Pak 107 201617 Paper 1

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ACT - 01


1).Account Officer Class-I & Assistant Commissioner Commercial Tex ,
Class-I , Paper-1(ACT-01)
Date of Premilinary Test : 28-5-2017
Concerned Subject - ( 001 to 150 )
Date of Publication :29-5-2017
Last Date to send suggestion(s) : 5-6-2017
1). All Suggestions are to be sent with reference to website published Question
paper with
Provisional Answer Key Only.
2). All Suggestions are to be sent in the given format only.
3). Candidate must ensure the above complaince.
001. ‘ík¥ð{rMk’ þçËLkku Mkk[ku yÚko sýkðku.
(A) MkíkT ík¥ð ykí{k Au.
(B) MkíÞ çkku÷ðwt yu s Mkk[ku Ä{o Au.
(C) yufLku òýðkÚke çkkfeLkk çkÄkLkwt ¿kkLk ÚkE òÞ Au.
(D) íku ykí{k íkwt s Au.
002. ‘Ãkrhøkún’ yux÷u ......
(A) ÄLk-Ëku÷ík-yk¼q»kýku-çktøk÷kyku ykrË {qÕÞðkLk ÃkËkÚkkuoLkku Mktøkún yLku íku ÃkËkÚkkuoLkku Mktøkún yLku íku ÃkËkÚkkuo
Ãkh ykMkÂõík
(B) ÄLk-Ëku÷ík-yk¼q»kýku-çktøk÷kyku ykrË {qÕÞðkLk ÃkËkÚkkuoLkku íÞkøk yLku íku ÃkËkÚkkuo Ãkh yLkkMkÂõík
(C) ÃkkÃk-Ëku»kku-ËwøkoríkLke ÃkhtÃkhk{ktÚke {wÂõík
(D) MktMkkhSðLk Akuze íÞkøkLkku {køko yÃkLkkððku íku.
003. ‘MktþÞkí{k rðLk~Þrík’Lkku ¾hku yÚko ÚkkÞ.......
(A) íÞkøk fhku yLku Mkw¾ ¼kuøkðku (B) ðnu{ hk¾LkkhLkku rðLkkþ ÚkkÞ Au
(C) {khk ¼õíkLkku fËe Lkkþ Úkíkku LkÚke (D) suðwt f{o íkuðwt V¤
004. þçËLke {wÏÞ ºký þÂõíkyku Au. - fE ?
(A) yr¼Äk, ÷ûkýk yLku ÔÞtsLkk (B) Mk¥ð, hsMk yLku ík{Mk
(C) W¥k{, {æÞ{ yLku Mkk{kLÞ (D) r÷rÃk, ðkrý yLku ¿kkLk
005. ‘Mkt˼oøkútÚk’ þçËLkku Mkk[ku yÚko ÚkkÞ ....
(A) MkwðkåÞ økútÚk (B) þçËkÚko yLku þçË Mk{sqíke ykÃkíkku økútÚk
(C) {krníke fkuþ (D) rð»kÞðMíkw ytøku ðÄkhu Mk{s ykÃkíkku økútÚk
006. ‘{nuLkík fhu fkuEfLku yuLkwt V¤ ÷E òÞ çkeò’ - yuðku yÚko Ähkðíke fnuðíkku{kt fÞwt sqÚk yMktøkík Au ?
(A) f{kÞ xkuÃkeðk¤k Lku Wzkðu Äkuíkeðk¤k - hk{Lkwt MkÃkLkwt ¼híkLku VéÞwt
(B) ðkðLkkh ðkðu Lku ÷ýu ÷ðS - ðkðLkkh ðkðu Lku ÷ýu çkeò
(C) ¼UMk [khu ¼kýkS yLku ðhík ¾kÞ ðnkr÷Þku - Lke[e çkkuhze Mkki fkuE Íqzu
(D) ¾kuËu ôËhLku ¼kuøkðu ¼ku®høk - yktĤw ˤu Lku fqíkÁt [øk¤u
007. Lke[u fux÷ef fnuðíkku yÚko MkkÚku ykÃke Au yu{kt fE fnuðíkLkku yÚko ¾kuxku ykÃÞku Au ?
(A) ykzk ÷kfzku ykzku ðnuh - Ãkkfu ½zu fktXk Lk [Zu.
(B) ½ze{kt íkku÷ku Lku ½ze{kt {kMkku - yÂMÚkh Lku [t[¤ {Lkðk¤k nkuðwt.
(C) ËqhÚke zwtøkh hr¤Þk{ýk - ËqhÚke çkÄwt s MkwtËh Ëu¾kÞ.
(D) ¼ktøÞwt ¼ktøÞwt íkkuÞ ¼Y[ - Ãkzíke{kt nkuðk Aíkkt ykçkY ò¤ððkLke þÂõík Ähkððe.

ACT-01 - A ] 2 [Contd.
008. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke rðhkuÄe yÚko ykÃkíke fnuðíkku{ktÚke fÞwt rðøkíksqÚk ¾kuxwt Au ?
(A) ÍkÍk nkÚk hr¤Þk{ýk - ÍkÍe MkwÞkýeyu ðuíkh ðtXu

(B) çkku÷u íkuLkkt çkkuh ðu[kÞ - Lk çkkuÕÞk{kt Lkð økwý

(C) MkkXu çkwrØ LkkXe - ½hzkt økkzkt ðk¤u

(D) {køÞk fhíkkt {hðwt ¼÷wt - çkr¤ÞkLkk çku ¼køk

009. Lke[u ykÃku÷k YrZ«Þkuøk{kt fÞwt sqÚk yÚkorLk árüyu ¾kuxwt Au ?

(A) VeVkt ¾ktzðkt - ½kMk fkÃkðwt (B) ðktZkLku ½uh ð÷kuýwt nkuðwt - yÃkkMkhu Zkuf¤kt nkuðkt

(C) ðkyu ðkˤ ¾Mkðwt - ðkíkLkwt ðíkuMkh Úkðwt (D) ÃkkÃkze MkkÚku EÞ¤ çkVkðe - Mkqfk ¼u¤wt ÷e÷wt çk¤ðwt

010. Lke[u ykÃku÷k YrZ«Þkuøk{kt fÞk YrZ«ÞkuøkLkku yÚko ¾kuxku ykÃÞku Au ?

(A) {kÚku Íkz Wøkðkt çkkfe nkuðkt - ½ýkt s Ëw:¾ Ãkzðkt

(B) {kÚkwt Ÿ[fðwt - Ÿ[u òuðwt

(C) {kÚkwt ykÃkðwt - çkr÷ËkLk ykÃkðwt

(D) {kÚkwt Vkxe sðwt - yíÞtík ¢kuÄ [Zðku

011. ‘¾qçk yr¼{kLk ykðe sðwt ’ {kxu fÞku YrZ«Þkuøk ðkÃkhe þfkÞ ?
(A) Ãkøk ÃkkAk Ãkzðk (B) Ãkøk ¼khu Úkðku

(C) Ãkøk Ähíke Ãkh Lk hnuðk (D) Ãkøk s{kððku

012. ‘YrZ«Þkuøk’ þçËLkku Mkk[ku yÚko sýkðku.

(A) su{kt økk{Xe þçËLkku WÃkÞkuøk ÚkÞku nkuÞ

(B) su{kt YrZ Ëþkoðíkk þçËku «ÞkuòÞk nkuÞ

(C) su{kt ÃkhtÃkhkÚke YZ çkLku÷kt ík¤ÃkËk þçË-økwåAku fu þçËMk{qnku nkuÞ

(D) su{kt yuf fhíkkt ðÄw þçË-ÃkË òuzkÞu÷kt nkuÞ

013. þçË Mk{qn {kxu yuf þçË ykÃkku - ‘ÃkkuíkkLkkt ð¾ký Ãkkuíku s fhðkt.’
(A) ykí{&÷kÄk (B) ykí{kLkku yðks

(C) ykí{ðt[Lkk (D) MÔkÃkrh[Þ

014. Lke[u ykÃku÷k þçËMk{qn {kxu Wr[ík þçË Ëþkoðku :

‘rËþkyku{kt hûký fhíkk fÂÕÃkík nkÚkeyku’
(A) rËõTÃkk÷ (B) yihkðík

(C) rËøøks (D) rËÂøðsÞ

ACT-01 - A ] 3 P.T.O.
015. Lke[u Ëþkoðu÷ fnuðíkku yLku íkuLkku yÚko Ëþkoðíke òuze Ãkife fE òuze Mkk[e LkÚke ?
(A) xfu þuh ¼kS, xfu þuh ¾kò - ßÞkt fkuE òíkLke LÞkÞçkwrØ fu Mkkhk-LkhMkkLkku rððuf Lk nkuÞ
(B) ykfzu {Ä Lku {k¾e ðøkhLkwt - fkuE òíkLke {wMkeçkík rðLkk Mk{]rØ {¤ðkLke þõÞíkk nkuðe
(C) Ëqçk¤k ZkuhLku çkøkkEyku ½ýe - økwLkk fkuEf fhu yLku Mkò ¼kuøkððe Ãkzu çkeòLku
(D) ½uh ½uh {kxeLkk [q÷k - çkÄkt fwxwtçkku{kt ftELku ftE fnuðk suðwt íkku nkuÞ s
016. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke fÞk YrZ«ÞkuøkLkku yÚko ‘nkh fçkq÷ fhðe’ yuðku ÚkkÞ Au ?
(A) fkøkLkku ðk½ Úkðku (B) Lkkf fÃkkððwt
(C) Ãkux [ku¤eLku þq¤ Q¼wt fhðwt (D) nrÚkÞkh nuXkt {qfðkt
017. ‘{w¾rhík’ þçËLkku rðhkuÄe þçË þkuÄku.
(A) {qf (B) ftXMÚk
(C) çkku÷fku (D) {w¾ ðøkhLkwt
018. ð¤u ð¤ Wíkkhðku yux÷u ......
(A) ðÄkhe ðÄkhe Lku ðkík fhðe (B) {w~fu÷ fkÞo fhðwt
(C) Mkk{ÚÞo Ãkqðof fk{ fhðwt (D) çktÄ çkuMkíke økkuXðý fhe fk{ Ãkkh Ãkkzðwt
019. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke ¾kuxe heíku «Þkuòíkku þçË«Þkuøk sýkðku.
(A) MkwËþoLk (B) MkwMðkøkík{T
(C) MkwÃkrhr[ík (D) Mkw«¼kík{T
020. økwshkíke ¼k»kk{kt Lke[uLkk{ktÚke fÞku ÃkË¢{ ÔÞðnkh{kt ðÄw ðÃkhkþ{kt Au -
(A) fíkko - r¢ÞkÃkË - f{o (B) r¢ÞkÃkË - f{o - fíkko
(C) f{o - r¢ÞkÃkË - fíkko (D) fíkko - f{o - r¢ÞkÃkË
021. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke ¾kuxe MktrÄ yku¤¾e çkíkkðku.
(A) Mkðo + WËÞ = MkðkuoËÞ (B) nhT + RLÿ = nhuLÿ
(C) {nk + ykiËkÞo = {nkiËkÞo (D) «rík + Þûk = «íÞûk
022. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke Mkk[e MktrÄ yku¤¾e çkíkkðku.
(A) hks + Ér»k = hksŠ»k (B) {Lð + yLíkh = {LðLíkh
(C) ík÷T + ÷eLk = íkÕ÷eLk (D) MkËT + WÃkÞkuøk = MkËwÃkÞkuøk
023. Lke[u ykÃku÷k Mk{kMk{ktÚke fÞku Mkk{krMkf þçË {æÞ{ÃkË÷kuÃke LkÚke ?
(A) ¼hMk¼k (B) yLkw¼ð¿kkLk
(C) xÃkk÷Ãkuxe (D) {n¥ðkfktûkk

ACT-01 - A ] 4 [Contd.
024. Lke[u ykÃku÷kt ðkõÞku{kt fÞk ðkõÞ{kt Mkk{krMkfÃkËLkku rðrLkÞkuøk ÚkÞu÷ku Au ?
(A) nwt {kLkðe {kLkð Úkkô íkku ½ýwt (B) {kLkð Mkuðk yu s «¼w Mkuðk
(C) ™fk{e [eòu þk {kxu ¼uøke fhku Aku ? (D) Mkkhk yûkh fu¤ðýeLke rLkþkLke Au.
025. Lke[uLkkt ðkõÞku{ktÚke rîÁõík«Þkuøkðk¤wt ðkõÞ sýkðku
(A) yuLkk þçËku òýu çktËqf{ktÚke Aqxíke økku¤eyku
(B) rûkríks yux÷u ykfkþ yLku Ähíke ßÞkt {¤íkkt Ëu¾kÞ íku søÞk
(C) økh{køkh{ ¼rsÞkt Lku s÷uçke ¾kðkLke {ò Ãkzu
(D) {eXkE nkuÞ íÞkt {k¾eyku íkku nkuÞ s Lku !
026. Lke[u ykÃku÷kt ðkõÞku{kt hu¾ktrfík fhu÷ þçËku{kt fÞk ðkõÞ{kt hðkLkwtfkhe þçË«Þkuøk ÚkÞu÷ku Au ?
(A) yksfk÷ íkkuzVkuz fhðe Mkk{kLÞ çkkçkík økýkÞ Au.
(B) ðhMkkËÚke XuhXuh ¾kzk Ãkze økÞk Au
(C) {Lk{kt{Lk{kt {qÍkðkÚke þwt VkÞËku ?
(D) yuLke ykt¾{ktÚke xÃkxÃk yktMkwt Mkhe Ãkzâkt.
027. Lke[u{kt ðkõÞku{kt rLkÃkkíkLkku «Þkuøk Lk ÚkÞku nkuÞ íku ðkõÞh[Lkk sýkðku.
(A) fÌkk «{kýu yu ykðe ÃknkUåÞku (B) nwt Ãký yuLke MkkÚku s ¼ÛÞku Awt
(C) ík{u ykÔÞk íku MkkÁt s fÞwO (D) yu ytíku ÃkkMk íkku ÚkÞku.
028. ‘yk Vq÷ fuðwt MkwtËh Au’ ðkõÞLkk ytíku fÞwt r[ö {qfþku ?
(A) yðíkhý r[ö (B) WËTøkkhðk[f
(C) «&™r[ö (D) Ãkqýo rðhk{
029. Lke[u ykÃku÷kt ðkõÞku{ktÚke ¾Át ðkõÞ yku¤¾e çkíkkðku.
(A) íkuLkwt YÃk yËT¼qík Au. - yk rðÄkLk ðkõÞ Au.
(B) ®f{ík yux÷u ÃkiMkk - yk rLk»kuÄ ðkõÞ Au.
(C) ‘nwt økeík økkô Awt’ - ðkõÞ f{orý«Þkuøk økýkÞ
(D) Lkku - Lke - Lkwt - Lkkt - yk «íÞÞku Ãkt[{e rð¼ÂõíkLkk Au.
030. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke fÞku þçË rðþu»ký LkÚke ?
(A) MkwtËh (B) [íkwh
(C) Ä{o (D) {kuxwt
031. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke Mkk[e òuzýeðk¤ku þçË yku¤¾e çkíkkðku.
(A) BÞwrLkrMkÃkkr÷xe (B) BÞwrLkMkeÃkkr÷rx
(C) BÞwrLkrMkÃkkr÷rx (D) BÞwLkeMkeÃkkr÷xe

ACT-01 - A ] 5 P.T.O.
032. Lke[uLkkt ðkõÞku{ktÚke rLk»kuÄ ðkõÞ yku¤¾e çkíkkðku.
(A) Íkz ÃkhÚke Ãkûke Qze økÞwt (B) fkuE Mkkhk {kýMkLku ÃkqAku
(C) Ãknu÷kt ík{u yuLke MkkÚku çkku÷íkk Lknª (D) yu ík{Lku Ãkºk ÷¾þu
033. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke îtî Mk{kMkLkwt áükLík Lk nkuÞ íkuðk þçËMk{qnLku yku¤¾e çkíkkðku.
(A) ËkýkuÃkkkýe (B) rîðuËe
(C) MkuðkÃkqò (D) QXçkuX
034. ‘nwt LkkLke økk{zeLkku Äýe, økZ íkku þwt [ýkðwt,
Ãký ÃkkýeLkku f¤rþÞku ¼heLku Q¼ku hneþ;
ykÃkk ËuðkíkLku þku¼íke {nuLk{kLkøkrík fheþ.’
- yk ðkõÞ fÞk «fkhLkwt fnuðkÞ ?
(A) Mktfw÷ ðkõÞ (B) «uhf ðkõÞ
(C) MkkËwt ðkõÞ (D) MktÞwõík ðkõÞ
035. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke VkhMke ¼k»kkLkk þçËLku yku¤¾kðku
(A) fkurþþ (B) ÔÞkrÄ
(C) ËeLk (D) Ãkhr{x
036. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke ytøkúuS ¼k»kkLkku þçË Lk nkuÞ íkuLku yku¤¾e çkíkkðku
(A) r{rLkx (B) r{þLk
(C) rsøkh (D) VŠLk[h
037. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke þçËfkuþLkk ¢{Lku æÞkLk{kt hk¾e Ãknu÷ku þçË fÞku ykðu íku sýkðku.
(A) fqíkhku (B) fkuÞ÷
(C) fqfzku (D) feze
038. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke fÞk þçËLke òuzýe ¾kuxe Au ?
(A) ½w½rhÞk¤ (B) rþ¾ðýe
(C) rËður÷Þwt (D) rðãkÚkeorLk
039. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke fÞk þçËLke òuzýe Mkk[e Au ?
(A) hrðLÿ (B) {wnqíko
(C) ði¿kkrLkf (D) «òrfÞ
040. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke Ëþof MkðoLkk{ðk¤wt ðkõÞ yku¤¾e çkíkkðku.
(A) fkuý Ãkzâwt ? (B) {Lku çkku÷ðwt øk{íkwt LkÚke
(C) Ãku÷wt {kÁt økk{ Au (D) suðwt fhþku íkuðwt Ãkk{þku

ACT-01 - A ] 6 [Contd.
* ynª ykÃku÷k ÃkãLku ykÄkhu «&™ 41 Úke 45 MkwÄeLkk «&™kuLkk sðkçk ykÃkku.
Mkw¾Ëw:¾ {Lk{kt Lk ykýeyu, ½x MkkÚku hu ½rzÞkt,
xkéÞkt íku fkuELkkt Lkð x¤u, h½wLkkÚkLkkt srzÞkt, Mkw¾...
Lk¤hkò Mkh¾ku Lkh Lknª, suLke Ë{Þtíke hkýe;
yÄuo ð†u ðLk{kt ¼BÞkt, Lk {éÞkt yÒk Lku Ãkkýe. Mkw¾...
Ãkkt[ Ãkktzð Mkh¾k çktÄðk, suLke ÿkiÃkËe hkýe;
çkkh ðhMk ðLk ¼kuøkÔÞkt, LkÞýu rLkÿk Lk ykýe. Mkw¾...
Mkeíkk Mkh¾e Mkíke Lknª, suLkk hk{S Mðk{e;
hkðý íkuLku nhe økÞku, Mkíke {nkËw:¾ Ãkk{e. Mkw¾....
hkðý Mkh¾ku hkSÞku, suLke {tËkuËhe hkýe;
Ëþ {Míkf AuËkE økÞkt, çkÄe ÷tfk ÷qtxkýe. Mkw¾...
nrhùLÿ hkÞ MkíkðkrËÞku, íkkhk{íke hkýe;
íkuLku rðÃkr¥k çknw hu Ãkze, ¼ÞkO Lke[ ½uh Ãkkýe. Mkw¾...
rþðS Mkh¾k MkkÄw Lknª, suLke Ãkkðoíke hkýe;
¼ku¤ðkÞkt ¼e÷ze Úkfe, íkÃk{kt ¾k{e økýkýe. Mkw¾....
Mkðo ËuðLku ßÞkhu ¼ez Ãkze, Mk{Þko ytíkh ò{e;
¼kðx ¼ktøke ¼qÄhu, {nuíkk LkhMkiÞkLkk Mðk{e. Mkw¾...
(‘Lkh®MknLkkt ÃkËku’ {ktÚke)
041. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke íkÆLk rðhkuÄe yÚko Ähkðíkku ÃkËMk{qn fÞku ?
(A) {nkËw:¾ (B) ytíkhsk{e
(C) Lk¤Ë{Þtíke (D) Mkw¾Ëw:¾
042. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke ðýkoLkw«kMk y÷tfkhLkwt áükLík Lk nkuÞ íkuðku þçËMk{qn yku¤¾kðku.
(A) Mkeíkk Mkh¾e Mkíke (B) Ãkkt[ Ãkktzð Mkh¾k çktÄðk
(C) LkÞýu rLkÿk Lk ykýe (D) ¼kðx ¼ktøke ¼qÄhu
043. Lke[u ykÃku÷e òuzeyku{kt fE òuze yMktøkík Au ?
(A) hkðý-Mkeíkk (B) rþð-Ãkkðoíke
(C) Lk¤-Ë{Þtíke (D) nrhùLÿ-íkkhk{íke
044. ‘Mkw¾Ëw:¾’ þçË{kt Ãknu÷k þçËÚke íkÆLk rðÁæÄLke ÂMÚkrík çkeòu þçË Ëþkoð u Au. yk «fkhLkkt Lke[u ykÃku÷kt
þçËøkwåAku{kt fÞwt økwåA yMktøkík Au ?
(A) ¾kýe-Ãkeýe (B) LkVku-íkkuxku
(C) ykðf-òðf (D) [zíke-Ãkzíke
045. fkÔÞ{kt ËþkoÔÞk «{kýu ........ Lku ßÞkhu ¼ez Ãkze íÞkhu íkuykuyu ytíkhò{eLkwt M{hý fÞwO yLku WøkÞko.
(A) ËkLkðku (B) {kLkðku
(C) Lkh®Mkn {nuíkk (D) Ëuðku

ACT-01 - A ] 7 P.T.O.
046. ™e[u ykÃku÷kt ðkõÞkuu{kt fÞwt ðkõÞ r¢ÞkÃkË ðøkhLkwt Au ?

(A) ËkZeLke ËkZe yLku MkkðhýeLke Mkkðhýe (B) çkÄwt ¼økðkLkLkwt ÄkÞwO ÚkkÞ Au.

(C) íku ÔÞkfhý{kt rLk»ýkík Au. (D) røkhLkkhLkwt [Zký ½ýwt s {w~fu÷ Au.

047. ‘yXu îkhfk’ yux÷u .....

(A) îkhfkLke Þkºkk fhðe (B) ynª s îkhfk Au

(C) îkhfk íkhV sðwt (D) ÷ktçkk ð¾ík MkwÄe Äk{k Lkk¾ðk

048. ‘ò¤ rçkAkððe’ yux÷u.....

(A) ¾ku¤ku ÃkkÚkhðku (B) ò¤ ÃkkÚkhe Ëuðe

(C) ykðLkkhLkwt Mðkøkík fhðwt (D) fkðíkÁt fhðwt

049. Lke[uLkkt ðkõÞku{kt fÞwt ðkõÞ Mkk[wt Au ?

(A) ‘íku’ «Úk{ ÃkwÁ»k yufð[Lk MkðoLkk{ Au

(B) çkk¤f Ëkuzíkkt Ëkuzíkkt Ãkze økÞwt - yk Mktfw÷ ðkõÞ Au.

(C) íku Ëhhkus rLkþk¤u òÞ Au - ðkõÞ{kt ‘Au’ MknkÞfkhf r¢ÞkÃkË Au.

(D) {khe MkkÚku ÞwæÄ fh - yk ðkfÞ ¼qíkfk¤{kt Au.

050. Lke[u ykÃku÷kt þçËsqÚkkuLke MkkÚkofíkk íkÃkkMkku -

(y) Ëkr{Lke : ðes¤e, r{rnh : MkqÞo - çktLku Mk{kLkkÚkeo þçËsqÚk Au.

(çk) rLkhÚkof : MkkÚkof, ûkrýf : Lkïh - çktLku rðÁØkÚkeo þçËsqÚk Au.

(A) (y) yLku (çk) çktLku Mkk[kt Au (B) (y) yLku (çk) çktLku ¾kuxkt Au

(C) (y) Mkk[wt Au (çk) ¾kuxwt Au. (D) (y) ¾kuxwt Au (çk) Mkk[wt Au.

ACT-01 - A ] 8 [Contd.
051. Manhar is the person ________ is taking over my job next week.
(A) who (B) what
(C) how (D) which
052. Kundan couldn’t imagine ________ he would be able to find the courage to fight.
(A) what (B) how
(C) which (D) where
053. By six o’clock tomorrow, I’ll ________ finished my report.
(A) has (B) been
(C) have (D) may
054. He doesn’t seem to be here. He ________ out.
(A) must have gone (B) must be going
(C) must go (D) must have been going
055. The company we are looking for ________ closed down.
(A) might (B) might be
(C) might not (D) may
056. My parents have been married ________ forty-nine years.
(A) since (B) for
(C) until (D) till
057. My fingers were injured so my sister had to write the note ________ me.
(A) for (B) with
(C) to (D) from
058. The baby ________ soundly even when the ________ next door play noisily.
(A) sleep, childs (B) sleeps, children
(C) sleeps, child (D) sleep, children
059. The winters ________ to get longer and colder every year, whereas the summers ________
to get shorter and cooler.
(A) seems, appears (B) seems, appear
(C) seem, appears (D) seem, appear
060. As the movers ________ the heavy sofa up the stairs, they ________ that the stairway is
too narrow.
(A) carries, discovers (B) carry, discovered
(C) carried, discovered (D) carry, discovers

ACT-01 - A ] 9 P.T.O.
061. I agree that he has made some bad decisions ________ the past, but he does not want to
own ________ to them.
(A) on, of (B) in, up
(C) with, for (D) against, off
062. We look forward to ________ you at the event.
(A) seeing (B) seen
(C) see (D) meet
063. We were not alone in the room. He sat ________ me. There were others there ________
(A) be, besides (B) besides, beside
(C) next, between (D) by, besides
064. Tomorrow I ________ (sleep) all day.
(A) will be sleeping (B) will sleep
(C) will have slept (D) will be sleep
065. By the time we reach there, the store ________ (close).
(A) will close (B) will have closed
(C) closed (D) were to close
* Choose the word/phrase that best connects the sentences.
066. We should be doing something about this. We are doing nothing.
(A) Moreover (B) On the contrary
(C) Next (D) Lastly
067. The historical sciences have made us very conscious of our past. Some scholars tend to
study this.
(A) For this reason (B) For no reason
(C) Finally (D) Similarly
068. I didn’t find any time to study for the exams. I failed badly.
(A) In the same way (B) Instead
(C) Meanwhile (D) Consequently
069. The computer was originally designed for complicated calculations in the 1930s. It became
a part of our lives.
(A) Henceforth (B) Later
(C) Because (D) Albeit

ACT-01 - A ] 10 [Contd.
070. Most people do not like solitude. Most people do not like to be lonely.
(A) Accordingly (B) In other words
(C) In similar fashion (D) On the other hand
* The following sentences have a word which is in underlined. Select a word from the
options which is closest to the opposite meaning of the word in underlined.
071. She appears to be a very timid person.
(A) reclusive (B) introvert
(C) bold (D) chivalrous
072. Quite a few people often try to resist reforms in the society.
(A) Repel (B) welcome
(C) challenge (D) fight
073. He has a delicate constitution.
(A) changeable (B) weak
(C) fragile (D) robust
074. Ambiguity of thoughts can lead to disaster.
(A) Rigidity (B) confusion
(C) certainty (D) rationality
075. This is a trivial matter.
(A) difficult (B) easy
(C) small (D) important
* Use a phrasal verb closest in meaning to the words given in the brackets.
076. It’s too cold in here. Shall I ________ (increase the temperature) the heating?
(A) get up (B) turn up
(C) turn on (D) put on
077. What does this word mean? I’ll ________ it ________ (find its meaning) in the dictionary.
(A) look, up (B) look, in
(C) look, out (D) look, for
078. I’ve missed many lessons, so now I'll have to________ (reach the same level, learn the
same as the others) the other students.
(A) catch up (B) hurry up
(C) learn on (D) catch up with

ACT-01 - A ] 11 P.T.O.
* Choose the correct option.
079. The teacher asked if ________ to bring our textbooks to class.
(A) all we had remembered (B) we had all remembered
(C) had we all remembered (D) had all we remembered
080. You should read this novel – it’s been ________ recommended by all the critics.
(A) highly (B) truly
(C) fully (D) deeply
081. I regret to inform you that your application ________ unsuccessful on this occasion.
(A) is being (B) should have been
(C) to be (D) has been
082. As soon as the policeman saw the thief, he started running. (Use “Hardly”)
(A) Hardly the policeman saw the thief, he started running.
(B) Hardly did the policeman saw the thief, when he started running.
(C) Hardly did the policeman see the thief, when he started running.
(D) Hardly do the policeman saw the thief, when he started running.
083. The doctor said to me, “Take the tablet three times a day, after breakfast, lunch and
[Choose the option that makes this sentence from direct to reported speech.]
(A) The doctor told me to take the tablet three times a day, after “breakfast, lunch and
(B) The doctor told me to take the tablet three times a day, after breakfast, lunch and
(C) The doctor said me to take this tablet three times a day, after breakfast, lunch and
(D) The doctor told me after breakfast, lunch and dinner to take this tablet three times a
084. He often dithers before approaching strangers. - The word ‘dithers’ means:
(A) loses confidence (B) clears his throat
(C) makes a cheerful face (D) signals with his hands
085. He often brags about his success. - The word ‘brags’ means:
(A) feels excited (B) boasts
(C) feels insecure (D) tells the truth

ACT-01 - A ] 12 [Contd.
086. You can choose to go ________ with father ________ with mother. - Choose the correct
(A) if only, but also (B) never, nor
(C) either, or (D) now, how
087. Many slaves yearned throughout their lives for freedom. - The word ‘yearned’ means:
(A) desired (B) worked
(C) saved money (D) searched
088. We warned our neighbors several times about the fire hazard.
Choose the correct passive form of the sentence.
(A) Several times we have warned our neighbors about the fire hazard
(B) Our neighbors were warned several times about the fire hazard by us
(C) We warned about the fire hazard several times our neighbors
(D) Our neighbors warned us several times about the fire hazard
089. The system was supposed to detect traffic density along each road via sensors.
Choose the option that best conveys the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence.
(A) thickness (B) flow
(C) signal (D) width
090. Last year itself, more than 10 personal took retirement.
Choose the correct spelling of the underlined word.
(A) personel (B) person
(C) personnel (D) persona
091. “The liberty of speaking and writing guards our other liberties.” Thomas Jefferson
Which statement contradicts the above quote?
(A) Freedom of the press is an important right.
(B) People should be free to express their opinions in speech and written words.
(C) Freedom of religion should not be limited.
(D) To protect liberty, governments should stop people from saying unpopular things.
092. Which quote indicates that cats are thinkers?
(A) “If you would know a man, observe how he treats a cat.” Robert Heinlein
(B) “Cats are mysterious kind of folk - there is more passing in their minds than we are
aware of.” Sir Walter Scott
(C) “As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat.” Ellen Perry Berkeley
(D) “What greater gift than the love of a cat?” Charles Dickens

ACT-01 - A ] 13 P.T.O.
093. “Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a
hard duty.” Albert Einstein

Einstein is saying that ________

(A) Students learn best when they feel that what they're learning is important to them.

(B) Teachers should offer cash awards to students for doing their homework.

(C) Never make students work hard.

(D) Teachers should wrap their assignments in real wrapping paper.

094. “This is a court of law, young man, not a court of justice.” Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Which statement comes closest to the meaning of the above quote?

(A) You entered the wrong building.

(B) Law and order is always a bad thing.

(C) Basketball players never play fair !

(D) Laws aren’t always fair.

095. Spelling becomes a usage issue when dictionaries differ or offer more than one way to
spell a word. Spelling in English is influenced by frequency of occurrence, as well as by
historical precedence. Moreover, decisions made by lexicographers are sure to vary. Which
of the following statements is false?

(A) Sometimes, dictionaries offer more than one way to spell a word.

(B) The variation in spellings is dependent on usage.

(C) Spelling is influenced by frequency of occurrence and historical precedence.

(D) Lexicographers are unanimous in their decisions on spelling.

096. Effective advertisements are those that compress the essentials of the message within the
given time or space in an appealing manner with the help of a combination of words,
charts, pictures, tone and colour.

Which of the following statements does not follow from the passage above?

(A) Advertisements become unappealing with a wrong combination of words, charts,

pictures, tone and colour.

(B) Time and space are important in advertising.

(C) Good messages help develop good advertisements.

(D) Advertisement requires teamwork.

ACT-01 - A ] 14 [Contd.
097. Mahatma Gandhi believed that industrialization was no answer to the problems that
plague India's poor population. He also felt that villagers should be taught to be self-
sufficient in food, weave their own cloth from cotton and eschew the glittering prizes
that the twentieth century so temptingly offers. Those who inherit the reins of political
power do not experience such an idyllic and rural paradise.
The basis of ‘an idyllic and rural paradise’ is -
(A) rapid industrialization of villages
(B) self-sufficiency in food and clothes and simplicity of life-style
(C) bringing to the villages the glittering prizes of the twentieth century
(D) supporting those holding powerful political positions
098. “Make lists”, Dr. Sheridan says. “Many times, people feel fatigued because they think
that they have so much to do they don't know where to start.” By setting priorities and
charting your progress as you move your way through the list, you can remain focused
and energetic.
The central message conveyed by this passage is
(A) people feel tired if they carry a list
(B) do not overwork
(C) tackle one thing at a time for success
(D) you should be energetic to win
099. Books are, by far, the most lasting product of human effort. Time does not destroy the
great thoughts which are as fresh today as when they first passed though the author's
mind. These thoughts speak to us though the printed page. No wonder that the world
keeps its books with great care.
The world keeps its books with care because
(A) they are destroyed by time
(B) they bring great ideas to us
(C) they can change us like bad products
(D) they make us successful
100. Many people find this law to be discriminatory because it seems to give an unfair
advantage to the upper classes in trade and commerce. The government is in favor of
amending the law to make it more appealing to medium and small-scale business people.
The above passage discusses:
(A) trade and commerce
(B) government sponsorship to medium and small businesses
(C) a law that's unfair to the majority
(D) tax benefits to rich people

ACT-01 - A ] 15 P.T.O.
101. 100 Bkexh ÕktçkkELke 72 feBke /fÕkkf Lke ÍzÃku síke yuf xÙuLk Lku íku s rË~kkBkktsíke 200 Bkexh ÕktçkkELke yLku 63
feBke /fÕkkf Lke ÍzÃku síke çkeS xÙuLk Lku ÃkMkkh fhÔkk fuxÕkku MkBkGk Õkkøk~ku ?
(A) 150 MkufLz (B) 140 MkufLz

(C) 100 MkufLz (D) 120 MkufLz

102. òu a : b = 3 : 4, íkku (3a + 4b) : (4a + 5b) ~kkuækku.

32 25
(A) (B)
25 32

51 21
(C) (D)
64 32

103. rºkfkuÛk Lkk Ôkuæk yLku ÃkkGkk çkLLku Lku 40% suxÕkku ÔkækkhÔkkBkkt ykÔku íkku íkuLkk ûkuºkVékBkkt Úkíkku % Ôkækkhku ~kkuækku.
(A) 40% (B) 80%
(C) 96% (D) 140%

104. A yuf fkBk 10 rËÔkMkBkkt, B íku s fkBk 15 rËÔkMkBkkt yLku C 20 rËÔkMkBkkt ÃkqY fhu Au. íkuyku MkkÚku fkBk ~khw fhu Au.
A 2 rËÔkMk ÃkAe yLku B 4 rËÔkMk ÃkAe fkBk Akuze Ëu Au. íkku fuxÕkwt fkBk çkkfe hÌkwt n~ku ?

2 2
(A) 8 rËÔkMk (B) 9 rËÔkMk
3 3

(C) 10 rËÔkMk (D) 10 rËÔkMk

105. 10p ûkuºkV¤ Ähkðíkk ðíkwo¤Lkku Ãkhe½ fux÷ku Úkþu ?

(A) 5p (B) 2p 10

(C) 10 (D) 10p

106. ykÃkuÕk BkkrníkeLkku BkæGkMÚk ~kwt Úk~ku ?

2, 3, 9, 3, 5, 7, 7, 10, 7, 6

(A) 6 (B) 7

(C) 6.5 (D) 7.5

107. òu p – q = 3 yLku p2 + q2 = 29, pq Lke ®fBkík ~kkuækku

(A) 10 (B) 11

(C) 12 (D) 13

ACT-01 - A ] 16 [Contd.
101. Find the time taken by a train of length 100 m running at a speed of 72 km/hr to cross
another train of length 200 m running in same direction at a speed of 63 km/hr.

(A) 150 seconds (B) 140 seconds

(C) 100 seconds (D) 120 seconds

102. If a : b = 3 : 4, find (3a + 4b) : (4a + 5b)

32 25
(A) (B)
25 32

51 21
(C) (D)
64 32

103. Both height and base of a triangle are increased by 40% each. Find the% increase in its

(A) 40% (B) 80%

(C) 96% (D) 140%

104. A can complete a work in 10 days, B can do the same in 15 days and C can do it in 20
days. After starting work together, A left after 2 days and B left after 4 days. How much
work is left?

2 2
(A) 8 days (B) 9 days
3 3

(C) 10 days (D) 10 days

105. What is the circumference of a circle whose area is 10p ?

(A) 5p (B) 2p 10

(C) 10 (D) 10p

106. What is the median of this data:

2, 3, 9, 3, 5, 7, 7, 10, 7, 6

(A) 6 (B) 7

(C) 6.5 (D) 7.5

107 If p – q = 3 and p2 + q2 = 29, find value of pq.

(A) 10 (B) 11

(C) 12 (D) 13

ACT-01 - A ] 17 P.T.O.
108. ÕkeÃk Ôk»ko Lk nkuGk yuÔkk fkuE Ôk»koBkkt 53 hrÔkÔkkh ykÔku íkuLke MktÇkkÔkLkk fuxÕke Úk~ku ?
2 1
(A) (B)
7 7

7 1
(C) (D)
53 53

109. çku ÃkkMkkt yuf MkkÚku VUfÔkkBkkt ykÔku Au, íkuBkLke Ãkh suBkLkku økwÛkkfkh GkwøBk MktÏGkk (Even number) ykÔku íkuÔke çku
MktÏGkkyku BkékÔkkLke MktÇkkÔkLkk fuxÕke Úk~ku ?
3 1
(A) (B)
4 4

7 1
(C) (D)
4 2

1 1 1
110. òu + = yLku ab = c, a yLku b Lke Mkhuhk~k fuxÕke Úk~ku ?
a b c

(A) 0 (B) 1

1 1
(C) (D)
2 4

111. yuf økkuékkLke rºkßGkkBkkt 100% suxÕkku Ôkækkhku fhÔkkBkkt ykÔku, íkku íkuLkk ÎkLkVék yLku íkuLke MkÃkkxeLkk ûkuºkVékBkkt
fuxÕkku Ôkækkhku Úk~ku ?
(A) 300% yLku 200% (B) 800% yLku 200%

(C) 700% yLku 300% (D) 300% yLku 100%

112. yuf økkuékkfkh ËzkLkku ÔGkkMk 21 MkuBke Au, yk ËzkLku Ãkeøkkéke íkuBkktÚke 1 MkuBke çkkswLkk MkBkÎkLk çkLkkÔkÔkkBkkt ykÔku Au.
íkku yk heíku BkuékÔkuÕk MkBkÎkLkLke MktÏGkk fuxÕke n~ku ?
(A) 5000 (B) 4800

(C) 4853 (D) 4851

113. yuf MktÏGkk 95555(?)4353 Lkku Ïkqxíkku (?) ytf ~kkuækku fu suÚke íku MktÏGkk 11 Ôkzu rÔkÇkkßGk ÚkkGk.
(A) 1 (B) 5
(C) 7 (D) 3
114. yuf ÃkúkÛke MktøkúnkÕkGkBkkt MkMkÕkkt yLku fçkqíkhku Au. òu íkuBkLkkt BkkÚkktLke MktÏGkk økÛkÔkkBkkt ykÔku íkku íku 190 Au, íkÚkk
íkuBkLkk ÃkøkLke MktÏGkk økÛkÔkkBkkt ykÔku íkku íku 560 Au. íkku fçkqíkhku fuxÕkk n~ku ?
(A) 100 (B) 108
(C) 110 (D) 112

ACT-01 - A ] 18 [Contd.
108. What is the probability that a non leap year should have 53 Sundays?

2 1
(A) (B)
7 7

7 1
(C) (D)
53 53

109. Two dice are rolled simultaneously. What is the probability of getting two numbers whose
product is even?

3 1
(A) (B)
4 4

7 1
(C) (D)
4 2

1 1 1
110. If + = and ab = c, what is the average of a and b?
a b c

(A) 0 (B) 1

1 1
(C) (D)
2 4

111. If the radius of a sphere is increased by 100%, then its volume and surface area will be
increased by
(A) 300% and 200% (B) 800% and 200%
(C) 700% and 300% (D) 300% and 100%
112. A spherical ball of diameter 21 cm is melted and recast into cubes, each of side 1 cm. the
number of cubes so formed are:
(A) 5000 (B) 4800
(C) 4853 (D) 4851
113. The missing (?) digit of the number 95555(?)4353, so that it is divisible by 11 is?
(A) 1 (B) 5
(C) 7 (D) 3
114. In a zoo, there are rabbits and pigeons. If their heads are counted, there are 190 and if
their legs are counted there are 560. How many pigeons are there?
(A) 100 (B) 108
(C) 110 (D) 112

ACT-01 - A ] 19 P.T.O.
115. A yuf MkkEfÕk åkkuõfMk ®f{íku ÏkheËu Au,ÃkAe íku 40% LkVk MkkÚku B Lku Ôkuåku Au. ÃkAe B íku C Lku Ôkuåku Au yLku 40%
Ïkkux ÏkkGk Au. òu C yu Yk. 4200 íkuLkk Bkkxu åkqfÔGkk nkuGk, íkku A yu íku MkkEfÕk fuxÕke ®f{íku ÏkheËe n~ku ?
(A) Yk. 4000 (B) Yk. 5000
(C) Yk. 7000 (D) Yk. 9000
116. yuf çku ytfLke MktÏGkkLkk ytfkuLke yËÕkkçkËÕke fhe yuf LkÔke MktÏGkk çkLkkÔkÔkkBkkt ykÔku Au. íkku íku çku MktÏGkkykuLkku
íkVkÔkík fE MktÏGkk Ôkzu rÔkÇkkßGk n~ku ?
(A) 11 (B) 5
(C) 9 (D) 13

1 1
117. òu x2 + 2
= 7 íkku x + Lke ®fBkík fuxÕke Úk~ku ?
x x3
(A) ± 13 (B) ± 18
(C) ± 7 7 (D) ± 27

118. òu 2S òLGkwykhe, 1993 Lkk rËÔkMku ~krLkÔkkh nkuGk, íkku 19{e Bkkåko,1993 Lkk rËÔkMku fGkku Ôkkh n~ku ?
(A) hrÔkÔkkh (B) ~krLkÔkkh
(C) MkkuBkÔkkh (D) ~kw¢Ôkkh
119. MkBkefhÛk 5y = 2 Bkkxu, LkeåkuLkk rÔkækkLkku Lkku yÇGkkMk fhku :
(i) huÏkk 5y = 2 Lkku ykÕkuÏk y-yûkLku (0, ) ykøkék AuËu Au.

(ii) huÏkk 5y = 2 Lkku ykÕkuÏk x-yûkLku MkBkktíkh Au.

(iii) huÏkk 5y = 2 Lkku ykÕkuÏk y-yûk Lku MkBkktíkh Au.
yk rÔkækkLkku Ãkife :
(A) Võík (ii) MkíGk Au (B) (i) yLku (ii) MkíGk Au
(C) Võík (iii) MkíGk Au (D) çkækk s MkíGk Au.
120. ykurÕkrBÃkf Bkkt Çkkhíku fwÕk 75 MkwÔkÛko yLku hsík åktÿfku SíGkk. Lkeåku Ãkife fGkku, hsík yLku MkwÔkÛko åktÿfLkku økwÛkku¥kh
Lk nkuE ~kfu ?
(A) 2 : 3 (B) 12 : 13
(C) 7 : 8 (D) 9 : 11
121. yuf hfBk Ãkh çkeò yLku ºkeò Ôk»kou BkékuÕk åk¢Ôk]rææk ÔGkks yLkw¢Bku Yk. 1200 yLku Yk. 1440 nkuGk íkku ÔGkksLkku Ëh
(A) 18% Ãkúrík Ôk»ko (B) 25% Ãkúrík Ôk»ko
(C) 20% Ãkúrík Ôk»ko (D) 24% Ãkúrík Ôk»ko

ACT-01 - A ] 20 [Contd.
115. A buys a bicycle at certain price, then sells it to B at 40% profit. Then B again sells it to
C and incurs 40% loss. If C has paid Rs. 4200 for it, at what price did A buy it?
(A) Rs. 4000 (B) Rs. 5000
(C) Rs. 7000 (D) Rs. 9000
116. A new number is formed by interchanging the position of digits of two digit number. The
difference of the two numbers must be divisible by:
(A) 11 (B) 5
(C) 9 (D) 13

2 1 3 1
117. If x + 2 = 7, then value of x + is :
x x3

(A) ± 13 (B) ± 18

(C) ± 7 7 (D) ± 27

118. If 2nd January, 1993 is Saturday, then 19th March, 1993 will be
(A) Sunday (B) Saturday
(C) Monday (D) Friday
119. For equation 5y = 2, consider following statements

(i) The graph of line 5y = 2 cuts y-axis at (0, )

(ii) The graph of line 5y = 2 is parallel to x-axis

(iii) The graph of line 5y = 2 is parallel to y-axis
Out of these statements :
(A) Only (ii) is true (B) (i) and (ii) are true
(C) Only (iii) is true (D) All are true
120. Total number of gold medals and silver medals won by India in Olympics is 75. Which of
the following cannot be the ratio of the number of silver medals to that of gold medals?
(A) 2 : 3 (B) 12 : 13
(C) 7 : 8 (D) 9 : 11
121. Compound Interest earned on a sum for second and third years are Rs. 1200 and Rs.
1440 respectively. Find the rate of Interest.
(A) 18% per annum (B) 25% per annum
(C) 20% per annum (D) 24% per annum

ACT-01 - A ] 21 P.T.O.
122. 222 Lkk 22% Lkk 2% Lkeåku Ãkife fGkk Úk~ku ?

(A) 0.9768 (B) 0.2442

(C) 48.84 (D) 0.9898

123. 255 Lkku BkkuxkBkkt Bkkuxku yrÔkÇkkßGk yÔkGkÔk fGkku n~ku ?

(A) 85 (B) 17

(C) 51 (D) 5

124. Ãkktåk Mkíkík ykÔkíke yGkwøBk MktÏGkkyku (odd numbers)Lke Mkhuhk~k 61 Au. íkku MkkiÚke Bkkuxe MktÏGkk fE n~ku ?
(A) 65 (B) 57

(C) 63 (D) 67

125. LkeåkuLke ©uÛkeBkkt Ïkkuxe MktÏGkk ~kkuækku.

12, 17, 36, 127, 516, …….

(A) 17 (B) 36

(C) 127 (D) 516

126. yuf Mkktfuríkf Çkk»kkBkkt ROBUST Lku QNATRS íkhefu ÕkÏkÔkkBkkt ykÔku, íkku fGkk ~kçËLku ZXCMP íkhefu
ÕkÏkÔkkBkkt ykÔk~ku ?

127. yuf nkhBkkt, hkækk zkçkuÚke MkkíkBku íkÚkk Mkeíkk sBkÛkuÚke åkkuÚku MÚkkLku Au. òu hkækk yLku Mkeíkk yufçkeòLkk MÚkkLk çkËÕku
íkku hkækk zkçkuÚke ÃktËhBkk MÚkkLku ykÔk~ku. íkku MkeíkkLkwt LkÔkwt MÚkkLk sBkÛkuÚke õGkwt n~ku ?
(A) çkkhBkwt (B) ÃktËhBkwt

(C) Aêwt (D) åkkuÚkwt

128. QIOK : MMKO : : ZBPC : ?



129. òu “tee see mee” yuxÕku “Drink Fruit Juice” ; “see kee lee” yuxÕku “Juice Is Sweet” yLku “lee
ree nee” yuxÕku “He Is Intelligent” nkuGk, íkku íku Çkk»kkBkkt “Sweet” Bkkxu fGkku ~kçË n~ku ?
(A) see (B) lee
(C) kee (D) mee

ACT-01 - A ] 22 [Contd.
122. Which of the following is equal to 2% of 22% of 222 ?

(A) 0.9768 (B) 0.2442

(C) 48.84 (D) 0.9898

123. What is the largest prime factor of 255?

(A) 85 (B) 17

(C) 51 (D) 5

124. The average of five consecutive odd numbers is 61. What is the highest number?

(A) 65 (B) 57

(C) 63 (D) 67

125. Find the wrong number in following series.

12, 17, 36, 127, 516, …….

(A) 17 (B) 36

(C) 127 (D) 516

126. If ROBUST is coded as QNATRS in a certain coded language, which word would be
coded as ZXCMP ?



127. In a row, Radha is seventh from left and Sita is forth from right. When Radha and Sita
exchange their positions Radha will be fifteenth from left. What will be Sita’s new
positions from right?

(A) Twelfth (B) fifteenth

(C) sixth (D) forth

128. QIOK : MMKO :: ZBPC : ?



129. If “tee see mee” means “Drink Fruit Juice” ; “see kee lee” means “Juice Is Sweet” and
“lee ree nee” means “He Is Intelligent”, then which word in that language means “Sweet” ?

(A) see (B) lee

(C) kee (D) mee

ACT-01 - A ] 23 P.T.O.
130. yuf BkkÛkMk yuf rçktËwyuÚke ÃkqÔko íkhV 90 Bkexh åkkÕku Au, ÃkAe íku ÃkkuíkkLke sBkÛke íkhV Ôkéke 20 Bkexh åkkÕku Au.
VheÚke íku ÃkkuíkkLke sBkÛke íkhV Ôkéke 30 Bkexh åkkÕku Au. ytíku íku, ÃkkuíkkLke sBkÛke íkhV Ôkéke 100 Bkexh åkkÕku Au.
nÔku íku ~kYykíkLkk rçktËwÚke fuxÕku Ëqh ykÔGkku n~ku ?

(A) 80 Bkexh (B) 100 Bkexh

(C) 120 Bkexh (D) 200 Bkexh

* rLkËuo~k : ( Ãkú&Lkku 131 Úke 135 Bkkxu ) LkeåkuLkk Ãkú&LkkuBkkt ºkÛk Ôkøko ykÃkÔkkBkkt ykÔGkk Au. rLkÛkoGk fhku fu Lkeåku ykÃkuÕk
ykf]ríkyku Ãkife fGkk rÔkfÕÃkBkktLke ykf]rík ykÃkuÕk ºkÛk Ôkøko ÔkååkuLkk Mktçktæk Lku ©u»X heíku ÔGkõík fhu Au.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

131. Bkkíkkyku, Mºkeyku, ÃkrhrÛkík Õkkufku (D)

132. åkk, fkuVe, ÃkeÛkkt (C)

133. hBkíkÔkehku, Akufhkyku, rÔksuíkkyku (A)

134. Ãkûkeyku, åkfÕkeyku, ôËhku (B)

135. ôåkk BkkÛkMkku, fkékk Ôkkék ækhkÔkíkk BkkÛkMkku, ÇkkhíkeGkku (A)

136. LkeåkuLkk ~kçËkuLku ytøkúuS Bkqékkûkh ¢Bk (Alphabetical order)Bkkt økkuXÔkíkkt õGkku ~kçË ÔkååkkuÔkåk ykÔk~ku ?
Accurate, Absolute, Accent, Adjective, Adverb.

(A) Absolute (B) Adjective

(C) Adverb (D) Accurate

137. LkeåkuLke ©uÛkeBkkt Ïkqxíke MktÏGkk (?) ~kkuækku.

1, 2, 3, 10, (?), 9802

(A) 999 (B) 1999

(C) 99 (D) 199

ACT-01 - A ] 24 [Contd.
130. A person starts from a point and walks 90 meters towards East, then he turns to his right
and walks 20 meters. Again he turns to his right and walks 30 meters. Finally, he turns to
his right again and walks 100 meters. How far is he now from starting point ?

(A) 80 meters (B) 100 meters

(C) 120 meters (D) 200 meters

* Directions: ( Questions 131 – 135) In the following questions three classes are given. Out
of four figures that indicated in options, find out the figure which best represents the
relationship among the three classes and mark appropriate option.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

131. Mothers, Women, Married people (D)

132. Tea, Coffee, Beverages (C)

133. Athletes, Boys, Winners (A)

134. Birds, Sparrow, Mice (B)

135 Tall men, Black haired men, Indians (A)

136. Arranging the following words in Alphabetical order which word will be at exact middle.

Accurate, Absolute, Accent, Adjective, Adverb.

(A) Absolute (B) Adjective

(C) Adverb (D) Accurate

137. Find the missing number (?) in series below.

1, 2, 3, 10, (?), 9802

(A) 999 (B) 1999

(C) 99 (D) 199

ACT-01 - A ] 25 P.T.O.
* rLkËuo~k : (Ãkú&Lkku138 Úke 140) : Ëhuf Ãkú&LkBkkt yuf Ãkú&Lk yLku çku rÔkækkLkku (I) yLku (II) ykÃkÔkkBkkt ykÔGkk Au.
íkBkkhu yu Lkõfe fhÔkkLkwt Au fu rÔkækkLkkuBkkt ykÃkÔkkBkkt ykÔkuÕke Bkkrníke Ãkú&LkkuLkk sÔkkçk ykÃkÔkk ÃkGkkoÃík Au, íkBkkhku
sÔkkçk Lkeåku Bkwsçk ykÃkku.

(A) òu rÔkækkLk (I) yufÕkwt sÔkkçk ykÃkÔkk ÃkGkkoÃík Au.

(B) òu rÔkækkLk (II) yufÕkwt sÔkkçk ykÃkÔkk ÃkGkkoÃík Au.

(C) òu rÔkækkLkku (I) yLku (II) çkLLku yuf MkkÚku sÔkkçk ykÃkÔkk sYhe Au.

(D) òu rÔkækkLkku (I) yLku (II) çkLLku yuf MkkÚku ÃkÛk Ãkú&LkLkku sÔkkçk ykÃkÔkk ÃkGkkoÃík LkÚke.

138. åkkh rBkºkku P, Q, R, yLku S Ãkife fkuÛk MkkiÚke Ôkækw ÔksLk ækhkÔku Au ? (C)

(I) Q yu P fhíkk Ôkækw ÔksLk ækhkÔku Au, ÃkÛk S fhíkk ykuAw ÔksLk ækhkÔku Au.

(II) R yu Q fhíkk ykuAw ÔksLk ækhkÔku Au

139. hkBkÃkwh yLku rÔksGkÃkwh Ôkååku ÕkÎkw¥kBk ytíkh fuxÕkwt Au ? (D)

(I) hkBkÃkwh ËwøkkoÃkwhÚke 10 rfBke Ëqh Au.

(II) ËwøkkoÃkwh rÔksGkÃkwhÚke 22 rfBke Ëqh Au.

140. P yu Q Lke çknuLk nkuGk, íkku Q Lkku P MkkÚku fGkku Mktçktæk Úk~ku ? (A)

(I) Q yu S Lkku ÇkkE Au.

(II) T yu Q Lkk rÃkíkk Au.

ACT-01 - A ] 26 [Contd.
* Directions: (Question 138 – 140): Each questions has a problem and two statements (I)
and (II). You have to decide, if the information given in the statements is sufficient to
answer the question. Indicate your answer as

(A) If statement (I) alone is sufficient to answer the question.

(B) If statement (II) alone is sufficient to answer the question.

(C) If statements (I) and (II) both together are needed to answer the question.

(D) If statements (I) and (II) both together are not sufficient to answer the question.

138. Among four friends P, Q, R, and S whose weight is highest? (C)

(I) Q has higher weight than P, but he is lighter than S

(II) R is lighter than Q.

139. What is the shortest distance between Rampur and Vijaypur? (D)

(I) Rampur is 10 km away from Durgapur.

(II) Durgapur is 22 km away from Vijaypur.

140. P is sister of Q, than how is Q related to P ?

(I) Q is brother of S.

(II) T is father of Q.

ACT-01 - A ] 27 P.T.O.
* rLkËuo~k : (Ãkú&Lkku 141 Úke 145) LkeåkuLkk fku»xfLkku yÇGkkMk fhe Ãkú&LkkuLkk sÔkkçk ykÃkku :

yuf MÃkækkoíBkf ÃkheûkkBkkt WÃkrMÚkík hnuÕkk yLku ÃkkMk ÚkGkuÕkk swËk swËk hkßGkkuLkk ykÃkuÕ kk Ôk»kkouLkk WBkuËÔkkhkuLke
MktÏ Gkk.

hkßGk WÃk. ÃkkMk WÃk. ÃkkMk WÃk. ÃkkMk WÃk. ÃkkMk WÃk. ÃkkMk

141. Ôk»ko 1997Bkkt çkækk hkßGkkuLkk fwÕk ÃkkMk ÚkGkuÕk WBkuËÔkkhku, Ôk»ko 1998Bkkt çkækk hkßGkkuLkk fwÕk ÃkkMk ÚkGkuÕk WBkuËÔkkhku
Lkk yk~khu fuxÕkk xfk Au ?

(A) 72.5% (B) 77.5%

(C) 79.5% (D) 83.5%

142. çkækk hkßGkku Ãkife, Ôk»ko1 999Bkkt õGkk hkßGkBkkt ÃkkMk ÚkGkuÕk WBkuËÔkkhkuLke WÃkrMÚkík hnuÕk WBkuËÔkkhku MkkÃkuûk xfkÔkkhe
Bkn¥kBk Au ?

(A) M (B) R

(C) P (D) Q

143. hkßGk N Bkkt, íkBkkBk Ôk»kkouBkkt WÃkrMÚkík hnuÕk WBkuËÔkkhku MkkÃkuûk íkBkkBk Ôk»kkouBkkt ÃkkMk ÚkGkuÕk WBkuËÔkkhkuLke xfkÔkkhe
fuxÕke Au ?

(A) 10.11% (B) 10.75%

(C) 12.36% (D) 11.14%

144. ykÃkuÕk Ôk»kkouBkkt P hkßGkBkktÚke WÃkrMÚkík hnuÕk WBkuËÔkkhkuLke Mkhuhk~k fuxÕke Úk~ku ?

(A) 8300 (B) 8920

(C) 8990 (D) 8410

145. Ôk»ko1998 Bkkt P yLku Q hkßGkkuBkkt MktGkwõík heíku, ÃkkMk ÚkGkuÕk WBkuËÔkkhkuLke WÃkrMÚkík hnuÕk WBkuËÔkkhku MkkÃkuûk
xfkÔkkhe fuxÕke Úk~ku ?

(A) 10.87% (B) 11.87%

(C) 12.35% (D) 13.35%

ACT-01 - A ] 28 [Contd.
* Directions : (Questions 141 - 145) Study the following table and answer the following

Number of candidates appeared and qualified in a competitive examination from different

states over the years.

141 Total number of candidates qualified in all the states together in 1997 is approximately
what percentage of total number of candidates qualified from all the states together in
1998 ?

(A) 72.5% (B) 77.5%

(C) 79.5% (D) 83.5%

142. Among the five states which state has highest percentage of qualified candidates to
appeared candidates in 1999 ?

(A) M (B) R

(C) P (D) Q

143. What is the percentage of candidates qualified from state N for all the years together,
over the candidates appeared from N for all the years together ?

(A) 10.11% (B) 10.75%

(C) 12.36% (D) 11.14%

144. What is the average of candidates who appeared from state P during given years ?

(A) 8300 (B) 8920

(C) 8990 (D) 8410

145. Combining the states P and Q together in 1998, what is the percentage of the candidates
qualified to that of the candidates appeared ?

(A) 10.87% (B) 11. 87%

(C) 12.35% (D) 13.35%

ACT-01 - A ] 29 P.T.O.
146. P, Q, R, S, yLku T Ãkktåk ÔkõíkkykuLku yuf åkkuõfMk rËÔkMku çkkuÕkÔkkLkwt Au. íkuykuLkku çkkuÕkÔkkLkku ¢Bk ykÃkuÕk ¢Bk Bkwsçk
nkuGk íku shwhe LkÚke. R yu ÃknuÕkku fu AuÕÕkku Ôkõíkk LkÚke. S Lkk ÔkõíkÔGk çkkË ºkÛk Ôkõíkkyku çkkfe hnu Au yLku T Lkk
ÔkõíkÔGk ÃknuÕkk ºkÛk Ôkõíkkyku ÔkõíkÔGk ykÃke åkwõGkk Au. òu P Lkwt ÔkõíkÔGk Q Lkk ÔkõíkÔGk ÃkAeÚke nkuGk íkku AuÕÕkku
Ôkõíkk fkuÛk n~ku ?

(A) S (B) P

(C) T (D) Q

147. Lkeåku Ãkife fGkku ~kçË yLGk ~kçËku Úke fkuE heíku yÕkøk Ãkzu Au ?

(A) Ãkkuxur~kGkBk (B) MkkuzeGkBk

(C) rÕkrÚkGkBk (D) yuÕGkwrBkrLkGkBk

148. 441 : 361 : : 729 : ( ? )

(A) 684 (B) 625

(C) 676 (D) 741

149. òu MktÏGkk “298490721” Lkk ytfkuLku Wíkhíkk ¢BkBkkt økkuXÔkÔkkBkkt ykÔku íkku fuxÕkk ytfku íkuLkk Bkqék MÚkkLku hnu~ku ?

(A) 2 (B) 3

(C) 4 (D) 6

150. yuf Mkktfuríkf Çkk»kkBkkt ytøkúuS Bkqékkûkhku Ãkife yuÔkk Ëhuf Bkqékkûkh Bkkxu, suLke MÚkkLk ®fBkík (place value)
yrÔkÇkkßGk MktÏ Gkk nkuG k íkuLku 1 fkuz ykÃkÔkkBkkt ykÔku íkÚkk çkkfeLkk BkqékkûkhkuLku 2 fkuz ykÃkÔkkBkkt ykÔku íkku
“EXAMINATION” ~kçËLkku fkuz ~kku Úk~ku ?

(A) 12212222222 (B) 12112212222

(C) 21121122222 (D) 12222212222

ACT-01 - A ] 30 [Contd.
146 P, Q, R, S, and T are five speakers who have to speak on a particular day, not necessarily
in the same order. R is neither the first nor the last speaker. There are three speakers left
after speech of S and 3 speakers speak ahead of T. If P speaks after Q, who is the last

(A) S (B) P

(C) T (D) Q

147. Which of the following words is different from other 3 in same manner ?

(A) Potassium (B) Sodium

(C) Lithium (D) Aluminum

148. 441 : 361 : : 729 : ( ? )

(A) 684 (B) 625

(C) 676 (D) 741

149. If the digits in the number “ 298490721” are arranged in descending order, how many
remains in same place ?

(A) 2 (B) 3

(C) 4 (D) 6

150. In a certain code language, each number in the English alphabet has prime number as
its place value is coded as 1 and the remaining letters are coded as 2, then what is the
code for the word “EXAMINATION”.

(A) 12212222222 (B) 12112212222

(C) 21121122222 (D) 12222212222

ACT-01 - A ] 31

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