Calassik List

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Which linking methods will leave current processing and not return.

Leave To Transaction


If tables in an LDB are hierarchically higher in the structure than the table defined in the report, what
takes place.

The selection screen will display selection criteria for the higher tables

What is the event that could be used to create a header on a Detail list

Top-of-page During Line-Selection

Mark the 3 system fields that are continually maintained by the list




Which system variable contains the number of the Detail list that is being generated


Where does the system store the data after a Read Line has been performed on a list.


What is true about Functional Areas and User Groups in ABAP Query.

(More than one answer is correct)

A Functional area can be assigned to several user groups

Several Functional areas can be assigned to one user group

Users belonging to the same authorization group have the same query privilege
What happens to memory when the Export is executed without specifying ID. i.e EXPORT object to

The ABAP memory is completely overwritten

What is required to establish an interactive list.

Corresponding interactive events are programmed

The user interface allows actions to trigger interactive list type events

What is true about a Logical Database Program.

The Put Statement in the LDB provides data for the Get Event in the report program

Where would you typically see the code "Call Selection-Screen"

At Line-Selection

When does the GET LATE event fire

After all subordinate nodes have been processed and before the next data record for the
same node is read

Assuming a Detail list exists, what takes place when sy-lsind is set to zero.

(More than one answer is correct)

The original basic list is re-displayed

All secondary lists are deleted

At what point does the standard selection screen (as a result of a select-options) get displayed

After Initialization event

What is the code required in order to scroll the 3rd detail list to page 5

Scroll LIST Index 3 to Page 5

When is the Top-Of-Page event triggered

When the first write statement is encountered

Name the Transaction used to view background jobs.


Identify the valid methods for setting the value of a select-options selection field. .



Mark the code that will display the selection screen of the called program ZTST.

(More than one answer is correct)



What is contained in the system variable sy-linsz.

width of the current line

Given the Logical Database F1S, identify the Database program that is created


When you EXPORT an internal table that has a header line to ABAP/4 memory, what is the result

Only the contents of the internal table is stored

What is the option on the "Parameters" statement in a report program to include a SPA/GPA
Parameter ID

Memory ID

What is true about Extract dataset.

(More than one answer is correct)

The field group HEADER is part of each extract record

The Header Must be defined as one of the field groups

An extract dataset may consist of records with different structures

During interactive reporting, at what point does sy-lsind get incremented by the system

At the beginning of an interactive processing block

Where in a program would you create the objects for ALV control

In a PBO Module

What will be the value of F1 after the export

report rsbbb11b.
Tables: zmytab.
data: F1.
F1 = ‘1’.
submit RSCCC11D and Return.
export F1 zmytab to memory id 'XYZ'.

report rsccc11d.
Tables: zmytab.
data: F1.

Run Time Error will occur


Mark the invalid program text element.

Parameter Texts

What are the 3 main sub objects of a LDB.

(More than one answer is correct)

Selection Screen
DB Program


What determines the report specific structure(selection criteria) of a Logical

Database Program.

The tables for which a corresponding Node statement exists

Which modularization unit do not use ABAP/4 Memory to pass data.

Parameter Ids

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