Festival Literasi Siswa: Cabang Lomba: Storytelling Nama Siswa: Tabitha Isabel R. Nisn: 0065687110 Nomor Registrasi

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Festival Literasi Siswa

Cabang Lomba : Storytelling

Nama Siswa : Tabitha Isabel R.

NISN : 0065687110

Nomor Registrasi :
Cabang Lomba : Storytelling

Naskah :

Nomor Registrasi :

Judul Naskah : The Legend of Ranu Grati

Nomor Registrasi :

The Legend of Ranu Grati

Once upon a time, on a riverside village there was a spouse. Their name was Kyai
Bangil and Nyai Purwosari. One day, Nyai Purwosari got a disease and she needs snake egg
for her medicine. She asked her husband, Kyai Bangil to go to the forest and search for a
snake egg. She said “Oh,my darling! Can you help me? Please, find me the snake egg that I
desperately need”, Kyai Bangil then answered “Of course, I will do anything for you”.
Then Kyai Bangil went to the forest. When he arrived, he found a giant snake egg.
Without any hesitation he took it, then he brought it home. When the snake found out, the
snake was shocked to see its egg was gone. The snake went to the village to search for its
egg. The snake asked Kyai Bangil where its egg is. Kyai Bangil then said “But..my wife
needs for her medicine.” But of course the snake would not even care. The snake then fights
Kyai Bangil infront of Nyai Purwosari. But unfortunately, the snake was lost in that battle.
Before the snake died, the snake said “Not long after this, your wife will be pregnant with a
snake boy”. It turns out to be true, a few days after the fights Nyai Purwosari was pregnant.
Nyai Purwosari was so scared of what the snake said. What if what the snake said turns out to
be true?. What if the kid that’s in her womb is going to be a snake boy?. Kyai Bangil tried to
calm her by saying that it won’t be true.
9 months after that, Nyai Purwosari gave birth to a baby boy. She named him Baru
Klinting. When she saw his body. She was disgusted. Because his body was full of scales.
From his upper body to his lower body.
When Baru Klinting grews up into a little boy, all the children in the village mocked
him because of his physical appearance. Because his father, Kyai Bangil felt pity for him.
Kyai Bangil commands Baru Klinting to go to the cave and do meditation in it. Baru Klinting
do as his father’s told and go to the cave do meditation.
After several years meditating, Baru Klinting comes out as a powerful man. When he
comes out, there was a big celebration in the village. But unfortanely, they ran out of food to
eat, so they try to hunt in the forest to search for some animal. But they could’t found
anything, except for a snake. So they chopped the snake for steak and brought it back to the
village. But little did they know, that the snake was Baru Klinting.
When Baru Klinting founds out, he was so mad at them. But beacause Baru Klinting
was so powerful, he turns himself into a beggar and asked for meat to the villagers. He said
“Please,sir, gave me some meat, I’m starving”.Nobody gave the meat though, including his
parents. Except for a poor old widow. The poor old widow gave him some meat. To thank her
Baru Klinting said that he was the snake boy and he’s going to take some revenge by
drowning the village with water. Baru Klinting commands the poor old widow to prepare a
simple boat for herself. She did as Baru Klinting’s told. Meanwhile, Baru Klinting walks
back to the village, he disguised himself as a little boy. He gathers with all of the kids. He
then held a stick up in the air and say “Whoever can pull this stick out from the ground is
going to win a special present from me”. Every boys and girls tried. But they fail. And then
this game drew adult’s attention, the strongest man tries to pull the stick but they failed. The
stick was so strongly attach to the ground. After everybody gathers around Baru Klinting
shouted “I am Baru Klinting, I’m that snake boy. Your people chopped me when I was
meditating in a cave. And now, I will take my revenge. Enjoy your party.” When he said that,
he pulled the stick out from the ground. Amazingly a vast water spring comes out of the
ground. That water spring quickly swept all of the people, houses, farms and drowned the
village. No one survives. Except the poor old widow. She had prepare a simple boat for
herself. The drowned village becomes a lake. And the lake is now called, Ranu Grati.

And the moral value of this story are :

 Don’t steal
Don’t be like Kyai Bangil who steal the snake egg.
 Fighting is not going to fix anything
Fix your problems with a clear mind, don’t be like the snake.
 Don’t mock other
Be grateful for who you are and don’t let other people down
 Learn to share with others
Be like the poor old widow, she likes to help others and she treat other people well.

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