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Taha Science Academy

Intermediate Part-I
Test Session: 2019 Name: …………….....
SUBJECT: Chemistry TIME ALLOWED: 50 mins.
Chapter: 4_Solids & Liquids Max. Marks: 30
Attempt this section on the same Sheet.
Q.1: Pick the correct one from the given four options below. [6]
i. At 10oC the vapour pressure of H2O is?
a) 15 torr b) 10 torr
c) 5 torr c) 23 torr
ii. In proteins the local folding patterns produce?
a) Primary Structure b) Secondary Structure
c) Tertiary Structure d) None of these
iii. In detergents the alkyl portions are?
a) Soluble in water b) Insoluble in water
c) Alkyl are polar d) All are correct
iv. Which of the following gases have least polarizability?
a) He b) Ar
c) Ne d) Kr
v. Forces of attraction present in HCL molecules are?
a) Hydrogen Forces b) London Forces
c) Dipole-Dipole Forces d) Nm-4 mol-2
vi. At 34.6oC the vapour pressure of Ether is?
a) 710mm hg b) 740mm hg
c) 750mm hg d) 760mm hg

Attempt this section on the separate Sheet.

Q.2: Write the short answers of the following questions. (any 10) [2x10=20]
i. Why ice floats on the surface of water?
ii. What is evaporation, why it causes cooling?
iii. What factors affect rate of evaporation of a liquid, and why the rate of evaporation of gasoline is
higher than water?
iv. Show that vapour pressure is a dynamic in nature?
v. Explain the measurement of vapour pressure of a liquid by monometric method?
vi. How a polar molecule develops polarity in a non-polar molecule?
vii. How instantaneous dipole is created in Helium atoms?
viii. What is polarizability, why it increases down the in the noble gases?
ix. Define allotropy. Give two allotropic forms of corban.
x. Why intermolecular forces are weaker than intramolecular forces?
Q.3: Attempt any two questions from the given below. [4x1=4]
a. What are liquid crystals? Give their uses in daily life.

Best of luck

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