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Wed/ OCTOBER 31st 2018 – Sejarah Arsitektur

Geodesic dome
Millenium dome
Fun palace, a flexible theatre – the space become fun (fun palace)
Ron Herron- walking city project (1984) – the city is not sleeping- can move and grow –
dynamic city
Louis Kahn, Philadelphia City Hall Model (1952-1957)
Hollow stones , structure of space frame – the structure become the scene

o Stirling and Gowan – engineering Building- Leicester University
o First popularized by Le Corbusier
o The building is predominantly made from concrete (less window) – become brutal –
grow anywhere in the city – make the city become concrete forest )
o Was first known by Le Corbusier (SOFTSCAPE AND LANDSCAPE)
o Strategy to soften the materials (concrete) : combine the greeneries

o Plug in City – Peter Cook – like a chip (you can plug it and plug out) – the city can grow
vertically and horizontally with the module – Ground floor – the infrastructure of the
building (trains to move people from another city.
o Name as a group – architecture telegram – the symbol of communication in this era –
not only focused on the result – but also more appreciate about the process behind
the creative process
o Instant City … - Inspired by Led Zeppelin balloon
o Living Pot –
o Warren Chalk – Experiment with tomato – electricity

o Architecture and cities that shared the ability of living organisms to keep growing,
reproducing, transforming, in response to their environments (more dynamic)
o See the city as a metabolism system – living cells
o Emerged 1960s in Japan – after the impact of WW 2
o Capsule Village Project (1972)
o Nakagin Capsule Tower, Kisho Kurokawa – in minimal living spaces for hotel and

The movement below shows about:

About changing mindset about the situation after the second world war – increasing number
of population – how the government provide the living spaces for the civilian – increasing
number of urbanism – they tried to save the environment – make the living space smaller (no
other choice)- thinking about future
The Articulation of Form in the Post-War Era
- Golden Lane Project – Allison and Peter Smithson – Intention: emphasizing visible
circulation identifiable units of habitation and fully validating the presence of human
beings as part of total image – non formal architecture
- Cedric Price Fun Palace- 1964- formless architecture -another understanding of form
- New Babylon – Constant – 1961 – Dutch Architect – city without form
- Fire station no.4, Indiana, Venturi and Rauch , 65-67, - double quality – multi
interpretation – the form have double meanings
- Reyner Banham – an outspoken critic of form

Architecture After Modernism

- Searching for meanings are increasingly in the city -lack of culture meanings – the next
development of architecture
- John Utzon – Sydney Opera House – from 1957- almost 20 years – the budget was triple -
engineer was overwhelmed by the construction
- Eero Saarinen, TWA Terminal – 1962 – looks like a bird
- Books
o Jane Jacob : The Death and life of Great American Cities (1961)- Downfall of Detroit
o Robert Venturi: Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture – response about the
Less is More term
o Aldo Rossi: The Architecture of the City – Criticize the modern city lack of identity
and historical awereness – city should different in one place and one another –
the inhabitants is different -UNIQUENESS OF THE CITY
o Hassan Fathy: Architecture for the Poor – simple technique from egypt – learn
about rural people how they build
- The End of Modernism:
o Minoru Yamasaki, Pruitt- Igoe Housing, St Louis, 1955- he designed building that
being demolished in 9/11 tragedy
o The Demolition of Pruitt- Igoe Housing – 1972- People who are living in that area
are uncomfortable, unhealthy – white and black color- racial issues

Rejection for unity of form or ideology
Focus on differences – building should be different from one another
Metaphor – understand the meaning of the building

Modernism Post Modernism

Universal Multi-interpretation
Anti History/ Anti Tradition Double-Coding- metafora
Historical/ traditional References
Semiology Interdisciplinary

The Language of Post Modern Architecture – Charles Jencks - Buidling incorporate various

- Hows double coding works – Linguistic -Semiology

- Signifier (Iconic Sign) vs Signified (Symbolic Sign) – Metoper
- Complexity and Contradiction – Robert Venturi- Vanna Venturi House – criticize the
Less is More – Less is Bore – Robert Venturi
o From the arrangement of the tiles
o Tried to send a message about house for his parents
- ‘A Warehouse ?’- Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano, Pompidou Centre, Paris – Art
Gallery – creates another imagination – being critized about the flexibility issue – the
building is become permanent!- the building is become a monument
- Searching theory about the meaning of post modern architecture
o Michael Graves, The Portland Building, Oregon – neo classical approach
o “I see architecture not as Gropius did as a moral venture, as truth, but as
invention, in the same way that poetry or music or painting is invention.”
o Philip Johnson and John Burgee – AT&T Office, New York- historical ornament
– make a revaul – The future of architecture is culture
o Museum as Cultural Shopping Mall – James Stirling, neue Staatsgalerie
Stutgard, 1984 he want his museum to experience spatial experience – like a
cultural center

Hi-Tech (Late Modernism)

- Norman Foster, HSBC in Hongkong – the application of fengshui -the arrow facing up –
changing due to the fengshui
- Norman Foster Quotation
o Since Stonehenge, architects have always been at the cutting edge of technology.
And you can’t separate technology from the humanistic and spiritual content of a
- Low Cost & Alternative Housing – B.V. Doshi, Aranya Low Cost Housing – roof being used
for communal living space – the students of Le Corbusier
- Critical Regionalism – Antoine Predock – Winandy House, Arizona , 1991 – the landscape
is reflected trough the bulding (Materiality…….)
- Urban Intervention – I.M. Pei, Grand Louvre, Paris, for tomb and grave - many critics
from the public – due to the looks – attract the people attentions – become world class

-Zaha Hadid, Fire Station Vitra Station, Germany
- Coop Himmelblau, Rooftop Remodelling, Vienna , Himmelblau means FREEDOM

Cosmogenesis Architecture- Charles Jencks -predict the future of architecture-response about

the issue – growing awereness about social inequality, identity, heritage, etc – MILLENIUM –
become one issue
o Aspect of Nature (Cosmos)
o Mecanoo, Technical University Library, Delft, 1998


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