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Nama:lisa wulandari


Mobile phones and Internet have the great role in making advantages as well
as disadvantages. The debate appears when the devices are used by students. The
most advantageous thing of mobile phones when students use is getting connected.
With cell phones in hand, students are encouraged to build collaborative learning.
they are able to share notes and lesson with others. Additionally with mobile
phones, parents of the students will be less worried since they can easily contact
their children. The second advantages is the existence of mobile phone’s feature as
memory aids. Students can store some important documents of their lessons in
notes, photos, or videos. Because of the portability, the documents kept in that
mobile phones can be easily used when they are in necessity.
Besides some advantages stated above, mobile phones also give some
disadvantages when used by students. Reduction in learning is one of the
disadvantages. With mobile phone in hands of students, they are attracted to focus
on their phones call and messages and pay less attention to their lessons and school
works. Again, the negative effects on using mobile phones, students potentially do
cheating. Mobile phones makes students cheat easily on tests and assignments. They
can simply send a text answer to their friends. They have the ability and opportunity
to cheat. Finally, the disadvantages actually can be avoided if the parents properly
guide their children on the advantageous way of using mobile phones.

1 Topic sentence Mobile phones and Internet have the great role in
making advantages as well as disadvantages.
2 Body sentence  Example:
The most advantageous thing of mobile phones
when students use is getting connected. With cell
phones in hand, students are encouraged to build
collaborative learning. they are able to share notes and
lesson with others. Additionally with mobile phones,
parents of the students will be less worried since they
can easily contact their children. The second
advantages is the existence of mobile phone’s feature
as memory aids. Students can store some important
documents of their lessons in notes, photos, or videos.
Because of the portability, the documents kept in that
mobile phones can be easily used when they are in
Besides some advantages stated above, mobile
phones also give some disadvantages when used by
students. Reduction in learning is one of the
disadvantages. With mobile phone in hands of
students, they are attracted to focus on their phones
call and messages and pay less attention to their
lessons and school works. Again, the negative effects
on using mobile phones, students potentially do
cheating. Mobile phones makes students cheat easily
on tests and assignments. They can simply send a text
answer to their friends. They have the ability and
opportunity to cheat
3 Concluding  Summarizing
sentence Finally, the disadvantages actually can be avoided if
the parents properly guide their children on the
advantageous way of using mobile phones.

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