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Invocation to the Violet Flame

In the name of I AM That I AM, I now call for the action of the Violet
Transmuting Flame to be activated within my entire consciousness,
being and world.

Beloved Violet Fire from the Heart of God, expand thy Light through
me each day. Transmute and heal all my human imperfections into the
shining Diamond of the Heart of God and Christ Perfection. Take
dominion of my lifestream now as I surrender to thy radiant Light.
Blaze into action the Mercy's Flame of the compassionate heart.
Transmute my human creation until I can be lifted in the Realms of
Light by the action of the Ascension Fire.

Expand and saturate within my being, until I AM wholly flooded

through and through. I AM God's Flame within my soul, I AM the
flow of Joy inspire. Beloved I AM Presence, send the Violet Flame to
purify the very core of my being, every cell, atom and electron, until I
AM raised into my Eternal Victory by the action of the Ascension
Flame. And so it is. Amen!

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