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Teaching PracticeTask 2: Monitoring the Learning

Program link: This task is associated to the guidelines of the course EPR 3203 – Teaching
Methods for the Primary School Teacher (Course learning outcomes 4 – Plan and implement
appropriate modes of assessment for primary mathematics teaching and learning)

Objective: Describe how you monitored the learning when the students were working on their
activities and identify the tools used to record your data. For each lesson you teach, you will
describe the tool that you use to monitor the work of the children. In the second column, you will
describe how you used that tool and you will reflect on how useful it was.

Grade Level: 2 MST Name: _____Ms. Radhe

For each Tools used to monitor the Explain why you used that tool and reflect on
lesson learning (rubric, notes, how successful it was
taught chart…)

1 Lesson 1 Write in the note paper the I monitor students while they working in centres,
names of students. And put in And I write the name of students who working
their hand stickers. hard and finish the activity quickly and get write
2NWN6 answers. And it’s worked, most of the girls
Term 2 and boys who is in master and developing
Add two, groups because, they listen for my instruction
three digit and they working hard. And they like the
numbers activities, and don’t work for emerging group
because they didn’t listen to my instructions
and they get sad face.

2 Lesson 2 I write notes for each group. The notes have the group numbers from 1 to 4,
the date and box to write comments. And it’s
worked, most of the students because, while
2NAS4 I’ am monitoring them they listening to me.
Term 2 And they engaged, and don’t work for special
education students because they didn’t know
some numbers.
will be able
to subtract
single digit
3 Lesson 3 I used chick list names with The reason that I used this way of monitoring
happy and sad face to observe the student chick list names because, the most
students progress. of them are in low level in math, which mean
2NAS4 even they get the information in the teaching
Term 2 area they will be facing problem in the solving
Students the questions, especially with the students that
will be able
they are weak in subtracting two digit number,
to: subtract
so this tool will give me an occasion of knowing
two digit
which student can get the information in first
time will get a happy face and for students who
is not understand they will get a sad face this
will help me to know who is need more help.
And it’s worked, most of the girls they a happy
face because, they like the activities, and
doesn’t work for boys because they didn’t
understand to much and they get sad face.
4 Lesson 4 I used the notes for This note of monitoring I used it only once,
11-3-2019 monitoring the learning of where I let them work independently, While
the students. am monitoring am looking for thus students
2NWN7 who are not following activities rules I record
Term 2 their name in my note, and when I get done, I
Students recall them and sit with them and re-teach
will be able
them the concept and after that I let them to
to: compare
do it and check if they understand or not.
using more
then, less
than and
equal sign

5 Lesson 5 I provide a positives notes for While students working in the activities I monitor
boys and girls about ‘ I am them and I give the good students stickers, and
proud of the name of the the end of the students how is have three stickers
2NAS1 students’. they will have positive cards.
Term 2

Count tally
6 Lesson 6 I use a positive cards notes I provide special positive notes cards fr boys and
girls. And during I monitor them I give the
students who are all the activities rights and I
2MDD2 write their names.
Term 2


7 Lesson 7 I monitor students while they I write in the chart group notes. And give a each
are in the tasks by using chart. groups from 1 to 4 marks and this chart have
three things that I am focusing on it. ( did they
2MDD2 did best work, helped other group members and
Term 2 worked all time) and I give them marks from 1 is
not good and 5 is very excellent.
Bar graph

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