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Spherical Triangle

Any section made by a cutting plane that passes through a sphere

is circle. A great circle is formed when the cutting plane
passes through the center of the sphere. Spherical triangle is a
triangle bounded by arc of great circles of a sphere.

Note that for spherical triangles, sides a, b, and c are usually

in angular units. And like plane triangles, angles A, B,
and C are also in angular units.

Sum of interior angles of spherical triangle

The sum of the interior angles of a spherical triangle is
greater than 180° and less than 540°.

Area of spherical triangle

The area of a spherical triangle on the surface of the sphere of
radius R is given by the formula
Where E is the spherical excess in degrees.

Spherical excess
tan14E=tan12s tan12(s−a) tan12(s−b) tan12(s−c)−−−−−−−−−−−−
−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−√tan⁡14E=tan⁡12s tan⁡12(s−a) tan⁡12
(s−b) tan⁡12(s−c)
Where s=12(a+b+c)s=12(a+b+c)

Spherical defect
In spherical trigonometry, earth is assumed to be a perfect
sphere. One minute (0° 1') of arc from the center of the earth
has a distance equivalent to one (1) nautical mile (6080 feet)
on the arc of great circle on the surface of the earth.
1 minute of arc = 1 nautical mile
1 nautical mile = 6080 feet
1 statute mile = 5280 feet
1 knot = 1 nautical mile per hour

Right Spherical Triangle

Solution of right spherical triangle

With any two quantities given (three quantities if the right
angle is counted), any right spherical triangle can be solved by
following the Napier’s rules. The rules are aided with the
Napier’s circle. In Napier’s circle, the sides and angle of the
triangle are written in consecutive order (not including the
right angle), and complimentary angles are taken for quantities
opposite the right angle.




Napier’s Rules
In the Napier’s circle, the sine of any middle part is equal to
product of the cosines of its opposite parts.

If we take aa as the middle part, its opposite parts

are c¯c¯ and A¯A¯, then by sin-coop rule
sina=cosc¯ cosA¯sin⁡a=cos⁡c¯ cos⁡A¯

sina=cos(90∘−c) cos(90∘−A)sin⁡a=cos⁡(90∘−c) cos⁡(90∘−A)

sina=sinc sinAsin⁡a=sin⁡c sin⁡A

In the Napier’s circle, the sine of any middle part is equal to
the product of the tangents of its adjacent parts.

If we take aa as the middle part, the adjacent parts

are bb and B¯B¯, then by sin-taad rule
sinA=tanb tanB¯sin⁡A=tan⁡b tan⁡B¯

sinA=tanb tan(90∘−B)sin⁡A=tan⁡b tan⁡(90∘−B)

Spherical triangle can have one or two or three 90° interior

angle. Spherical triangle is said to be right if only one of its
included angle is equal to 90°. Triangles with more than one 90°
angle are oblique.

Right Spherical Triangle

Solve for the spherical triangle whose parts are a = 73°, b =
62°, and C = 90°.

Encircled the given parts for easy reference

To solve for angle A, use SIN-TAAD rule for b

sinb=tanA¯ tanasin⁡b=tan⁡A¯ tan⁡a

sin62∘=tan(90∘−A) tan73∘sin⁡62∘=tan⁡(90∘−A) tan⁡73∘



A=74.89∘A=74.89∘ answer

To solve for side c, use SIN-COOP rule for c¯c¯

sinc¯=cosa cosbsin⁡c¯=cos⁡a cos⁡b

sin(90∘−c)=cos73∘ cos62∘sin⁡(90∘−c)=cos⁡73∘ cos⁡62∘


c=82.11∘c=82.11∘ answer

To solve for angle B, use SIN-TAAD rule for a

sina=tanb tanB¯sin⁡a=tan⁡b tan⁡B¯

sin73∘=tan62∘ tan(90∘−B)sin⁡73∘=tan⁡62∘ tan⁡(90∘−B)



B=63.05∘B=63.05∘ answer

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