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Almost 3 years ago, I moved to live in Spain, because my husband is Spanish.

It has been a very significant change for me, because it was a sudden and sudden
change at the same time, having to separate myself from my family and friends,
adapting to different climate, food, cultural customs and many other things, to
which I had to leave, adapting little by little.
Spain is a country of the European Union that has several things in common with
my beautiful country Colombia, one of those things is the language that is
Castilian, also like Colombia the people belonging to the different regions of the
country have different accents to the communicate as happens in Colombia.
The Spaniards are very expressive when it comes to publicizing their customs,
who like to show their dances and costumes in colorful processions and

BY; Yara Elenis Díaz

Despite being a country that has many religious festivities that have to do with
the Catholic religion, it is a non-denominational state in which there is freedom of
Unlike Colombia where, on weekends, many people go to churches for religious
celebrations, in Spain the monumental temples are rather tourism sites because
of their historical relationship with ancient peoples such as the Romans, and the
Arabs, are great works of art that open their doors to the delight not only of
nationals, but also for all foreign visitors.

The cultural diversity of Spain means that the festive manifestations are very
different throughout the country and that, however, they live together, with
whose celebrations they are common throughout the country.
A festive atmosphere is observed during all the seasons of the year, in which
the joy invades its streets and are filled with dances, games and shows for all

BY; Yara Elenis Díaz

The way you receive the New Year in Spain, is eating twelve grapes, according
to the custom, you have to eat them one by one, to the beat of the chimes that
point to midnight on December 31. According to the belief, it is that who, get, take
all in time, in addition, and will have a year full of luck and prosperity.
Grapes are the most anticipated moment of New Year's Eve. In fact, the bells are
broadcast live on television throughout Spain, so, that day, the usual thing is to
meet with family or friends to enjoy a succulent dinner and then take the twelve

There is a site in Spain especially linked to this tradition: the Puerta of Sol clock
in Madrid. Thousands of people, mostly groups of friends and young people
disguised with hats, mugs, trumpets, masks and jokes, approach each New
Year's Eve, to this point in the center of the capital of Spain to celebrate the
arrival of the year. After the ritual of the grapes, happiness and joy take over the
place, which becomes a great collective party in which confetti reigns,
streamers and music

When we talk about its gastronomy we find that the Spanish dish par excellence
is the potato omelet, so much so that in other European countries it is known as
a Spanish omelette. We can find a multitude of regional dishes such as paella
BY; Yara Elenis Díaz
valencia, cocido madrileño, fabada asturiana, gazpacho andaluz, octopus a la
gallega, and what can not be missed at the table is ham and prawns and large
varieties of cheeses that are always presented as the starter plate.

They are also very fond of sweets and coffee at different times of the day. Food
in Spain is characterized by little use of spices. The use of olive oil in Spanish
cuisine is widespread.

BY; Yara Elenis Díaz

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