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2 Tolerance with each Religion in Indonesia

Tolerance is an English absorption word "tolerance" means patience and grace, while
the transitive verb is tolerate which means patience facing or seeing and being resistant to
something, while the adjective is tolerance that is tolerant, patient with something. Whereas
according to Abdul Malik Salman, the word tolerane comes from the Latin language which
means trying to stay alive or interact with something that is actually not liked. Therefore,
tolerance in a socio-cultural and religious context means attitudes and actions that prohibit
discrimination against groups that are different or cannot be accepted by the majority in a
society. An example is religious tolerance where adherents of a majority in a society permit the
existence of other religions.

Tolerance between religious communities can be interpreted as an attitude to be able to

live with people who adhere to other religions by having the freedom to carry out their
respective religious principles (worship), without coercion or pressure both for worship and
non-worship from one party to another other. As its implementation in the practice of social
life can be started from the attitude of togetherness between religious adherents in everyday

The attitude of tolerance among religious people can be started from living in a good
relationship with neighbors who are in faith with us or not. This attitude of tolerance is reflected
in a way of mutual respect and mutual help.

The tolerance of rights and obligations in religious communities has been embedded in
the values that exist in the Pancasila. Indonesia is a compound country consisting of various
ethnicities and religions, without mutual respect between rights and obligations, various kinds
of friction between religious groups can emerge.
The following are the Benefits of Religious Tolerance:

1. Avoid Division
Everyone is supposed to instill in him a sense of tolerance, and apply it to the
social life of the community, especially in areas where there are various types of beliefs
or religions. The attitude of tolerance among religious people is one solution to
overcome the occurrence of divisions among the people in practicing their religion. As
an example, we can see the attitude of tolerance among religious people in our country,
namely Indonesia, which has more than one religion and belief. If inter-religious
tolerance is not embedded in the personalities of each Indonesian citizen, then it is likely
that this country will be divided and will not last long.
2. Strengthening the relationship
The benefits of tolerance among the next religious community is the
establishment of friendship. In general, the existence of a difference is always the
reason for the conflict between people (groups) with each other, especially for those
who can not accept the existence of these differences. One example is the existence of
religious differences which are one of the factors causing various conflicts and disputes
among fellow human beings, such as acts of terrorism, massacre of religious leaders,
and so forth which will ultimately have an impact on the emergence of misery for other
humans. Then how can the solution be avoided? The solution is to raise awareness in
each person about the importance of mutual respect and respect in order to create a
peaceful relationship between followers of religion. And if the peaceful relationship has
been realized then the relationship between religious adherents can be established well,
even more closely. If it is so, the ideals of the nation to realize unity and unity in the
midst of many differences will be realized, and that will make a country stronger and
stronger in facing any threat.
3. The development state will be more guaranteed in its implementation
The factor of security, order, unity and unity of a country is one of the keys to
success towards the success of development programs launched by the government in
the country. The occurrence of riots, disputes, and all forms of disasters both natural
disasters and human-caused disasters are one of the things that must be considered by
the government. These events will directly or indirectly affect the course of
development programs launched by the state.

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