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Definition of recruitment:-

Process of identifying and hiring best-qualified candidate (from within or outside of

an organization) for a job vacancy, in a most timely and cost effective manner.

Recruitment and selection refers to the chain and sequence of activities pertaining to
recruitment and selection of employable candidates and job seekers for an organization.
Every enterprise, business, start-up and entrepreneurial firm has some well-defined
employment and recruitment policies and hiring procedures. The human resources
department of large organizations, businesses, government offices and multilateral
organizations are generally vested with the responsibilities of employee recruitment and

"Recruitment involves the utilization of organizational practices to influence the number and
types of individuals who are willing to apply for job vacancies (Rynes, 1991; Rynes & Cable,
2003). Recruitment can focus on the internal labor market (i.e., pursuing staff already
employed by the organization) or the external labor market (i.e., pursuing applicants from
outside the organization). Internal candidates can be recruited through internal job postings,
word-of-mouth, or internship programs." (Casper)

Meaning Of Recruitment
According to Edwin B. Flippo, “Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for
employment and stimulating them to apply for
jobs in the organisation”. Recruitment is the activity that links the employers and the job
seekers. A few definitions of recruitment are:
A process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins
when new recruits are sought and ends
when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of applications from which new
employees are selected.

It is the process to discover sources of manpower to meet the requirement of staffingschedule

and to employ effectivemeasures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to
facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force.

Recruitment of candidates is the function preceding the selection, which helps create a pool
of prospective employees for the organisation so that the management can select the right
candidate for the right job from this pool. The main objective of therecruitment process is to
expedite the selection process.Recruitment is a continuous process whereby the firm attempts
to develop a pool of qualified applicants for the future human resources
needs even though specific vacancies do not exist. Usually, the recruitment process starts
when a manger initiates an employeerequisition for a specific vacancy or an anticipated

Planned i.e. the needs arising from changes in organization and retirement policy.

Anticipated needs are those movements in personnel, which an organization can predict by
studying trends in internal and external environment.

Unexpected:-Resignation, deaths, accidents, illness give rise to unexpected needs.

Purpose and importance of recruitment :-

1.Help increase the success rate of selection process by decreasing number of visibly under
qualified or overqualified job applicants.

2.Help reduce the probability that job applicants once recruited and selected will leave the
organization only after a short period of time.

3.Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its

4.Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate

5.Increase organization and individual effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and

sources for all types of job applicants 

6.Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organisation.

7.Create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the

8.Determine present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its
personnel planning and job analysisactivities.

9.Recruitment is the process which links the employers with the employees.

10.Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

11.Help increase the success rate of selection process by decreasing number of visibly under
qualified or overqualified job applicants.

12.Help reduce the probability that job applicants once recruited and selected will leave the
organization only after a short period of time.

13.Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its
14.Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate

15.Increase organization and individual effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and

sources for all types of job applicant

Recruitment process :-
The recruitment and selection is the major function of the human resource department and
recruitment process is the first step towards creating the competitive strength and
the recruitment strategic advantage for the organisations. Recruitment processinvolves a
systematic procedure from sourcing the candidates to arranging and conducting the
interviews and requires many resources and time.

A general recruitment process is as follows:

1.Identifying the vacancy: 

The recruitment process begins with the human resource department receiving requisitions
for recruitment from any department of the company.

1.aThese contain
Posts to be filled
Number of persons
Duties to be performed
Qualifications required

2.Preparing the job description and person specification.

3.Locating and developing the sources of required number and type of employees
(Advertising etc).

4.Short-listing and identifying the prospective employee with required characteristics.

5.Arranging the interviews with the selected candidates.

6.Conducting the interview and decision making

Recruitment process
1. Objectives of recruitment process

The recruitment process has the following objectives:

• To ensure that the recruitment is as per the company expectations. (e.g time, skills,
• To attract sufficient applications from potential candidates with the required skills,
qualities, experience, and competencies deemed as being necessary to the job.
• To develop and maintain processes which will assist in ensuring the appointment of
the most suitable candidate.

2. Recruitment Process
2.1. Getting Recruitment Request

Need to hire a resource can be due to any of the following instances:

• Non-availability of existing resource to fulfill a new requirement.
• Replace an existing resource
• Vacancy created due to the resignation of a existing resource
• Recruitment as backup resource
• Other reasons as deemed fit by the CEO and Senior Management
A recruitment request has the job specifications detailing the job title, mandatory
skills, desired skills, responsibilities, location, start date, and approximate end date of
the assignment.

2.2. Make recruitment plan

Based on recruitment requests, HR dept make recruitment plan and send to Director
for approval.
Recruitment plan, including the:
• Number of employees need to recruit.
• Job descriptions.
• Recruitment Sources.
• Checking Plan for candidates.
• Budget of recruitment …

2.3 Researching of workforce market

HR dept need to regularly study the labor market to determine the recruitment
channels appropriate to each audience.
The following factors need to be considered when studying the labor market
• Ability to provide.
• Time to provide fast or slow.
• Cost.
• Suitable audiences.
Based on the requirements of recruitment, HR should propose suitable channels.

2.4 Contact recruitment agencies

Based on the channel recruitment approved, HR dept conduct to contact recruitment
channels to:
• Determining costs.
• Determining when recruitment ads are posted.
• Conducting procedures with recruitment agents such as contracts and payment.

2.5 Issue recruitment ads

HR dept should:
• Design recruitment ads.
• In some cases, it must be sent to director for approval.
• Post information to recruiting agents or post to free recruitment channels.
• HR manger should check the information which was posted to ensure conformity
with the requirements set out.

2.6 Take care of candidates

Candidates often call or email to inquire information of recruitment, and HR dept need
to build up information channels to answer the requirements of candidates.

2.7 Receiving CVs from candidates

After receiving CVs, HR dept perform the next step in the process of selecting

The recruitment process is immediately followed by the selection process i.e. the final
interviews and the decision making, conveying the decision and the appointment formalities

Recruitment can conducted by 9 methods as follows:

1. Recruitment by Campus method
Campus is the location of a university, college, or school’s main buildings. This method is
based on recruitment at university, colleges…

2. Recruitment by Job centers

Job centers often specialize in recruitment for specific sectors. They usually provide a
shortlist of candidates based on the people registered with the agency. They also supply
temporary or interim employees.
3. Head hunting.
Head hunting are recruitment agents who provide a more specialized approach to the
recruitment of key employees and/or senior management.
4. Recruitment by Advertisements
They can be found in many places such as:
• Newspaper
• Job posting on job sites
• Ads on websites related to positions recruited.

5. Database search on job sites.

Company can buy data from job websites for a week or a month to search candidates.
6. Employee referral
This method often refer to as ‘word of mouth’ and can be a recommendation from a colleague
at work.
7. Contract staffing.
Company can buy staffing contract from HR outsourcing.

8. Word-of-mouth recruitment

9. Free online ads

You can post your recruitment ads at free websites such as forums, blogs…
10. Internal recruitment
Internal recruitment can conduct by types of:
• Present permanent employees (based on programs of career development).
• Present temporary / casual employees.
• Retired employees.
• Dependents of deceased disabled, retired and present employees.

1. What is external recruitment:

External recruitment is when organizations looks to fill the vacancy from any suitable
applicant outside organizations.

2. Methods of external recruitment:

2.1 Campus
Campus is the location of a university, college, or school’s main buildings. This method is
based on recruitment at university, colleges…

2.2 Job centres.

2.3 Head hunting.
2.4 Advertisements
2.5 Database search on job sites.
2.6 Employee referral
2.7 Contract staffing.
2.8 Free online ads

3. Advantages of external recruitment:

• Outside people bring in new ideas
• Larger pool of workers from which to find the best candidate
• People have a wider range of experience

4. Disadvantages of external recruitment:

• Longer process
• More expensive process due to
• advertisements and interviews required
• Selection process may not be effective enough to reveal the best candidate

1. What is internal recruitment?

Internal recruitment is a process of recruiting people internally within the organization.
Internal recruiting is the search for in-house employees who have the abilities and the
attitudes to full fill the requirements needed and to help the organization achieve its

Although internal recruiting is often neglected, and the Internet hardly offers any useful
discussions for this recruiting strategy, it is crucial not to overlook this strategy. The
discussion of internal recruiting provides the advantages and disadvantages of this recruiting
technique in comparison to the external method.

2. Internal sources of recruitment

• Present permanent employees (based on programs of career development).
• Present temporary / casual employees.
• Retired employees.
• Dependents of deceased disabled, retired and present employees.

3. Methods of internal recruitment

• Intranets.
• Staff notice boards.
• In-house magazines / newsletters.
• Internal notices.
• Meetings.
• Personal recommendation – often referred to as ‘word of mouth’.

4. Advantages of internal recruitment

• Cheaper and quicker to recruit.
• People already familiar with the business and how it operates.
• Provides opportunities for promotion with in the business – can be motivating.
• Business already knows the strengths and weaknesses of candidates.

5. Disadvantages of internal recruitment

• Limits the number of potential applicants.
• No new ideas can be introduced from outside the business.
• External candidates might be better suited / qualified for the job.
• May cause resentment amongst candidates not appointed .
• Creates another vacancy which needs to be filled.
• Longer process.


Employee Selection is the process of putting right men on right job. It is a procedure of
matching organizational requirements with the skills and qualifications of people. Effective
selection can be done only when there is effective matching. By selecting best candidate for
the required job, the organization will get quality performance of employees. Moreover,
organization will face less of absenteeism and employee turnover problems. By selecting
right candidate for the required job, organization will also save time and money. Proper
screening of candidates takes place during selection procedure. All the potential candidates
who apply for the given job are tested.

But selection must be differentiated from recruitment ,though these are two phases of
employment process. Recruitment is considered to be a positive process as it motivates more
of candidates to apply for the job. It creates a pool of applicants. It is just sourcing of data.
While selection is a negative process as the inappropriate candidates are rejected here.
Recruitment precedes selection in staffing process. Selection involves choosing the best
candidate with best abilities, skills and knowledge for the required job.

The Employee selection Process takes place in following order-

1. Preliminary Interviews- It is used to eliminate those candidates who do not meet the
minimum eligiblity criteria laid down by the organization. The skills, academic and
family background, competencies and interests of the candidate are examined during
preliminary interview. Preliminary interviews are less formalized and planned than
the final interviews. The candidates are given a brief up about the company and the
job profile; and it is also examined how much the candidate knows about the
company. Preliminary interviews are also called screening interviews.
2. Application blanks- The candidates who clear the preliminary interview are required
to fill application blank. It contains data record of the candidates such as details about
age, qualifications, reason for leaving previous job, experience, etc.
3. Written Tests- Various written tests conducted during selection procedure are
aptitude test, intelligence test, reasoning test, personality test, etc. These tests are used
to objectively assess the potential candidate. They should not be biased.
4. Employment Interviews- It is a one to one interaction between the interviewer and
the potential candidate. It is used to find whether the candidate is best suited for the
required job or not. But such interviews consume time and money both. Moreover the
competencies of the candidate cannot be judged. Such interviews may be biased at
times. Such interviews should be conducted properly. No distractions should be there
in room. There should be an honest communication between candidate and
5. Medical examination- Medical tests are conducted to ensure physical fitness of the
potential employee. It will decrease chances of employee absenteeism.
6. Appointment Letter- A reference check is made about the candidate selected and
then finally he is appointed by giving a formal appointment letter.


Training of employees takes place after orientation takes place. Training is the process of
enhancing the skills, capabilities and knowledge of employees for doing a particular job.
Training process moulds the thinking of employees and leads to quality performance of
employees. It is continuous and never ending in nature.

Importance of Training
Training is crucial for organizational development and success. It is fruitful to both
employers and employees of an organization. An employee will become more efficient and
productive if he is trained well. Training is given on four basic grounds:

7. New candidates who join an organization are given training. This training familiarize
them with the organizational mission, vision, rules and regulations and the working
8. The existing employees are trained to refresh and enhance their knowledge.
9. If any updations and amendments take place in technology, training is given to cope
up with those changes. For instance, purchasing a new equipment, changes in
technique of production, computer implantment. The employees are trained about use
of new equipments and work methods.
10. When promotion and career growth becomes important. Training is given so that
employees are prepared to share the responsibilities of the higher level job.

The benefits of training can be summed up as:

1. Improves morale of employees- Training helps the employee to get job security and
job satisfaction. The more satisfied the employee is and the greater is his morale, the
more he will contribute to organizational success and the lesser will be employee
absenteeism and turnover.
2. Less supervision- A well trained employee will be well acquainted with the job and
will need less of supervision. Thus, there will be less wastage of time and efforts.
3. Fewer accidents- Errors are likely to occur if the employees lack knowledge and
skills required for doing a particular job. The more trained an employee is, the less are
the chances of committing accidents in job and the more proficient the employee
4. Chances of promotion- Employees acquire skills and efficiency during training.
They become more eligible for promotion. They become an asset for the organization.
5. Increased productivity- Training improves efficiency and productivity of
employees. Well trained employees show both quantity and quality performance.
There is less wastage of time, money and resources if employees are properly trained.
Ways/Methods of Training
Training is generally imparted in two ways:

1. On the job training- On the job training methods are those which are given to the
employees within the everyday working of a concern. It is a simple and cost-effective
training method. The inproficient as well as semi- proficient employees can be well
trained by using such training method. The employees are trained in actual working
scenario. The motto of such training is “learning by doing.” Instances of such on-job
training methods are job-rotation, coaching, temporary promotions, etc.
2. Off the job training- Off the job training methods are those in which training is
provided away from the actual working condition. It is generally used in case of new
employees. Instances of off the job training methods are workshops, seminars,
conferences, etc. Such method is costly and is effective if and only if large number of
employees have to be trained within a short time period. Off the job training is also
called as vestibule training,i.e., the employees are trained in a separate area( may be a
hall, entrance, reception area,etc. known as a vestibule) where the actual working
conditions are duplicated.


Employee Remuneration refers to the reward or compensation given to the employees for
their work performances. Remuneration provides basic attraction to a employee to perform
job efficiently and effectively. Remuneration leads to employee motivation. Salaries
constitutes an important source of income for employees and determine their standard of
living. Salaries effect the employees productivity and work performance. Thus the amount
and method of remuneration are very important for both management and employees.

There are mainly two types of Employee Remuneration

1. Time Rate Method

2. Piece Rate Method

1 Time Rate Method: Under time rate system, remuneration is directly linked with the time
spent or devoted by an employee on the job. The employees are paid a fixed pre-decided
amount hourly, daily, weekly or monthly irrespective of their output. It is a very simple
method of remuneration. It leads to minimum wastage of resources and lesser chances of
accidents. Time Rate method leads to quality output and this method is very beneficial to new
employees as they can learn their work without any reduction in their salaries. This method
encourages employees unity as employees of a particular group/cadre get equal salaries.

There are some drawbacks of Time Rate Method, such as, it leads to tight supervision,
indefinite employee cost, lesser efficiency of employees as there is no distinction made
between efficient and inefficient employees, and lesser morale of employees.

Time rate system is more suitable where the work is non-repetitive in nature and emphasis is
more on quality output rather than quantity output.

2 Piece Rate Method: It is a method of compensation in which remuneration is paid on the

basis of units or pieces produced by an employee. In this system emphasis is more on
quantity output rather than quality output. Under this system the determination of employee
cost per unit is not difficult because salaries differ with output. There is less supervision
required under this method and hence the per unit cost of production is low. This system
improves the morale of the employees as the salaries are directly related with their work
efforts. There is greater work-efficiency in this method.

There are some drawbacks of this method, such as, it is not easily computable, leads to
deterioration in work quality, wastage of resources, lesser unity of employees, higher cost of
production and insecurity among the employees.

Piece rate system is more suitable where the nature of work is repetitive and quantity is
emphasized more than quality.

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