quote area remains on the right with a different quote.
Images: zombie heads Inside navigation, zombie fact, and contribute box all go on
Video: No the left. The information in the fact box changes on each
page, and the links on the inside nav change per section.
Audio: No

Benscoter — 14
kill or be killed > vehicles SCREEN 14 of 26

techniques Vehicles
How to kill
a zombie



The best and

worst vehicles to
use to escape the
zombie hoard.
Warning: Don’t
forget the gas.

Linked from: Kill or Be Killed Comments

and other Level 3 pages in
the section. Forget the bicycles and scooters. What you need to get
away from the hoard is a nice armored vehicle or a well-
Links to: Main nav; Combat timed helicopter. Or maybe a Prius, you’ll get a good 500
techniques; How to kill a zom- miles before you have to break into a closed gas station.
bie; Weapons; Contribute;
Panic button. Quote area remains on the right with a different quote.

Content: Best and worst ve- Inside navigation, zombie fact, and contribute box all go on
hicles to use for your escape. the left. The information in the fact box changes on each
page, and the links on the inside nav change per section.
Images: Good and bad
vehicles (bikes, tanks, helicop-
ters, etc.)
Video: No
Audio: No

Benscoter — 15
kill or be killed > weapons SCREEN 15 of 26

How to kill Weapons
a zombie



Text: tradition-
al weapons
and non-
items that
can be used
as weap-
ons against
zombies are

Linked from: Kill or Be Killed Comments

and other Level 3 pages in
the section. Level 3 page lists weapons and how to use them to kill
zombies. Traditional weapons such as guns and knives are
Links to: Main nav; Combat discussed as are less-traditional items that can be used as
techniques; How to kill a weapons, such as chainsaws, flame-throwers and signal
zombie; Vehicles; Contribute; flares.
Panic button.
Quote area remains on the right with a different quote.
Content: List of weapons, both
traditional and nontraditional, Inside navigation, zombie fact, and contribute box all go on
and how they are best used the left. The information in the fact box changes on each
for killing zombies page, and the links on the inside nav change per section.

Images: Chainsaws, guns and

Video: No
Audio: No

Benscoter — 16
Evasion & defense > At home or work SCREEN 16 of 26

At Home or Work

On the Run
At home or work


Linked from: Evasion and Comments

Defense and the other level-3
page in the section. Tips for dealing with zombies in the places we feel most com-
fortable. Details how you can make your home or office a
Links to: Evasion/defense on fortified bunker.
the run; Panic button; Contrib-
ute. Quote area remains on the right with a different quote.

Content: Turn your home or Inside navigation, zombie fact, and contribute box all go on
workplace into a zombie-free the left. The information in the fact box changes on each
zone. page, and the links on the inside nav change per section.

Images: Zombie attacking

Video: No
Audio: No

Benscoter — 17
Evasion & defense > on the run SCREEN 17 of 26

At Home or Work
On the Run
On the Run


Linked from: Evasion and Comments

Defense and the other level-3
page in the section. Helpful hints for staying out of harm’s way while you’re try-
ing to get out of harm’s way. If barricading yourself into your
Links to: Evasion/defense at home or office doesn’t work, you need options for staying
home or work; Panic button; alive on the run. Tip: Don’t pick up zombie hitchhikers.
Quote area remains on the right with a different quote.
Content: It’s hazardous out
there. Watch out for flesh-eat- Inside navigation, zombie fact, and contribute box all go on
ers while you’re getting out of the left. The information in the fact box changes on each
Dodge. page, and the links on the inside nav change per section.

Images: Zombie attacking car

while women try to escape
Video: No
Audio: No

Benscoter — 18
Your ZAP > Escape routes SCREEN 18 of 26

Escape Routes


Sample Plans

First Aid

Escape Routes head and text

Linked from: Your Zombie Ac- Comments

tion Plan and the other level-3
pages in the section. Rather than providing a set escape route for everyone, this
page gives information on how to scope out your area and
Links to: Emergency Supplies; plan how to get out as soon as you get there. The need for
Sample Plans; First Aid; main multiple routes is discussed.
navigation; contribute; and
panic. Quote area remains on the right with a different quote.

Content: How to plan your Inside navigation, zombie fact, and contribute box all go on
escape route. the left. The information in the fact box changes on each
page, and the links on the inside nav change per section.
Images: Photo of man escap-
ing from zombie nightmare
Video: No
Audio: No

Benscoter — 19
Your ZAP > emergency supplies SCREEN 19 of 26

Escape Routes

Emergency Emergency supplies


Sample Plans

First Aid
supply 1

supply 2

supply 3

supply 4

Linked from: Your Zombie Ac- Comments

tion Plan and the other level-3
pages in the section. Supplies are listed and a thumbnail photo of each item is
shown. Details are given here as needed. None of the items
Links to: Escape Routes; links to an additional page. Price and supplier information is
Sample Plans; First Aid; main only provided when available.
navigation; contribute; and
panic. Quote area remains on the right with a different quote.

Content: List of recommended Inside navigation, zombie fact, and contribute box all go on
supplies the left. The information in the fact box changes on each
page, and the links on the inside nav change per section.
Images: Photos of recom-
mended supplies
Video: No
Audio: No

Benscoter — 20
Your ZAP > sample plans SCREEN 20 of 26

Escape Routes
Sample plans head

Sample Plans

First Aid

Sample plans

Sample plans
Sample plans

Linked from: Your Zombie Ac- Comments

tion Plan and the other level-3
pages in the section. Sample plans are discussed and examples are given, both as
downloadables and as links to outside sites.
Links to: Pdfs of plans or links
to external sites where plans Quote area remains on the right with a different quote.
are available online. Escape Inside navigation, zombie fact, and contribute box all go on
Routes; Emergency Supplies; the left. The information in the fact box changes on each
First Aid; main navigation; page, and the links on the inside nav change per section.
contribute; and panic.
Content: List of sample plans
available both here and on
other sites.
Images: Pdfs of plans are
linked off of this page. Images
of the plans may be shown as
Video: No
Audio: No

Benscoter — 21
Your ZAP > first aid SCREEN 22 of 26

Escape Routes

Emergency First Aid


Sample Plans

First Aid

text: how to
repair wounds
after you win
a zombie fight. first aid pictures
Too bad there’s
no zombie vac-

Linked from: Your Zombie Ac- Comments

tion Plan and the other level-3
pages in the section. First aid tips include how to use duck tape to repair a torn-off
limb and what to do about the zombie fever that’s rushing
Links to: Escape Routes; Emer- through your blood.
gency Supplies; Sample Plans;
main navigation; contribute; Quote area remains on the right with a different quote.
and panic. Inside navigation, zombie fact, and contribute box all go on
Content: First aid tips for zom- the left. The information in the fact box changes on each
bie fight “winners” page, and the links on the inside nav change per section.

Images: Tourniquet on a gush-

ing wound or a torn off limb
Video: No
Audio: No

Benscoter — 22
about us > suggested reading SCREEN 23 of 26

Suggested reading head and intro
Contact Us

Bibliography/reference list of zombie resources

online, in print and on film.

Linked from: About Us Comments

Links to: Main navigation, This is a resource/bibliography page to give credit to those
contribute, and panic. whose work has contributed to the mission of the Undead
Content: List of resource ma- Preparedness Society.
terials Quote area remains on the right with a different quote.
Images: Book covers Inside navigation, zombie fact, and contribute box all go on
Video: No the left. The information in the fact box changes on each
page, and the links on the inside nav change per section.
Audio: No

Benscoter — 23
about us > contribute SCREEN 24 of 26

Contact and Contribute head

Allows users to register for site
updates as well as indicate
their willingness to contrib-

Linked from: There a direct link Comments

on every page except for the
panic page and site map. Form allows users to register for updates and indicate that
they want to contribute to the cause. UPS is not yet set up
Links to: Mail client. Main navi- with an online pay system, so users will be contacted at a
gation is available as well. later time to make their donations. If the staff lives that long.
Content: Form. All site navigation is active on this page.
Images: None The quote is related to giving money to support a cause.
Video: No
Audio: No

Benscoter — 24
panic button/error 404 SCREEN 25 of 26

You do not have access to
this page. The zombies have
eaten through the wires
and are currently shambling
toward the technical staff.
If this is a real emergency,
we’re sorry. You’re going to
die. Accept it and move on.

Linked from: Home page and Comments

every other page in the site.
The Panic Button takes the user to an Error 404 page with
Links to: Nothing zombies chomping on the page content.
Content: Error 404 Error 404 text: You do not have access to this page. The zom-
Images: Error 404 graphic and bies have eaten through the wires and are currently sham-
images of ravenous zombies bling toward the technical staff. If this is a real emergency,
on the attack. we’re sorry. You’re going to die. Accept it and move on.

Video: No All site navigation is active on this page.

Audio: No Quote has something to do with the end of the world.

Benscoter — 25
site map SCREEN 25 of 26

Site Map head

list of all pages and their links.

Linked from: Footer bar on Comments

every page
This is a simple hierarchical links page that outlines the site
Links to: Every page and provides links to each page. No art is necessary.
Content: Links to all pages in A quote and the panic button remain on the page.
the site.
Images: No
Video: No
Audio: No

Benscoter — 26

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