Page-0-Attorney General William Barr's Summary of The Mueller Report

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‘The Attorney General Washingion, D.C March 24 2099 “The Honore Lindsey Graham “The Honorable Jerod Nae ‘Cairn, Commie oir ‘Chinas, Css onthe Rainy ned Stace Senate ‘nite Stes Howse of Representatives 200 Ruse Senate Office ling 2132 Raybon Hose Office Bung ‘Washington, D.C. 30510 ‘Washington, D.C. 20515 ‘The Honorable nee Feinstein “The Honorable Doug Collins Ranking Member, Commitee ont Judiciary Ranking Member Commitee onthe Baticiary ‘ied Stes Sonat ‘nied States House of Reprsentalives 331 Har Sean Office aiding 1304 Longuueth Howe Office Bung ‘Washington, D.C. 20810 Washington D.C. 20818 ‘eat Chairman Graham, Chaioman Nair, Ranking Member Feinstein, ant Ranking Member Cains As arapplemen ote nication rove Friday, Marc 22,2000, ar writing tay ‘w aise you of the prncqal cenciicas reached by Special Counsel Robes , Mueller Hand 1 infor you shout the stats. f my il esew of ht rept he has rep ‘Me Special Coma Report (On Tridiy, the Special Counsel stm 10 me a “coefdential reper explaining the prosecution or decimation deisoes” he hat each as rouired by 28 CF. § ODA). This ‘por is etd “Report on the Investigation ino Russian Iueivose inthe 2016 Presider lecice Alay my eviews onping. tive that te inthe pi terest esr te ‘sport nd fo smumariz the principal conhaons reached by th Special Counsel andthe rests ‘this investigation ‘Te report plains tht the Speci! Couel and his staff thoroughly investigated sllegatioas ha members othe pesidenal campaig of Donald Trung, an thers associated ‘wih i conspired wid the Russian government in is efforts t-inefee in the 2016 US. residential ection ot sooght tv struc the related federal investigations. the ep, te ‘Special Counsel noted tha, ceplting his investigation, Re employed 19 nye who were ssstd by tam of mpeatimatly 40 FBI agents intelipenc anal, feck cours, nd ‘ther peiesonal aft The Special Couns! lsoed mre thn 28M whgsenar exec! nat) $00 search wanans, obtained more than 230 order for communication econ ss alot $0 ‘erdes authorising ue of pen reper made 13 requests to foreign poverment fo evince, and teecviewed appeal 500 witness

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