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 Get involved in References

Dorm activities [Friends image] retrieved on 3/11/2019 from
friends-holding-hands_1284-15231.jpg?size=626&ext=jpg .

[Rainbow image] retrieved on 3/11/2019 from

 A great way to meet new peo-
ple and make friends is by sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi
getting involved with the peo- RwMatmfvgAhXZGDQIHYkPDCEQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https
ple in your dorm! Each floor
has a CA which organizes vec-
events in hopes of bringing tor.html&psig=AOvVaw0N1tz6VVq0MxBsO49K8Bbz&ust=15
the people in the dorm to-
gether. [Cactus image] retrieved on 3/13/2019 from
 An example is a pizza and q=cartoon+cactus&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS838US840&tbm=isc

board game night in the kitch-

en on your floor. The CA will
How to meet people and
email or personally tell you
the date & time of the gather-
i=UJ2fmqBrQFAuPM:&imgrc=30wEWHUNiPwn5M:&vet=1 make friends freshman
year! Arizona State University
ing! It may be intimidating [Defend our Future image] retrieved on
3/13/2019 from
walking into a room of people q=defend+our+future&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS838US840&sour
you do not know but it is ce=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi_0pynmYDhAhV1
worth is for the long lasting OX0KHWk5CzMQ_AUIECgD&biw=1920&bih=920#imgrc=vU
friendships these events can
create! [Women's skate club] retrieved on 3/13/2019 from https://

 Another example is participat- [Sparky image] retrieved on 3/13/2019 from

ing in mandatory floor meet-
ings! If the CA asks a ques- s&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjQ6_2KnIDhAhVSCTQIHa
tion and no one is raising BtAGMQ_AUIDigB&biw=1920&bih=920#imgrc=zzhb0jBu90J
their hand or answering, take SxM:

a risk and give your opinion! [engage image] retrieved on 3/13/2019 from
Who knows, maybe someone
in the room was thinking that ch&sa=1&ei=R4uJXNCtA4Pm-
same thing. gSx4LvQDw&q=get+involved+asu&oq=get+involved+asu&gs
Join a club ! Organizations ASU Events
 Women’s skate club
 Defend our future  Football Games/
 The women’s skate club
is a group of skaters that en-  This organization is a non- Basketball Games
courage women and all other profit, non-partisan or-  A great event for social gath-
genders to feel comfortable ganization that is dedi- ering in which ASU students can
skating. cated to empowering get free tickets.
 A great envi- young people of all po-  Each dorm organizes a
ronment to meet litical persuasions who group lead by the CA’s that you
new people and are interested in ad- can go with when you are a
get involved with vancing climate freshman looking for friends.
the ASU commu- change and clean energy solu-  Tailgating is found around
nity. tions. This will help our economy the event.
 This clubs goal is to cre- prosper and protect the world for  Football season is during fall
ate a safe environment where the following generations. and basketball season is during
all level skaters feel comforta-  Some of their goals consist of the spring.
ble trying new tricks. climate solutions, clean energy,  Home games for both sports
 Located on the Tempe air and water for the country. are at the sun devil stadium and
campus. basketball arena both located off
of Veterans way!
 Photography club  Nature at ASU
 This club encourages  This organization is on  Devilpalooza
people who have a passion building, uniting and empow-  Each semes-
for photography to convene, ering environmental friendly ter ASU hosts a free concert with
talk and share ideas about ASU students! a popular artist.
their photos.  Their goals are to con-  This year ASU had Foster
 They have photography- nect these students with one The People in the fall and Galan-
related outing in which they another to help find more tis in the spring.
walk around an area and take resources and opportunities to
 This event consists of music,
pictures while talking and further their environmental ac-
food and fun!
connecting. tions.
 This club is located on the
polytechnic campus.

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