Eirv148-19871204 057-Report From Rio

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Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 14, Number 48, December 4, 1987

Report from Rio by Lorenzo Carrasco

The presidential race

Funaro describ�d the problem of the
Brazil's electoral contest is already infull swing, with illegitimacy of tJ:te current regime.The
agreement with the creditor banks, he
moratorium advocate Dilson Funaro in the lead.
said, "is deeply unsatisfactory to the
fundamental interests of the country
... and showed that the transition
government has exhausted its negoti­
ating capacity, thereby demonstrating
J ust days after the Sarney govern­ ment that refuses to come to an agree­ its fragility....How can the PMDB
ment sealed a deal with the bank cred­ ment.... " continue to support a government that
itors' committee on the Brazilian for­ A coup has only been avoided, is capable of making a deal that im­
eign debt, including agreement to sus­ concluded Senator Richa, "because plies the premature lifting of the mor­
pend the debt moratorium and permit .. . the military sector is today the atorium and a return to the tutelage of
the return of International Monetary most lucid and competent in Brazilian the IMF?"
Fund missions to the country, the sys­ society, keeping itself within a totally The decision to reduce the Sarney
temization commission of the Nation­ legal framework." government to a four-year term thus
al Constituent Assembly cut Sarney's The political collapse of President represented a definitive break with the
presidential mandate from six to four Sarney became irreversible at the point government.That decision also trig­
years and announced that direct elec­ that he permitted a small palace guard, gered the start of the presidential elec­
tions for the presidency would be held run by Ambassador Rubens Ricupero tion campaign.
in November 1988. and Sarney's son-in-law Jorge Murad, Dilson Funaro, speaking Nov.19
While the decision has still to be to force the resignation of Finance to hundreds of metalworkers clamor­
ratified by the full Assembly, it is al­ Minister Dilson Funaro last April. ing for a Funaro presidency, declared
ready clear that the nationwide clamor With Funaro's departure, the way was that this critical moment in Brazil re­
for a legitimate government will make cleared for reopening negotiations with quired unity around a single name,
such a decision impossible to revoke. the banks, and toward a deal with the with the support necessary to put the
The influential senator Jose Richa, hated IMF.Charged with that task was nation back on the road to economic
considered the unofficial spokesman banker Ferniio Bracher, chief debt ne­ growth and democratic normaliza­
within the Constituent Assembly of gotiator and an enemy of the Brazilian tion. "Nothing is resolved by whether
the "legalist " faction of the Army, gave moratorium. a person wants {o be candidate or not;
a Nov. 19 interview to 0 Estado de Funaro's departure also meant that what is important is that whichever
Siio Paulo, where he was explicit as Brazilians lost confidence in their citizen merits credibility within such
to the reason for reducing the presi­ government, which was not elected, a movement of national unity cannot
dential mandate."Inflation is intoler­ but had been put together on the basis refuse that duty.... If this be my
able and in an upward spiral.When I of a pact between the two major par­ case, at the proper moment I will study
said that inflation would reach 20% in ties, the PMDB and PFL.That pact, whether or not I am able to accept such
January [1988], everyone called me in tum, had been premised on the an obligation."
crazy.Now that craziness is univer­ commitment to return Brazil to the path But as the elections of November
sal. No one expects less than of democracy, based on policies of 1988 approach, the problem that con­
20%. ...The social picture is very accelerated economic growth and re­ cerns every responsible political circle
serious, with 64.2% of the economi­ jection of IMF policies, which have in the country is how to maintain at
cally active population earning from been represented domestically by the least a modicum of stability for the
zero to two minimum wages.... despised former Planning Minister next 16 months, until the elected Pres­
"Add to this a deteriorated politi­ Delfim Neto. Already by May, the ident takes office.The danger is that
cal situation, because the government President had become increasingly Sarney, committed to a recessive mo­
is incapable of bringing about any kind isolated politically; that situation be­ netarist policy under the direction of
of agreement.... No miracle plan came irreversible at the point that Sar­ banker Ferniio Bracher and Finance
can succeed without a solid base of ney surrendered to the banks in early Minister Bresser Pereira, could agree
support....Political strategy forces November. to sign a deal with the International
us to reduce the mandate of a govern- It was then that former minister Monetary Fun4.

EIR December 4, 1987 International 57

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