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TLC ZUGDIDI ​( Training & Learning Centre )   

Task 6 
(articles/conjunctions/prepositions/relative pronouns mixed test) 

1. Wild animals and Indians were not ​-----​ only inhabitants ​-----​ the woods.
2. He called James, ​-----​ was a good f​ riend​ as well as the ​family​ ​doctor​.
3. It was no surprise ​-----​ the victorious Americans chose him ​-----​ their first president.
4. -----​ first Batman story came out ​-----​ 1939!
5. He went over the mountains ​-----​ a small army.
6. I'll ​pay​ you ​double​ ​-----​ you get the ​work​ ​finished​ -----​ ​Friday​.
7. History is ​-----​ interesting subject, ​-----​ what I like most is ​-----​ history of the United
8. Robin Hood has been ​-----​ popular hero -​ ----​ over 600 years.
9. Hollywood's biggest superheroes live ​-----​ the future.
10. I'm going ​-----​ France ​-----​ a ​couple​ ​-----​ ​friends​.
11. ​-----​ thousand years ago, people sometimes sat round in dark rooms in the evening,
listening ​-----​ the adventures ​-----​ brave heroes.
12. The TV won't ​work​ -----​ the aerial's not ​connected​.
13. Harriet Shaw was the name of the girl ​-----​ ​ ​he wanted to give a valentine’s present to.
14. Lots ​-----​ Canadians drive American cars, and cars are almost as important in Canada
as they are ​-----​ the USA.
15. She ​talked​ a lot ​-----​ her ​relationship​ with Charlotte.
16. -----​ , one day, Quebec becomes independent, many Canadians fear ​-----​ the rest of
Canada could break up.
17. -----​ 1892 he went to live at Powderham Castle, ​-----​ is the historic home ​-----​ the Earls
of Devon.
18. -----​ of this, hundreds of thousands of Canadians often get ​-----​ their cars and drive over
-----​ the USA to go shopping.
19. Everyone in the ​office​ ​complains​ ​-----​ he ​smells​ ​awful​, ​-----​ nobody ​dares​ ​mention​ it to
20. -----​ 1870, Atlantic City was a prosperous town, ​-----​ several thousand inhabitants,
mostly men.
21. The ​train​ ​sped​ along at over 120 ​miles​ ​-----​ ​hour​.
22. Then, ​-----​ seven years after the gold rush began, it finished.

23. We can’t go ​-----​ Julia’s ​party​ ​-----​ we’re going away that ​weekend​.
24. Today, gold is ​-----​ lot more valuable than it was a hundred years ago, and modern
techniques allow people ​-----​ find gold more easily.
25. There's been ​-----​ ​accident​ - ​dial​ ​999​ and ​ask​ ​-----​ an ​ambulance​.
26. -----​ the time of his death, Timothy was owned by Lady Gabrielle Courtenay, ​-----​ is the
aunt of the current Earl of Devon.
27. I was very ​nervous​ ​-----​ ​driving​ again after ​-----​ ​accident​.
28. the famous Coca-Cola logo is ​-----​ most famous logo ​-----​ the world.
29. Alice went out ​-----​ walk because she felt very lonely at home.
30. More than gold, no doubt, Brad was looking ​-----​ a way of life, a dream of the past.
31. It doesn't ​matter​ whether you ​win​ ​-----​ ​lose​ - it's taking ​part​ that's ​important​.
32. In fact, he was a retired businessman, looking ​-----​ gold as a hobby, and a nice way​ -----
pass the time ​-----​ a wild, lonely and beautiful part ​-----​ North America.
33. The legend of the west will go on inspiring people ​v​ many many years.
34. It's ​-----​ two ​kilometres​ ​-----​ the ​airport​ to ​your​ ​hotel​.
35. Buffalo Bill Cody was born ​-----​ a farm in Scott county, Indiana, ​-----​ 26th February
36. -----​ age 12, Bill killed his first Indian.
37. Before he was thirteen, he was ​-----​ expert horse-rider and very good with a gun;
38. She doesn't ​seem​ to be any the ​worse​ ​-----​ her ​bad​ ​experience​.
39. Before ​-----​ age of twenty, Bill left home and took ​-----​ job with the Pony Express
company, and very soon he became reputed ​-----​ one of their best riders.
40. She could get that ​essay​ done ​-----​ a ​couple​ of ​hours​ if she really ​tried​.
41. Lady Devon also lives at Powderham, ​-----​ Timothy was given a family funeral and was
buried in the grounds of the castle.
42. It was the time ​-----​ the West was being opened up.
43. The ​car​ is ​responsible​ ​-----​ ​causing​ ​-----​ lot of ​damage​ ​-----​ ​our​ ​environment​.
44. -----​ the same time, he began trying to conserve aspects ​-----​ the old Western life that
were rapidly disappearing into the twentieth century.
45. Scotland​ is ​famous​ ​-----​ ​its​ ​spectacular​ ​countryside​.
46. Yet he knew, too, that one of ​-----​ most famous names associated with its legends, was
his own.
47. American football is played ​-----​ men (and occasionally women) wearing helmets and
protective clothing;
48. You can ​move​ the ​cursor​ either by using the m
​ ouse​ ​-----​ by using the ​arrow​ ​keys​ ​-----
the ​keyboard​.
49. Stand over there and you'll be ​able​ ​-----​ s​ ee​ it ​better​.

50. -----​ Britain, a few people play an "ancestor" of baseball, called "rounders" - ​-----​ it is not
a popular sport.
51. I'm just setting off, so I should be with you ​-----​ ​half​ an ​hour​.
52. I really like the suit ​-----​ you bought for the wedding!
53. It is very hard ​-----​ decide whether the revolution -​ ----​ global marketplace is beneficial
-----​ harmful to the humanity.
54. There is -​ ----​ difference in a teacher ​-----​ ​ an educator.
55. -----​ only real "global" sports were individual sports, such ​-----​ golf and tennis.
56. Do you ​want​ to be ​paid​ ​-----​ ​cash​ or ​-----​ ​cheque​?
57. -----​ hundred years ago, individual rich Americans could travel ​-----​ Europe ​-----​ holiday.
58. We drove past my old school, ​-----​ is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year.
59. Your​ ​shoes​ will be ​repaired​ and r​ eady​ ​-----​ you to ​collect​ ​-----​ ​Thursday​.
60. Memphis is ​-----​ city ​-----​ Elvis lived for most ​-----​ his professional life;
61. Today it belongs ​-----​ his daughter Lisa Marie, ​-----​ is run as an Elvis Presley museum.
62. You know, Elvis had plenty ​-----​ friends,​ -----​ he sure had some enemies too.
63. The ​photographs​ will be ​-----​ ​exhibition​ ​-----​ the end of the ​month​.
64. -----​ the time he was forty, Elvis was a sick man, dependent ​-----​ drugs.
65. The ​book​ was ​translated​ ​-----​ a well-known ​author​.
66. The man ​-----​ came first in the 100 metre race, broke the world record.
67. She ​keeps​ ​-----​ ​touch​ with her ​friends​ ​-----​ ​college​.
68. When they finished university, many of ​-----​ best students did not look ​-----​ jobs with big
companies like Ford ​-----​ Exxon.
69. It is still full ​-----​ high technology, but it is not ​-----​ only center for high-tech in ​-----​ USA.
70. One thing that can be done ​-----​ ​ improve schools is -​ ----​ ​ more carefully examine 
potential teachers.
71. Silicon Valley still has​ -----​ largest concentration ​-----​ high-tech companies ​-----
research centers.
72. She was 74 ​years​ of a
​ ge​ ​-----​ she ​wrote​ her first ​novel​.
73. The pants ​-----​ I bought yesterday are already stained.
74. We ​received​ another ​invitation​ ​-----​ a ​wedding​ this ​morning​.
75. The famous bottle, ​-----​ its very distinctive shape, was designed in 1916.
76. Today, Coca-Cola is made ​-----​ countries all over the world, including Russia ​-----
77. The reason ​-----​ acceleration in the globalization is ​-----​ of the people demands,
free-trade activities, worldwide acceptance ​-----​ markets, emerging new technologies,
new researches in the science, etc.

78. -----​ 1996, someone found some very old clothes in ​-----​ old mine in Nevada, USA;
79. -----​ 1853, a young tailor ​-----​ Germany, called Levi Strauss, began working ​-----​ San
80. I was offered ​-----​ job ​-----​ the manager ​-----​ the company, ​-----​ I met at the interview
81. I’ve always believed ​-----​ happiness counts more than money.
82. One day, a miner told Levi ​-----​ he could not find trousers that were strong enough for
work in the gold mines.
83. The ​number​ ​-----​ ​people​ ​employed​ ​-----​ the ​company​ has ​risen​ ​-----​ 25 ​-----​ 200 in
three ​years​.
84. Levi decided ​-----​ make some trousers out of canvas.
85. Today, blue jeans are made over the world – most ​-----​ them in Asia.
86. We ​enjoyed​ ​our​ ​vacation​ ​-----​ lot, ​-----​ it was ​expensive​.
87. Very few jeans are now made ​-----​ the USA, ​-----​ of the cost: but it is still possible ​-----
buy blue jeans that are made in San Francisco.... if you have ​-----​ lot of money to spend.
88. He's ​widely​ ​disliked​ in the ​company​ ​-----​ his ​arrogance​.
89. The store on the corner, ​-----​ we usually buy all of our art supplies, burned to the
90. When it is very cold, specially ​-----​ there is a cold wind, few people want ​-----​ go
outside, unless they have to;
91. That ​bar​ on Milton ​Street​, -​ ----​ by the way is very n
​ ice​, is ​owned​ ​-----​ Trevor's b
​ rother​.
92. The servant was dog-tired. ​-----​ , he kept on working.
93. Globalization impacts a business and a company ​-----​ various ways
94. The quality ​-----​ the environment ​-----​ America's mountains is a very important issue.
95. He measured the shadow ​-----​ the tower, ​-----​ was equal to its height
96. She's one ​-----​ those ​people​ who l​ ove​ to be the ​centre​ ​-----​ ​attention​.
97. Life ​-----​ the 19th ​century​ was very different ​-----​ what it is now.
98. -----​ first, I ​thought​ he was ​joking​ ​-----​ then I ​realized​ he ​meant​ it.
99. The ​death​ of his ​son​ was ​-----​ ​experience​ from ​-----​ he never ​fully​ ​recovered​.
100. More freedom​ -----​ decisions would create -​ ----​ more comfortable environment.


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