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Principles of Design-

The principles chosen by me were symmetry, balance and contrast. I wanted to work with these three
words and communicate their meaning through the structure of the book. I looked at the concept of my
journey first, what parts of my journey communicated these words best.

Balance is presenting a form of equality between two sides; they need not necessarily be of the same
size. I looked into asymmetrical and symmetrical balance. Symmetry is when both sides are equal and
present a form of similarity. Contrast is the very the very visible difference between things.

I wanted my book to deal with the word comparison for symmetry, balance and contrast does express a
form of comparison between two sides. It was interesting to see how a book involved in one principle
eventually began to represent more as they were worked towards. The interrelation of the principles
was also seen in a way.

Book 1-

Weight of life

I chose to work with a black brush pen against cartridge paper. The opposition of colors and the
difference between them dealt with contrast. My pages were of equal sizes when both sides were
compared. The shape of the book was like two telescopes interconnecting towards the center such that
the line of alignment was towards the center. I represented a mansion compared to five small village
houses on the other, a cityscape compared to a landscape and a bridge compared to a cornfield. I built
the difference between housing, locality and occupation through my illustrations. The panel in the
center is attached to a hand. The book when looked at was shaped like a dumbbell; there by the hand
brought the idea of balance between the two sides being portrayed.
Book 2-

The Ride

This book mainly dealt with symmetry. I chose to work with the Fish bone structure. When the structure
is looked at from the top the central line divides and differentiates each fold which forms the bone. I
wanted to represent what the ride is and what is holds on the other side. I made cut outs that were
similar when viewed from both sides of the fish bone book. One side has an auto , a metro window and
the window of a bus. To the other side I represented my love for books with text, my comparison of
what I’m seeing to what I hear on the metro and the auto meter a source of bargaining. The similarity of
cut outs on both sides of the fish bone structure which have a common axis is my representation of

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