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        
Q. 1 If a and b are two vectors with | a | = | b | and | a  b | + | a  b | = 2 | a |, then angle
 
between a and b –

(A) 0º (B) 90º (C) 60º (D) 180º


    
Q. 2 If P = 5a î + 6 ĵ and Q = 3a î + 10 ĵ . The vectors P + Q makes an angle  with P and  with

Q then –

(A)  =  if a = 2 (B)  >  if a > 2

(C)  <  if a > 2 (D)  >  if a = 0


Q. 3 Two bodies P and Q are moving along positive

 
x-axis their position-time graph is shown below if VPQ is velocity of P w.r.t Q and VQP is
velocity of Q w.r.t P then –


 
(A) | VPQ | = | VQP | = constant

(B) VPQ is towards origin

(C) VQP is towards origin
 
(D) VPQ and VQP both can be towards origin at same time [A,C]

 
Q. 6 At t = 0 a body is at point whose position vector is r = x î + y ĵ + z k̂ and starts with velocity v

= vx î + vy ĵ + vz k̂ . If point O is at r = 0, then body is always moving towards point O, when –

vx vy v
(A) = = z
x y z

 v x   v y   vz 
 .
(B)  .   z  < 0
 x   y 

(C) xvx + yvy + zvz < 0

 v x   v y 
(D)  . >0 [A,B,C,D]
 x   y 

Q. 7 Velocity of a boat is n times the river flow velocity then –

(A) If n < 1 boat cannot cross river

(B) If n = 1 boat cannot cross river without drifting

(C) If n > 1 boat can cross river along shortest path

(D) If n > 0 boat can cross river [B,C,D]

   
Q.8 A  B is perpendicular to (where A and B are non zero non-collinear vector) -
 
(A) A (B) B
   
(C) A  B (D) A  B [A,B,C,D]

Q.17 Vector R is the resultant of the vectors

    3 |A|
A and B . Ratio of maximum value of | R | to the minimum value of | R | is . The may be
1 
equal to -
2 1
(A) (B)
1 2

4 3
(C) (D) [A,B]
1 1

    
Q. 23 The two vectors A and B are drawn from a common point and C = A  B , then angle between
 
A and B is-

(A) 90º if C2 = A2 + B2

(B) greater than 90º if C2 < A2 + B2

(C) greater than 90º if C2 > A2 + B2

(D) less than 90º if C2 > A2 + B2 [A,B,D]

  
Q.25 Let C  A B .
 
(A) | C | is always greater than | A |
   
(B) It is possible to have | C | < | A | and | C | < | B |
(C) C is always equal to A + B
(D) C is never equal to A + B [B]

Q.18 A boat can travel at a speed of 3m/s in still water. A boat man wants to cross a river whilst
covering the shortest possible distance -

(A) If the speed of water is 2 m/s, then direction in which he should row his boat is cos –1 2/3
with respect to bank

(B) If speed of water is 4 m/s, then direction in which he should row his boat is cos –13/4 with
respect to bank

(C) The resultant velocity in the case (A) of the boat is 2.24 m/s

(D) The resultant velocity of boat in case (B) is 2.65 m/s [A,B,C,D]

Q.19 A man is walking toward east with a velocity of 8 km/h. Wind is blowing toward north-east at
angle of 45°. To the man wind appears to blow of angle of 60° north of west –
8 6
(A) True velocity of wind is km/hr
1 3

(B) Velocity of wind relative to man is km/h
1 3

(C) True velocity of wind is km/h
1 3

8 3
(D) Velocity of wind relative to man is km/h [A, B]
1 3

 ^  ^ ^
Q.35 River is flowing at velocity v  4 i m/s and boat is moving with relative velocity v BR  2 i  4 j .

The width of river is 100 m along y –direction. Choose the correct answer.

(A) Boatman will cross the river in 25 sec.

 (B) Absolute velocity of boatman is 2 5 m/sec.

(C) Drift of boatman along river current is 50 m

(D) Boatman can never cross the river [A,B,D]

Q.50 A boat can travel at a speed of 3m/s in still water. A boat man wants to cross a river whilst
covering the shortest possible distance -

(A) If the speed of water is 2 m/s, then direction in which he should row his boat is cos –1 2/3
with respect to bank

(B) If speed of water is 4 m/s, then direction in which he should row his boat is cos –13/4 with
respect to bank

(C) The resultant velocity in the case (A) of the boat is 2.24 m/s

(D) The resultant velocity of boat in case (B) is 2.65 m/s


Q.51 A man is walking toward east with a velocity of 8 km/h. Wind is blowing toward north-east at
angle of 45°. To the man wind appears to blow of angle of 60° north of west -
8 6
(A) True velocity of wind is km/hr
1 3

(B) Velocity of wind relative to man is km/h
1 3

(C) True velocity of wind is km/h
1 3

8 3
(D) Velocity of wind relative to man is km/h
1 3


Q. 31 A particle moving velocity 'v' changes its direction of motion by angle '' without change is
speed. Which of the following statement is correct ?

(A) The magnitude of the change in its velocity is

2 v sin  

(B) The change in magnitude of its velocity is zero

(C) The change in the velocity makes an angle

/2 + /2 with its initial direction of motion

(D) The change in the velocity makes an angle

/2 – /2 with its initial direction of motion


 
Q.34 A particle is moving with acceleration a  (î  ĵ) m/s2 and its initial velocity (at t = 0) is v 0  (î  ˆj)
m/s. Then select the correct statement –

(A) Magnitude of displacement of particle in first second is m

(B) Rate of change of speed at t = 0 is zero

(C) Rate of change of speed at t = 0 is 2 m/s2

(D) Speed of particle at t = 2s is 10 m/s


Q.1 A body moves in a circular path of radius R with deceleration so that at any moment of time its
tangential and normal acceleration are equal in magnitude. At the initial moment t = 0, the
velocity of body is v0 then the velocity of body at any time will be –

(A) v = at time t
 v0 t 
1  
 R 


(B) v = v 0 e R after it has moved S meter

(C) v = v0e–SR after it has moved S meter

(D) None of these [A,B]

Q. 6 Which of the following statements are true for a moving body ?

(A) if its speed changes, its velocity must change and it must have some acceleration

(B) if its velocity changes, its speed must change and it must have some acceleration

(C) if its velocity changes, its speed may or may not change, and it must have some acceleration

(D) if its speed changes, but direction of motion does not change, its velocity may remain

Sol. [A,C]

Q.11 Speed of a body moving in a circular path changes with time as v = 2t, then –

(A) Magnitude of acceleration remains constant

(B) Magnitude of acceleration increases

(C) Angle between velocity and acceleration remains constant

(D) Angle between velocity and acceleration increases [B,D]

Q.15 The position vector of a particle in a circular motion about the origin sweeps out equal area in
equal times-

(A) velocity remains constant

(B) speed remains constant

(C) acceleration remains constant

(D) tangential acceleration remains constant


Q.17 A circular road of radius r is banked for a speed of v = 40 km/h. A car of mass m attempts to go
on the circular road. The friction coefficient between the tyre and the road is negligible. Then-

(A) the car cannot make a turn without skidding

(B) if the car turn at a speed less than 40 km/h, it will slip down.

(C) if the car turn at the correct speed of 40 km/h the force by the road on the car is
equal to mv2/r

(D) if the car turn at the correct speed of

40 km/h, the force by the road on the car is greater than mg as well as greater than mv2/r

Q.28 A particle is moving along an expanding spiral in such a manner that the particle's normal
acceleration remains constant. Select the correct statements –

(A) Linear velocity grows in proportion to the square root of the curvature radius of spiral

(B) Linear velocity is inversely proportional to curvature radius of spiral

(C) Angular velocity is inversely proportional to curvature radius of spiral

(D) Angular velocity is inversely proportional to square root of curvature radius of spiral [A,D]


Q.14 Path of three projectiles are shown. If T1, T2 and T3 are time of flights and ignoring air resistances




(A) T1 > T3 (B) T1 < T3

T1  T3
(C) T2 = (D) T1 = T2 = T3 [C,D]

Sol. As maximum heights are same therefore their time of flights will be same.

Q.15 Two particles are projected from the same point

with the same speed, at different angles 1 and
2 to the horizontal. They have the same horizontal range. Their times of flight are t1 and
t2 respectively.
(A) 1 + 2 = 90º (B) = tan1

t1 t1 t
(C) = tan 2 (D)  2
t2 sin 1 sin  2


Q.16 A man on a moving cart, facing in the direction

of motion, throws a ball straight up with respect to himself -
(A) The ball will always return to him
(B) The ball will never return to him
(C) The ball will return to him if the cart moves with a constant velocity
(D) The ball will fall behind him if the cart moves with some acceleration [C,D]

Q. 17 Trajectories of two projectiles are shown in figure. Let T1 and T2 be the the time periods and u1
and u2 their speeds of projection. Then –

1 2

(A) T2 > T1 (B) T1 = T2

(C) u1 > u2 (D) u1 < u2 [ B, D ]

Q.28 A ball starts falling freely from a height h from a point on the inclined plane forming an angle 
with the horizontal as shown. After collision with the incline it rebounds elastically off the
inclined plane. Then-

PA = h


(A) it again strikes the incline at t = after it strikes the incline at A

(B) it again strikes the incline at t = after it strikes the incline at A

(C) it again strikes the incline at a distance 4h sin  from A along the incline

(D) it again strikes the incline at a distance 8h sin  from A along the incline [A,D]


Passage # 6 (Ques. 16 to 18)

   
Three forces F1 , F2 and F3 act on a particle as shown in the figure. Where | F1 | = 5N,
 
| F2 | = 10 N and | F3 | = 20 N.
Y 

F2 F1


Q.16 X component of F2 is –
(A) 5N (B) –5N
(C) 5 3 N (D) – 5 3 N [B]

Q.17 Y component of F3 is –
(A) 10 3 N (B)  10 3 N
(C) –10 N (D) 10 N [B]

Q.18 F1 is written as –
 
(A) 5î  5 ĵ N  
(B)  5î  5 ĵ N

(C) 5î  5 ĵN  

(D) 5 2 î  ĵ N [C]

Passage # 1 (Ques. 1 to 3)

Two bodies are projected from same point on ground with same speed u and they hits ground at
same point. Their angles of projections are  and , maximum heights attained are h1 and h2
while times of flight are T1 and T2.

T1 / T2
Q.1 The ratio -
h1 / h 2

(A) tan  (B) tan2 

(C) 1 (D) none of these


Q.2 The sum h1 + h2 -

u2 u2
(A) (B)
2g g

2u 2
(C) (D) none of these

Q.3 The product h1h2 (R is the range of projectile) -

R2 R2
(A) (B)
4 16

(C) R2 (D) None of these


Passage - 3 (Q. 7 to 9)

A policeman is in pursuit of a thief. Both are running at 5m/s. Suddenly they come across a gap
between buildings as shown in figure. The thief leaps at 5 m/s and at 45º up, while the policemen
leaps horizontally.

3m C D

Q.7 By how much does the thief clear the gap, if so?

(A) 0.21 m (B) 0.56 m

(C) 0.11 m (D) 0.31 m [D]

Q.8 By how much does the policeman fall/clear the gap ?

(A) clear by 0.09 m (B) miss by 0.09 m

(C) clear by 0.50 m (D) miss by 0.9 m


Q.9 The time of flight of policeman to reach the level of line CD ?

(A) 1.78 sec (B) 2.79 sec

(C) 0.56 sec (D) 0.782 sec [D]

Passage # 4 (Ques. 10 to 12)

A block is rotating in a circular track and angular speed of the block is given  = at2, where  is in
rad/s and t is in seconds, a is a constant and equal to 2 rad/s3. Mass of the block is 1 kg. Radius
of circular track is 1 m.

Q.10 Net force acting on the block at = 2 s is -

(A) 8 N (B) 8 17 N

(C) 32 N (D) 4 N [B]

Sol.  = at2

Linear speed v = r = 1 × 2 × t2 = (2 m/s3) (t2)

dv d(2t 2 )
at = = = 4t
dt dt

v2 2 r 2
ar = = = 2r
r r

Net acceleration

anet = a 2t  a 2r

Force = m.anet

Q.11 Angle between velocity vector and acceleration vector is -

(A) less than 90º (B) greater than 90º

(C) equal to 90º (D) data is insufficient [A]

Q.12 Time at which rate of change of speed is equal to times of net acceleration -
(A) s (B) 1 s

(C) 2 s (D) 4 s [B]

a net
Sol. at = at = ar

4t = 4t3

t = 1s


Q.1 Two ships A and B are 10 km apart on a line running from south to north. A is towards north of B
and moving west with a speed of 20 Km/hr while B is moving towards north with 20 Km/hr. The
distance of their closest approach in metres is  and the time in second taken to reach this
position is t.

Column-I Column-II

(A) (P) North – West

(B) t (Q) 7071

(C) VAB (R) 900

(D) VBA (S) South – East

(A)  Q (B)  R ( C)  S (D)  P

Q.2 A boat moves a distance x downstream in time t1 and turns back, moves same distance x in time
t2. If velocity of boat vb is greater than the river flow velocity vr -

Column-I Column-II

(A) (P) (vb – vr)t2

(B) (vb + vr)t1 (Q) less than unity

(C) vb (R)
 2t1t 2 
 
 t1  t 2 

(D) vr (S)
 2t1t 2 
 
 t 2  t1 

(A)  Q (B)  P (C)  R (D)  S

Q.6 Trajectory of particle in a projectile motion is given as:

y=x– . Here, x and y are in metres. For this projectile motion match the following with g =
10 m/s2.

Column I Column II

(A) Angle of projection (P) 20 m

(B) Angle of velocity with (Q) 80 m

Horizontal after 4s

(C) Maximum height (R) 45º

(D) Horizontal range (S) tan–1  

Sol. (A)  (R); (B)  (R); (C)  (P); (D)  (Q)

Q.11 A projectile is fixed from point 'O' in horizontal surface and hits the surface at point 'M'. Column
I contains different cases of projection and column II contains various parameters of projectile
motion. Match then (g = 10 m/s2) -

Column-I Column-II

(A) Y (P) OM = 10 m
u = 10 m/s

(B) (Q) Max height reached
u=10 m/s by projectile = 5 m

Collision between
wall and projectile
is elastic.

(C) Equation of trajectory (R) Time of flight =

2 sec

of projectile


(Z axis : vertical

Y axis : horizontal)

where y and z are in metre

(D) Z (S) Minimum speed of

projectile during fight
= 5 3 m/s
XY plane : horizontal

u = 2 3 î + 6 ĵ +5 2 k̂

Sol. A  P,Q,R,S; B  Q,R,S; C  P,Q,R,S; D  Q,R

Q.12 A projectile of mass m is projected at angle '' with the horizontal with an initial velocity u from
point 'O'. (Neglect air resistance)

Column-I Column-II

(A) K.E. of particle (P) Increases

(B) Angular momentum (Q) Decreases

about 'O'

(C) Torque of mg about O (R) First increases then


(D) Radius of curvature of (S) First decreases then

trajectory of particle increases

Sol. A  S ; BP; CP; DS

Q.1 For a body moving in a circular path of radius

R = 1m in anticlockwise direction with constant speed V.

Column-I Column-II
(A) Angle betweeen instantaneous velocity and
instantaneous acceleration
(P) None-zero

(B) Angle made by are at centre has moved in

the time the which magnitude of
displacement is equal
(Q) zero
(C) Total acceleration of the body (R) /2
(D) Tangencial acceleration of the body (S) /3
(A)  R (B)  S (C)  P (D)  Q
Numeric response
Q.1 On a horizontal ground, rabbit is at origin and a cat is at position (46m, 28m). When the rabbit
starts running with velocity (7.5 î + 10 ĵ ) m/s cat also starts running. If cat can run with
maximum speed of 5 m/s. What is the minimum time in which cat can catch the rabbit ? (in
seconds) [0004]

Q.4 On an open ground, a motorist follows a truck that runs to his left by an angle 60º after every
500 m. Starting from a given turn specify the displacement (in meter) of motorist at the third
turn. [1000]

Q.8 Two men P & Q are standing at corners A & B of square ABCD of side 8 m. They start moving
along the tank with constant speed 2m/s and 10 m/s respectively. The time when they will meet
for the first time, in second is -
10 m/s C

2 m/s

Sol. Relative displacement = relative velocity × time

8 × 3 = (10 – 2)t

 t = 3 sec

Q.12 A swimmer jumps from a bridge over a canal and swims 1 km up stream. After that first km, he
passes a floating cork. He continues swimming for half an hour and then turns around and
swims back to the bridge. The swimmer and the cork reach the bridge at the same time. The
swimmer has been swimming at a constant speed. How fast does the water in the canal flow in

Sol.[1] Let Vw = u & Usw = v

 
Q.19 Magnitude of subtraction of two vector A and B is equal to 5. Angle between both is 180º. Find
the magnitude of resultant of these two vectors.

If | A | = 2.
 
Sol.[1] | A |  | B | = 5

Q. 1 Two particles are simultaneously thrown from top of two towers as shown. Their velocities are
2m/s and 14m/s. Horizontal and vertical separation between these particles are 22m and 9m
respectively. Then the minimum separation between the particles in process of their motion in
meters is.

A 45º

45º B

22m [0006]
Q.4 A projectile is fixed at an angle 60º with horizontal. Ratio of initial K.E. to K.E when velocity
vector of projectile makes an angle 15º with velocity of projection is -

Sol. [2]

Q.10 For an observer on trolley direction of projection of particle is shown in figure, while for

observer on ground ball rises vertically. Maximum height (in meter) reached by ball minus 10m

is -

v (w.r.t trolley)

60º 10 m/s

Sol. [5]

Q.12 A particle is projected from O on the ground with velocity u = 5 5 m/s at angle  = tan–1 (0.5). It
strikes at a point C on a fixed plane AB having inclination of 37º with horizontal as shown, then
the x-coordinate of point C in meters is
(g = 10m/s )

 37º
10/3m A

Sol. [5]
Q.11 Refer to figure. Find

(a) the magnitude

(b) x and y components and

(c) the angle with the x-axis of the resultant of OA, BC and DE.

A 1.5m
30º D 60º
E 1.0m

Ans. (a) 1.6 m (b) 0.98 m and 1.3 m respectively

(c) tan–1(1.32)

Q.12 Let A and B be the two vectors of magnitude

10 unit each. If they are inclined to the x-axis at angles 30º and 60º respectively, find the

Ans. 20 cos 15º

Q.13 A vector A makes an angle of 20º and B makes an angle of 110º with x-axis. The magnitude of
these vectors are 3m and 4m respectively. Find the resultant.

Ans. 5, tan  = 4/3

Q.14 A vector has component along the x-axis equal to 25 unit and along the y-axis equal to 60 unit.
Find the magnitude and direction of the vector.

Ans. 65, tan = 60/25

Q.15 Components of a certain vector A are Ax = 4 units and Ay = 3 units. What is the angle which the
vector makes with the X axis –

Ans. 37º

Q.16 Two forces F1 and F2 lie in X-Y plane. The magnitudes and the angles of these forces with the x-
axis are

F1 = 100,  1 = 45º

F2 = 100,  2 = 135º

Find their resultant.

Ans. F = 141.4 ĵ

Q.17 A spy report about a suspected car read as follows. The car moved 2.00km east, made a
perpendicular left turn, ran for 500m, made a perpendicular right turn, ran for 4.00 km and
stopped. Find the displacement of the car.

Ans. 6.02, tan–1 1/12

Q.28 Let a = 2 î + 3 ĵ + 4 k̂ and b = 3 î + 4 ĵ + 5 k̂ . Find the angle between them.

Ans. cos–1

Q.29 If A = 2 î + 3 ĵ + 4 k̂ and B = 4 î + 3 ĵ + 2 k̂ , find A × B.

Ans. –6 î + 12 ĵ – 6 k̂

Q.30 Find the sum of the vector displacements c and d whose components in miles along three
perpendicular directions are cx = 5.0 .

cy = 0; cz = –2.0; dx = –3.0; dy = 4.0 and

dz = 6.0
Ans . rx = 2 miles, ry = rz = 4 miles

Q.31 On an open ground, a motorist follows a truck that runs to his left by an angle 60º after every
500 m. Starting from a given turn specify the displacement of the motorist at the third, sixth
and eighth turn. Compare the magnitude of the displacement with the total path length
covered by the motorist in each case.

Ans. (i) 1000 m, 1500 m; (ii) 0, 3000 m; (iii) 866 m, 4000 m

Q.32 If A = 2 î + 2 ĵ + k̂ and B = î + 6 ĵ + 2 k̂ , then find

(i) the projection of A along B

(ii) the projection of B along A

Ans. (i) 0.57 (ii) 1.33

Q.36 A bird is at a point P (4m ; –1m; 5m) and sees two points P1(–1m; 2m ; 0m) and P2(1m ; 1m ;
4m). At time t = 0 it starts flying in a plane of the three positions, with a constant speed of 5m/s
in a direction perpendicular to the straight line P1P2 till it sees P1 and P2 collinear at time t. Find

Ans. 0.5346 sec

Q.37 If the position vector of a particle is given by r = (4 cos 2t) î + (4 sin 2t) ĵ + 6t k̂ m. Calculate its

acceleration at t = .

Ans. –16 ĵ m/s2

Q.38 Prove that A . (A × B) = 0

Q.39 Find AX and AY. (X and Y components of A respectively)

A A = 10 m


Q.40 Find BX and BY


30o B = 10 m

Q.41 Find CX and CY



C = 10 2 m

Q.42 Find DX and DY.


60o X
D = 10 m

Q.43 Find (AX + BX) and (AY + BY).

A = 10 N
B o A
45o 30 B =5
X 2 N

Q.49 A man is moving with constant velocity v2 = 20m/s in horizontal plane. A what angle to
the horizontal should the man hold his umbrella so that the can protect himself from rain falling
vertically with velocity 60m/sec.




Sol. Man should hold the umbrella in direction in which rain appears to come i.e., V rm

V rm = V r – V m ; Vrm  Velocity of rain with respect to man.

V r = V rm + V m

Vrm Vr


Vr 60
tan  = = =3
Vm 20
 = tan–13

Q.50 A man is walking toward east with a velocity of 8 km/h. Wind is blowing toward north-east at
angle of 45º. To man wind appears to blow at angle of 60º north of west. Find the

(i) true velocity of wind.

(ii) Velocity of wind relative to man.

Sol. V wm = V w – V m

V w = V wm + V m

Vw 75º Vwm
45º 60º

From since rule

Vw V Vm
= wm =
sin 60 º sin 45 º sin 75 º

 sin 60 º  3
Vw =   Vm ; Vw = Vm ;
 sin 75 º  (1  3 )
3 2

8 6
Vm = km/h Ans.
1 3



b Vr

What should be the minimum velocity of boat with respect to the river so that starting from
point A the boat reaches point C on the opposite bank. Velocity of river flow is Vr.

B a C

Sol. Method 1 :

Vnet = Vb = Vbr + Vr

(Vnet)x = Vr – Vbr sin

(Vnet)y = Vbrcos

Time taken to cross the river

b b
T= =
( Vnet ) y Vbr cos 

Drift BC = (Vnet)xt

a = BC = (Vr – Vbr sin)
Vbr cos 

Vbr = ………..(i)
a cos   b sin 

For Vbr to minimum

( Vbr ) = 0

bv r [a sin   b cos ]

i.e.,  =0
(a cos   b sin ) 2

tan = tan0 = …………..(ii)
Putting (ii) in (i)

(Vbr)min = 2
a b2

a 2  b2 a 2  b2

(Vbr)min =
a 2  b2

Method 2 :

From Vnet = Vbr + Vr

Draw a vector triangle. Draw a perpendicular from tip of Vr on line of Vnet. That will give
minimum Vbr, because minimum distance is perpendicular distance.

From Vector triangle


V (Vbr)min
Vbr net

0 
(Vbr)min = Vrsin0

(Vbr)min = Vr
b2  a 2

Since from figure tan0 = .

Q.55 A man in a boat crosses a river from point A (fig.) after he rows perpendicular to the banks then,
10 minutes S = 120 m downstream from point B. If the man heads at a certain angle  to the
straight line AB (AB is perpendicular to the banks) against the current he will reach point B after
12.5 minutes.


Find the width of the river , the velocity of the boat u relative to the water, the speed of the
current v and the angle . Assume the velocity of the boat relative to the water to be constant
and of the same magnitude in both cases.

Sol.  = 200 m ; u = 20 m/min; v = 12 m/min;  = 36º50.

In both cases the motion of the boat is composed of its motion relative to the water and its
motion together with the water relative to the bank.

First case (fig.) The boat moves along the river with a velocity v and covers during the crossing a
distance downstream of

1 = vt1 ………(i)

The boat moves across the river with a velocity u and traverses a distance of

2 = ut1 ………(ii)


u 
v v

Second case (fig.). The velocity of the boat along the river is zero, i.e.,

u sin  = v ……...(iii)

The velocity across the river is equal to u cos  and the distance 2 covered during the distance
2 covered during the crossing will be

2 = u cos t2 ….….(iv)

Solving the system of the four equations (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) we obtain

t 2S  S v
= ,u=n , v = ,  = arc sin
t 22  t12 t1 t1 u

Q.2 A projectile is fired with velocity u at an angle  so as to strike a point on the inclined plane
inclined at an angle  with the horizontal. The point of projection is at a distance d from the
inclined plane on the ground as shown in the figure. The angle  is adjusted in such a way that
the projecile can strike the inclined plane in minimum time, find that minimum time.

 

u  u 2  gd sin 2
Ans. t=
g cos 

Q.3 A particle is projected with an initial speed u from a point at height h above the horizontal plane
as shown in the figure. Find the maximum range on the horizontal plane.

u u 2  2gh
Ans. Rmax =

Q.4 A relief aeroplane is flying at a constant height of 1960 m with speed 600 km/hr above the
ground towards a point directly over a person struggling in flood water (see figure). At what
angle of sight, should the pilot release a survival
kit if it is to reach the person in water.
(g = 9.8 m/s2)


 P

Ans.  = tan–11.7

Q.5 If R is the horizontal range and h, the greatest height of a projectile, prove that its initial speed is
(16 h 2  R 2 )
5 [g = 10 m/s2]

Q.6 Show that a given gun will shoot three time as high when elevated at an of angle 60º as when
fired at an angle of 30º but will carry the same distance on a horizontal plane ?

Q.7 A bomb is dropped from a plane flying horizontally with uniform speed. Show that the bomb
will explode vertically below the plane. Is the statement true if the plane flies with uniform
speed but not horizontally ?

Q.8 A stone is thrown horizontally. In 0.5 second after the stone began to move, the numerical value
of its velocity was 1.5 times its initial velocity. Find the initial velocity of stone.
Ans. 4.4 m/s

Q.9 A shell is fired from a point O at an angle of 60º with a speed of 40 m/s & it strikes a horizontal
plane through O, at a point A. The gun is fired a second time with the same angle of elevation
but a different speed v. If it hits the target which starts to rise vertically from A with a constant
speed 93 m/s at the same instant as the shell is fired, find v. (Take g = 10 m/s2)
Ans. 50 m/s

Q.10 A cricket ball thrown from a height of 1.8 m at an angle of 30º with the horizontal at a speed of
18 m/s is caught by another field’s man at a height of 0.6 m from the ground. How far were the
two men apart ?
Ans. 30.55 m
Q.11 A batsman hits the ball at a height 4.0 ft from the ground at projection angle of 45° and the
horizontal range is 350 ft. Ball falls on left boundary line, where a 24 ft height fence is situated
at a distance of 320 ft. Will the ball clear the fence ?
Ans. 27.43 m

Q.12 (a) A particle is projected with a velocity of 29.4 m/s at an angle of 60º to the horizontal. Find
the range on a plane inclined at 30º to the horizontal when projected from a point of the
plane up the plane.
(b) Determine the velocity with which a stone must be projected horizontally from a point P, so
that it may hit the inclined plane perpendicularly. The inclination of the plane with the
horizontal is  and P is h metre above the foot of the incline as shown in the figure.

u P


Ans. (a) 58.8 m (b)
2  cot 2 

Q.13 A dive bomber, diving at an angle of 53º with the vertical, releases a bomb at an altitude of 2400
ft. The bomb hits the ground 5.0 s after being released. (a) What is the speed of the bomber ?
(b) How far did the bomb travel horizontally during its flight? (c) What were the horizontal and
vertical components of its velocity just before striking the ground ?

Ans. (a) v0 = 667 ft/s (b) 2667 ft (c) vx = 534 ft/s, vy = 560 ft/s

Q.14 A boy throws a ball so as to clear a wall of height ‘h’ at a distance ‘x’ from him. Find minimum
speed of the ball to clear the wall.

Ans. g h  h 2  x 2 
 
Q.15 During the volcanic eruption chunks of solid rock are blasted out of the volcano.

A 37° x

9.4 km

(a) At what initial speed would a volcanic object have to be ejected at 37º to the horizontal
from the vent A in order to fall at B as shown in figure. (b) What is the time of flight. (g = 9.8

Ans. (a) u = 255 m/s (b) 46 s.

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