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A bridge is a structure to cross an open space or a gap. Bridges are mostly
made for crossing rivers , valleys or roads.Nowdays, most big bridges are made to
carry vechicles.It's used for many different things such as avoiding traffic jams also
this impacts on the economy as it increases the national income .

No one enjoys traffic! Therefore, that is why bridges are immensely

important in life. As it helps in avoiding traffic jams, for example, delays make
people late for school, work, appointments, and other important everyday
activities .Everyday; emergencies turn critical when ambulances, rescue crews,
and fire trucks are not able to travel regular routes while bridges have a big
role in helping to reduce this traffic as it provides an easy, quick and safe route.

Traffic jams have a huge impact on the people who live in and travel through
affected areas. For instance, Congestion has the benefit of encouraging motorists to
retime their trips so that expensive road space is in full use for more hours per day.
However, that could well result in increased traffic flow, otherwise known as induced
demand, causing congestion to appear somewhere else.

Bridges take people across rivers. Leaders take people across ignorance.
With a leader, the destination of a journey is sure. In addition, bridges are very
important in life. It helps in decreasing the traffic jam also; it has effects on the
surrounding area where the people live in.


"If you can feed a hundred people then feed just one" Mother Jessa. Food
is essential for survival, it is immensely important in life. Hunger is a very vicious
problem; it has been all over the world. It has many causes such as poverty
and many effects such as malnutrition.

The main cause of hunger worldwide is poverty. Millions of people

around the world are simply too poor to be able to buy food. They also lack
resources to grow their own food such as arable lands to have enough money
to buy food. For example, Yemen is one of the most important countries that
suffers from hungry because of poverty.

Hunger and malnutrition make the body weak and vulnerable to diseases
and infections, as the body does not have the enough to build muscles and
fight infections. In children's, this is deadly and many children die in hunger
prone areas.

"If we can conquer space, we can conquer childhood hunger" Rose.

World hunger is on rise. So as a conclusion hunger is a very threaten problem,
it is caused by poverty and effects on the health. Above all, it has a very
negative impact on health so we have to work on ending it.

"No one leaves home unless is the mouth of shark" Wars and Shire. A
refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of
persecution, wars or violence. The first refuge happened was the LWR and the
UNHCR began in response to the world war, with intent of disbanding shortly
after. Worldwide, currently more than 10.4 million refugees about 2 million Syrian
refugees and almost half of all refugees are children. Refuge has many causes such
as wars and civil wars and effects such as over population in the host country.

Causes of refuge can include wars and civil wars. Hundreds of thousands
of refugees fled their homes during the civil wars, as it killed millions of people so
they had to leave. For example, it is utterly heartbreaking to see the constant calls
from humanitarian's organizations to put an end to the civil wars as the Syrian
people is not noticed.

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