Contracts: G. Discharge of Contracts

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G. Discharge of Contracts formance applies and recovery will be limited to monetary

damages. The installation of fixtures other than those speci-
49. (a) Once one party materially breaches the contract,
fied in the contract constitutes a breach, although the breach
the other party is discharged from performing his or her
is considered immaterial. The doctrine of substantial per-
obligations under the contract. Answer (b) is incorrect be-
formance applies in this situation and the contractual obliga-
cause a reasonable delay in the performance of the contract
tion will be discharged.
is not a breach unless time was of the essence. Answer (c) is
incorrect because tender or offer to payor perform obligates 54. (a) . A liquidated damage clause is a contractual pro-
the other party to do what s/he promised. Answer (d) is vision which states the amount of damages that will occur if
incorrect because assignment of rights typically is allowed a party breaches the contract. The liquidated damage clause
under contract law. is 'enforceable if the amount is reasonable in light of the an-
ticipated or actual harm caused by the breach. Excessive
SO. (a) The discharge of a contract can come about in liquidated damages will not be enforceable in court even if
several ways. The first is by agreement. Accord and satis- both parties have agreed in writing. A clause providing for
faction involves an agreed substitute for performance under excessive damages is a penalty and the courts will not en-
the contract (accord) and the actual performance of that sub- force a penalty. Materiality does not impact the enforce-
stitute (satisfaction). An agreement can also be entered into ability of liquidated damage provisions.
by three parties whereby the previous agreement is dis-
charged by the creation of a new agreement (a novation). SS. (c) The doctrine of anticipatory repudiation allows a
The second method of discharge is by release of the contract party to either sue at once or wait until after performance is
or parties from performance. Another method of discharg- due when the other party indicates s/he will not perform.
ing a contract is-by performance of the specified action be- This doctrine is in effect because Nagel told Fields that Na-
coming impossible, such as destruction of the subject matter, gel had no intention of delivering the goods (i.e., repudiation
or death of a party where personal service is necessary. of the contract) prior to the date of performance. Answer (a)
Lastly, breach of the contract discharges the injured party. is incorrect because promissory estoppel acts as a substitute
for consideration which is an element in the forming of a
51. (c) Rescission entails canceling a contract and plac- contract but is not relevant in this fact situation. Answer (b)
ing the parties in the position they were in before the con- is incorrect because accord and satisfaction is an agreement
tract was formed. Answer (a) is incorrect as a novation is an wherein a party with an existing duty or performance under
agreement between three parties whereby a previous agree- a contract promises to do something other than perform the
ment is discharged by the creation of a new agreement. duty originally promised in the contract. Answer (d) is in-
Answer (b) is incorrect because release is a means of dis- correct because the doctrine of substantial performance
charging (abandoning) a contract but it does not place the would allow for a contract obligation to be discharged even
parties in the same position as before the contract. An- though the performance tendered was not in complete con-
swer (d) is incorrect because revocation is used by an offeror formity with the terms of the agreement. In this case, Fields
to terminate an offer. is suing Nagel for breach of contract.
H. Remedies 56. (a) Events occurring after a contract is entered into
52. (d) The remedy of specific performance is used usually do not affect performance. Some exceptions to this
when money damages will not sufficiently compensate the rule include subsequent illegality of the performance, death
afflicted party due to the unique nature of the subject matter of a party, or destruction of the subject matter, all of which
of the contract. In a contract for the sale of land, the buyer constitute impossibility of performance. In this case, even
has the right to enforce the agreement by seeking the remedy though Maco's own potatoes were destroyed, it wasn't
of specific performance because real property is considered specified that Maco's own potato crop be used to fulfill the
unique. Another remedy for this breach of contract wou'd contract. It was not impossible, therefore, for Maco to per-
be for the buyer to seek compensatory damages. If the buyer form, because he could have purchased potatoes from an-
desires, s/he may seek this remedy instead of specific per- other grower to deliver to LBe. If there had been a' world-
formance. However, in this situation, Hodges could only wide infestation of the potato crop, Maco would have reason
sue for either specific performance or compensatory dam- to not perform on the basis of impossibility;
ages but would not be entitled to both remedies. An injured I. Statute of Limitations
party is generally not allowed to seek punitive damages.
Punitive damages are awarded only when the court is seek- 57. (b) The statute of limitations bars suit if it is not
ing to punish a party for their improper actions and are not brought within the statutory period. The period varies for
usually granted in breach of contract actions. different types of cases and from state to state. The statute
begins to run from the time the cause of action accrues (e.g.,
53. (a) Under the doctrine of substantial performance, a breach).
contract obligation may be discharged even though the per-
formance tendered was not in complete conformity with the
terms of the agreement. If it can be shown that the defect in
performance was only minor in nature, that a good-faith
effort was made to conform completely with the terms of the
agreement, and if the performing party is willing to accept a
decrease in compensation equivalent to the amount of the
minor defect in performance, the contractual obligation will
. be discharged. Because Ames' breach ofcontract was both
inadvertent and not material, the doctrine of substantial per-

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