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DCWD v. ARJANUEZ (IYA) 10. CSC partly granted the appeal.

It held that the collective act in wearings-shirts

June 16, 2015 | Perez, J. | Freedom of Expression with grievance inscriptions is not within the ambit prohibited mass action
punishable as there was no intent to work stoppage. The act can be considered
as punishable under the Violation of Reasonable Office Rules and
PETITIONER: Davao City Water District represented by GM Rodora Gamboa Regulations. Cagula’s posting was found violative of the DCWD
RESPONDENTS: Rodrigo Aranjuez, Gregorio Cagula, et al. Memorandum, but it is not serious in nature due to the lack of any abusive,
vulgar, defamatory or libelous language.
SUMMARY: Members and Officers of NAMANDACWAD were suspended 11. Aggrieved, DCWD filed the a petition for Review with the CA. The CA
and/or dismissed from employment because of wearing shirts and posting their affirmed in toto the CSC resolution.
grievances during the anniversary celebration of DCWD. 12. Hence, the present case.
The CSC acting on appeal of the employees, ruled that the decision violated their 1. WON the concerted or mass action committed by its employees was not
constitutional right to assemble and petition for redress of grievances. The CA permissible - NO
and SC affirmed such.
RULING: Petition is DENIED.
Although under public employment, this does not tantamount to waiving ones
right to express grievances.
1. A prohibited concerted mass action is defined in Resolution No. 021316 but
DOCTRINE: The freedom to publish election surveys remains. All Resolution
No. 9674 does is articulate a regulation as regards the manner of publication, that in Sec. 5 thereof.
is, that the disclosure of those who commissioned and/or paid for, including those 2. The operative phrases are “any collective activity” and “work stoppage or
service disruption.”
subscribed to, published election surveys must be made.
3. Without the intent at work stoppage or service disruption, the concerted
activity is not prohibited. Whether done within government hours, a
FACTS: concerted activity is allowed if it is without any intent at work stoppage.
1. Davao City Water District (DCWD) is a GOCC represented by its General 4. It is clear that the collective activity of joining the fun run in tshirts with
Manager Gamboa. inscriptions on CNA incentives was not to effect work stoppage or disrupt
2. Private Respondents are members of Nagkahiusang Mamumuo sa Davao City the service. As pointed out by the respondents, they followed the advice of
Water Disctrict (NAMANDACWAD) GM Gamboa “to be there” at the fun run.
3. NAMANDACWAD was charged with several administrative cases due to 5. It is correct to conclude that those who enter government service are
acts committed during the anniversary celebration of DCWD such as wearing subjected to a different degree of limitation on their freedom to speak
of t-shirt with inscriptions bearing grievances of the employees and posting their mind; however, it is not tantamount to the relinquishment of their
of complaints outside designated places. constitutional right of expression otherwise enjoyed by citizens just by
4. Said anniversary celebration was a fun run. The employees were required by reason of their employment.
Gamboa to attend such instructing them to wear sports attire. 6. Unarguably, a citizen who accepts public employment “must accept certain
5. NAMADACWAD officers and members attended the event as required limitations on his or her freedom.”
wearing statement shirts for the only instruction was to wear sports attire. 7. There are some rights and freedoms so fundamental to liberty that they cannot
6. Cagula, however, attached inscriptions and posters of employee’s grievances be bargained away in a contract for public employment.
to a post in an area not among the officially designated places for posting of 8. It is the Court’s responsibility to ensure that citizens are not deprived of
grievances as prescribed by DCWD’s Office Memorandum. these fundamental rights by virtue of working for the government. A
7. Gamboa field formal charges against the members and officers of regulation of the freedom of expression is not removal of the
NAMADACWAD. constitutional right.
8. They were found guilty as charged with penalties raging from suspension to
dismissal from service to which Gamboa executed Orders.
9. On appeal before the CSC, Aranjuz, et al. pray to Suspend the Immediate
Execution of Orders. They also bring up the violation of their constitutional
rights to assemble and petition for redress of grievances.

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