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FENDER SUPPORT Nome) / Fender Supporsupperv) / Suatoastera Setup Guide Search the Support Knowledgebase: Search the Support Knowledgebase: Search “Choose a Catogory.— STRATOCASTER® SETUP GUIDE View produ his article applies to Problem Description How do! set up my Stratocaster® guitar properly? How do change the strings? Hew do {adjust the truss rad? How do I set the intonation an my guitar? Solution STRATOCASTER® ADJUSTMENT AND CARE ‘The following setup procedures and specifications are for your Stratocaster as ‘equipped with the strings tat come on the instrument as standard equipment from the factory. Ifyou plan to change string gauges. you may need to adjust the specs somewhat co compensate for the changes in string sizes, Modifications of the specs ‘may also be made (within limited parameters) to adjust for your individual playing style ‘or application (2, now hard you pick, strum or fret tne guitar Note: These are minimum specifications that are meant as a guide; they should nat be construed as hard and fast rules, as we realize that every player's subjective requirements often diffe. TOOLS NEEDED Set of automotive feeler gauges (002-.025)(0.05-1 mn) 6" (180 mm) ruler (with 1/32" and 1/64" increments) (.5 mm increments) Light machine oll in-1, tay locomotive or gun ol) Prlips screwdriver + Electronic tuner + Wire cutters Peg winder + Polish and cloth STRINGS For strings to stay n tune, they should be changed regularly. Strings that have lost theit integrity (worn where pressed against the frat) or have become oxidized, rusty and di will ot return to pitch properly. To checkif your stings need changing, run a finger underneath the string and feel for dirt, rust or flat spots. Ifyou find any of these, you should change your stings. No matter what gauge of strings you use, forthe best tuning stability we recommend using Fender Bullet® strings. The patented bulle-end is specfcally designed for al sles of tremolo use, rom extreme dives to smacth vibrato passages. The design allows the string to travel frely in the bridge block channel during tremolo use and return afterwards to its original position, seated snugly in the bridge block This is Contact Consumer Relations Usupportiarticlesicontactconsumer: Pruthinnpee (avascrintwindon pent) E-mailthis page (mailto? subjectStratocaster® Setup Guidetbody=Hey Check out this ink found on the suppor: section | hink tat you might find it helpful hp: fender com/supporarticesstratet setup guide ‘accomplished by eliminating the extra string wrap and the bal-end (the ball ena doesn't ft properly into the string channel. The bullet end has been shaped and sized tomatch the design of the bridge block channel Make sure to stretch your strings properly. After youve installed and tuned a new se hold the strings at the frst ret andl nook your fingers under each string, one ata tie, ‘and tug lightly, moving your hand from the bridge to the neck, Restune and repeat several times, TUNING KEYS How you wind the strings onto the pegs is very important, whether you're using locking. standard or vintage tuning keys. tart by loading all the strings through the bridge and then loading them onto te keys as follows: Locking tuning keys. Picture the headcap ofthe neck as the face ofa clock, withthe top being 12:00 and the nut being 6:00. Line the six tuning machines so at the frst sing keyhole is set at 1:00, the second at 2:0, the third and fourth at 3:00, the fifth at 400, andthe sixth at 5:00, Pu the strings through tautly and tighten the thum® wheel, locking the string in, Now tune to piten, ‘Standard keys. To reduce string slippage atthe tuning key, we recommend using 2 tie technique. This is done by pulling the sting through the keyhole and then pulling it clockwise underneath and back over itself; creating a knet. Youll nee to leave a bit of slack forthe first sting So.yau have atleast two of three winds around the post. As you progress to the sith string, youl reduce the amount of slack and the number of winds {around the keys Vintage keys. For these, youll want to pre-cut the strings to achieve the proper length and desired amount of winds. Pull the sath string autly, remember) tothe fourth key Pull the fith string tothe third key and cut it. Pull the fourth string between the second and frst keys and cut it Pull he thie string nearly to the top of the headcap and cut it. Pull the second string about a 1/2" (13 mm) past the headcap and ‘ct it Finally, pul the frst string 1 1/2" (38 mm) past the top of the neadcap and ci Insert into the center hole inthe tuning key, bend and crimp toa 90-degree angle, and wind neatly in a downward pattern, being carefull to prevent everlapping ofthe strings. and cu Ht your tuning keys have a screw on the end of the button, check the tightness ofthe screw. This controls the tension of the gears inside the tuning keys. De not overstignten these screws, They should be “fingertight" This is very Important, especialy on locking caners. RNGvOA eastanampaieuecisungr) reqaae mune fs" SuRtonTysupraR | 0 GUITARS BASSES AMPS AUDIO. ACCESSORIES STORE (STORE) NEWS /NEWS) VIDEO YWIDEON well-known the american nd RRA bridge; nee nnnip asian sing tremolo. If you have a non-tremola “hardtail” Bridge, proceed to “Intonation (Roughing it out)" First, remove the tremolo back cover. Check your tuning. For a vintage-style tremolo bridge, a great way to enhance its performance Is te pull the bridge back flush with the body using the tremolo arm. Then loasen al six screws located at the front edge of the bridge plate, raising them so that they all measure approximately 1/76" (1.6 mm) above the top of the bridge place. Then tighten the two outside screws back down untl they're ‘lush withthe top ofthe bridge plate. The bridge will now pivot on the outside screws, leaving the four inside screws in place for bridge stability. For a two-pivot model such 2s the American Series bridge, use your tremolo arm to pull the bridge back flush with the body and adjust the two pivot screws to the point where the tremalo plate sts ‘entiraly lush atthe bed (not lifted atthe front or back of the plate}, Allowing the bridge to float freely (n0 tension on the tremola art) using the claw screws inthe tremolo cavity, adjust the bridge to your desired angle—Fender specs 2 18° ( gap at rear of bridge, You'l need to retune periodically to get the right balance between the strings and the springs. I'you prefer a bridge lush to the body, adjust spring tension to equal string tension, while the bridge rests onthe body (you ‘may want to put an extea 1/2 turn to each claw screw to ensure thatthe bridge remains flush to the body during string bends). Caution: Do net ever-tighten the springs, a ‘an put unnecessary tension on the arm during tremolo use. Finally, you may wish to apply a small dab of Chapstick® or Vaseline® atthe pivot contact points ofthe bridge for very smooth operation, COMMUNITY INTONATION (ROUGHING IT OUT) You can preset the basic intonation of your guitar by taking a tape measure and measuring from the inside of the nutto the center ofthe 12th fret (the fret wie itself not the fingerooard), Double that measurement to find the scale length of your guitar [Adjust the first-string bridge sadle to this scale length, measuring from the inside of the nut tothe center ofthe bridge saddle, Now adjust the distance of the secand-string saddle back from the first sadle, using the gauge of the second string as a measurement. For example Ifthe second string is 011" (2.3 mm), you would move the ‘second:string saddle back 011° (0.3 mm) from the ist saddle. Move the third saddle back from the second saddle using the gauge ofthe third string as a measurement, The fourth-string saddle should be set parallel with the secondt-string saddle, Proceed wit the fifth and sith sadales withthe same method used for strings wo and three, LUBRICATION AND STRING BREAKAGE Lubricating all ofthe contact point ofa string’s travel may be one ofthe most important elements in ensuring tuning stability during tremolo use and in reducing, sing breakage. ‘The main cause of string breakage is moisture collection atthe point of contact on the bridge saddle, This ean be attributed to the moisture and aciity that transfers from your hands, or itcan be a direct effect of humidity in the air. Another factor Is metal-to ‘metal friction and fatigue. Metal components react to each ather over ime because of their differences and help break down string integrity. A stronger metal wil lays attack a softer metal (this is why a stainless-steel string wil wear a groove or burr in 8 vintage-stye sadale). Youll also find that different string brands break a different points of tension because of the metal makeup and string manufacturing techniques. Since Fender manufactures its own strings, they are designed to perform wall during lexteme tremolo techniques, ‘one of the best ways to reduce string breakage Isto lubricate the string/sadidle contact point witha light machine ol (we prefer 3-n-t oll because it contains ant-rust and anti-corrsive properties) every time you change strings. The oll insulates against moisture and reduces friction and metal fatigue, String trees are another point of ‘contact and should also be lubricated; a small amount of lip balm applied with a toothpick works well Back to Top TRUSS ROD ‘There are twa dif ent styles of truss rod feund on Fender instruments—standara” and "biflex truss rods Most Fender guitars and basses are equipped with a standard truss rod (of which there are in turn two types: one that adjusts atthe neck heel and one that adjusts at the headstock: both operate on the same principle). The standard truss rad can counteract ‘concave curvature in a neck that has tao much relies, for example, by generating a force in the neck opposite t 3 caused by excessive string tension, Fender also uses @ unique bi-lex truss rad system on some instruments, Unlike standard truss rods, which can only correcta neck thats to concave (under-bowed} the bislex uss rod can compensate concave or convex (over-bowed) curvature by generating a correcting force in elther direction as needed, First check your tuning. Affix a capo atthe fist fret and depress the sith string atthe last fret. With a feeler gauge, check the gap between the bottom ofthe string and the top ofthe Sth fret—see the spec chart below for the proper gap. ‘Adjustment at headsteck fallen wrench): Sight down the edge ofthe fingerboard from behind the headstock looking toward the body of the instrument. Ifthe neck i to «concave (action too high), turn the truss red nut clockwise to remove excess relief. Ifthe neck too convex (strings too close to the fingerboard), turn the truss rod nut counter:

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