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Things have been moving right along with the Neighbouring Faiths Program, so with
apologies to your email inbox, here is another quick update on what has been
happening, and what is coming up.

The Program has had some wonderful media exposure. Jas Cheema, Trish
Schwartzberg and I were interviewed on RED FM 93.1 (Reflecting Ethnic Diversity)
last week, and on CHNU 10 TV (Omni 10) today (May 12). Both went very well, and
we have been invited back for follow-up interviews with both once the program is
up and running. In fact, CHNU TV has suggested that they would like to send a
camera crew to one of the sessions in the fall! Many thanks to Trish and Jas for your
well-spoken endorsement of the Program and its mandate.

Of important note, today’s interview on CHNU 10 TV has been pushed back

to air early next week. It appears we were bumped by Chantal Kreviazuk and the
Past International President of Doctors Without Borders - Dr James Orbinksi. I will
send out the date once I have it, you can also see the schedule at: .

The weekend presentation to the Hindu Temple was also well received. Many
thanks to Jas and Rajwant for joining me and making connections with this vibrant

As always, I welcome your feedback and comments on any aspect of this program
as it comes together. I look forward to meeting and getting to know more of you.
Please let me know if you are interested in participating in any of the following
upcoming events.

In peace,
David Dalley

Tour and Introduction to Canadian Singh Sabha Gurdwara

Please join us to meet with Jagbir Kaur Khaira, the coordinator for the Sikh
community at Canadian Singh Sabha Gurdwara. This will be a chance to learn a bit
about their community and their plans for the Neighbouring Faiths Program.

Date: Sunday, May 18

Time: 2:00pm
Location: Canadian Singh Sabha Gurdwara, 8115 – 132 Street

Please let me know if you are willing and able to join us ( or

First General Meeting of the Neighbouring Faiths Organizing Committee

This is an important meeting, as we will be getting to know each other as a group

and making some important decisions about the program together. An agenda will
be sent out before the meeting, but you are welcome to submit any agenda items
prior to that if there is anything you would like to be sure to cover.

Date: Sunday, May 25

Time: 2-4 pm
Location: Newton Family Resource Program, 6870 King George Highway.

Please RSVP to David Dalley ( or 604-502-8661)

Ordination and Installation of Patricia (Trish) Schwartzberg

You are invited to attend the Ordination and Installation ceremony for Trish
Schwartzberg, the new Minister at the South Fraser Unitarian Congregation. Trish is
one of the “engines” behind the Neighbouring Faiths Program. This is an important
event for the Unitarian community, and it is a wonderful opportunity to meet Trish
and other members of the community.

Date: Sunday, June 1

Time: 4:00pm (reception to follow)
Location: Newton Seniors’ Centre, 13775 – 70th Avenue (behind the
Newton Library)

Please RSVP to David Dalley ( or 604-502-8661). For further

information, contact Christy Faraher-Amidon ( or 604-536-

Presentation to Surrey Multicultural Advisory Committee

A delegation from the Neighbouring Faiths Group has been invited to do a

presentation to the Surrey Multicultural Advisory Committee at City Hall.

Date: June 17
Time: 8:30-10:30am
Location: City Hall

Please RSVP to David Dalley if you would like to be part of this delegation.
( or 604-502-8661)

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