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Date of preparation:

Date of teaching:
Distributive period: 28
Lesson 1: Getting Started

A. Aims and Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Pronounce and recognize the clusters /tr/, /kr/, / pl/, /gl/, /∂nt/, /eit/.
- Understand and use the future simple with will and going to; present simple; present continuous
tense; the passive voice
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, cassette.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
- T asks Ss to call out the themes in unit 1, 2 and 3 and the grammar
1.WARM-UP parts.
8 minutes - T leads Ss in the lesson. T <--> Ss

2. New lesson II. Vocabulary:

1. Task 1: Matching
34 minutes - Explain new words if necessary
- Set time and let Sts work individually
- Check the answer as a class by saying the number, Ss say the
letter. T can check their understanding by asking "How do you
- Ss read and match each phrase in A with their continuation in B.
Answers: T <--> Ss
1.c 2. d 3. e 4. a 5. b
2. Task 2: Complete the conversation
- T asks Ss to work individually to use the word in the box to
complete the conversation.
1. lift weights 2. go rollerblading
3. exercise 4. exercise 5. watch TV
III. Pronunciation
Task 1:Identify the word having the sounds
- T sets time and let Ss do the task individually.
- Check the answers with the whole class.
Pair work
/tr/ /kr/ /pl/ /gl/ /∂nt/ /eit/
train create play glide statement date
traffic credit plum glass different fortunate
travel critical please glue talent passionate
treat cream plough glow movement debate
trash crime place globe present late
- T asks Ss to read these words.
IV. Grammar
1. Task 1:Correct form T <--> Ss
- T elicits the forms and uses of the present simple tense; present
continuous tense and the future simple.
- Check the answers.
1. is coming – don’t want 2. don’t make- am studying
3. speaks – is speaking 4. am – ’ll / will bring
5. isn’t working/ doesn’t work - ’ll / will fix T <--> Ss
2. Task 2: Rewrite
- T elicits the form and use of the passive voice used with the
present simple.
- T explains new words if necessary
1. This road isn’t used very often.
2. David is not often invited to parties.
3. Fruit juice is included in the menu. Pair work
4. Mr Miller’s room is cleaned every day.
5. The music can be heard form far away.
3. Task 3: Matching
- T elicits the use of so, and, but, and or.
- T checks with the whole class
1. c 2. d 3. e 4. a 5. b

3. - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

Consolidation - Give feedback. T <--> Ss
2 minutes
4. Homework - T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss

E. Experience:

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