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"Applying Scientific Methodology in Everyday life"
John Warga
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Science and Technology has been around from the beginning of time. It Donate SWAG

evolved from the everyday efforts of people trying to improve their way of life. Throughout
Science 2.0 is a pro-science outreach nonprofit
history, humankind has
operating under Section 501(c)(3) of the Intern
developed and utilized tools, machines, and techniques without understanding how or why they Revenue Code. Please make a tax-deductible
worked or comprehending their physical or chemical composition. A definition has to be given for donation if you value independent science
both Science and Technology because they are both different in their own right even though the communication, collaboration & participation.
two are almost indistinguishable. Technology can be defined as the knowledge or use of the
mechanical arts and applied sciences, while Science can be defined as the branch of knowledge
involving systematized observation and experiment. Science can be further divided into three
separate categories; Pure, Applied and Natural Sciences. In addition technology is often defined
as applied science, it is simply the application of scientific knowledge to achieve a specific human Top Articles New Comments Events
purpose, and however, historical evidence suggests technology is a product of science.
1. On Chance
Science (from the Latin scientia, 'knowledge') is a system of acquiring knowledge based on the 2. The Silence On BPA Is Deafening – Let The
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scientific method, as well as the organized body of knowledge gained through such research. 3. Like Shark Week? Thank The Cretaceous
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Science is sometimes termed pure science to differentiate it from applied science, which is the
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application of scientific research to specific human needs. Archive Isn’t Secret. Internet Censorship Is
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Today there are many technological advancement to enhance our daily activities, whether it be as Deserved To Die
simple as an IPod for entertainment purposes or as vital as an artificial heart for the survival of a 6. The Infant Universe In 3-D - Now With
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human life, science and technology is the reason for its existence. Science
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and Technology can be traced from the origin of human life 2 millionAd
years ago and each era has What That Means For Camouflage

significant advancement. The earliest known form of S&T were human artifacts found during
prehistoric time about 2.3 million years ago, they were roughly shaped stones used for chopping
and scraping, found primarily in eastern Africa. Some of the earliest record of science came from
Mesopotamian cultures around 400 BC, disease symptoms, chemical substances and astronomical
observations were some of the evidence of emerging science.

With the advancement of science and technology, the virtual world is gradually seeping into
media, marketing, entertainment, and our daily lives. With wide reaching effects on gaming, Poor communication between nurses,
doctors a primary reason for patient care
socializing, education, and military of other things, virtual worlds have exploded in number and mistakes
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Everyone knows that this is the age of computer and vast majority of people are using computers. Large supercrystals promise superior
Development of science and technology has direct effect on our daily life as well as in our social
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life. Computer technology has made communication possible from one part of the benefits - review 1/5
8/2/2018 Applying Scientific Methodology in Everyday life | Science 2.0
world to the other in seconds. They can see the transactions in one part of the world while staying
in the other part. Computer development is one of the greatest scientific achievements of the
20th century. Computers are used in various fields as well as in teaching and learning. Some of Hot Topics Links
the major computer application fields are listed below.
Current Topic:
An aid to management: The computer can also be used as a management tool to Citrus Greening Disease
assist in solving business problems.
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science's hottest topics.
Banking: Branches are equipped with terminals giving them an online accounting
facility and enabling them to information as such things as current balances,
deposits, overdrafts and interest charges.

Industrial Application: In industry, production may be planned, coordinated and

controlled with the aid of a computer.

Engineering Design: Computer helps in calculating that all the parts of a

proposed design are satisfactory also assisting in the design and development.

Meteorology: Data is recorded at different levels of atmosphere at different

places, using remote sensors carried on a satellite.

Air Travel: Small computers are installed as a part of the plane's equipment.

Road Traffic Control: Computers assist with the control of traffic lights.

Telephones: Computerized telephone exchanges handle an ever increasing volume

of calls very efficiently.

Medicine: Computers are widely used in hospitals for such task as maintaining
drugs, surgical equipments and linen, for payroll and also for checkup and
treatment of diseases.

In addition computers are also used for recording and film studios, research, military, etc.
Computers have both positive and negative impact in our daily life as well as
in our social life.

Science has helped mankind in innumerable ways. The scientific inventions have brought
about many changes in our lives. The civilizations of the world have progressed by leap and
bounds. It has helped us in countless ways to make our everyday life comfortable. For traveling or
transportation we have many types of vehicles. We need not walk on foot or travel by slow
moving bullock carts. Today we have scooters, cars, buses, trains, aero planes and even space
craft to take us from one place to another or from the earth to the moon. We have developed
instruments to help us in agriculture, irrigation, generating electricity, building dams, curing
many fatal diseases. Man’s life span has been increased with the advancement of the medical
science. Science has helped us in building multi-stored buildings and elevators helps us to reach
even the top floors within no time and that to without straining our legs. Computers and internet
system help mankind in information technology to a great extent. Today life without science is

The invention of electricity has helped us in many ways. Today nights are not dark,
winters are not so cold and summers are not so hot. We use bulbs or tube lights to illuminate our
house, room heaters to keep us warm and cooler and AC’s to drive away heat during summer
days. The invention of T.V. sets has helped us in getting news, entertainment,
live telecasts of distant events around the world. We need not go out of our houses to witness
those events. Means of communication have vastly improved. Today news travels faster than
before. There are E-mails, couriers, telephones, instant messages. A person sitting in Europe on a
telephone can talk to his relative sitting in America or any other part of the world. Communication
satellites moving in their orbits above the earth’s atmosphere can forecast
weather reports, cyclones, tidal changes in the sea etc. much in advance. These forecasts helps
us to reduce the disasters likely to take place.

Physics plays an important role in health, economic development, education, energy, and
the environment. Our modern world is much more connected than in previous historical times.
These days we travel far, communicate easily and quickly, and conduct business around the world 2/5
8/2/2018 Applying Scientific Methodology in Everyday life | Science 2.0
effortlessly. In fact almost no place on earth has been excluded from the modern interconnected
world. We are not only connected with physics through modern technology we are connected at a
much more basic level through Mother Nature. The tsunami in Sumatra Indonesia is a prime
example. Not only was it catastrophic for the local area the laws of physics saw this tsunami
travel across the Indian Ocean killing over 300,000 in Southeast Asia, and traveling through more
than 30 other countries resulting in more than 500 deaths. This was the law of physics in action.

But as much proof as there is that physics has played an important role in the connectivity of all
parts of the planet the world is still a much divided place. In developed countries you see an
almost 100% literacy rate and a $30,000 mean capital income, and a life
expectancy of 80. While in developing nations you see a literacy rate lower than 50% and a mean
capital income that’s around $2000, and a life expectancy of 40. There is much more for physics,
the scientific world, and governments to do to create equality with that interactivity.

Kofi Annan the UN Secretary General has been quick to point out the ongoing tragedies
throughout the developing world that are directly tied to disease, poverty, and the degradation of
the environment. He is also quick to point out that the lack of access to physics and other
sciences as well as technology has attributed to many of these problems. Sadly the scientific
community spends most of its time working on solutions for the developed world yet most of the
population on earth can be found in nations that are developing.

Physics has the capability of playing a major role in finding solutions to many of the problems
facing the human race. Of course it does not have all the answers but the science is developed
enough to have created nuclear weapons which remain a global threat, then surely it can be used
for the betterment of all people around the globe. Of course politics, socio-economic factors, and
acceptance by the people all play a role in the development of a nation. But physics, engineering,
and other technological and scientific feats can transform a developing nation to a
developed nation. Just look at what the role of physics has accomplished in just the past 200

Physics can play an important role in developing strategies to combat climate change, in the
development of cleaner energies, and in the development of technological advancements. Then
why is it that developing nations spend such a small portion of the GDP on research and
development in these areas? Is it because the benefits of science and physics specifically are not
fully recognized in industrialized and developing nations? Is it that they really do not want to face
the idea that our world is in desperate need of change to ensure we do not destroy ourselves?

Physics and technology must work together to resolve the need for new technologies that will
decrease the damage to our planet, for strategies to ensure that the people of developing
countries have the tools to progress, the need for solutions to deadly diseases that
remain a threat, and the need for solutions to the increasing demands we place on our resources
before they are depleted. The role of physics in our modern world is more important than in any
other time in history.

Astronomy is the oldest science, dating back thousands of years to when primitive people noticed
objects in the sky overhead and watched the way the objects moved.

In ancient Egypt, the first appearance of certain stars each year marked the onset of the seasonal
flood, an important event for agriculture. In 17th-century England, astronomy provided
methods of keeping track of time that were especially useful for accurate navigation. Astronomy
has a long tradition of practical results, such as our current understanding of the stars, day and
night, the seasons, and the phases of the Moon. Much of today's research in astronomy does not
address immediate practical problems. Instead, it involves basic research to satisfy our
curiosity about the universe and the objects in it.

One day such knowledge may well be of practical use to humans. The International Year of
Astronomy 2009 was initiated by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and the United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to help people worldwide
appreciate the impact of astronomy and other sciences on daily life and the modern world. Our
daily life, the calendar, and our clock, is set by the cosmic motion. Sunrise and sunset, the
seasons, and also the motion of the moon (tides) have an important impact on our life. This is the
main reason why interest in astronomy occurred in ancient times. The day is set by the suns
rise and set (earth’s rotation), the month by the moons path around the earth, and the year and
its seasons by the suns apparent path along the ecliptic (earth’s motion around the sun). 3/5
8/2/2018 Applying Scientific Methodology in Everyday life | Science 2.0
This is our daily astronomy program since million of years and for more to come. Steadiness and
tranquility in contrast to our modern life.

Ive have more to write, but this is where I will pick up tomorrow and finalize the project!

comments are greatly appreciated!

Thanks for reading!

John Warga AKA "OrbitalBliss" which can also found at

also where anyone can listen to some of my work in new age progressive music.

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