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SOKA VICTOR EXPERIENCE IU Rte) Good Fortune’ YMD Region Chief Jitesh Khanna of Delhi Scripts his own victory over court cases and police complaints through the single-minded strategy of faith keda Sensei once shared a quote by Walt Whitman: “Henceforth | ask not good- fortune, | myself am good-fortune” (VC, Jul 2012, 99). These lines are etched in my heart. An entrepreneur by profession, | have been practising this philosophy for more than 11 years now. | was introduced by my younger brother and now take care of Model Town Kingsway Region in Delhi as the YMD region chief and also as its Young Phoenix Boys region in-charge. Before join- ing the practice, | was a very angry, anxious youth, who had a habit of complaining and blaming his environment. | also had a turbu- lent relationship with my father. | loved and respected him a lot but we often misunder- stood each other, perhaps because of the my parents and taught me filial piety. By deeply studying the Gosho and Sensei’s guidance, | was able to completely transform my relationship with my dad, so much so that we became the best of friends, absolutely united. Benefits continued to pour in as | grew in faith and | was able to defeat an incurable disease, sarcoidosis, which mystically regressed from stage one to stage zero without the need for any steroids. My biggest test in life came when my father was afflicted with last-stage liver cir- rhosis in 2016. He remained in the ICU for over 45 days with me at his side throughout. Nevertheless, | continued encouraging my YMDs over the phone and even fought in the front lines, completely in rhythm with the then ongoing BSG campaign of 100,000 Transformative Youth. As | continued having dialogues even in the hospital, | was able to shakubuku over 20 families. After a long battle with illness, my father, who fought like a lion, passed away on December 20, 2016. He left a long, handwritten letter for me, in which the very first line was: “May God give peed ete sr rns Ane ence eet gmt mert A oS anata tra hae aaa Grief overwhelmed me. | missed my father so much. | had barely come to a a terms with my father’s demise when things be- | came even worse. My % business partners star- ted to pressurize me to fight my father’s court cases. My father in the last days of his life, had been fighting 18 court cases against someone who had cheated us in business. We have three solar power plants that were taken on lease by this person, who gave us_ postdated cheques as payment. The plants were totally in his possession. Soon, the cheques star- ted bouncing one after another. As if this wasn’t enough, this person stole solar pan- els from our plants, rendering one plant totally defunct and other two running at far from optimum capacity. We filed several court cases and an FIR with the Economic Offence Wing of the Department of Police for theft and cheating. This was the worst phase of my life. My business was in ruins. My family was grieving. | had major financial issues and was fighting against a person who was powerful and wealthy. But | had the Gohonzon, “the wish-granting jewel among treasures” (‘On Upholding Faith in the Gohonzon’, wND-1, 624), so | decided to fight

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