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Vitruvius Book- Important !

Building System


Building Comfort

Building Utilities - Design Process - Utility system in design process - not at 0 phase -

Structure - cover - wiring, plumbing

Furniture not integrated as an utility system

Firmitas, Utilitas, Venustas, Economia

Utility - most important part of the house

Example - kitchen - home without kitchen

Most of the inhabitant die in 15 c - hygiene

Viaduct, aquaduct

Side by side toilet

Rem Koolhas - Venice Biennale 2014 - Specific talk towards toilet - Body contact occurs in the
toilet - Christchurch - Cantesbury - how to manage the waste

Introduction to Sustainability - system ! Energy Entropy - maintain the system in order to be

healthy - analogy

Water - Roof Tank - Tandon - Efficient Using Water - put in the tank

Horizontal and Vertical Gutter - Talang

Plumbing System- Weel, valve, meter, pipe -Water Chanelling

Dwi Tangoro - Septic Tank - Rain Water Harvesting

Sectional Drawing - Going up - Using different colors - Schematic design - Bathroom, kitchen

Axonometric- auxiliary stack - indicating slope inclination

Direct tumbling system - using different inclinations - localized the area- faster to relocate the

Air conditioning

1. Passive Cooling - avoid the air conditioner

Network : ducting and shaft- to provide space that continuous to the higher

Kinds of AC


Exhaust : Kitchen and Toilet

Lighting - Electrical System - Direct system -

What is MCB ??

Electrical Plan Connecting through its switch

Waste - separate -shaft

Pertanyaan kepada penghuni?

Uraian Tugas

WC duduk, WC Jongkok - Part of design

Midterm -

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