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1. Introduction
2. Factors affecting job satisfaction
3. Models of job satisfaction
4. Need of the study
5. Statement of the problem
6. Operational definition.
7. Objectives.
8. Hypotheses.
9. Delimitation of the study.
10.Significance of the study.
Satisfaction is a Latin word that means to make or do enough. Satisfaction with own job implies
a contentment with or acceptance of ones job circumstances or the fulfillment of one wants
and need for one’s life as a whole.

Satisfaction is an essential factor in any profession. Unless a man is satisfied with his job, it is
very difficult for him to carry on his duties honestly and efficiently. Job satisfaction is the result
of various attitudes of an employ toward his job. These attitudes are related with some specific
factors as salary services conditions advancement opportunities and other benefits. Job-
satisfaction is an important indicator of how employees feel about their jobs and a predictor of
work behavior.

In reference with the teacher job –satisfaction is a crucial factor the teacher is the most
important part of the school & the whole responsibilities of the school is in the hands of the
teachers and the students are totally affected by the teacher so teacher ‘s satisfaction with his
job is very important. If the teacher is not satisfied with his job. It effects the students
negatively .ln addition to the tasks others than teaching as character formation ,moral
development value inculcation,development of attitude .The responsibilities of secondary
school ,teacher are much more than the teachers of other levels .They deal with the


There are some factors which effect job satisfaction especially of teachers of senior level.


Communication with authorities is an important influence on job satisfaction in the work place
the way in which teachers perceive authorities behavior can positively or negatively influence
job satisfaction communication behavior such as facial expression eye contact, vocal expression
and body movement is crucial to the teacher- authority relationship memorable messages play
a central role in interpersonal; interaction with respect to expression formation, attraction
,social influence and emotional expression.

Non verbal immediacy from the authorities helps to increase interpersonal involvement with
there teachers impacting job satisfaction.

The authorities who uses non verbal immediacy, friendliness and open communication line is
more willing to receive positive feed back and high job satisfaction from the teachers where as
authorities who is antisocial, unfriendly, and unwilling to communicate with naturally receive
negative feed back and very low job satisfaction from the teachers in the school.

The personality of an individual should be matched with his profession.

Personality of teachers is more important than other profession. The teachers are directly
related with the students and the students follow there teachers. The teacher’s personality
should be as that it has good impact on the student’s personality. If the teachers personality is
good ,the students will be attracted by him and the teachers fell the more satisfaction. If the
teachers personality is not good it does not affect the student’s personality and the teacher
dose not feel satisfaction.

This relation ship is reciprocal, meaning people who are more satisfied with life tend to be
satisfied with there job and people who are less satisfied with there job tend to be satisfied
with there life.

If teachers are not satisfied with there life the are also not satisfied with there job, then they
will not show good performance in the school.

Moods and emotions while working are the raw material which cumulate to form the affective
element of job satisfaction / Weiss and (ropanzano, 1996) moods tends to be longer lasting but
often weaker states of uncertain origion, while emotions are often more intense , short lived,
positive and negative emotions where also found to be significantly related to overall job
satisfaction. Frequency of experiencing net positive emotion will be a better predictor of overall
job satisfaction then will intensity of positive emotion when it is experienced .Emotion
regulation and emotion labor are also related to job satisfaction work(or emotion management)
refer to various efforts to manage emotion states and displays. Emotion regulation includes all
of the conscious and unconscious efforts to increase, maintain or decrease one or more
components of the emotions.
Suppression of unpleasant emotions decrease job satisfaction and the amplification of pleasant
emotions increase job satisfaction. The understanding of how emotions regulations relates to
job satisfaction concerns two models:

 Emotional dissonance
 Social interaction model.

As we see there are many factors which are mentioned above affect job satisfactory. Besides
these factors there are many other factors which affect job-satisfaction can be given as follows:

 Intrinsic aspect.
 Salary, service, .conditions and promotion.
 Physical facilities.
 Institutional plans and policies.
 Social status and family welfare.
 Rapport with student.
 Relationship with co workers.

There are many factors which influence job satisfaction. The teacher is the foundation of the
nation. If he is not satisfied with his job, will neither work whole, nor will try contribute
anything to education.

Job satisfaction of the teacher is the essential factor to improve the quality of instruction ,
educational and research outcome and the student teacher relationship.

Teacher is greatly affected by the society ,so society and national expectations of educators are
quite high. The early 20th century saw a spurt in the spread of education and its objectives, So
the teacher’s role has been changed and took an added dimensions. The goal of education
gradually moved beyond.the narrow purpose of merely g iving information. Now the teacher’s
job is not so easy. Besides teaching, the teacher has more task to do as register maintaining, to
take part in evaluation process, to provide assingment and project work to the students etc. All
these make a teacher’s task ….more and more complex. There is a lot of pressure and job –
complexities in the job of teacher which influence the job and there is a great possibility of
dissatisfaction of the teachers with their jobs.
Need of society:

Education is necessary part of any nation and the teacher’s main role is to provide education to
the students.Teachers has an important place in education system. But now we see that the
people do not take interest in this profession due to many reasons. There is extra work load on
the teachers besides teaching .There is more percentage of those teachers who do not involve
in this profession heartly they joined this profession in helplessness in the lack of other options
and if they get oppurtunity to go in other profession they leave teaching job immidiately and
feel satisfaction in other jobs.

There is some another reasons due to which the teachers do not feel satisfaction with their
jobs, as we see in some schools like K.V.S posting of teachers are given in remote areas as
Jammu and Kashmir, Nagaland, Assam etc. In Novadaya Vidhyalaya the residence of teachers
and in rural areas because these schools are located in rural area and it is compulsory for the
teahers to live in the school campus, these factors causes dissatisfaction among teachers
towards teaching jobs.sometimes the teachings are not adjusted with school atmosphere
because of the many reasons like there is no freedom to do work in their own way . they have
to do work according to authorities. Sometimes the location of school is not good. The school
has no good infrastructure and proper resources in classrooms,libraries, labs etc..which create
disturbance in their instruction process.

In many schools the teachers do not get proper opportunities to update thier knowledge or to
show their talent. Sometimes the teachers feel that they dont get full respect from the society.
In many schools the teachers do not get proper help from their colleagues, staff and supervisor.
Generally the teachers are not rewarded for their good performance,they get only blames, if
they are unable to get 100% performance.sometimes the teachers have toface biasness from
his authority. In some schools parents meeting are not regularly organized, due to which the
teachers are not able to come in contact with the parents of students .they are not able to
share the problems of the students to their parents. There is total responsibilities of the
teachers to get pass the students means there is moiré expectations of society with the

Due to workload the teachers don’t have full time to case their family. With these factors the
teachers also think that there is no full opportunities for promotion.Even in private schools the
teachers are not satisfied with thier salary also. Besides these factors some teachers feel that
they don’t play any role in the formation of curriculum whereas they are the most important
part of the school and they remain in the direct contact with the students and they can
understand student’s mental level and interest easily.
Due to above points the teacher feels dissatisfaction with their jobs. Either the people don’t
want to join teaching profession or if they are already in this profession they want to leave it
and join to other profession.

According to human resources ministry survey, there is nearly 12 lack vacancies are free for
teachers, out of which nearly 5 lacks are free at secondary level. It is due the dissatisfaction of
teachers or people in teaching job.

So it is very important to study the job satisfaction of teachers time to time to know the
problems related to teachers and to improve the quality of education.


The problem for the present study has entitled as-.” A study of job satisfaction of teachers of
Hindi medium and English medium secondary schools of Bareilly”

In order to classify the nature of the nature of the study it is worthwhile to define the concept
of main words used in the study.

WEISS ( 2002)
“Job satisfaction has been defined as pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal
of one’s job, an affective reaction to one’s job and an attitudes towards one’s job”.


“Job satisfaction is a favorable feeling or psychological conditions of a person towards his job

SMITH ET. AT (1969)

“job satisfaction is feeling or affective responses towards discriminable aspects of job –
It refers to one’s job his general adjustment and social relationship in outside his job.

GUION (1958)
“Job-satisfaction is that extent to which the individual needs a satisfied add the extent to which
the individuals perceives that satisfaction as stemming from his total job-situations.”

BULLOCK (1952)
“job satisfaction may thus be defined as an attitude which results from a balancing and
summation of many specific life and dislikes experienced by an employee in the performance of
his job”.

Teaching is a tripolar process comprising of pupil, curriculum and teacher. ‘Teacher is one who
enables the pupils to follow the curriculum thoroughly which has been prescribed for the grade.

Locality means the area in which a group of people live together.

“The word located prefers the area weather it is urban or rural”

Urban locality-- “Urban locality means developed area”

Rural locality—“Rural locality means undeveloped area”.

The sex differentiation between girls and boys has a biological continuity throughout life that
results in diverse treatment by family –peers and society in general, from the day of birth. That
is why we can describe the word sex as-

“The word sex refers the category of an individual weather it is male or female.”
1. To study the job satisfaction of secondary school teachers of Hindi medium &English
medium schools of Bareilly district.
2. To study the job satisfaction the satisfaction of secondary school teachers of Hindi
medium and English medium schools of rural area of Bareilly.
3. To study the job-satisfaction of secondary school teachers of Hindi medium and English
medium schools of urban area of Bareilly.
4. To study the job-satisfaction of secondary school male teachers of Hindi medium and
English medium schools.
5. To study the job-satisfaction of secondary school female teachers of Hindi medium &
English medium schools.

“A hypothesis is a researcher’s tentative prediction of the results of the research findings. It
states the researcher’s expectation concerning the relationship between variables in the


“A hypothesis states that what we are looking for a hypothesis looks forward .it is a proposition
which can be put to a test to determine its validity .it may prove to correct or incorrect”.

In the present study following null hypothesis have been framed –

1. There is no signification difference in the job satisfaction of the secondary level

teacher’s of Hindi medium and English medium schools.
2. There is no significant difference in the job satisfaction of secondary level teachers of
Hindi medium and English schools of rural locality.
3. There is no significant difference in the job satisfaction of secondary level teachers of
Hindi medium and English schools of urban locality.
4. There is no signification difference in the job satisfaction of the secondary level male
teachers of Hindi medium & English medium schools.
5. There is no signification difference in the job satisfaction of the secondary level female
teachers of Hindi medium & English medium schools.
The present work has been carried out to survey job satisfaction of Bareilly district teacher’s
.The study has vast area but keeping in mind the limited time for M.Ed courses. It was
necessary to delimit and specify the area of study .The delimitation of present study has given

1. The present study is limited to only the secondary school teachers of Bareilly district.
2. The present study is limited to only the secondary school teachers of Hindi medium
&English medium school of rural & urban locality.


As we know education play an important role in the society and the teacher Is the pivot of
education system. The demands on teachers are so varied that they often find it difficult to
meet the needs of pupils coming from various socio cultural background. The study will help
the society to know about. The job satisfaction which helps them to live happy life.

The study will be useful for the schools because the success of an educational institution can, to
a considerable extent be assessed by the level of job satisfaction of its teachers.

This study is signification for the supervisor of the schools as they can know about the influence
of his behavior on the job satisfaction of the teachers positively or negatively.

The study is also useful for the teachers because they can know about many factors which
influence their job satisfaction, as performance attitudes ,emotions ,moods ,coordination with
colleagues etc.

The study is also useful for the authorities so that they will not pressurize the teacher to do
unnecessary work and they can implement the useful policies in the school.Job –satisfaction is
of great significant for the growth and development of any organization.

Therefore is the light of above points we can say the study of job-satisfaction is very


In the field of search, it is necessary to survey the related literature of the problem. Unless
researcher can not proceed in the right direction in his field.

Explaining the importance related literature, Good, Barr and Scates are of the view that-

“The competent physician must keep abreast of the latest discoveries in the field of medicine
…………….Obviously the careful student of education, the research worker and investigator
……………should become familiar with the location and use of sources of educational

In reference to the related literatures books, thesis, records ,magazines and educational
abstracts are surveyed. Because it helps investigator to select the problem, to formulate the
hypothesis and to proceed the research works.

After selecting the problems for research, it is always beneficial to have a knowledge of the
findings of other investigator worked on the related theme of the problem.


“Each Study rests on the earlier one and provides the basis for future ones. The more links that
can be established between a gives study and others studies of a body of theory, the gratis in
the probable contribution”. (1962)

The survey of literature is a crucial aspect in the planning of any research study. This
chapter presents a brief review of the researches already done pertaining to the characteristics
of satisfied and unsatisfied teachers. Since the beginning of 20 th century some studies have
been conducted by social scientists in the field of teacher behaviors. Some researcher had
studies identification, measurement and predictions of teacher s behaviors in a general way,
where as some others have been studied deeply. The specific qualities believed to be essential
to successful teaching e.g. characters tics of effective teacher and then personality traits ,
attitudes ,intelligence ,value pattern, interests, Job-satisfaction and job –motivation etc. On the
other hand, some researcher had employed various Batteries/measuring devices with a hope
that profile of the satisfied /unsatisfied teacher might be emerged from the data while some
other had compared successful and unsuccessful teacher on various variables considered as
determinants of successful teaching.

Short description of several related literature of job-satisfaction is presented in the present


1. JAMAL, S (2006)

A study of organisational commitment in relation to occupational stress. Job

satisfaction ,employees’, morale and socio-emotional school climate.
Ph.D.,Education,VBS Purvanchal University,Jaunpur.

Occupational stress and employees ‘ morale as a whole and its components like workload
student misbehavior, classroom resources, poor colleague relation ,etc.are predictors of
organisational commitment and affective commitment.

1. Yarriswamy,M.C. (2007)

Individual need strength ,locus of control ,job involvement and burnout of teacher educators
of teacher training institutes in the state of Karnataka in relation to their job satisfaction.

Ph.D. Educational ,Kuvempu University, Guide: Dr.P. Basavakumaraiah.

1. There is no significant difference in the job satisfaction between teacher educators
working in:
a. government and aided ,and
b. rural and urban teacher training institutes.
2. There is no significant difference in the job-satisfaction between male and female
teacher educators.
3. There is no significant difference in the job satisfaction between teacher educators with:
a. below 10 years of teaching experience and 10 years to 20 years of teaching experience.
b. below 10 years to 20 years of teaching experiences.
c. high locus of control teacher educators and teacher educators with low locus of
control ,and
d. high burnout and teacher educators with low burnout.

3. Rathod ,M.B.& Verma ,M.(2006)

Study of job satisfaction of teachers in relation to role commitment=

Meri journal of education ,vol.1 ,no.1

1. There was significant influence of sex on job satisfaction of teacher’s .female teachers
were found to be more job satisfaction than male teachers.
2. There was significant influence of training, on job satisfaction of teachers.
3. There was significant influence of experience, on job satisfaction of teachers. Senior
teachers were found to be more job satisfaction than junior teachers.
4. There was significance influence of role commitment on job satisfaction. Teachers
having high role commitment were found to be more job satisfaction than teacher
having low role commitment.
5. There was significant influence of residential back ground on job satisfaction of teachers
. urban teachers were found to be more job satisfied than rural.
6. There was no significant influence of interaction between sex and role commitment on
job satisfaction of teachers .
7. There was no significant influence of interaction between training and role
commitment on job satisfaction of teachers separately.
8. There was no significant influence of interaction between experience and role
commitment on job satisfaction of teachers.
9. There was no significant influence of interaction between residential background and
role commitment on job satisfaction of teachers separately.

4. Chaudhary (Das), S.R.(2007)

Professional awareness vis-a vis job satisfaction of college and university teachers
in Assam. Educational tracks ,vol.6,no.7
1. There was no significant relation ship between professional awareness and job
satisfaction of the college and university teachers.
2. There was no significant relation ship between professional awareness and job
satisfaction of the job of college and university teachers with respect to there
qualification .
3. There was no significant relation ship between professional awareness of the job
satisfaction of the experienced college and university teachers.
4. There was no significant relation ship between professional awareness of the job
satisfaction of the rural college teachers where as there was significant relationship
between those two variable in case of urban college teachers.
5. There was no significant relation ship between professional awareness and job
satisfaction of the aided college teachers, whereas there exist a significant relation ship
between these two variable in case of govt. college teachers.

5. Raj , P and Marry, R.S (2005)

Job satisfaction of government school teahers in pondechery region:

Journal of all India Association for Educationl Research vol.17 (1-2)

1. Job satisfaction of govt school teachers (overall and at all level ) in pondicherry region
was not high.Overall job satisvection level showed that 39% by the govt school teachers
had low ,(40% had average and 21% high) level of job satisfaction
2. No significant difference was found in job satisfaction between gender, medium of
instructions, local , educational qualification, salary and religion.
3. There was no significant difference among teachers irrespective of experience, age,
subjects and type of schools.

6. Panda,B.B (2001)

Attitude towards teaching profession and job satisfaction of college teachers of Assam
and Orissa:

A comparative study India educational volume .37 (1) , .

1. It was found that the majority of college teachers of Assam and Orissa had highly
favorable or favorable attitude toward teaching profession.
2. A significant percentage of college teachers of Assam and Orissa had high or moderate
degree of job satisfaction. But it was also found that more than 40 % female
experienced, urban and rural college teachers of orrissa have dissatisfaction in their job.
3. College teachers of Assam and Orissa did not differ significantly in there attitude
towards teaching profession irrespective of their gender, experience, location, status .
4. The college teachers of Assam and Orissa in general and their various categories were
not different significantly in there degree of job satisfaction except in case of
experienced teachers .
5. There was significant and positive relationship between attitude towards teaching
profession and job satisfaction of college teachers of Assam and Orissa in general and
there different categories except in case of male and female and aided college teachers
in Assam.
7. Bhuyan, B, and Choudhary, M, (2002)

Correlates of job satisfaction among college

Teachers – (Indian journal of psychometry and education, volume 33(2).

1. There was no association between levels of job satisfaction and sex of teachers working
in urban and rural colleges.
2. There was no association between levels of job satisfaction and the localities of the
3. There was no association between levels of job satisfaction and marital status of the
college teachers.
4. There was no association between levels of job satisfaction and the experiences of the
college teachers.
5. Teachers were not happy with the facilities (classrooms, library, laboratory, teaching
aids etc.) available in the institutions for teaching and learning and the existing syllabus
and curriculum.
6. Teacher were happy with revised pay scale and promotional aspects in service of U.G.C
but not happy with retirement benefits (pension,gratuity etc) ,financial hard ship at the
institution level and service rule policy.
7. Teachers were not happy with the academic environment of the institutions and felt
that it was not conducive for professional growth of the teachers (non availability of
refrence books, research journals, periodicals,computer and internet facilities etc).

8. Chandraiah,K(1994)
Effect of age on job satisfaction among college techers
The creative psychologist, vol 6 (1&2).


1. The middle aged and old aged teachers were more satisfied with their jobs as
compared to the younger group of teachers.
2. Age and job satisfaction has significant positive relationship among younger, middle
and old aged group.
3. It was observed that correlation coefficients obtained for the subjects age and job
satisfaction, tenure of service and age , job satisfaction and tenure of service, were
all positive and significant.

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