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Vocabulary log


1 Outrageous Used to describe something or someone The State of Qatar supports the
that is shocking because they are unusual establishment of the tribunal to
or strange punish the perpetrators of that
outrageous crime.
2 Get away To escape blame or punishment when you Precedent shows that perpetrators
with do something wrong, or to avoid harm or get away with crimes because of
criticism for something you did lengthy and complicated judicial
3 Kidnap To take a person away illegally by force, Terrorists continue to use that
usually in order to demand money in position to kidnap and forcefully
exchange for releasing them recruit children into its ranks for use
as soldiers, workers and even sexual
4 Reassure To comfort someone and stop them from The police have reassured witnesses
worrying who may be afraid to come forward
that they will be guaranteed
5 Surveillance The careful watching of a person or place, Effective surveillance of influenza is
especially by the police or army, because a major part of ensuring a timely
of a crime that has happened or is alert on an upcoming pandemic.
6 Heist A crime in which valuable things are taken France requests INTERPOL global
illegally and often violently from a place or alert for Paris art heist treasures.
7 Whistle An object that you hold to your lips and The moment you step aboard and
blow through in order to make a loud, the whistle blows, you'll be
high sound transported to an earlier time.
8 Daring Showing bravery and willingness to risk One should not submit to suffering,
danger or criticism one must be daring in the
perfection of good and not be
satisfied with small achievements.
9 Apprehend To catch and arrest someone who has not The aim was to apprehend a
obeyed the law number of offenders stealing cattle
and personal effects in the region.
10 Would-be Wanting or trying to be Police were still searching for the
would-be bomber yesterday.

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