Search Engine Optimization: by Udit Khanna

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Training Institute

Search Engine Optimization

By Udit Khanna
1 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna
About Us
Expert Training Institute

2 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

About Trainer – Udit Khanna
Expert Training Institute

Experience: Education
4+ Years – Expert Training Institute Masters in Business Administration
- Started this Venture in 2012 - Dual Specialization in Marketing & Finance
- Working as Trainer till date - HMRITM, Delhi
- 2007-2009
Working as a Freelancer
- Expert Seo Training Institute(my site) B.Sc in Hospitality & Hotel Admin
- Delhi Technical Campus - Institute of Hotel Management, BBSR
- Travel Kitty - 2003-2006
- Way 2 Automation
- Expert Indian Recipes(my site) Higher Secondary
- Get Cakes Online(my site) - Commerce
- Expert Digital Marketing(my site) - SDPS, 2001-2003

TIS India (2012-2014)

- As a Digital Marketer

Bacati, Inc(2010-2012)
- As Online Marketing Specialist Skill Set
- SEO – PPC – SMO – HTML – Wordpress
R. S. Components (2009-2010 ) - Photoshop – Dreamweaver – Ms Excel
- As a Search Engine Optimiser - Marketing - Lead Generation - Analytics
3 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna
Search Engine Optimization
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving the visibility of a

website on organic ("natural" or un-paid) search engine result pages
(SERPs), by incorporating search engine friendly elements into a website.
Ê  Techniques: 1) On page SEO 2)Off Page SEO


White Hat – Refers to the usage of optimization strategies, techniques and tactics
that focus on a human audience

Black Hat - Refers to the use of aggressive SEO strategies, techniques and tactics that
focus only on search engines and not a human audience, and usually does not obey
search engines guidelines.

Grey Hat – Refers to SEO practice that's riskier than White Hat SEO, but one that may
or may not result in your site being banned from search engines and their affiliate

4 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Search Engine Optimization
Expert Training Institute

5 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

How Search Engine [Google] Works?
Expert Training Institute


Ê  The web is like an ever-growing library with billions of books and no central
filing system. We use software known as web crawlers to discover publicly
available webpages. Crawlers look at webpages and follow links on those
pages, much like you would if you were browsing content on the web. They go
from link to link and bring data about those webpages back to Google’s servers.

Ê  The crawling process begins with a list of web addresses from past crawls and
sitemaps provided by website owners. As our crawlers visit these websites, they
use links on those sites to discover other pages. The software pays special
attention to new sites, changes to existing sites and dead links.

Ê  When crawlers find a webpage, our systems render the content of the page,
just as a browser does. We take note of key signals — from keywords to website
freshness — and we keep track of it all in the Search index. The Google Search
index contains hundreds of billions of webpages and is well over 100,000,000
gigabytes in size.
6 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna
How Search Engine [Google] Works?
Expert Training Institute

Ê  You want the answer, not billions of webpages, so Google ranking systems sort through the
hundreds of billions of webpages in our Search index to give you useful and relevant results in a
fraction of a second. These ranking systems are made up of a series of algorithms that analyze
what it is you are looking for and what information to return to you. And as we’ve evolved Search
to make it more useful, we’ve refined our algorithms to assess your searches and the results in
finer detail to make our services work better for you.

Ê  Analyzing Your Words: Understanding the meaning of your search is crucial to returning good answers.

Ê  Matching Your Search : Next, we look for webpages with information that matches your query.

Ê  Ranking Useful Pages : For a typical query, there are thousands, even millions, of webpages with potentially
relevant information. So to help rank the best pages first, we also write algorithms to evaluate how useful these
webpages are.

Ê  Considering Context : Information such as your location, past search history and Search settings all help us to tailor
your results to what is most useful and relevant for you in that moment.

Ê  Returning the Best Results : Before we serve your results, we evaluate how all the relevant information fits together: is
there only one topic among the search results, or many? Are there too many pages focusing on one narrow interpretation? We
strive to provide a diverse set of information in formats that are most helpful for your type of search.
7 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna
How Search Engine [Google] Works?
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Larry Page once described the perfect search engine as understanding exactly what you
mean and giving you back exactly what you want. Over time, our testing has
consistently showed that users want quick answers to their queries. We have made a lot
of progress on delivering you the most relevant answers, faster and in formats that are
most helpful to the type of information you are seeking.

8 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

How Search Engine [Google] Works?
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Every day, millions of useless spam pages are created. We fight spam through a combination of
computer algorithms and manual review.

Ê  Spam sites attempt to game their way to the top of search results through techniques like repeating
keywords over and over, buying links that pass PageRank or putting invisible text on the screen. This
is bad for search because relevant websites get buried, and it’s bad for legitimate website owners
because their sites become harder to find. The good news is that Google's algorithms can detect the
vast majority of spam and demote it automatically. For the rest, we have teams who manually review

Ê  Identifying Spam
Ê  Spam sites come in all shapes and sizes. Some sites are automatically-generated gibberish that no
human could make sense of. Of course, we also see sites using subtler spam techniques. Check out
these examples of “pure spam,” which are sites using the most aggressive spam techniques. This is a
stream of live spam screenshots that we’ve manually identified and recently removed from appearing
in search results.

9 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Google Ranking Factors
Expert Training Institute

Meta Content Length Duplicate

Optimization Canonical
Title Tag Description H1 Tag of Content
With LSI Tag

Image Content Internal Url Country

Outbound Sitemap
Optimiza- Updates Links
Links Optimiza TLD Ext.
tion Html-Xml

Server GWT DA- Link Dofollow-

Domain Mobile
Responsive Integration Linking Relevancy Nofollow
Page Links

Domain TLD Site Schema

Domain SSL [Data Algorithm
Registration Extensio Speed
Age n
Cert. Highlighter] Updates
10 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna
On Page SEO
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Things we cover:

Initial Site Keywords

Analysis Research

Analytics Webmaster Cananonical

Integration Integration Url - Domain

Sitemap 301, 302, 404 OG Tags

Robots Redirects(.htaccess)
HTML - XML Twitter Cards

Browser Schema SEO Disavow Tool

RSS Feeds
Caching - Speed [Data Highlighter] Algorithms [Backlink Analysis]
11 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna
Competitor and Initial Site Analysis
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Things we check:
Title Headings Discovered WWW XML
Tag Pages Resolve Sitemap
Meta Alt Content
Description Attribute Quality Robots.txt

Domain Mobile
Mobile Custom Structured
Friendliness Font Size 404 Page Data
Blog Mobile
Speed Analytics
Compatibility Load Time

SSL Facebook Browser

Visitors Compatibility
Secure Page From Appeal
No. of Twitter Call-to- Platform Broken
Backlinks Account Action Built on Links
12 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Keyword research is one of the most important, valuable, and

high return activities in the search marketing field. Ranking for
the right keywords can make or break your website.

Ê  It's not always about getting visitors to your site, but about
getting the right kind of visitors.

Ê  Keyword Research – Keyword Selection – Keyword Mining

Ê  Keyword Placement

Url – Title – M.Keywords – M.Description – Heading – Content – Images – BC Trail

13 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Google Analytics
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Google Analytics is a free Web analytics service that provides

statistics and basic analytical tools for search engine
optimization (SEO) and marketing purposes. The service is
available to anyone with a Google account.

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Google Analytics
Expert Training Institute

15 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Google Webmaster Tools
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Google Search Console (previously Google Webmaster Tools) is a no-charge web

service by Google for webmasters. It allows webmasters to check indexing status
and optimize visibility of their websites. Submit and check a sitemap.

Check and set the crawl rate, and view statistics about when GoogleBot accesses a
particular site.

Write and check a robots.txt file to help discover pages that are blocked in robots.txt

List internal and external pages that link to the site.

Get a list of links which GoogleBot had difficulty crawling, including the error that
GoogleBot received when accessing the URLs in question.

16 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Google Webmaster Tools
Expert Training Institute

See what keyword searches on Google led to the site being listed in the SERPs, and
the click through rates of such listings with extended filter possibilities for devices,
search types and date periods).

Set a preferred domain (e.g. prefer over or vice

versa), which determines how the site URL is displayed in SERPs.

Highlight to Google Search elements of structured data (Google Data Highlighter).

Receive notifications from Google for manual penalties.

Rich Cards a new section added, for better mobile user experience.

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Google Webmaster Tools
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Google Webmaster Tools
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Bing Webmaster Tools
Expert Training Institute

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Bing Webmaster Tools
Expert Training Institute

21 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna


Expert Training Institute

Ê  The “rel=canonical” element, often called the “canonical

link(URL)”, is an HTML element that helps webmasters
prevent duplicate content issues. It does this by specifying
the “canonical URL”, the “preferred” version of a web page.
Using it well improves a site’s SEO.

22 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Expert Training Institute

Ê  In a nutshell. Web site owners use the /robots.txt file to give instructions
about their site to web robots; this is called The Robots Exclusion
Protocol. The "User-agent: *" means this section applies to all robots.
The "Disallow: /" tells the robot that it should not visit any pages on the

Ê  A robots.txt file is a file at the root of your site that indicates those parts
of your site you don’t want accessed by search engine crawlers.

Ê  The first thing a search engine spider like Googlebot looks at when it is
visiting a page is the robots.txt file.

23 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Sitemap (HTML & XML)
Expert Training Institute

Ê  A site map (or sitemap) is a list of pages of a web site

accessible to crawlers or users.

Ê  Types: HTML[Human Users] XML[Google Bots]

Ê  HTML Sitemap: An HTML sitemap allows site visitors to easily navigate a

website. It is a bulleted outline text version of the site navigation. The anchor text
displayed in the outline is linked to the page it references. Site visitors can go to the
Sitemap to locate a topic they are unable to find by searching the site or navigating
through the site menus.

Ê  XML Sitemap: By placing a formatted xml file with site map on your
webserver, you enable Search Engine crawlers (like Google) to find out what pages
are present and which have recently changed, and to crawl your site accordingly.

24 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

301 & 302 Redirect
Expert Training Institute

Ê  A redirect is a way to send both users and search engines to a different

URL from the one they originally requested.

Ê  301 – Moved Permanently

Ê  302- Moved Temporarily

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404 – Page Not Found
Expert Training Institute

Ê  This is a very common error on the web and it occurs when you are
trying to visit a page which has either been deleted or has been
moved somewhere else.

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OG Tags & Twitter Cards
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Facebook introduced Open Graph in 2010. It promotes integration between

Facebook and other websites by allowing them to become rich “graph” objects
with the same functionality as other Facebook objects.

Ê  Put simply, a degree of control is possible over how information travels from a
third-party website to Facebook when a page is shared (or liked, etc.). In order
to make this possible, information is sent via Open Graph meta tags in the
<head> part of the website’s code. head html

Ê  Now, other social media sites also are taking advantage of social meta tags. All
of the other major platforms, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+, recognize Open
Graph tags. Twitter actually has its own meta tags for Twitter Cards, but if
Twitter robots cannot find any, Twitter uses Open Graph tags instead.

Ê  Social media sites are the major drivers of most of the web’s traffic.
Consequently, the ability to harness the power of social meta tags is a vital skill
for today’s marketers. The tags can affect conversions and click-through rates

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OG Tags & Twitter Cards
Expert Training Institute

28 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Browser Caching
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Browser caching stores webpage resource files on a local

computer when a user visits a webpage.

Ê  "Leveraging" browser caching is when a webmaster has

instructed browsers how their resources should be dealt with.

Ê  What browser caching does is "remember" the resources that

the browser has already loaded. When a visitor goes to
another page on your website your Images, CSS, JavaS etc.
do not need to be loaded again, because the browser has
them "remembered" (saved). This is the reason that the first
view of a web page takes longer than repeat visits.

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Browser Caching
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Schema (what is what)
Expert Training Institute

Ê  The schemas are a set of 'types', each associated with a set of

properties. The types are arranged in a hierarchy.

Ê  The core vocabulary currently consists of 583 Types, 846

Properties, and 114 Enumeration values.

Ê  Action – CreativeWork – Event – Intangible – Organization –

Person – Place - Product

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Schema (what is what)
Expert Training Institute

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Schema (what is what)
Expert Training Institute

33 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

RSS Feeds
Expert Training Institute

Ê  RSS (Rich Site Summary; originally RDF Site Summary; often called Really
Simple Syndication) uses a family of standard web feed formats[2] to publish
frequently updated information: blog entries, news headlines, audio, video. An

Ê  RSS document (called "feed", "web feed",[3] or "channel") includes full or

summarized text, and metadata, like publishing date and author's name.

Ê  RSS feeds enable publishers to syndicate data automatically. A standard XML

file format ensures compatibility with many different machines/programs. RSS
feeds also benefit users who want to receive timely updates from favourite
websites or to aggregate data from many sites.

34 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

SEO Algorithms
Expert Training Institute

Ê  PANDA - Google's Panda Update is a search filter introduced in February 2011 meant to stop
sites with poor quality content from working their way into Google's top search results. Panda is
updated from time-to-time. When this happens, sites previously hit may escape, if they've made
the right changes.

Ê  PENGUIN - Google launched the Penguin Update in April 2012 to better catch sites deemed
to be spamming its search results, in particular those doing so by buying links or obtaining them
through link networks designed primarily to boost Google rankings.

Ê  HUMMINGBIRD - The Hummingbird is what Google is calling the latest (greatest?)

algorithm that they slipped in under our radar in August. If the rumors are true, the
Hummingbird will take a search engine query using long-tailed keywords and try to decipher the
context of the question rather than chase the specific keywords within the question. The goal is
to provide results that actually answer the question.

Ê  PEGION - The purpose of Pigeon is to provide preference to local search results. This is quite
useful for the user and local businesses.

35 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Disavow Tool
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Google's link disavowal tool allows publishers to tell Google that they don't want
certain links from external sites to be considered as part of Google's system of
counting links to rank web sites.

36 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Off Page SEO [Link Building]
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Off page SEO refers to techniques that can be used to improve the position of a web
site in the search engine results page (SERPs). Many people associate off-page SEO
with link building but it is not only that. In general, off Page SEO has to do with
promotion methods – beyond website design –for the purpose of ranking a website
higher in the search results.

Ê  Unlike On- page SEO, off-page SEO refers to activities outside the boundaries of the

Ê  Off-page optimization is the most important part in search engines optimization

because it gives back links to your sites and it requires a lot of work on a daily bases.
It helps to maximize website performance in search engine for target keywords. Off
Page SEO Services are the best way to get more website traffic.

Ê  The most important are:

37 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Off Page SEO [Link Building]
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Things we cover:

Social & Referral Article

Bookmarking Submission

Blog Creation Forum & Blog

Press Release
( Web 2.0 ) Commenting

Google & Bing Guest Blog Business

Local Listing Posting Listing

Logo Product Image DOC, PDF, PPT Blog

Submission Sharing Sharing Sharing Submission
38 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna
Directory Submission
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Directory Submission is the activity of the Off Page Optimization.

Directory submission performs for collecting the backing of own
site through which own site PR (page rank) is increase in Google
searches. It is very basic activity of the Off Page Optimization.

Ê  Directory Submission perform for increase Ranking. In Directory

Submission we submit own site to another site. We Submit own site
according to the category wise. We chose the category according
the theme of the site.

Ê  For example:-Education related sites are submitted in to the

education category. If your category and the description is right
then other site give the approval mail to your email id. And attach
your site link to own site. It is also called the one way linking.

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Directory Submission
Expert Training Institute

40 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Social Bookmarking
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Social bookmarking is a centralized online service which allows users to

add, annotate, edit, and share bookmarks of web documents. Many online
bookmark management services have launched since 1996; Delicious,
founded in 2003, popularized the terms "social bookmarking" and

Ê  Social bookmarking is a user-defined taxonomy system for bookmark s.

Such a taxonomy is sometimes called a folksonomy and the bookmarks are
referred to as tags. Unlike storing bookmarks in a folder on your computer,
tagged pages are stored on the Web and can be accessed from any

Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Social Bookmarking
Expert Training Institute

Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Article Submission
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Among all the SEO techniques, article submission can be one of the
most successful. Article submission generally refers to the writing
of articles that are relevant to your online business and then getting
them added to the popular article submission directories.

Ê  Article submissions can enhance and improve the ranking of your

online business in search engines by increasing the quantity of
backlinks and PR.

Ê  Another benefit that article submission offers is that of establishing

the particular website owner as an expert in their industry. By
providing valuable detail and information within articles, it builds
the trust of potential customers thereby giving them a reason to
visit your website.

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Article Submission
Expert Training Institute

44 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Press Release
Expert Training Institute

Ê  The use of Press Release is common in the field of public

relation, the aim of which is to attract favorable media
attention to public relations professional’s client and/or
provide publicity for products oe events marketed by those
Ê  Benefits

Backlinks from Credible News Site

Potential Media Coverage

Help escape from Google Sandbox

45 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Press Release
Expert Training Institute

46 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Blog Creation
(WEB 2.0)
Expert Training Institute

47 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Forum Posting
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Forum websites are online discussion sites or in other words, 'message board'. ... Forum
Posting simply means posting new threads or replying to old ones in forums in order to
get quality inbound links to a website.

Ê  Advantages

#1 Forum link building/Posting service is a SEO technique which helps in building backlinks
to your website.

#2 Forum Posting is an Internet Marketing service which uses forum communities to build
inbound links.

#3 Forum Posting is an ideal method to quickly build inbound links to your website.

#4 Produces targeted traffic and generates more sales.

#5 Deep linking is possible through forum posting which will help in augmenting the SERPs.

#6 Attracts a lot of referral traffic.

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Forum Posting
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Forum Posting
Expert Training Institute

50 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Forum Posting
Expert Training Institute

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Blog Commenting
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Blog comments are one of the easiest ways to make your

blog interactive, to get backlinks on your website and to drive
traffic on your blog. Effective Blog commenting strategy will
make your backlinks graph grow.

Ê  It is a great way to exchange ideas, thoughts or opinions

about what people feel for a particular topic or a blog post.
Blog comments helps the blog to attract traffic and makes it

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Blog Commenting
Expert Training Institute

53 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Expert Training Institute

Ê  Classified advertising is a form of advertising which is

particularly common in newspapers, online and other
periodicals which may be sold or distributed free of charge.
Classified advertisements are much cheaper than larger
display advertisements used by businesses, although display
advertising is more widespread.

Ê  According to William A. Cohen, classified ads will bring "a

greater return on your investment", dollar for dollar, than
investments in display advertising, direct mail, or other

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Expert Training Institute

55 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Google Local Listing
Expert Training Institute

56 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Bing Local Listing
Expert Training Institute

57 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Guest Blog Posting
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Guest posting is creating content and publishing it on

another person’s website. Blogs are a very popular platform
for guest posting. This is a great way to build an online
reputation and for a company to get its name out there. By
posting on another person’s blog, not only will a company’s
followers see its content, but anyone who follows the host
blogger will see the company’s content as well, thus reaching
an audience that might be unaware of your brand.

Ê  Guest posts and guest posting is where a writer who owns his
or her own blog creates a unique and original post on another
blog or site with a mention of the author and usually their
blog at the bottom of the article.

58 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Guest Blog Posting
Expert Training Institute

59 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Business Directory Listing
Expert Training Institute

Ê  A business directory is a website or printed listing of

information which lists all businesses within some category.
Businesses can be categorized by business, location, activity,
or size. Business may be compiled either manually or through
an automated online search software. Online yellow pages
are a type of business directory, as is the traditional phone

Ê  The details provided in a business directory varies from

business to business. They may include the business name,
addresses, telephone numbers, location, type of service or
products the business provides, number of employees, the
service region and any professional associations.

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Business Directory Listing
Expert Training Institute

61 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

Logo Submission
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Logo Submission is a part of an SEO off-page task, With the help of

logo submission you can gain traffic to your website. It is a positive
way to increase visitor through online. A good or Attractive logo
has some uniqueness in their design its increase huge traffic as
compared to normal logos or Images.

Ê  Logo Submission sites provides you do follow backlinks. It's helped

you to improve your websites ranking in Search engines. Logo
submission sites are good for link building. For the help of link
building you can create good do follow backlinks for your website.

62 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

SEO Tools
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Site Analysis Tools

Ê  Backlink Checker Tools

Ê  Keyword Research Tools

Ê  Website Quality Checker

Ê  Keyword Stuffing

Ê  Technical SEO

Ê  Plagiarism Checker

63 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

SEO Tools
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Site Analysis Tools

Ê  Google Webmaster Tools Ê  Found’s SEO Audit Tool

Ê  Check My Links Ê  SEO Site CheckUp

Ê  SEO Report Card Ê  Site Auditor

Ê  Website Grader Ê  SEO Workers

Ê  Woorank Ê  LipperHey

Ê  Screaming Frog SEO Spider Ê  UpCity

Ê  Seoptimer Ê  Trifecta
64 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna
SEO Tools
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Backlink Checker Tools

Ê  Semrush Ê  Google Alerts

Ê  Ahrefs Ê  Link Diagnosis

Ê  Majestic SEO Ê  Open Link Profiler

Ê  Open Site Explorer Ê  Google Webmaster Tools

Ê  SEO Spyglass Ê  Alexa

Ê  Backlink Watch Ê  Monitor Backlinks

65 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna
SEO Tools
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Keyword Research Tools

Ê  Google Keyword Planner Ê  Semrush

Ê  KW Finder Ê  SE Cockpit

Ê  Moz’s Keyword Explorer Ê  SpyFU

Ê  Keyword Tool Ê  SERP Stat

66 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

SEO Tools
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Keyword Stuffing (Keyword Density Checker)

Ê  Ranks NL
Ê  Web Seo Analytics
Ê  David Naylor
Ê  Live Keyword Density Analysis
Ê  SEO Book
Ê  Add Me Tool
Ê  Rapid Search Metrics
Ê  SEO Centro Tool
Ê  Webconfs Keyword Density Checker
Ê  SEO Chat Keyword Density Tool

67 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

SEO Tools
Expert Training Institute

Ê  Plagiarism Checker

Ê  Duplichecker Ê  Plagium

Ê  Copy Leaks Ê  Plag Scan

Ê  Paper Rater Ê  Plag Tracker

Ê  Plagiarisma Ê  Que Text

Ê  Plagiarism Checker Ê  Viper

68 Expert Training Institute - Udit Khanna

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Expert Training Institute:
178, Jai Apartment, Commercial Wing, Sector-9, Rohini, Delhi-85
Near Rohini West Metro Station
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