Bibliography of Research Synthesis and Meta Analysis

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Bibliography of Research Synthesis and Meta-analysis in Applied


This following is a list of references for research synthesis and

meta-analysis in applied linguistics. It includes meta-analyses and
papers/presentations on topics related to meta-analytic and synthetic

Abraham, L. B. (2008). Computer-mediated glosses in second language

reading comprehension and vocabulary learning: A meta-
analysis. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 21, 199-226.

Adesope, O. O., Lavin, T., Thompson, T., & Ungerleider, C. (2009,

April). Systematic review and meta-analysis on the cognitive benefits
of bilingualism. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.

Adesope, O. O., Lavin, T., Thompson, T., & Ungerleider, C. (2010). A

systematic review and meta-analysis of the cognitive correlates of
bilingualism. Review of Educational Research, 80, 207-245.

Adesope, O. O., Lavin, T., Thompson, T., & Ungerleider, C. (2011).

Best practices in teaching literacy to ESL immigrant students: A
meta-analysis. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 81, 629-

Akiyama, Y., & Cunningham, J. D. (2018). Synthesizing the practice of

SCMC-based telecollaboration: A scoping review. CALICO Journal, 35,

Al-Hoorie, A. H. (in press). The L2 motivational self System: A meta-

analysis. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching.

Alsadhan, R. O. (2011). Effect of textual enhancement and explicit

rule presentation on the noticing and acquisition of L2 grammatical
structures: A meta-analysis. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.

Alsadhan, R. (2012, March). A meta-analysis of textual enhancement

research studies. Paper presented at the conference of the American
Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Boston, MA.

Amini Farsani, M. (2017). Exploring three decades of TEFL research in

Iran: conceptions and practices. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,
University of Kharazmi, Tehran, Iran.
Aoyama, T. (2016, June). Meta-analysis in L2
motivation: Potentials of quantitative research synthesis. Paper
presented at the Warwick International Post Graduate Conference in
Applied Linguistics, Warwick, UK.

Aoyama, T. (2016, September). Synthesizing research on L2 motivation:

A call for meta-analysis. Paper presented at the Second Language
Research Forum (SLRF), Teachers College, Columbia University, New

Ardasheva, Y., Wang, Z., Adesope, O. O., Valentine, J. C. (2018).

Exploring effectiveness and moderators of language learning strategy
instruction on second language and self-regulated learning outcomes.
Review of Educational Research, 87, 544-582.

Avery, A., & Marsden, E. (2018, May). Towards a frame of reference of

effect sizes during self-paced reading in a second language:
Estimating the magnitude of sensitivity to morphosyntax and first
language influence. Paper presented at Research Methodology in the
Field of Second Language Acquisition and Learning. Montpellier,

Badjadi, N. E. I. (2016). A meta-analysis of the effects of

instructional tasks on L2 pragmatics comprehension and production.
In S. F. Tang & L. Logonnathan (Eds.), Assessment for learning within
and beyond the classroom (pp. 241-268). Singapore: Springer.

Bailey Chen, T.-H. (2016, September). Task-based L2 interaction via

synchronous computer-mediated communication: A research synthesis.
Paper presented at the Second Language Research Forum (SLRF),
Teachers College, Columbia University, New York.

Becker, T., & Nekrasova, T. (2009, Ocober). Effectiveness of

practice: A quantitative meta-analysis. Paper presented at the Second
Language Research Forum, East Lansing, MI.

Biber, D., T. Nekrasova, & Horn, B. (2011). The effectiveness of

feedback for L1-English and L2 writing development: A meta-
analysis. TOEFL iBT Re-search Report No. TOEFLiBT-14. Princeton, NJ:
Educational Testing Service.

Boulton, A. (2015). From research to research synthesis in CALL. In

F. Helm, F. Bradley, M. Guarda, & S. Thouësny (Eds.), Critical CALL:
Proceedings of the 2015 EUROCALL Conference, Padova, Italy (pp. 84-
90). Dublin:

Boulton, A. (2016). Quantifying CALL: significance, effect size and

variation. In S. PapadimaSophocleous, L. Bradley, & S. Thouësny
(Eds.), CALL communities and culture – short papers from EUROCALL
2016 (pp. 55-60).

Boulton, A., & Cobb, T. (2014, July). Assembling the data on data-
driven learning: A meta-analysis of design issues and outcomes. Paper
presented at the 11th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference,
Lancaster, UK.

Boulton, A., & Cobb, T. (2017). Corpus use in language learning: A

meta-analysis. Language Learning, 67, 348-393.

Boulton, A., & Cobb, T. (2017, July). Evaluating innovation in

language teaching: A meta-analysis of corpus use. Paper presented at
the Congress of the International Association for Applied Linguistics
(AILA), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Bowles, M. (2010). Features that make a task amenable to think-aloud:

A meta-analysis of studies investigating the validity of think-alouds
on verbal tasks. In The think-aloud controversy in second language
research (Chapter 3). New York: Routledge.

Branum-Martin, L., Tao, S., Garnaat, S., Brunta, F., & Francis, D. J.
(2012). Meta-analysis of bilingual phonological awareness: Language,
age, and psycholinguistic grain size. Journal of Educational
Psychology, 104, 932-944.

Brown, A. V., Plonsky, L., & Teimouri, Y. (2018). The use of course
grades as metrics in L2 Research: A systematic review. Foreign
Language Annals, 51, 763-778.

Brown, D. (2014, March). The type and linguistic foci of oral

corrective feedback in the L2 classroom: A meta-analysis. Paper
presented at the annual convention of the American Association for
Applied Linguistics, Portland, OR.

Brown, D. (2016). The type and linguistic foci of oral corrective

feedback in the L2 classroom: A meta-analysis. Language Teaching
Research, 20, 436-458.
Brown, J. D. (2011). What do L2 generalizability studies tell us?
International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation in Education, 1,

Burston, J. (2014). Twenty years of MALL project implementation: A

meta-analysis of learning outcomes. ReCALL, 27, 4-20.

Burston, J., & Arispe, K. (2018). Looking for a needle in a haystack:

CALL and advanced language proficiency. CALICO Journal, 35, 77-102.

Carpenter, H. S. (2008). A behavioural and electrophysiological

investigation of different aptitudes for L2 grammar in learners
equated for proficiency level. PhD dissertation. Georgetown

Cerezo, L. (2015). Theoretical approaches to CALL research: Toward a

psycholinguistic perspective. In R. P. Leow, L. Cerezo & M. Baralt
(Eds.), A psycholinguistic approach to technology and language
learning. (pp. 23-46). Berlin, Germany; Boston, MA: De Gruyter

Chang, M.-M. (2017). A meta-analysis of technology application on

language instruction. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE 17th International
Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (pp. 357-358). DOI

Chang, M.-M., & Lin, M.-C. (2013). Strategy-oriented web-based

English instruction – A meta-analysis. Australasian Journal of
Educational Technology, 29, 203-216.

Chaudron, C. (2006). Some reflections on the development of (meta-

analytic) synthesis in second language research. In J. M. Norris & L.
Ortega (Eds.), Synthesizing research on language learning and
teaching (pp. 323-339). Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.

Chaury, P. (2015). The effects of strategy instruction on reading

comprehension in English as a foreign language. Concordia Working
Papers in Applied Linguistics, 6, 1-26.

Chen, M.-H. (2016, March). A meta-analysis on the effectiveness of

digital game-based vocabulary learning: A framework-based view. Paper
presented at the conference of the American Association for Applied
Linguistics (AAAL), Orlando, FL.
Chen, M.-H. (2017, March). Demonstrating a theoretical stance for
meta-analysis: A case of L2 vocabulary learning in Computer-Mediated
Communication (CMC). Paper presented at Annual Conference of the
American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Portland, OR.

Chen, M.-H., Tseng, W.-T., & Hsiao, T.-Y. (in press). The
effectiveness of digital game-based vocabulary learning: A framework-
based view of meta-analysis. British Journal of Educational
Technology. doi:10.1111/bjet.12526

Chen, T. (2014, August). An exploratory quantitative meta-analysis on

peer feedback research in the ESL/EFL writing classrooms. Paper
presented at the International Association for Applied Linguistics
(AILA), Brisbane, Australia.

Chen, T. (2016). Technology-supported peer feedback in ESL/EFL

writing classes: a research synthesis. Computer Assisted Language
Learning, 29, 365-397.

Chen, T., & Lin, H. (2012, March). Effects of peer feedback on

EFL/ESL writing improvement: A meta-analysis. Paper presented at the
Georgetown University Roundtable on Linguistics and Languages (GURT),
Georgetown University, Washington DC.

Cheung, A. C. K., & Slavin, R. E. (2012). Effective reading programs

for Spanish-dominant English language learners (ELLs) in the
elementary grades: A synthesis of research. Review of Educational
Research, 82, 351-395.

Chiu, Y.-H. (2013). Computer-assisted second language vocabulary

instruction: A meta-analysis. British Journal of Educational
Technology, 44, E52-E56.

Chiu, Y.-h., Kao, C.-w., & Reynolds, B. L. (2012). The relative

effectiveness of digital game-based learning types in English
as a foreign language setting: A meta-analysis. British Journal of
Educational Technology, 43, E104-E107.

Chwo, G. S. M., Marek, M. W., & Wu, W.-C. V. (2018). Meta-analysis of

MALL research and design. System, 74, 62-72.

Cobb, M. (2010). Meta-analysis of the Effectiveness of Task-Based

Interaction in Form-Focused Instruction of Adult Learners in Foreign
and Second Language Teaching. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,
University of San Francisco.

Cobb, T., & Boulton, A. (2014, August). Using corpora in language

learning: A meta-analysis of effectiveness and efficiency. In J. M.
Norris, L. Ortega, & L. Plonsky (organizers), Advancing synthetic
methods in applied linguistics. Symposium conducted at the Congress
of the International Association for Applied Linguistics (AILA),
Brisbane, Australia.

Cobb, T., Boulton, A. (2015). Classroom applications of corpus

analysis. In D. Biber & R. Reppen (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of
English Corpus Linguistics (pp. 478-497). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
University Press.

Cole, M. (2014). Speaking to read: Meta-analysis of peer-mediated

learning for English language learnners. Journal of Literacy
Research, 46,358-382. DOI: 10.1177/1086296X14552179

Cumming, A., Lai, C., Cho, H. (2016). Students’ writing from sources
for academic purposes: A synthesis of recent research. Journal of
English for Academic Purposes, 23, 47-58.

de Bruin, A., Treccani, B., & Della Sala, S. (2015). Cognitive

advantage in bilingualism: An example of publication
bias? Psychological Science, 26, 99–107.

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literature. Review of Educational Research, 88, 879-919.

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Diao, N. X. (2013, March). Cross language transfer of metalinguistic

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Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Dallas, TX.

Dinsmore, T. H. (2000). The relationship of universal grammar to

second language acquisition: A meta-analysis. Unpublished doctoral
dissertation, University of Cincinnati.

Dinsmore, T. H. (2006). Principles, parameters, and SLA: A

retrospective meta-analytic investigation into adult L2 learners’
access to Universal Grammar. In J. M. Norris & L. Ortega
(Eds.), Synthesizing research on language learning and teaching (pp.
53-90). Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Dollaghan, C. A., & Horner, E. A. (2011). Bilingual language

assessment: A meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy. Journal of
Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 54, 1077-1088.

Donnelly, S., Brooks, P. J., & Homer, B. D. (2015). Examining the

bilingual advantage on conflict resolution tasks: A meta-analysis. In
D. C. Noelle et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 37th annual conference
of the cognitive science society (pp. 596-601). Austin, TX:
Cognitive Science Society.

Durrant, P. (2014). Corpus frequency and second language learners’

knowledge of collocations: A meta-analysis. International Journal of
Corpus Linguistics, 19, 443–477.

DuVernet, A., Nelson, K., & Surface, E.A. (2012, April). Meta-
analysis on the relationships between foreign-language training
criteria. Poster presented at the 27th Annual Conference of the
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Diego, CA.

Elahi Shirvan, M. (2014). The Effectiveness of Strategy-based

Instruction in Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language: A
Meta-Analysis of Experimental Studies. Unpublished doctoral
dissertation, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.

Elgort, I. (2018). Technology-mediated second language vocabulary

development: A review of trends in research methodology. CALICO
Journal, 35.

Ellis, N. C. (2006). Meta-analysis, human cognition, and language

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on language learning and teaching (pp. 301-322). Philadelphia: John

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language acquisition: A replication and generalization study and
meta-analysis. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 33, 589-624.

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Eysenck’s critique for SLA. Paper presented at the conference of the
American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Dallas, TX.

Ellis, R. (2018). Meta-analysis in second language acquisition

research: A critical appraisal. Journal of Second Language Studies,
1, 231-253.

Elgort, I. (2018). Technology-mediated second language vocabulary

development: A review of trends in research methodology. CALICO
Journal, 35, 1-29.

Faez, F., Karas, M., & Uchihara, T. (2018, March). Connecting

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effectiveness? ReCALL, 17, 269-288.

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we learned in two decades of research? ReCALL, 20, 141-161.

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of Educational Research, 88, 712–751.

Flahive, D. (2009, March). Problematic trends in second language

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