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Paradigm Blindness:

Academic vs. Clinical Medicine

David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.1

Introduction consciousness, and that ‘facts’ or state-

“We find that which we seek” is an ments, such as those made by science,
everyday experiential reality of the world- reason, or philosophy, could be calibrated
wide Internet system by which the re- on a logarithmic scale of 1 to 1,000, which
search engine preselects a range of possible included all possibilities within the human
and appropriate responses. Information is domain. Most startling was the discovery
thus determined by the form of the inquiry that below consciousness level 200, all
itself. While this is of great pragmatic statements were fallacious, and verifiable
value, it also represents a limitation that truth calibrated from 200 on up through
could be termed “paradigm set.” the ranges of intellectual excellence (the
calibration level of the 400s) to spiritual
Progress and Developments in Clinical realities, such as Love in the range of the
Medicine 500s, and then levels of classical Enlight-
A new clinical science of Conscious- enment, from 600 to 1,000.4, 5
ness Research began to emerge in the What is experiential and believed to
late 1970s that applied the findings of be ‘real’ depends on the level of truth of
John Diamond, M.D.1 to an identification its exposition as well as the level of con-
of positive versus negative energies that sciousness of the observer.
covered totally different physiological
responses, such as muscle strength. This Clinical versus Academic Medicine
was termed “the kinesiological response,” On the Scale of Consciousness, ‘aca-
which proved to be useful for diagnosis as demic medicine’ calibrates at exactly 440,
well as identification of beneficial treat- whereas clinical and holistic medicine
ment modalities, including nutrition and calibrate at level 445. Thus, by external
psychopharmacology. verification, clinical medicine (such as nu-
During the same era, nutritional tritional/orthomolecular medicine) arises
medicine and orthomolecular psychiatry from a higher level of consciousness (the
emerged as a new clinical science that was scale is logarithmic; therefore five points
based not only on theory2 but also on clini- higher are quite significant).
cal experience and pragmatic success in All statements of ‘truth’ (linear
treating difficult or even supposedly hope- content) are actually only true within a
less psychotic conditions.3 Thus, efficacy given (nonlinear) context. The context
was the critical proof and demonstration of nutritional medicine is more inclusive
of theory and practice. as it encompasses the overall condition
of the patient and not just innate brain
Levels of Truth chemistry as though the brain oper-
Utilizing the technique of Behavioral ated independently of the body’s overall
Kinesiology, it was discovered that ‘reality’ chemistry.
as verifiable ‘truth’ was actually a conse- Via the Heisenberg principle, quan-
quence of and concomitant with levels of tum mechanics demonstrates that the
intention of the treating observer-physi-
1. Institute for Advanced Spiritual Research, P.O. Box 3516, cian has a sizeable and measurable impact
W. Sedona, AZ 86336 on the outcome (the collapse of the wave

Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 21, No. 4, 2006

function from ‘possible’ to ‘actual’). This are self-restricting to a limited range of

also demonstrates that the therapeutic topics and therefore are not open or favor-
response increases with the expansion ably inclined toward clinical research or
of paradigm so that the hypothetical- reports of therapeutic success with alter-
possible becomes the manifest-actual native, nontraditional modalities. There is,
response. in fact, a subtle disrespect or even open
hostility toward any deviation from strict,
Professional Paradigms approved, and ‘respectable’ methodologies
The paradigm of acceptable academic and styles of reporting. As reported in the
medical responsibility and authenticity is Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine 21: 2,
limited to the restriction of consciousness June, 2006, this results in “Medline Bias.”6
calibration level 440, a very narrow range Thus, over the decades, holistic medical
that is suitable to academia but insuf- practitioners have formed their own pro-
ficient when applied to clinical medicine fessional societies and created journals to
where greater flexibility and options are fill an important vacuum.
necessary in order to achieve optimal
results. The patients and their families Intention: Healer versus Scientist
are only interested in, or more likely, are The true physician is dedicated to
desperate for relief from suffering and the healing, cure, and recovery of the
disability. Thus, the true clinician is a patient by which the power of intention7
humanist who utilizes expertise in the contextualizes and defines the quality
art of medicine and not just the ‘science’ of the patient/practitioner interaction.
of medicine. Approved academic medical While the academic is rigid, the holistic
science is thus only one tool in the wide practitioner is flexible, open-minded,
range of therapeutic modalities available and includes a moral responsibility that
to an experienced clinician. is one of allegiance to the best possible
Clinical Practice
Orthomolecular practitioners are Case Example
besieged by huge numbers of ‘hopeless’ A hopeless ‘chronic schizophrenic’
cases that ‘have been everywhere and seen who had seen ‘all the world’s academic
everybody’ in academia. A New York clinic experts’ over the years, and who was re-
(North Nassau Mental Health Center) that fractory to antipsychotic medicines, was
specialized in clinical nutritional, envi- brought in for treatment by the forlorn
ronmental, orthomolecular holistic treat- family. He was placed on a sugar-free diet
ment had two thousand outpatients and and megavitamins. In addition, he was
treated one thousand new patients per placed on rotation diets in order to re-
year. Orthomolecular psychiatrists treated verse cerebral allergy toxicity. The patient
desperate, ‘incurable’ patients from all was indeed very psychotic, with severely
over the world. Success with many of the impaired irrational thought disorder. My
most difficult patients led to therapeutic clinician’s mind silently said to me that
optimism and expanded areas of clinical he was “as mad as a hatter,” so I ordered
research outside the limiting parameters a hair analysis test for toxic materials
of strict academia. because the patient had spent time in the
past spraying horticultural pesticides.
Professional Extrapolation As can readily be noted, all the above
As a consequence of ‘paradigm al- procedures and modalities were outside
legiance’, mainstream medical journals that of academic medical practice. Kine-

Paradigm Blindness: Academic vs. Clinical Medicine

siological assistance with diagnosis and a 50-Year Distinguished Life Fellow of the
an effective treatment modality would American Psychiatric Association and also
have been equally ridiculed. inducted into the 2006 Orthomolecular
The overall results, however, were Medicine Hall of Fame. In 1989, he was
astonishing in that the patient made a full knighted by the Sovereign Order of St. John
recovery. The hair analysis (as clinically of Jerusalem (founded 1077) in recognition
suspected) showed mercury poisoning. for his service to humanity.
Rotation diets revealed cerebral wheat
allergy. The patient was placed on a References
1. Diamond J: Behavioral Kinesiology. New York.
gluten-free diet, and the mercury was Harper and Row. 1979.
chelated out with massive doses of ascor- 2. Hoffer A; Osmond H: The Chemical Basis
bic acid. The psychosis disappeared, and of Clinical Psychiatry. Springfield, Il. C. C.
the patient returned to normal life and Thomas. 1960.
functioning. 3. Hawkins D, Pauling L: Orthomolecular Psychia-
try. New York. Witt, Freeman & Co. 1973.
Was this case unusual? No, indeed, 4. Hawkins D: Power versus Force. Sedona, Ariz.
for he was typical. As a consequence, the Veritas Publishing. 1995; Carlsbad, Calif. Hay
families of patients joined the American House. 2001
Schizophrenic Foundation, which en- 5. Hawkins D: Truth versus Falsehood. Sedona,
couraged practitioners who were more Ariz. Veritas Publishing. 1995.
versatile than those who were limited to 6. Saul AW: Editorial Medline Bias. J Orthomol
Med, 21:2; 62.
academic orthodoxy. 7. Dyer W: The Power of Intention. Carlsbad, Calif.
In 2006, Dr. Hawkins was inducted as Hay House. 2004.

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