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Mexico, second in the world with endangered species.

In the last decade, the endangered species in Mexico have increased 25%,
putting the country in second place worldwide with latent risk species.

With the publication of the Official Mexican Norm 059 of the Secretariat of
Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat) for 2010, the Mexican
government recognized that there are 71 new species and subspecies in the
category of "risk" compared with 2001.
Organizations like the Mexican Center for Environmental Law (CEMDA),
Greenpeace, Defenders of Wildlife in Mexico and the Mayab Ecologist
Group, reported that the system for protecting wild species is slow and
inflexible and "is at will and whim the environmental authority in charge."
The last NOM on endangered species in Mexico was published in 2001, it is
contemplated to 372 species in category "endangered", which has now
increased to 500.
The NOM are technical regulations that contain the information,
requirements, specifications, procedures and methodologies that allow
different levels of government set measurable parameters to avoid risks to
people, animals and the environment.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature put to Mexico in fifth
place worldwide species in danger, below Ecuador, United States, Malaysia
and Indonesia; but with the classification of the 059 NOM 2010, happen to
second place in the categories of "Endangered" and "Threatened" with
1,203 species.

Semarnat is failing in its obligation to protect and conserve wild species of

Mexico, he denounced the CEMDA.
"The NOM 059 was completed in 2006 and for four years left without legal
protection dozens of species that were listed for the first time. These
include the white-lipped peccary, which since 2006 was recognized as an
endangered species without But the Directorate General of Wildlife
authorizations continued to hunt because the standard was not published,
"said spokeswoman Mercedes Anzures Conservation of Marine Mammals
of Mexico (COMARINO).
10 years ago in Mexico they afforded 41 species as "possibly extinct," but
by 2010, that number rose to 49.
"One group of animals that exhibited significant changes were parakeets
and macaws, as five species were uploaded to the category of Endangered
(?) With these changes 21 of the 22 species in Mexico are you listed in the
standard and 11 species or 50% are Endangered, "said Maria Elena Sanchez,
president of Teyeliz, AC, a Mexican organization that studies the illegal
trade of birds in Mexico.

Animal species

Some species are endangered loggerhead, green and red guacayama, the
gray whale, the golden eagle, the American crocodile, alligator, the
Mexican gray wolf, black bear, jaguar, manatee, among others.
In October, the Alliance for Zero Extinction (AZE, for its acronym in English),
published a list of natural areas with endangered species, and found that
most are in Mexico, Colombia and Peru.
The areas most endangered species are the Sierra de Juarez (22) and the
volcanoes of Veracruz (16), both in Mexico, followed by Massif de la Hotte
(15) in Haiti.
10% of all living species in the world can be found in Mexico, making it one
of the most diverse countries. With 64.878 known species and over 900
endemic species, ie exclusive of the country, only Brazil, Indonesia and
Colombia, equal living standards that Mexico has.


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