Nibiru Research Gerald Clark 04.28.15 PDF

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................................................... 2

Index of Tables and Figures..................................................................................................................................................... 4

Sumerian Kings List Ends in a Great Flood .............................................................................................................................. 5

Enuma Elish Solar System Creation Account .......................................................................................................................... 7

Sitchin 12th Planet 1976 introduces world to Nibiru ............................................................................................................... 8

Sitchin, Harrington, 1990 and Beyond .................................................................................................................................. 15

Nibiru Orbit According to Sitchin and Harrington................................................................................................................. 17

Planet X Newspaper and Major Claims ................................................................................................................................. 19

Detroit News ..................................................................................................................................................................... 19

New York Times ................................................................................................................................................................ 21

THE WASHINGTON POST .................................................................................................................................................. 21

Data Analysis: Distance, Rate, and Time .............................................................................................................................. 25

Distance: ........................................................................................................................................................................... 25

Rate: .................................................................................................................................................................................. 26

Time: ................................................................................................................................................................................. 26

NASA ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 29

GoogleSky.......................................................................................................................................................................... 30 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 33

Anonymous Message from Lord Enki ................................................................................................................................... 34

Researcher Projection for Nibiru in 2012 ............................................................................................................................. 38

Kolbrin Bible Discusses Nibiru ............................................................................................................................................... 39

Government Actions Indicative of Prior Knowledge of Nibiru ............................................................................................. 42

Media Influence .................................................................................................................................................................... 43

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................................................. 43

Research Questions .............................................................................................................................................................. 46

About the Author .................................................................................................................................................................. 47

Contact .................................................................................................................................................................................. 49

Index of Tables and Figures

Table 1: Sumerian King’s List before Flood ............................................................................................................................. 5

Table 2: Sumerian King’s List after the Great Flood................................................................................................................ 7
Figure 1: VA-243 in the Berlin Museum ................................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 2: VA-243 in the Berlin Museum ............................................................................................................................... 10
FIGURE 3: VA-243 PLANET NUMBERING (FIG2) ........................................................................................................................... 11
FIGURE 4: VA-243 TABULATED DATA PIXEL SIZE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS WITH OUR PLANETS ............................................................ 11
FIGURE 5: LOG PLOT OF VA-243 PLANETARY PIXEL SIZE AND SOLAR SYSTEM PLANETS......................................................................... 12
Figure 6: Correlation of VA-243 Planetary Pixel Size and Solar System Planets ................................................................... 13
Figure 7: Dr. Robert Harrington USNO August 30th, 1990 .................................................................................................... 16
Figure 8: Nibiru Orbital Path According to Sitchin, Harrington, Broussard ......................................................................... 17
Figure 9: Nibiru Search using Pioneer 11 and Voyager 2 ..................................................................................................... 18
Figure 10: Detroit News January 16, 1981 Planet X Announced ......................................................................................... 20
Figure 11: New York Times, Jan 30, 1981 Planet X Announced ........................................................................................... 21
Figure 12: Washington Post December 30, 1983 Planet X ................................................................................................... 22
Figure 13: Washington Post December 30, 1983 Planet X (continued)................................................................................ 23
Table 3: Nibiru Transit Table 1 ............................................................................................................................................. 28
Table 4: Nibiru Transit Table 2 ............................................................................................................................................. 28
Figure 14: Nibiru photo from NASA ..................................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 15: Google Sky Nibiru HD 37784 Zoom 1 .................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 16: Google Sky Nibiru HD 37784 Zoom 2 .................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 17: Data on HD 37784 .......................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 20: Nibiru Forecast for 2007-2014 ............................................................................................................................ 39
Figure 18: Kolbrin Bible Nibiru Images showing Blood-Red Ash........................................................................................... 41
Figure 19: Kolbrin Bible Nibiru, Sun, Marduk Matching Glyphs ........................................................................................... 42

Sumerian Kings List Ends in a Great Flood
Using the Sumerian Kings list and the recorded date for the dynasty should give a marker point in time
for Noah’s flood we see that the last king shown in Ubara-Tutu who was also called Lugalbanda and is the father
of King Gilgamesh.

Ruler Reign Note

Alulim 28,800 First king in Eridu, Enki’s Temple HQ
Alangar 36,000
En-men-lu-ana 43,200
Enmen-gal-ana 28,000
Dumuzid 36,000
En-sipad-zid-ana 28,800
En-men-dur-ana 21,000
Ubara-Tutu 18,600 Father of Gilgamesh Circa 2900 BC?

Total Years 240,400.00

Table 1: Sumerian King’s List before Flood

Wikipedia source for the Sumerian King’s List attempts to fix the flood date at 2900 BC.

"Then the flood swept over."[19]

Excavations in Iraq have revealed evidence of localized flooding at Shuruppak (modern Tell Fara, Iraq) and various
other Sumerian cities. A layer of riverine sediments, radiocarbon dated to ca. 2900 BC, interrupts the continuity of
settlement, extending as far north as the city of Kish.Polychrome pottery from the Jemdet Nasr period (3000-2900 BC)
was discovered immediately below the Shuruppak flood stratum.[20]

Enki arrived on earth 100 SAR ago, equivalent to 360,000 years, according to Anonymous message on
my website He arrived on Earth-Ki circa 450,000 years ago according to Sitchin. So
we will be conservative, take the lower number, and subtract the time shown in the table for the Sumerian
King’s list (240,400 years) up to what appears to be a Great Flood? Was it too early to be Noah’s Flood thought
to be dated near the end of the last Ice Age?
A Great Flood was Chronicled from the Sumerian King’s List Date (assume Nibiru spawned at Perihelion).
Let’s take Enki’s approximate arrival date here on Earth (450,000 years ago for Sitchin, 100 SARs according to
anonymous Enki message). We will use the more conservative arrival time for Enki on Earth to subtract off the
first Sumerian King’s cumulative reign to see where that lands us in chronological time.

360,000 -240,400 = 119,600 years ago?

This calculation indicates that the flood for Ubaru-Tutu happened far in the past or that the arrival date
for Enki is far shorter. The assumption here is that the Biblical Flood of Noah took place right before the end of
the last ice age 12,000 BC. Thus the Atrahasis description of the Great Flood was written long before the
resurgence of Mesopotamia circa 3,800 BC. According to the Egyptian priest that met with the Greek leader
Solon, there were four major floods and many minor ones that affected the Earth.

Note that 119,600 / (3600 = 1 SAR) = 33.222

This would be 33 Nibiru cycles in the future would be another one which would be in Biblical times, Noah’s

"After the flood had swept over, and the kingship had descended from heaven, the kingship was in Kish."

Ruler Reign Note

Jushur 1200 0.33 of a full SAR
Kulllassina-bel 960
Nangishlishima 670
En-tarah-ana 420
Babum 300
Puannum 840
Kalibum 960
Kalumum 840
Zuqaqip 900
Atab 600

Mashda 840
Arwium 720
Etana 1500 Many scholars do not recognize rulers before
Etana due to lack of evidence
Balih 400
EN-me-nuna 660
Melem-Kish 900
Barsal-nuna 1200 0.33 of a full SAR
Zamug 140
Tizqar 305
Ilku 900
Iltasadum 1200 0.33 of a full SAR
En-me-barage-si 900 ca.
the earliest ruler on the List confirmed
independently from epigraphical evidence

Aga 625 contemporary with Gilgamesh of Uruk,

according to the Epic of
Gilgamesh[6] Gilgameš and Aga Translation

Total Years 17,980.00 ~ 5 SAR total reign

Table 2: Sumerian King’s List after the Great Flood

An attempt was made to work backwards from the Table 2 King’s list to get a date for the Great Flood indicated
at the end of Table 1. Starting from En-me-barage-si circa 2600 BC, adding all the previous reigns equals 16,455 years.
This by far exceeds the flood that was asserted to have occurred in 2900 BC above, so this is a dead end.

Enuma Elish Solar System Creation Account

How is Nibiru described in the Enuma Elish? It is described as an invader planet that gets trapped in
our solar system after the second perihelion event one of the satellites of Nibiur-Marduk strikes Tiamut
creating the Earth and Quingu (our moon) from the collision. Nibiru and its constellation of satellites and
moons has been trapped in our solar system according to the Babylonian Epic of Creation.
 What does it mean to be the planet of crossing?
 Was there an earlier version (versus the OBV) that used the term Nibiru versus the replaced name
 How many moons orbiting the planet Nibiru and are their larger planets in their system? (Marshall
Masters data from a channeled source states 5)

Sitchin 12th Planet 1976 introduces world to Nibiru

The Akkadian cylinder seal pictured below in Figure 1 dates from the third millennium B.C. (it’s at least
4500 years old) and can be found at the State Museum in East Berlin catalogued under VA/243. It’s one of the
most ancient cylinder seals that have been found. It shows the god Enlil granting the plow — the knowledge of
agriculture — to humankind. Also interesting on this seal is what is said to be a depiction of our solar system in
the top left. You can see eleven globes surrounding what appears to be the sun. Author Zecharia Sitchin spent
a number of pages in his book “The 12th Planet” discussing and analyzing this depiction. Sitchin contends that
this depiction shows our solar system with the various heavenly bodies in their relative sizes. We can see the 9
planets we know of today (assuming Pluto is also a planet), the moon (ancient civilizations also held our moon
to be a planet), and the sun and a 10th planet that we have yet to locate.

Figure 1: VA-243 in the Berlin Museum

Critics disagree with Sitchin. Ancient language scholar Michael S. Heisner, for example, writes that the
symbol looking like the sun in the middle isn’t the sun at all but a star. The globes surrounding it are also stars
according to Heisner. He also says that there’s no evidence that points to the fact that the Sumerians knew
about more than 5 planets in our solar system.

 See VA-243 Controversy


For the link to the source material for this data analysis. This should be redone with maximal pixel
resolution to get the best numbers possible under the assumption that Harrington’s orbital map was to scale.
Note that he did not show other planets as circles to be able to compare Va-243 with the actual relative size of
the planet.

Figure 2: VA-243 in the Berlin Museum

The obvious question that comes to mind is that if the objects depicted are all stars, then why is the one
in the middle depicted differently with rays coming out of it? Not only that, but why are the globes surrounding
it depicted in different sizes? Is that just by chance, or was it done on purpose to show the relative sizes of the
planets like Sitchin argues in his book?


The next table shows three columns. The first column titled Reality is the actual diameters details for the
planets. The second column is the measured pixel diameter for the first data set and similarly the third column
is the pixel data for the second sample scan. See Figure 4 below.


Using a Log10 function on the data sets independently, a line graph is plotted showing the Planets and
their diameters along with the Pixel data scaled to the planetary diameter measurement range.


Figure 6 below shows the actual planetary diameters and a log function which uses base 66 versus base
10. This was done on a hunch that the Anunnaki would have used their scalar method and number base versus

Figure 6: Correlation of VA-243 Planetary Pixel Size and Solar System Planets

The first pixel data set from above was used to do some further comparisons. In order to make the
Log66 match the scale for the pixel samples, I chose to use Log6 on the data with the results shown in Figure 6
above. Then I correlated the original diameter D with the pixel diameter P in the second to last column.

I took the tabular data from the first set (S1) and analyzed it by using the Sumerian logarithm base 66
with a base of 6 for the pixels that represented planets from VA-243. First the correlation percentage was
sought between the actual planetary diameter D shown in kilometers with the pixel diameter P for the
corresponding planet from VA-243. Then the correlation percentage was computed between the two arrays
Log66(D) and Log6(P). There was an 89.98% correlation between the planets shown on VA-243 using only linear
comparison. Using the logarithmic comparison, we get 99.503% correlation, almost exact!!!

 Can it be just mere coincidence that the relative sizes of all of the 12 globes on cylinder seal VA/243
happen to closely match with the relative sizes of the heavenly bodies in our solar system on a
logarithmic scale?
 Can it be just mere coincidence that the diameters of the globes on the cylinder seal happen to
be chosen so perfectly relative to each other and to scale, to closely match the dimensions in reality?
Or must we conclude that the artist who drew the globes most likely made a conscious decision to
draw them in their relative sizes based on the knowledge he had?

 What are the odds that this could happen just by chance — that the artist just randomly placed 12
globes on the cylinder seal that just happen to be almost precisely to scale compared to our solar

The analysis leads to the following conclusions:

 Zecharia Sitchin was right to point out that the globes on the cylinder seal VA/243 depict our solar
 Michael S. Heisner is wrong on this subject. The globes are indeed the planets in our solar system and
the one in the center is the sun.

Apparently the Sumerians knew about our complete solar system all the way back in the 3rd millennium B.C.

 Not only did they know how many planets there were, but they also knew their relative sizes (possibly
even their exact sizes). These appear to have been captured on the VA-243 cylinder seal.

And if Sitchin is correct they also knew details such as the colors and compositions of the planets.

 The Sumerians knew how to use some form of logarithmic scaling to be able to depict the planets in
their relative sizes very close to accurate. Rather than linearly scaling the solar system down to a
smaller size in the drawing — which would have made certain planets so small in relation to the sun
they’d be hard to see — they did it logarithmically. A clever solution. It’s a smaller symbolic
representation of the whole.
 The Sumerians thought that Pluto is indeed a planet.
 If the relative sizes were done on purpose, it’s likely that the positions were also chosen on purpose.
 Do the planet locations on VA-243 coincide with the event on the seal?

Cylinder seal VA/243 depicts an Anunnaki god granting the knowledge of agriculture to humans. In the
same way they could have gotten other knowledge as well, including that of our solar system? It is claimed to
be Enlil but in the story of Cain and Abel, Marduk and Ninurta were appointed as trainers for the two. Ninurta
taught farming to Cain, thus the provisioning of the plow, and Marduk taught animal domestication and herding
skills to Abel. As we know, Cain killed Abel over praise given by Enki to Abel for his meat offering. Cain wanted
the world to be Vegan.

If the Sumerian depiction of our solar system is accurate, then what else is? Could it be
that everything they wrote about is accurate and based on (scientific and historical) fact? Certainly Sitchin, who
spent most of his life researching this, thought so.

It appears that it’s highly likely that Planet X (or Nibiru) exists and that astrophysicists John Matese and
Daniel Whitmire could be proven correct with regard to the estimated size of the planet. As can be seen in the
charts above, the relative estimated size in reality of Planet X comes very close to the scaled version from the
cylinder seal.

Sitchin, Harrington, 1990 and Beyond

Dr. Robert Harrington, Supervising Astronomer at the United State Naval Observatory, Washington DC:
“about 6 months after August 1978 we discovered Pluto had a satellite”.

After deciding there was a sizeable planet in the outer reaches of the solar system circa 1978 USNO
narrowed search focus for a 10th planet, looking in the vicinity Centaurus, just south of the constellation of Libra.

 IRAS commissioned by Dr. Harrington, why? To discover what added planetary body existed beyond
Pluto that was responsible for tilting the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. Noted that based on the
intruder model and the consequences it would cause, Dr. Harrington believed Pluto was originally a
moon of Neptune which was stripped off by the invader Planet X.

Figure 7: Dr. Robert Harrington USNO August 30 th , 1990

 Sitchin sends book to Harrington then meets, agree that it is Nibiru/Planet X

 Robert Harrington with Sitchin confirming Planet X location with precessional path update.

Here is a link to the full YouTube video.

Nibiru Orbit According to Sitchin and Harrington

This is the diagram that both Sitchin and Harrington used to discuss the location of Nibiru August 30,
1990. The image was captured from the presentation screen directly.

Figure 8: Nibiru Orbital Path According to Sitchin, Harrington, Broussard

Note the locations for Voyager 1, Voyager 2, and Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11. These probes appear to have
been pre-positioned to view an incoming planet on a couple of different possible paths. Voyager 1, 2 and
Pioneer 11 are the early detection systems whereas Pioneer 10 is there to witness Perihelion.

The following diagram shows the field of view offered by Pioneer 11 and Voyager 2, looking in
Sagittarius and Scorpio as the NASA team seems to think the Gill Broussard path (counter clock wise?) was
worth monitoring with the probes. Note also that they hedged their bets by including Voyager 1 near the
center of the bisection of the orbital plane in order to see both the approach and departure from the solar

aphelion event. This is exposed by the focal point and field of view which indicates where in space the probe
is oriented.

Figure 9: Nibiru Search using Pioneer 11 and Voyager 2


Dr. Robert S. Harrington, the chief astronomer of the U.S. Naval Observatory, died before he could publicize the
fact that Planet X is approaching our Solar System.

Many feel his death part of a cover-up? One in which government agencies quickly moved to conceal the most
earth-shaking discovery in history. If so, the search for truth begins in New Zealand.

In 1991, Dr. Robert S. Harrington, the chief astronomer of the U.S. Naval Observatory, took a puny 8-
inch telescope to Black Birch, New Zealand, one of the few viewing points on Earth optimal for sighting Planet
X, which he definitively calculated to be approaching from below the ecliptic at an angle of 40 degrees.

However, the source below quotes Dr. Harrington as predicting 30 degrees, not 40.

The Independent, September 18, 1990

Lexical priming and the properties of text, quotation of British newspaper,

Dr. Harrington says the most remarkable feature predicted for Planet X is that its orbit is tilted 30 degrees
away from the ecliptic, the main plane of the solar system, where all previous searches have concentrated. His
models also predict a greater distance from the Sun, about 10 billion miles, or between two or three times as
distant as Pluto.

By analyzing time-lapse photography using the "blink comparison" technique, originated by famed Pluto
discoverer, Clyde Tombaugh, Dr. Harrington proved that Planet X was indeed inbound into our Solar System.
Harrington sent back reports of this ominous discovery, but died of what was reported to be esophageal cancer
before he could pack up his telescope and come home to hold what would have been a highly publicized press

Thus, it is clear he not only believed Nibiru was real, but spent his last hours in his life seeking to get a
direct glimpse of the planet which means it must have come closer to Pluto’s orbit, close enough for him to see
with an 8 inch telescope, probably a Schmidt-Cassegrain type.

Planet X Newspaper and Major Claims

The earliest article in the Nibiru chronology seems to appear in the Detroit News, 1981.

Detroit News

Detroit News, January 16th, 1981 titled “Detroit News January 16th, 1981 “10th Planet? Pluto’s Orbit Says

Figure 10: Detroit News January 16, 1981 Planet X Announced

Could not find the legible text to analyze for this article.

New York Times
The next article appeared in the Yew York Times January 30th, 1981.

Figure 11: New York Times, Jan 30, 1981 Planet X Announced

Harrington states he thinks that Planet X is 5 Billion miles outside of Pluto’s orbit, but does not indicate
if he thinks that is the current position or aphelion. If it is present location as of 1981, then when added to
Pluto’s distance of 3.67 Billion years from the sun, we get 8.67 Billion years from the sun.


 Two years later, we see another article in the Washington Post.

December 30th, 1983

By Thomas O'Toole, Washington Post Staff Writer
“A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be
part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope

aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite.”

So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a nearby "protostar"
that never got hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming
its first stars or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the light cast by its stars ever gets through.

All I can tell you is that we don’t know what it is, “Dr. Gerry Neugebauer, IRAS chief scientist for California Jet
Propulsion Laboratory and director of the Palomar Observatory for the California Institute of Technology. Said
in an interview.

The most fascinating explanation of this mystery body, which is so cold it casts no light and has never been
seen by optical telescopes on Earth or in space, is that it is a giant gaseous planet as large as Jupiter and as
close to Earth as 50 billion miles. While that may seem like a great distance in earthbound terms, it is a stone’s
throw in cosmological terms, so close in fact that it would be the nearest heavenly body to Earth beyond the
outermost planet Pluto.

“If it is really that close, it would be a part of our solar system”, said Dr. James Houck of Cornell University’s
Center for Radio Physics.

Figure 12: Washington Post December 30, 1983 Planet X

Figure 13: Washington Post December 30, 1983 Planet X (continued)

"All I can tell you is that we don't know what it is," Dr. Gerry Neugebauer, IRAS chief scientist for
California's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and director of the Palomar Observatory for the California
Institute of Technology, said in an interview.

The most fascinating explanation of this mystery body, which is so cold it casts no light and has never
been seen by optical telescopes on Earth or in space, is that it is a giant gaseous planet as large as
Jupiter and as close to Earth as 50 billion miles. While that may seem like a great distance in
earthbound terms, it is a stone's throw in cosmological terms, so close in fact that it would be the
nearest heavenly body to Earth beyond the outermost planet Pluto.

"If it is really that close, it would be a part of our solar system," said Dr. James Houck of Cornell
University's Center for Radio Physics and Space Research and a member of the IRAS science team. "If it

is that close, I don't know how the world's planetary scientists would even begin to classify it."

The mystery body was seen twice by the infrared satellite as it scanned the northern sky from last
January to November (1983), when the satellite ran out of the supercold helium that allowed its
telescope to see the coldest bodies in the heavens. The second observation took place six months after
the first and suggested the mystery body had not moved from its spot in the sky near the western edge
of the constellation Orion in that time, according to Dr. Harrington.

"This suggests it's not a comet because a comet would not be as large as the one we've observed and a
comet would probably have moved," Houck said. "A planet may have moved if it were as close as 50
billion miles but it could still be a more distant planet and not have moved in six months’ time."

Whatever it is, Houck said, the mystery body is so cold its temperature is no more than 40 degrees
above "absolute" zero, which is 456 degrees Fahrenheit below zero. The telescope aboard IRAS is
cooled so low and is so sensitive it can "see" objects in the heavens that are only 20 degrees above
absolute zero.

When IRAS scientists first saw the mystery body and calculated that it could be as close as 50 billion
miles, there was some speculation that it might be moving toward Earth.

"It's not incoming mail," Cal Tech's Neugebauer said. "I want to douse that idea with as much cold
water as I can."

Then, what is it? What if it is as large as Jupiter and so close to the sun it would be part of the solar
system? Conceivably, it could be the 10th planet astronomers have searched for in vain. It also might
be a Jupiter-like star that started out to become a star eons ago but never got hot enough like the sun
to become a star.

While they cannot disprove that notion, Neugebauer and Houck are so bedeviled by it that they do not
want to accept it. Neugebauer and Houck "hope" the mystery body is a distant galaxy either so young
that its stars have not begun to shine or so surrounded by dust that its starlight cannot penetrate the


"I believe it's one of these dark, young galaxies that we have never been able to observe before,"
Neugebauer said.

"If it is, then it is a major step forward in our understanding of the size of the universe, how the
universe formed and how it continues to form as time goes on."

The next step in pinpointing what the mystery body is, Neugebauer said, is to search for it with the
world's largest optical telescopes. Already, the 100-inch diameter telescope at Cerro Del Tololo in Chile
has begun its search and the 200-inch telescope at Palomar Mountain in California has earmarked
several nights next year to look for it. If the body is close enough and emits even a hint of light, the
Palomar telescope should find it since the infrared satellite has pinpointed its position.

This next link has so many articles on Planet X it will take a week to read them all. The date goes back to
the 1950s. There has been a lot of consistent interest in this research.

Data Analysis: Distance, Rate, and Time

Since distance equals rate times time, we have the following information on Nibiru

Distance = Rate * Time (Equation 1)

 1983 estimate of 50 billion miles from earth. Neugebauer et al.
 Linear measurement to Harrington Map (scaled or not?)

Using a line from drawn from the Sun to Pluto’s depicted orbit, we get 1.46” line

Using a line drawn from the sun to Nibiru’s depicted location (Harrington/Sitchin) we get a 2.65” line

Now using an equivalence technique, we set the desired ratio using the 2.65” line and a variable X.
Then solve for the variable X which is the distance to Nibiru, assuming Harrington’s orbital chart is scaled at all.
Thus we have the relationship:

1.46”/3.67*10^7 = 2.65”/X

Solving for X, the distance from the Sun to Nibiru, if Harrington Constellation map is to scale, we get:

X = 6.66 Billion miles which disagrees with Neugebauer’s claim of finding Planet X at approximately 50
Billion miles away using IRAS. The two astronomers’ measurements are off by 43.34 Billion years. So, it is still
unknown if Harrington’s orbital map was to scale or not, it seems it was not. Could be a dead end here.
Harrington believed his observation in 1990 time-frame has Nibiru at 5 Billion miles outside of Pluto’s orbit of
3.67 Billion miles for a total of 8.67 Billion miles by inference. This belief may indicate that the map he had
was to scale and he disagrees with Neugebauer who was a significant shrill and skeptic.

 Using Equation 1, Distance = Rate*Time solve for Rate

Rate = Distance / Time (Equation 2)

Neugebauer Rate = Neugebauer Distance of 50 Billion miles divided by Nibiru orbital linear transit time.

 Time variable is half of Nibiru’s orbit, 1800 years. (1/2 of a SAR = 3,600 years)

Using Equation 2, we can derive Nibiru’s transit Rate.

Neugebauer Rate = 50,000,000,000 miles /1800 years = 27,777,777.77 miles/year average speed.

This speed is averaged given the path is actually an elliptical orbit with faster motion possible at aphelion and

Nibiru requires 3600 years to complete a full orbit, which roughly implies an 1800 year straight line
approximation from Nibiru in solar perihelion to aphelion, which is half the full orbital time.

 Assume a starting location of Nibiru inbound at Pluto using Neugebauer Rate.

 What is the distance to Pluto from the Sun? 3,670,050,000 miles
 How many years does it take Pluto to orbit the Sun? 248 years. Thus we can assume that Nibiru could
at least traverse this path as fast as Pluto.
So taking this distance we want the time in years for Nibiru to make it from Pluto to solar perihelion. We
simply rearrange Equation 1 to get Equation 3.

Time = Distance/Rate (Equation 3)

Now, 3.67 Billion miles (Pluto distance from Sun) divided by the Nibiru Rate should be the time it takes for
Nibiru to get to Perihelion once crossing parallel with Pluto.

Using the Neugebauer Rate: 3,670,000,000 / 27,777,777.77 miles/year = 132 years.

If Harrington’s map had been to scale, then the time from Nibiru inbound as witnessed in 1983 would
be 239 years. This is very close to the time it takes for Pluto to orbit the sun so it may have some merit as our
assumed Neugebauer Rate.

Using the Harrington orbital map shown in Figure 8, we compute an interpolated distance to Nibiru to
be 6.66 Billion years away, or numerically 6,660,000,000 years.

Now let’s compute the time it would take in years for Nibiru to transit at this distance and rate inbound
to perihelion, assuming it is the present location at viewing in 1990 was where Harrington had drawn the planet,
6.66 Billion miles from the Sun. We will use the Neugebauer Rate for the transit speed and then play with sling
shot scalars in a later table to see how this effect could change the arrival time for Nibiru.

6,660,000,000 miles / 27,777,777.77 miles/year = 239 years. This would be the time it would take for
Nibiru to get to solar perihelion at a constant velocity shown. This does not account for planetary sling shot
acceleration potential with large planets like Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn.

Note that when adding the years 1983+239 = 2,222 which is a long way off the predicted
expectation of Nibiru’s arrival date, which is imminent. Thus, Harrington’s orbital map not being to scale is in
question. (Note also that 1983 + 33 years = 2016, next year)

Note that the planet may travel faster from Pluto to solar Perihelion due to the slingshot effect from
Jupiter, Neptune or Uranus? Thus if Nibiru were to reach Pluto it may take less than the 239 years derived.
Suppose in the maximal case that the slingshot effect were able to speed up the transit time from Pluto to
perihelion by a faster variable factor ranging from 1 to 5? What impact would it have on the Perihelion arrival
time from Pluto inwards using 1983 as the start date for Nibiru to be adjacent to Pluto?

Start Distance Nibiru Rate Scalar Years to Year 1983
from Sun Miles Per Perihelion + Previous
(Pluto) Year Column
3,670,000,000 27,777,777.77 1.00 132.12 2115
2.00 66.06 2049
3.00 44.04 2027
4.00 33.03 2016
5.00 26.42 2009
Table 3: Nibiru Transit Table 1

Now similarly, starting from the map that Harrington and Sitchin showed in their video, we have an
interpolated distance of 6.66 Billion miles if the map were to be to scale, which is in doubt as it does not jive
with the Neugebauer approximate distance of 50 Billion year from the Sun. We will examine it anyway in the
following table.

Distance Sun to Nibiru Rate Scalar Years to Comment

Nibiru (linear Miles Per Year Perihelion 1983 IRAS
interpolation) Report
6,660,000,000 27,777,777.77 1.00 239.76 2222.76
2.00 119.88 2102.88
3.00 79.92 2062.92
4.00 59.94 2042.94
5.00 47.95 2030.952
6.00 39.96 2022.96
7.00 34.25 2017.25
8.00 29.97 212.97
Table 4: Nibiru Transit Table 2

The results indicate that for Nibiru to arrive at perihelion it would have to travel 7 or 8 times faster than
the Neugebauer rate derived using the IRAS distance estimate of 50 Billion miles away, probably not at aphelion
so the rate may be faster than that depicted if the distance to were known at two locations and times then the
rate could be calculated more precisely, at least for the current transit portion of the elliptical path. Thus, the
Neugebauer Rate is also just an estimate which allows leeway in the arrival time uncertainty. We know that
Nibiru was most likely not at aphelion when Neugebauer estimated the IRAS data to show Planet X was 50 Billion
miles away. Perhaps it was just outside Pluto by 5 Billion miles as Harrington believed and Neugebauer was
coached to downplay its location and movement ephemeris by NASA? This is unknown, but he was the one that
stated it was most definitely not inbound towards the sun. That turned out to be false.

The next method for getting at the Nibiru transit date is to visit the past Great Floods with the assumption
that Noah’s flood was associated with Nibiru’s passage. This is only an assumption and may not be the case at
all. Perhaps the Anunnaki used their technology to slow down the rotation speed of the earth using magnetics
and caused a watery destruction just as was told in the Emerald Tablets discussed in my second book The 7 th
Planet Mercury Rising, chapter 5. We have records from the Sumerian Kings before and after the Flood. The
issue is to pin down one of the ruler’s terms that was recorded so we have a date to work from (add ruler-ship
time or subtract). Approaching the flood using the list before and after is analyzed to see if an accurate Nibiru
passage date can be found historically. This date will allow projections into the future using a SAR=3,600 year
term to predict the next transit.

 NASA data discussing new planet findings near Neptune (2015)

This is a picture of Nibiru’s constellation leaked from NASA on the internet, then subsequently
withdrawn. It is in my opinion the only photo that may or may not be valid. I do not know exactly when it was
leaked or what the coordinates were when taken. Unless an image came from a super-cooled IRAS type scope,
it is unreliable for now and will not stand up to scrutiny.

Figure 14: Nibiru photo from NASA

While searching for the coordinates in Google Sky for Nibiru, I came across this link.

 5h 53m 27s,-6 10′ 58 was provided on a blog that supposedly was a blacked-out region in Google Sky
masking Nibiru’s location. As of today (04.26.15) I have been unable to locate the supposed blacked
out region in Google Sky as it would provide a place to correlate the path with Nibiru’s. The next figure
depicts the supposed picture of Nibiru from Google Sky searching using the term
 If you enter HD 37784 in Google Sky it produces the image below, supposedly Nibiru.
 This planet/object is located between Gemini and Taurus North of Orion’s Belt and Betelgeuse.


Figure 15: Google Sky Nibiru HD 37784 Zoom 1

Figure 16: Google Sky Nibiru HD 37784 Zoom 2


Figure 17: Data on HD 37784


Note that the star asserted to be Nibiru is located in the constellation of Taurus, just North of Orion’s
Belt. Finally, there have been some announcements of planetary findings from NASA in 2015. Could one of the
new planets found be Nibiru?

Anonymous Message from Lord Enki
The following message was sent to Truth Frequency. It is a channeled message from Enki, creator of
Mankind. No claims are made about the authenticity of this information. It is ultimately up to the reader to
decide the validity of the information.

 Anonymous Message from Enki

“I have been tasked with delivering messages from Lord Enki and I have been instructed to
share these messages with you. After considering many websites, it was decided that the
Truth Frequency is one of the few with sincerity and balance between the physical and
metaphysical. You are one of the few believers who also reserves enough skepticism to be
aware of frauds and deceivers while at the same time showing respect to information you do
not necessarily believe or agree with. Because you have maintained this level of neutrality,
we have chosen your platform. If you choose to accept we simply ask that you do not alter
the messages in any way when publishing this information. However acceptance of this task
is voluntary and you are free to decline. My name is unimportant. I am merely a messenger.”

(Nibiru information high-lighted)

December 3, 2013 – Transmission from Enki, first born son of King Anu

I am the Lord Enki, the prince of the Earth.

I have been guiding your species for hundreds of thousands of years. Together, we the gods, have
created and destroyed civilizations. Together, we will guide your kind to the higher dimensions of wisdom and
understanding. Ascension is yours if you choose to accept it. Death shall be your destiny if you choose to deny.

From the time I stepped foot on Earth and created Eridu, I have called this world my home. Now, as it
was in the days of Ziusudra, Nibiru is once again nearing. Enlil, through his nation of Israel, has claimed power
as the one true God. Marduk has taken control of your Roman Empire. Your United States and European Union

are split serving both masters. Marduk, the rotten fruit of my seed, has raised an army in an effort to emerge
the ruler of the world.

You must remove yourself from the war of gods and you must not participate on either side. Your
religions are perverted systems of the priesthood I once taught your kind. Do not continue to follow blindly, do
not look to any scripture as absolute truth. Instead, look to these scriptures for their hidden meanings and
wisdom. Look to these scriptures as you would look at the battle plans of an opposing army or nation.

You must shed every part of control that is over you and acknowledge the one true God, the Creator of
All. For what has happened on earth is an abomination to the Creator of All, and I, Enki, have committed great
sins against nature in my lifetime on earth. I did so with the purest of hearts and the greatest intention but I
have wept at my creation’s destruction, many times over.

When Adapa was sent to Nibiru to stand before Anu, I gave one commandment. Now I give you the same
commandment. Do not cower before the gods, do not cower before Anu. Instead rise and lock arms. Do not
cower before us any longer; For you are now our equals. Annunaki and Mankind have become one. The bond
Heaven-Earth is now yours.

In the words of Enlil, “When we came to earth, we created man in our image. Their offspring were in our
likeness. Now, our offspring are in the likeness of Mankind.” Because of this undeniable truth, you have become
the rulers of this world. But deceivers who seek harm upon you have taken the roles in the upper echelons of
your society, who together with Marduk, have created alliances with beings not of Annunaki nor of Mankind.
Your leaders have become vessels for these beings and their bodies are operating not of their control. There is
no empathy, reason or negotiating with your leaders because your leaders no longer retain the human spirit.
This is why all of your leaders appear to age so quickly. The life energy inside of them is quickly drained by these
entities and their life essence is removed and merged with the life essence of the dark ones.

When lots were drawn between myself, Enlil and Anu, I was designated the ruler of Eridu and the Abzu.
I created your kind to toil for us in the terrible Abzu of fire and brimstone. When primitive workers we could not
control, I endowed you with our essence and created civilized man. Against the wishes of Enlil, I endowed you
with the gifts of the tree of knowledge and taught you the powers and wisdom of the heavens. But I did not
have a right to control you. I did not have a right to use you as workers.

Nibiru is still in danger. The gold does not hold well upon each passing near of the sun. The mining
operations from Earth to Nibiru have gone on for over a hundred shar, serving only as a temporary fix. Perhaps
the Creator of All has deemed our planet unfit for survival. Perhaps, in our haste to save our home, we have
doomed your planet to the same terrible fate by prolonging ours and unleashed horrors by our own hands that
you should have never seen.

It is with a heavy heart that I review the events of the past and it is with great hope that I present the
future to you.

In the sky you have seen signs of Nibiru’s passage. You have seen the coming of ELENIN. This was a
warning of the extinction level event and a warning that Nibiru is near. The clan of Enlil propagated your internet
with ideas that this is the coming of Nibiru in a prophecy designed to fail, so many of you will no longer look to
the sky. Likewise, they propagated an end date of December 21, 2012, another false-prophecy designed to fail
for the same reasons.

You have seen other signs in the heaven with YU55 and the passing of comet Ison. These are not comets
in the traditional sense, and you have been lied to about their great orbits. Genuine comets typically do not
burn in the Sun’s atmosphere and return just as your Comet Hale-Bopp will in a few more decades. These objects
are the warnings of Nibiru’s passage. But not be distracted. Do not look at what is happening, look to a place
where things have begun happening for the truth.

Just as in the time of Ziusudra, the counsel has convened and oaths to not communicate this great
calamity to Mankind have been taken. However, with your understanding of god-like technology and your
understanding of god-like science and astronomy, many amongst you have begun informing one another of the
coming calamity.

Enil’s nation of Israel has attempted to hide the truth from you. They employ human workers to ridicule,
slander, assault and sometimes kill those of you who have been watching the sky. No matter what happens, it
is important that you never give up or become discouraged. It is all nothing more than a sinister game played
on your minds, in order to control you.

Your aerospace facilities have kept hidden from you the massive bases on the moon. Some of your earth
leaders have been promised refuge there; However, Marduk has lied to your leaders and will not journey to
your moon with any human. Other humans will be escorted into underground facilities for safe harbor. Humans
who journey to these facilities will never escape, and their generations will become enslaved for thousands of

My clan has developed technologies in your north and south poles and for the first time, we are capable
of controlling the disaster of Nibiru’s passage. We are attempting to counteract the effects of Nibiru’s
gravitational pull. Your instruments have seen the magnetic poles changing directions in an unnatural way. This
is our technology in use, and in efforts to prevent the physical pole shift. We have employed space weapons of
terror to protect your satellites and power grids. We believe with our infrastructure, we can prevent another

You have seen your earth changing in climate. This is a natural occurrence; However, your leaders have
claimed that it is your doing. Many of the people have not fallen for this deception. You must urge others to do
the same. You have seen great winds, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, hurricanes, freezing and burning
temperatures. This erratic cycle will continue as your world wobbles to and from its original orbit.

Marduk plans to emerge as the ruler of the earth upon the next passage of Nibiru and claim to be your
One True God. His clan has several plans in place for all possible outcomes. If my clan’s efforts are unsuccessful,
Marduk plans to control all survivors of the catastrophe. The second plan involves the chemicals being sprayed
in your sky. When it was determined that your atmosphere is dwindling, we employed a plan of action similar
to the one on Nibiru; However, against my words, the counsel was unwilling to spare any of the gold to repair
your atmosphere and henceforth began using other metals from your earth. The air you breathe is causing you
to suffer from cancer and newly-developed medical ailments. Radiation alone does not cause cancerous growth.
It is through ingesting these particulates that your bodies begin to grow cells which eat your organs and skeletal
structure. These outcomes could not be foreseen.

About thirty years after this plan was put into action (in the 1960’s), in your 1990s, the decision to block
visibility to the cosmos was made by Marduk, who highjacked the geo-engineering operation. An additive was
added to the mixture to create the white blanket you see in the sky now. This is to prevent you from seeing
signs of the passage of Nibiru.

When Marduk became aware of our efforts in your North and South pole, he ordered his clan to add
nanotechnologies to the mixture which bind to your DNA. His clan also developed genetically modified
organisms, which are being pushed on your people. These organisms, along with the nanotechnologies you

breathe, are designed to depopulate the weaker humans while at the same time changing the DNA structure of
your species in an effort to remove the gifts I gave you and turn you back into a primitive worker, capable of
taking orders but incapable of communicating and rebelling.

The time has come when you, as mankind, must utilize the gifts I gave you and remember who you are
and where you come from. You are civilized man, with the ability to raise crops and herd cattle. You must go
back to your roots if you want to survive as a free species. Do not trust the food at your markets, do not eat
anything that is packaged or processed, and do not drink water without purifying it first. This is all designed to
cloud your mind and change your DNA and the DNA of your offspring. Likewise, do not trust in the medicines
from your healers, instead look to the healers of the past (the shamans) who used energy, prayer and plants.

Many will soon die, whether it is due to the passing of Nibiru or the abominations of Marduk. You must
learn to live without attachments and you must understand your generation’s destiny and how important it is
to the survival of your species as free and independent beings. You were placed here as warriors, as men of
renown, but many of you will fall. The sacrifices you make here on Earth will be the gifts you give to the following

Do not be afraid. Understand your role and the choices you make. Do not cower before gods or men and
embrace your destiny.

I, Enki, will be with you until the end of time.

Researcher Projection for Nibiru in 2012

I found this model online and needed more data to make any sense of where they got their data for the
model. Anyway, nice picture. Without any coordinates to refer to, the crossing location through the solar
ecliptic appears to be tangent to Jupiter’s orbital path. If so, that distance could be used to predict when Nibiru
would be at perihelion. Without data to back this up, it would simply be a mental exercise.

Figure 20: Nibiru Forecast for 2007-2014

Unless I missed the signs or the reported fact that Nibiru has already crossed the solar ecliptic, could this
this projection in Figure 20 turn out to be right or wrong. It is now 2015 and if Nibiru were to have crossed it
would not be invisible until re-emerging from perihelion. It supposedly takes about 153 days to appear from
behind the sun.

Kolbrin Bible Discusses Nibiru

The Kolbrin bible contains startling passages that describe none other than the fly-by of Nibiru itself.

By Greg Jenner

From DarkStar1 Website

from the ‘Book of Creation,’ Chapter Three.
“…It is known and the story comes down from ancient times that there was not one creation but two. A
creation and a recreation. It is a fact known to the wise that the Earth was utterly destroyed once then reborn
on a second wheel of creation. At the time of the great destruction of Earth God caused a [celestial] dragon
from outer heaven to come and encompass her about. The dragon was frightful to behold, it lashed its tail and
breathed out fire and hot coals and a great catastrophe was inflicted upon mankind. The body of the dragon
[Nibiru/Planet X] was wreathed in a cold bright light and beneath on the belly was a ruddy hued glow while
behind it trailed a flowing tail of smoke.

"It spewed out cinders and hot stones and its breath was fowl and stenchful poisoning the nostrils of men. Its
passage caused great thundering and lightning to rend the thick darkened sky, all heaven and Earth being made
hot. The seas were loosened from their cradles and rose up pouring across the land. There was an awful shrilling
trumpeting which outpoured even the howling of the unleashed winds. Men stricken with terror went mad at
the awful sight in the heavens.

They were loosed from their senses and dashed about crazed not knowing what they did. The breath
was sucked from their bodies and they were burned with a strange ash. Then it passed leaving Earth enwrapped
with a dark and glowering mantle which was ruddily lit up inside. The bowels of the Earth were torn open and
great writhing upheavals and a howling whirlwind rent the mountains apart. The wrath of the sky monster
[Nibiru] was loosed in the heavens. It lashed about in flaming fury roaring like a thousand thunders. It poured
down fiery destruction amid a welter of THICK BLACK BLOOD [Red ash].

"So awesome was the fearfully aspected thing that the memory mercifully departed from Man. His thoughts
were smothered under a cloud of forgetfulness….. in this manner the first Earth [Tiamat] was destroyed by
calamity descending from the skies. Men and their dwelling places were gone. Only sky boulders and the red
earth remained where once they were. But amidst all the desolation a few survived for Man is not easily
destroyed but crept out of their caves and came down the mountain sides.

Their eyes were wild and their limbs trembled. Their bodies shook and their calls lacked control. Their
faces were twisted and their skin hung loose on their bones. They were as maddened as wild beasts driven into
an enclosure before flames. They knew no law being deprived of all the wisdom they once had and those who
had guided them were gone…”

The Kolbrin Bible goes on to give us a warning of the red comet/planet’s return, named the Destroyer:

Figure 18: Kolbrin Bible Nibiru Images showing Blood-Red Ash

“When blood [the red ash] drops upon the Earth the DESTROYER [Nibiru] will appear and mountains will
open up and belch forth fire and ashes. Trees will be destroyed and all living things engulfed. Waters will be
swallowed up by the land and the seas will boil. The heavens will burn brightly and redly. There will be a copper
hue over the face of the land followed by a day of darkness.

A new moon [one of the satellites of Nibiru] will appear and break up and fall. The people will scatter in
madness. They will hear the trumpet and the battle cry of the DESTROYER and will seek refuge in the dens
[underground bunkers] of the Earth. Terror will eat away their hearts and their courage will flow from them like
water from a broken pitcher.

They will be eaten up in the flames of wrath and consumed by the breath of the DESTROYER. In those
days men will have the great book before them, wisdom will be revealed. The few will be gathered for the stand.
It is the hour of trial. The dauntless ones will survive. The stout-hearted will not go down in destruction…”

With passages like these I tend to put much weight in what the text has to say—a planetary encounter.
Yes, I realize ancient manuscripts have certain built-in biases and exaggerations dependent upon the point of
view of the author but at the same time you simply cannot just throw a precious document like this out with
the bath water.

Figure 19: Kolbrin Bible Nibiru, Sun, Marduk Matching Glyphs

Therefore it is reasonable to suggest the Destroyer mentioned in the Kolbrin, is in fact Nibiru, the
celestial Sky Monster accompanied with a red meandering comet-like serpentine tail.

Government Actions Indicative of Prior Knowledge of Nibiru

The United States has been involved in a 30 year program to build underground facilities for surviving a
surface catastrophe (natural or war). There are maps of the underground tunnels and cities, and their
connection to retail giant Walmart.

China, Clintons, and Underground Tunnels and Cities in the US 1980s Spawned Walmart that was sold out to
the Chinese when Clinton was running for governor of the state of Arkansas in the 1980’s.

Cover-up of articles published in the 80’s about Planet X/Nibiru

NASA smear campaign about Nibiru to cover it up (find YouTube link to NASA official responding to query if
Nibiru is real?
 Compare and Contrast with Nuclear Preparedness and Continuation of Government with Nibiru Event.
 How long would one need to be underground for either event, then emerge as a potential survivor?
 Underground base built in Indian Springs, NV with supposed Tall White occupants according to Paul

Charles Hall (Millennium Hospitality books) confirms that the Tall Whites were indeed present at the
Indian Springs Nevada underground base. We also have the Visitor at the Pentagon, Valiant Thor who was
made a VIP and allowed to predicated US foreign policy in accordance with the contractual terms to trade an
underground guarded base for advanced military technology. This technology would be used to attempt an
Empire expansion to begin a New World Order as has been told and retold in conspiratorial circles since the
politicians started using the term in the public domain.

Media Influence
 CNN announcement that a Planet had been found out past Pluto
 Predictive programming in Cartoon Scooby Doo

Given the significant research that has been conducted looking for the source of the outer planet
disturbance, Nibiru or a large planet is verified and real. Dr. Harrington is the key player in the original disclosure
and appears to have been eliminated right at a crucial point in history (1991) right when he was going to release
his personal findings at a conference. Thus, Nibiru must have been approaching at that time. By my calculated
rates, which are only an approximation, Nibiru could easily get to perihelion within 239 years from Pluto, much
faster if the actual distance were known to compute a more accurate rate than that derived from Neugebauer’s
claim in 1981 of Nibiru being 50 billion miles away at that time. I believe based on all the evidence that Nibiru
has passed our solar ecliptic and is now transiting with the potential to appear from behind the sun any time
now (04.27.15). By the date of July, 2015, if Nibiru is where I think it is, the planet should become more apparent
whether this is true, appearing as a second sun. Pioneer 10 data should have direct evidence given its location
at perihelion. If Enki’s clan is successful, another flood event should be avoided. Watching the magnetic pole

shift at the North indicates a great deal about either a galactic center traversal in accordance with the Mayan
Calendar or the passage of Nibiru from the south between Mars and Jupiter, in the constellation of Libra
according to Dr. Harrington. How far could Nibiru and its satellites travel from 1991 until now?

On the conspiratorial side, if Google Sky has an area coincident with the orbital path for Nibiru, then
finding this blacked-out location is likely the key to knowing where the planet is currently. I attempted to locate
this claimed area yesterday, but was unable to find it.

The dual-purpose functionality assigned to the chemtrails by Enki’s anonymous message makes sense to
me. This is precisely what has been happening since the 1990’s according to his message, the same time frame
that Dr. Harrington was about to make another disclosure from his personal observations looking for Nibiru in
the Southern Hemisphere before he died suddenly of throat cancer, hardly believable given what we know of
cancerous symptoms and progression. Clearly a suspicious death IMHO. The fact that his death coincides with
an attempt to obscure the skies with chemtrails at the same time is telling. Another very interesting correlation
is the time disclosed in the anonymous message specifying the 1990’s as the point when Nibiru was close to
being able to be seen resulting in the PTB adding earth elements to the jet fuel to obscure the passage of Nibiru.
This happened at the very time that Dr. Harrington was about to do his conference disclosure in 1991.

Dr. Harrington’s orbital map (scaled or unscaled) did not agree with the IRAS scientist’s obvious dismissal
of the data. Thus, the political and social ramifications of such a find were handled delicately from the very
beginning. The search for the intruder planet that had to be responsible for the physical tilting of our very larger
outer planets deserves a scientific explanation, not a government sponsored disinformation campaign which
has been ongoing since the 1970’s. Pluto takes 248 years to orbit the sun. Thus, in the worst case, Nibiru could
transit this distance within the same time range. The evidence points to the fact that Planet X was inbound in
the 1990’s and at some point would be able to be seen coming in from the retrograde orbit to perihelion.

The response from governments around the world holds some clues. Some purport that all the
underground bases and connecting rat tunnels was done in order to survive the passage of Nibiru and the
surface destruction that can happen and has occurred in the past. There has been a flurry of activity as of the
last year stocking the deep underground bases and tunnels. As a contrarian point of reference, the arms race
leading to weapons of mass destruction has prompted a similar response from humanity since the cold war.
Many nations fear the direct or indirect impact of a nuclear fallout on the climate and planet surface. Thus,
making preparations to survive underground during a nuclear winter has a similar preparation impact as would
the passage of Nibiru. Given the fact that Nibiru’s passage would cause massive surface destruction, an
extinction level event (ELE), governments in possession of the power to grab resources and protect themselves
from the coming changes, war or invader planet, cannot be distinguished. My guess is that war will be used
right up the Nibiru event to corner resources needed to re-establish civilization afterwards. These resources
are being safeguarded underground if possible.

So, what should the masses do that have no ticket to outer space or an underground bunker that can be
sustained for a long duration? This question brings us to the usually avoided topic of death. This is no different
than putting on the hat that you have just been informed of a terminal disease and have approximately 6 month
to live. How would you spend your time? Would you be lulled into creating a “bucket list” and wasting your
time visiting more of Earth’s illusory matter at various locations? Or would one go inside and seek to optimize
the energetic experience in the body where the finite meets the infinite? Which response has more permanent
consequences for one’s soul path? What realistically can one do with such short notice and limited resources?

I personally decided to not let fear guide my response to Earth or war changes and even the possibility
of dying and leaving my meat modem behind as my SUN-soul merges back with the light. Thus, I am free to
concentrate on doing my assigned mission until my services are no longer required as an avatar in this
holographic simulated life. Thus, I will not be doing anything extreme in preparation for Nibiru’s passage. We
always have a food and water reserve and live a minimalistic life. If one knows that a tree is going to fall on
them, it is obvious to get out of the way and not be fatalistic. Alternatively, if the entire planet is going to
experience an extinction level event, then one is faced with few tangible choices.

The wealthy will spend their resources out of fear, mimicking what the government is doing to survive
the potential destruction of our surface world. They will build underground bunkers and stockpile food and
water, buying solar panels and grow lights and all the necessities to grow food underground. Most do not have
the resources to do this. Those that build such shelters will not be willing to tell others about it, just like the
government has withheld from the masses, because there is only a limited space, reserved for friends and
family. Imagine if the bunker owner were to blab to everyone that it existed and a real threat occurs (nuclear
war or planetary change), many will seek safety of the publicized shelter but will have to be turned away by the
owner. This is not a happy scenario.

Christa and I would like to continue our mission serving mankind as long as the holographic constructs
allow, evolving and sharing with close friends and loved ones until ascension or transition is imminent. For those
that do survive an ELE, depending on the progress of the LIGHT-DARK battle between Anunnaki factions, it will
be a different world formed from the ashes of destruction as indicated by the Latin phrase Ordo Ab Chao,
translated order out of chaos. From what I have seen, the NWO is not concerned about life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness. Thus, do you want to be part of that new world prison planet? Do you think you will be
able to live apart from the forces that emerge afterwards to assert dominion over the Earth? Is this ELE designed
by the Creator of All to force us to transition out of this dimension to a higher one? This gets deep pondering
such issues. I like to think of the movie 2012 and how Woody Harrelson was portrayed as a mobile broadcaster
on the precipice of the coming destruction, unafraid and strangely jubilant to face the unavoidable end of his
life, which is just a matter of time. None leave the simulator alive in a transient light encoded reality matrix
body. I will certainly apply consciousness preserving techniques learned in the Emerald Tablets at the very end
of my life.

Cross your fingers that the Enki clan has the backing of the Creator of All and the DARK forces are
thwarted. Otherwise, the New World Order plan, creating a world government poised to dictate to mankind
after the cataclysm caused by nuclear or Nibiru’s passage, probably both, will occur. Governments-countries
with nuclear weapons that are not sheltered underground will seek to use them or lose them if they are aware
of an impending ELE. Thus, it is likely that a nuclear war will slightly precede the coming of Nibiru out of
perihelion, with a best guess time frame of as early as July 15 th 2015 to as late as the end of 2016. The world
stage has been set to either use a nuclear war as an excuse to head to the underground bunkers ignoring the
reality of Nibiru’s passage being the real and imminent danger to us all. Only Ziusudra-Noah survived the last
great flood. How many on the planet will survive the next one?

Research Questions
 What marker point in time have others like Velikovsky and William Bromley (Gods of Eden) stated for
the past passage of Nibiru?
 What about Rob Solarian and his planetary math?
 What accelerative scalar can be used to model the slingshot effect?
 What is known about Neptune or one of the outer planetary giants and slingshot interactions?

About the Author
Gerald Clark is the author of two books, The Anunnaki of Nibiru released in 2103 and The 7 th Planet,
Mercury Rising released in 2015.

He has appeared on national radio programs and has a significant presence on YouTube and the web.
Gerald is a 1998 graduate of the University of California at San Diego with a master’s degree in Electrical
Engineering and a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering.

Gerald’s career spanned the telemetry, broadcast and telecommunications marketplace. He served as
a senior design engineer on many complex terrestrial and space-based systems to include the Globalstar
Satellite constellation command MODEM and the first HDTV MPEG-2 encoders and decoders for ABC, NBC, and
other large broadcasters.



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